The time to back out was now but too many sleepless nights propelled your feet forward…for answers; you’d deal with the repercussions tomorrow. Your cock is bare behind your jeans and the friction is delicious but your nerves made you want to lose your lunch in the nearest bush. The sidewalk eats up your footsteps and before you know it you’re there, sweaty palm reaching out to knock on the omino wood door.
A few heart-stopping moments later, the door unlocks and opens to reveal a vision from your dreams. The woman you’ve been talking to online stands on the other side in a long silky black robe, parted to reveal black strappy lingerie showing off her long legs and trim body. She remains nameless, only allowing you to know her by “A”, but the more you interact with her the more you feel the need to call her something no one else has.
“You came.” Her voice soothes your nerves and you return her smile.
“I did…”
“But?” her eyebrow archives up.
You lookdown at your feet and then back up at her clear blue eyes. “But I feel like I’m walking into the unknown?”
She nods in understanding and then holds a hand out to you. “You are.”
It’s both a challenge and an invitation to trust her and you find yourself reaching out to take it, following her into the house. It’s like something out of a magazine and you go to comment on the exposed beams but she beats you to it.
“It’s incredible, I know. I have a very general friend who loans it to me…when I’m in need of it.”
You don’t ask her the obvious question, not wanting anything to spook you off course.
“The views out back are stunning,” she continues walking through the house with you in tow, pausing to unlock the French doors off the kitchen. “I do my best writing out here,” she says, pushing them open and walking out into the most amazing outdoor space, complete with a large pergola and glassed-in railings for an unobstructed views of the trees and lake beyond.
You step out onto the deck behind her and take in the beautiful sunset as it shimmers off the water. “So this is where the magic happens?” you turn back to smile at her.
She follows you over to the railing and extends her arms over it. “It’s so quiet and peaceful here…and private…” she lets that hang, sliding out of her robe and letting it pool at her feet.
You stand there starting at her, paralyzed by how attractive she is to you…by the things you know you will do just to please her.
I watch my newest prey react to the sight of me and try not to get ahead of myself. This one is different; he’s conflicted, more than any others before him. So may of my fantasy have been written with someone like him in mind. Someone truly aroused by men but with no intention of doing anything about it. This was not some forced bi fantasy or curiosity to scratch; this was pure desire at it’s core…hidden deep inside him. Until he met me at least. I’d been pulling at the thread since I met him, since I knew I had to be the one to help him come undone. I almost felt bad at what was about to happen..almost.
“Do you like how I look?”
His eyes snap to mine, dark and searching. “I do, absolutely!” and then scratching his chin he said, “I was expecting you to answer the door in a straw-on to be honest. I assume that’s how you get your subs to become hopelessly added to cock?”
“Are you my sub, James?” I ask, walking over to grab up the remote for the outdoor TV. “Because the last time I checked, I required raw, vulnerable honesty from my subs.” I let that hang in the air between us and aim the remote at the TV, turning it on and scrolling through the menu until I find what I want.
The TV quickly draws his attention from me and His expression is a mix of confusion and fear. “Who’s that?”
Without taking my eyes from him I smile sympathetically. “He’s who I’ve chosen for you.” I move to stand behind him, knowing he can’t pull his eyes from the TV if he tried. Placing my hand on his shoulder, I feel the tension running through him, as though he is poised to bolt and my hand is the only thing keeping him there.
“I don’t understand, you said…”
“I said all I needed was an evening,” I remind him gently.
“To get a feel for me I thought.”
At that, I move my mouth closer to his ear. “Oh I FEEL you, James. I know you better than you think.”
He laughs out incredulously. “And you think I need THAT?”
“Mmm…he’s pretty, isn’t he?” I say, almost daring him to deny it. Without him telling me, I’ve plucked the man on the scene out of the darkest, most buried fans at the back of his mind.
“I…fucking hell…I know I shouldn’t have come here.”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” I press a kiss into his neck. “I’ll take that as a ‘you’re tired from hiding’ yes,” my mouth moves across to his smooth jaw. “I’ll take that as a ‘please fucking free me from the prison of my mind’ yes.” My mouth kisses his bottom lip and I feel a shudder go through him.
“One evening,” my eyes implore him and I know the unfair power they hold.
“What if I can’t?” The pain behind his voice kills me and I pull back, giving him some space.
“No force…all I ask is that for one night you allow yourself to feel the attention you spend so much of your time trying to deny.”
Warm brown eyes look back to the screen as if magnetically drawn. “You make it sound so easy…”
The TV captures, in beautiful detail, the man showing in the basement. I smile, feeling victorious, and make a mental note to send my friend a lovely gift basket for this gem of a house and all it’s lovely technology.
The man in the shower is a wet walking dream; the kind you loathe waking up from. This was not what you thought you’d be walking into tonight. Hell, it’s not even a scenario you allowed yourself to think about. Could you give her one evening; one evening to tear down everything you’d built up?
My god, she smells so fucking good, you can barely think straight. That thought has you barking out a laugh as your nerves reaching a breaking point.
“Fuck it…,” tearing your eyes from the TV, you look into her waiting gaze. “I’ll do it.”
She beams a smile at you that warms you from the inside out. The fear that normally paralyzes you isn’t so intense in her presence and makes you think you can do it. After all, it was just one night…nothing would irrevocably change, right?
“Wonderful! Let’s go downstairs and grab a drink while we wait for him,” she grabs your hand and pulls you back into the house, through a hallway and down the stairs into basement.
You pause halfway down. “Why do I feel like I’m Alice about to fall into a rabbit hole?”
Her laughter echos in the curved stairwell. “You kind of are, James.” At the bottom of the stairs, she turns to you and say, “Perhaps you’ll wake up and this will all seemlike a dream tomorrow.”
That would be the best outcome, you think. One night in her fantasy world and tomorrow, back to reality.
You follow her into an enormous entertainment room with another deck that looks out onto the same amazing views as above. You watch her walk over to the bar and begin mixing a drink.
“What can I get you?” She calls over her shoulder as you look around at the closed doors, wondering which one is the bathroom.
“Ummm…a whisky neat would be great.” You were going to need something hard to get through the night. Then you inwardly groan at “something hard” and shake that thought from your mind as you approach the bar, focusing instead on her hot ass in those tiny black shorts and fishnet stockings.
“Here you go!” She places the drink in front of you and raises her glass. “Bottoms up darling!”
You click glasses and throw it back feeling the liquid burn a path down your throat.
“Another please.”
She smiles sympathetically, taking your glass to refill. “That bad, hey?”
You nod your head slowly. “I’ve mapped out three escape routes since I got here…so yes.”
Her laughter is infectious and you find yourself smiling at yourself. She must think you’re wound so tight.
“It won’t be as bad as you’re imagining James…I promise.” She places your drink down and you waste no time empty it.
As if on cue, a door opens behind you and you turn to see shower guy emerge from a steamy room with a towel slung over his shoulders, buttoning up a pair of low riding jeans. He’s taller than he looked on the TV and you try not to blush at the thought of seeing him naked minutes earlier, though you missed the ink and piercings we was rocking…just enough to contrast his pretty-boy face. Your eyes eat up every inch of him, especially the sinful treasure trail that disappeared down his muscled abs and into his jeans.
“Hey! I’m the last one to the party!” Walking over to A he throws a smile my way and kisses her on the cheeses. “You’re a doll for letting me clean up in a custom rain shower built for the gods!”
“You’re dripping on me!” She pushes him away laughing. “James…meet Ty, photographer extraordinaire and general all round pest.”
“Hey, mate, good to meet you!” He holds his hand out to you and you force yourself to take it. It’s larger than yours and engulfs yours in a warm grip.
He eyes you longer than you like and you drop your hand first, mumbling, “You too.”
A turns to the bar to fix another drink and Ty hops up on the bar stool next to you, the smell of his body wash fucking with your senses.
His knee bumps yours and he says, “So…big shot, eh? You mush be excited James!”
A places a drink down in front of Ty and looks at you, smiling. “James was so excited when I told him I wanted him to model with me for the cover of my new full length D/S fantasy.”
Trying to wipe the deer in a headlights look from your face, you cough to cover up your shock and say, “I mean, who wouldn’t be?”
A smiles at you, exceedingly pleased. Then pulling her hair to one side and leaning her elbows down on the counter, A looks at Ty. “I also have a favour to call in from you babe…while we have James here at our disposal…”
Ty tosses his drink back and say, “Shoot…what do you need, doll?
You feel the air leave your lungs as though someone has vacuumed all of the oxygen from the room.
“I’d love to shoot a few pics of you two, just to get some ideas for my new bi erotica that will be released in the Fall.”
And there it is…bait and trap.
“Uhhh…I’m better on the other side of the camera,” Ty says over the rim of his glass.
I rolls my eyes and remind him, “You said ANYTHING the last time I pulled in a favour and got you the Kirkpatrick wedding!”
“Weird…I’m usually more non-committal than that,” he winks and I smile victoriously.
James clears his throat andsays, “What makes you think I’ll agree?”
My eyes access him before nodding towards his empty glass. “Liquid courage?”
He shakes his head with a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
“How about we do the first session and then see how you feel, James?”
That seems to put him at ease and I watch the tension drain from his shoulders.
Standing upright, I make my way to the bag I brought with me and retrieve a small item, walking back to James and dangling it from my finger. “You’ve got to be kidding me?”
At that Ty gets up and comes to stand beside me, leaning his arm across my shoulder, “Oh mate, you don’t know A very well if you think she ever kids when it comes to her photo shoots.”
“Done many of them with her, I take it?” James asks, still eyeing the lacy black jockstrap.
“Every single one…we make magic together. Her filter mind and my eye for bringing her vision to life are a deadly combo,” Ty says seductively, nuzzling my ear.
I smack his ass in response. “Let’s make magic together then, shall we, boys?”
Stumbling away he rubs his ass, to draw James’s attention to it I’m sure. I picked Ty because he’s a confident bisexual that has a subtle way of drawing people to him. If things went well, James wouldn’t know what hit him.
“You can change in the washroom, ” I say, pulling James’s attention away from Ty. “I can’t wait to see you in it…under me…” I let my desire for him reach my eyes as I shamelessly roam his body.
James takes it from me, with a look somewhere between wanting to murder me and fuck me.
I blow him a kiss as he walks away and head back over to where Ty is setting up his equipment. “So…what do you think?” I ask, not beating around the bush.
Ty turns to face me as he as he walks over to set up lighting in the bedroom off the main room. “Hot…but wired tight. Total flight risk tonight.”
I giggle at that. “He already has his escape routes mapped out.”
“Why him, doll?”
Retrieving a girlcock from my bag, I slide it into the body harness I’m wearing and following Ty into the bedroom. I drop down onto the bed, pulling my hair to one side and say, “There’s Just something about him. I always go with my gut and my gut says there’s a huge pay off with this one…assuming we can unraveling him.”
Ty removes the camera from it’s stand and points it my way, snapping a pic and then going to his knee for another one. “If anyone can do it you can, A.”
I arch an eyebrow. “That’s the thing…I need your help on this one. He needs a push from a man he’s attracted to…a subtle one.”
Click, click, click.
“And you think he’s attracted to me?”
“Uh YES! He practically eye-fucked you from the bathroom to the bar.”
Ty pulls the camera from hisface and reach out to shake my hair with one hand, sending it flying around my shoulders. “We make a bad-ass team you and I, doll. It’s a goal I’m not submissive in the least.”
I smile and give my best sexy pose for the camera. “Tonight I’m so glad you’re NOT.”
Click, click, click.
Get your shit together man and walk out the door.
Standing there in front of the mirror, you’ve been trying to pep talk yourself into this crazy scheme for the last few minutes and failing miserably. It doesn’t help that you are wearing a black lace jock stick that has you on FULL display. There’s no way you’ll be able to hide your arousal in front of them in this. Her words play on repeat about allowing yourself to feel what you feel for one night.
You blow out a long, steadying breath and walk out of the bathroom.
The main room is empty but you can hear the shutter of a camera going off in the room off the side. Walking towards it, you find them in a bedroomtaking in hushed tones.
She notices you first and lets out a lewd whistle. “Good fucking lord you look AMAZING, James!”
Ty looks over his shoulder at you and his eyes flare wider at your mostly-naked form. When he doesn’t say anything beyond his hungry stare, you cross your arms over your chest and clear your throat.
“Right, let’s get right to it then, ” he says, motioning you over to the bed.
It’s all you can do not to cover your ass as you walked passed him and crawl up onto the bed, kneeing next to A. She is a vision in her lingerie and girlcock and you can’t help but wish the two of you were alone and you were actually her submissive tonight. “Where do you want me?”
“On all fours.”
“Kneeling in front of her.”
They both laugh at their conflicting orders.
“Sorry…that was my girlcock talking,” A laughs beside you. “I’ll let Ty take the reins.”
Walking over to you, Ty makes a circle with his finger. “Turn around so your back is against her, James.”
You eye him as he approaches, surprised by the commanding tone to his voice. You turn for him, your bare ass grazing A’s thigh. “Like this?”
Ty smiles. “I’m going to get a little handsy if it’s okay with you?”
You nod hesitantly and suddenly his scent is all up in your space as he steps up close to you, his large hand pushing on your right Shoulder, burning you with it’s heat until you’re resting back on A. “That’s good…and now your hip.” His other hand turns your hip out a bit so the side of your ass is visible. Then pulling back, he says, “I need to just…” You feel his hand grab a handful of your ass and pull it open to wedge A’s girlcock in there, never taking his eyes from yours. “Perfect,” he whispers but you get the sense he’s not talking about the pose. It seems like he keeps his hand on you forever, only moving it to brush his fingers over your lips. “I need your mouth open a bit like you’re mid-gasp and I need your eyes about…here.” He grabs your jaw and pulls your head down until your eyes are level with his HARD cock.
“Fuck…,” you hiss in response to seeing the arousal that’s now evident behind his jeans, feeling yourself growing half-hard behind the thin scrap of lace.
“Perfect,’ he smiles smugly, eyeing your now obvious bulge like he’s claiming responsibility for it. He goes about positioning A’s hands on you, one on your bicep and the other encircling your throat, in a possessive grip.
“You guys are making me hard,” A purrs against your ear and that adds to your growing erection.
“Down, kitty! This shot is gold!” He says, returning to eye the shot behind his camera and humming his approval.
Click, click, click.
You hear A’s breathing growth heavier behind you and swallow audiobeneath her tight grip on your neck.
Ty approaches the bed, camera in hand, eyes focused and in the zone. “Okay mate, down on your hands and knees!” It comes out more as a growl and you find yourself dropping down on all fours, bare ass on display. Ty is right there, hand on your lower back, pressing down so you are arching your hips. “A…line up behind him and pull his hair back hard.”
“You don’t have to ask me twice…god, look at THAT ass!” she lets out her own throat growl and suddenly you feel like an object there for their enjoyment.
You Feel the shift mentally and suddenly want them BOTH to desire you…even though he can’t have you. You look back over your shoulder and give them your best fuck me eyes, full of the need threatening to break free.
You see Ty palm his own erection as A reaching forward to grab a handful of hair and pull back, strap-on finding it’s way into the cream of your ass. Ty circles the bed, looking for the perfect angle. There’s too much bare skin and you curse him for not having a shirt on.
What kind of photographer goes topless?
He stops a few times to touch you, moving you this way and that and your skin feels hot…tight like it can’t contain what’s brimming under the surface.
Click, click, click.
“You two are stunning together…I want to buy the book, the movie AND the sequel.”
He stop and walks over to A as she releases you and together they scan through the images, leaving you with your rioting thoughts and your hard cock. You think of your dead grandmother and the smell of her baking when you Walked through her door. He smells like sex and sin though and it’s fucks with your head, make you want things.
“Those are perfection, Ty!” A squeals behind you as you climb off the bed and begin making your way out of the room.
“James…not running away I hope?”
You turn and look back at them over your shoulder. “Just going to change.”
You expect her to tell you not to both but she smiles and says, “Perfect! Just your jeans though,” she says with a wink. “Nothing else.”
You’re fucked. Absolutely fucked.
I climb off the bed, fanningmyself. “Do you feel that? Christ, the heat coming off him is like an inferno.”
Ty packs away his camera and unpacks another one. “I feel it. Still have my doubts he’ll act on it.”
I walk over to him and run my hands over his stunning, muscled back. “That’s where this comes in.”
He eyes me with a cocky smile and hands me the smaller camera, running through a quick lesson on how to use it.
“So, basically point and click,” I joke as James walks back into the room, looking far more composed than I want him to.
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