The Lady of Your Desires Ch. 01

It’s been a long day for James going over all the necessary stuffs to keep his business, attending meetings, getting new clients, deciding over some finance and all these other things. So, when the day ended, and everyone left the main office, she gave a sight of relief while sitting on his front desk. His secretary waving a hand at him as she walked out of the door saying, “Have a great night sir, I’m off…” to which he looked at her and smiled, “Same to you, Alina, see you tomorrow again…” he speaks back waving a hand too and sees her walk away. Once the office was empty, he soon turns around and grabs a few files from his desk, placing them into his locker. Putting the password in, and locking the hatch, he takes another sight, and then looked around. Loosening his tie as he grabs his car keys, and walked out of his chambers towards the lift. Reaching down at his basement, and moving into his brand new, McLaren. He pressed a button to which the whole office soon proceeded into aComplete shutdown mode. The sound of his car roaring through the silent night as he drove his car towards his destination.

It took him an hour to reach the city’s port where he parked his car right before a massive 200-yard yatch, whose names were embedded into the front as well as its back. It glimmered with the dim rays of the moonlight, spelling ‘L-I-V-A-N-N-A’. He slowly parked his car into the yatch and then walked out. He took some small, soft steps inside the yatch moving into the bedroom awaiting his gift for the night. He knew it’ll be there, and with each step, his anticipation grow more.

It took him a couple of minutes to finally reach the master bedroom, it was dark, yet lit with dim red light along the four walls, but that wasn’t the beauty that attracted him. Instead, it was the girl, who was wearing a black lingerie, blindfolded and leaned against the wall. Slightly bent down as she stuck her hips out while her hands were stretched to either sides of the walls, clamped in a soft cuff. He smiled seeing the sight, as the anticipation in him grow more and more. James gently took off his black suit and laid it down on the couch as he unbuttoned a few buttons of his bluesh white shirt. Keeping the pants on, he walked upto the girl and gently run his finger from her neck to the perfect line of her back. “How was your day, honey?” he asked in a sensitive voice leaning over her back and whispering into her ears. Awaiting a response, he planted a soft kiss over the left side of her neck. With a moan followed by her lips, she put on a soft smile between her lips and spoke out, “It was good, James, had a few shots, went pretty well…”. Hearing that, a smile rose across his lips too, as he replied with another kiss to her right side. “That’s what I expect from my girl…”.

You see, this girl here, named Livianna wasn’t just an ordinary girl you pick up from the streets and train her to be your pet. She was one of the deluxe models for a top modElling agency, one who appeared on the cover pages of some of the top fashion magazines. She was a woman of high influence, a symbol for strong women all across the world. To get to her, you need to be a man, a real gentleman, not a wannabee adult with high testosterones. You need to earn her respect, conquer her mind and soul, otherwise, she’ll just chew you out like a chewing gun and spit you out on some corner of the street. That was the kind of woman she is. But she was my real conquest. Something to feel proud of.

Anyways moving on, admiring her endless beauty, James couldn’t help but run his fingers all over her. Her perfect body seemed no end. Her hips, her back, her lats, felt so inviting. And not to mention, her perfectly sized curvy ass. I often wonder if any man could resist that. And so, my hand moved down slowly, savoring her perfect curves as it reached to her bottom, and gently cupped her soft ass-cheeks. A similar moan followed her lips again, as she spoke up in her delicate tone, “How was yours, James?”

Hearing a response, James smiles a bit, gently smacking her right butt chef, and whispering into her ears again. “Well, it was okay, the same as usual, but I’m sure, it can get better… Don’t you think?”. With a soft chuckle, he awaited her response as he continued to run his fingers around her body. “Well, aren’t I here for the same purpose? To make our days better? James….”. The moan following my name was such a huge turn on, I couldn’t help myself but grab a handful of her ass and squeeze them real good. Not too hard, not too soft, but the right amount. Making her whimper in a hint of the pleasure that was coming next. “So, shall we begin?”

“I am eager too, James…”


To be continued……..


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