The weekend in Paris had been fantastic, three whole days with Amy plus three consecutive nights of release. Returning to work had been hard, not least because he had now spent five continuous days inside the locked chatity cage. Nights were particularly hard as his cock had started to expect freedom. In the early hours it would throb and the pressure inside the cage would build. Ben would wake up and masse his balls While he watched his helpless red straining cock trying to squeeze through the tiny slides between the bars. In the end, like any good institutionalised prisoner, his cock would finally calm down and rest patiently in its cell.
For the hundreds time, Ben tried to reach the steel hook that threaded through his Prince Albert piercing. This painfully sadistic invention must have been dreamed up by a woman. Sure you can pull out ‘most’ of your cock, you just leave the tip behind. Although it was a hopeless situation, sometimes late at night Ben was tempted to try theimpossible.
He picked up his phone and dialled the only number that mattered, “Hi Amy.”
“Hi darling,” she replied, in a sleepy, husky voice.
“I really need you!”
“You can’t have me now… you have to wait until tomorrow night.”
Ben was shivering and moaning, his mouth still close to the phone.
“Are you trying to come without me?” she asked.
Ben was sitting on his king sized bed with lubricant spilling over his cock cage, dripping down on to his balls. One hand rubbed and vibrated the cock cage, while the other held tightly to the phone, desperate to hear Amy’s voice, even her breathing, any small signal from her.
His cock was swelling inside the cage and he stroked the red skin that was starting to force itself through the slots. He continued to shake the cage and focus his mind on Amy.
“Talk to me!” he panted into the phone.
“I’m laying in bed… spread eagle,” she breathed, “with your key in my hand.”
“Oh yeah!”
Ben could feel the sexual excitement building inside his one inch long cock as he focused on her voice, her sensitive words that were followed by gentle moans and heavier breathing.
“Yes, keep going!” Ben cried.
Amy’s fingers were brushing her clip and circled her vagina as she spoke. Ben’s cries of frustration were just too cute.
“My legs are open and I’m ready for you,” Amy breathed, “… just place your lips right here…”
“Come on!” Ben cried as his cock reached more and more, but the sexual feeling inside the cage was starting to plateau.
“Now you’re deep inside me and my legs are locked around your body…”
Ben sat upright on the edge of his bed and madly shook his cage, “I’ve got to do this!” he cried, bashing his hand down on the shiny steel cage in frustration, “Come on!”
“Oh fuck… Oh fuck…” Amy called, her imagination going crazy.
Ben jumped to his feet and thrust his hips forward against the wall. The feeling still wasn’t thee. He grabbed at the collection of keys that in a moment of weakness he had used to try to escape. He picked up the only key that would actually fit the lock, but as usual it wouldn’t turn.
“Oh fuck, where’s the key now?” he moaned.
“You don’t want to know darling…”
He gripped the cage with both hands to try to bend the steel, but it was pointless with a device that didn’t even rattle. Amy continued to whisper insanely sexy words through the phone, but not even her silent description language could transfer enough sexual energy into the tiny cock cage and he let go and lay back on the bed, just in time to hear Amy climax.
Amy held the phone to her lips to ensure her gentle cries of pleasure echoed through the phone. That had been wonderful, even more so because Ben had have been unable to come. This wasn’t her being a sadistic bitch, this is what made their relationship so special. A little steel device working twenty hour hours a day to ensure he remained her property.
“Please can we try again?” Ben pleased.
She smiled, this was fun. She could make him do anything. She wrapped her black silk robe around her and sat on the window sill. She pulled her knees into her body and let her dark hair hang loose around her face, as if hiding her shyness.
“Kneel down in front of the kitchen stool.”
Ben immediately followed her order.
“Now rest your nose on the leather seat and imagine my naked scent.”
Amy put her hand to her lips to suppress her giggles as she listened to him sniff the stool. Fuck, she was more twisted than she’d imagined.
“Now imagine I’m sitting on the stool, your lips are up against my pussy and my legs have closed around you. Once you have brought me to orgasm I will unlock you and you can do whatever you want with my body…”
Ben was kneeing, worshiping his absent lover and using both hands to try and drive enough sensing into his crushed cock. One minute he felt somethingg, the next it was gone. He’d never felt so turned on or so desperate to ejaculate.
“Yes… no… fuck!” he stood up and paced the room, “I can’t take this Amy. Please! I need the key.”
“Fetch the jeans that I left in your wardrobe,” she instructed, “Now lie on your bed, put your head inside my jeans and tighten the belt.”
Ben plugged in earphones and followed her Instructions. The belt that usually wrapped around Amy’s slim hips now encircled his neck.
“Now focus on the scented air… but breathe slowly,” she whispered, gazing out on to the city.
“That’s gorgeous,” he panted from inside his denim hood.
“Now stay there until I say,” she breathed.
Ben had had a fitful night and had struggled through the following day at work. When he returned home he showed and followed Amy’s careful instructions. He knelt down beneath his kitchen counter and handcuffed himself to the steel support bar with his hands behind his back. In front of him, just out of your reach, were the cuff keys resting on Amy’s favourite stool.
Amy was still five blocks away, walking quickly towards his apartment. She’d had a bad day at work and hated her new office tempting role. Plus some fuckwit had just whistled and called out to her and she was worried that he might follow her.
She was missing Ben and desperate to see him again.
Things with Ben were changing. At first she’d offered to lock him up just for amusement and to see the look in his sexy brown eyes, but it had turned into something exciting, both sexually and emotionally. She’d played the sadistic bitch, upping the stakes with a full belt and then a piercing, but the meaner she was the more Ben adored her. It was like being back in medieval times and she was the Princess. He wanted to please her. He was obsessed with her body, when she allowed him to be, and he was obsessed with her cruelty when she didn’t. She had never felt so sexually alive.
But, as much as sheloved being a dominant bitch, tonight she would be happy to just fall asleep in his arms.
“Good evening,” she smiled as her black heels clipped into Ben’s apartment and stood dangerously close to where Ben was kneeing, handcuffed and naked other than for her chatity device.
Ben’s eyes focused on her shoes before working their way up her long tanned and increasingly toned legs to the shortest of grey skirts. Tucked in to the skirt was a white blouse, low cut over her breasts. Her hair was down and she was wearing shades.
“You’re very trusting. I may not have come.”
“Really?” he smiled, edging forward in an attempt to kiss her legs.
Amy stepped forward to touch his muscled shoulders, only to find Ben trying to nuzzle his lips inside her skirt. She knew it fitted her too tightly for that, but it was fun to feel him try. She sat down on the stool and poured two glasses of red wine from the waiting bottle.
“You don’t need me as much as Ineed you?” he asked.
“You’re cuffed to an immovable object and I’m sitting on the key,” Amy smiled back.
“Okay, there is that.”
Ben strained against the cuffs in the hope of kissing her legs.
“What would you do if I left now?” she teased, extending a leg for him to kiss.
“Oh fuck, you know I need you…”
Amy glowed and pulled her stool closer so that Ben lips could reacquaint themselves with her inner tights.
“One day I’m going to chain you between my legs with keyless padlocks… and you’ll be there forever.”
“Not long enough,” Ben mumbled.
Amy sipped her wine and casually crossed her legs, “Tell me about the last night.”
“I didn’t even get close.”
“Keep going,” Amy smiled teasingly.
“Are you getting off on this?”
Amy’s sun glasses prevented him from seeing her eyes, but her lips were giving her away. She placed one foot on his shoulder.
“What did it feel like?” she asked.
“Fuck! I was physically unable to come,” he exclaimed as if amazing that she had to ask.
Amy uncrossed her legs and hitched up her skirt. She pulled Ben’s head up between her thighs and interlocked her legs behind him.
“Oh that feels so good,” she moaned, “It’s been a shit week.”
“I’ll look after you.”
“You’re making a wonderful start,” Amy panted, her body already trembling, “Oh fuck, where are those keyless padlocks when you need them!”
“Well we have what appears to be a keyless chatity cage,” Ben panted.
Amy giggled.
“I’m going to shower,” she said.
But as she stood up, her skirt knocked the cuffs keys on to the floor and out of Ben’s reach. They shared a glance and a smile.
“I’ll be waiting darling,” Ben smiled
“Guess you will…”
Amy walked away with her skirt still hitched up, leaving Ben as horny as hell and feeling as though he’d been on a sexual high all week. When she returned, Amy was wearing one of Ben’s shirts that was far too big for her. Her damp hair was up and she looked exhausted.
“Can we stay in and watch I movie?” she asked.
“Sure, but can I ask a favour first?” he smiled, gesturing to the handcuff key that she had knocked across the room.
Amy giggled and flopped down on to the nearby sofa, drawing her legs into her body. Even in her current state she got a rush controlling someone so cute. She finished her wine and reached down for the cuff key and hooked the key ring over her small toe.
“You’re not disappointed if we stay in tonight?” Amy asked nervously.
“Of course not, I like it under my kitchen benchmark.”
She laughed out loud, “I may let you out of there,” she giggled as she swung around and placed her bare foot with the key in reach of his lips.
They had eaten and watched a movie and were now curled up on the sofa. Ben’s cock has been throbbing all evening, but he hadn’t wanted to ask Amy to unlock him. Partly because she looked too exhausted to make love and also because he was getting off on just watching her beautiful teasing eyes.
Ben looked down to see that Amy was fast wait. He carefully extracted himself from her embrace and slipped one arm under her legs and one around her shoulders. She woke as he carried her to his bedroom and removed her shirt. He kissed her nipples, which reacted as always, and laid her down on his bed and within seconds she had fallen wait.
He lay next to her enjoying the feeling between his legs. As always, his cock was growing and shrinking inside the small chatity cage. A private love hate relationship playing outside inside the cage. His cock relaxed with a tingling sensing as it sunk down inside the bars, but then Amy let out a whispered sight. He looked over and his cock throbbed and woke, the pressure building again inside his tiny steel prison.
At first it felt wonderful and Ben touched her breasts and let his fingertips run down between her legs. The privacye feud continued as his cock tried to smoke its way out of her cage. What he would give to have one last orgasm before they feel sleep.
It hadn’t been the evening he had expected, but Ben had loved looking after the woman he idolised. She was now lying naked other than for brief, pastel coloured silk underwear that hugged her body. He knew that the key to his chatity cage was inside, hidden in the crotch lining sewn into the garment on three sides creating a small pocket deep between her legs.
His fingers gently followed the silent material down between her legs and a surge of excitement hit his body as he felt the outline of the single key. His cock was bursting, desperate as hell for some release.
With Amy lying on her side, he pulled open the front of her panties and looked inside at her shaken pussy and the start of the crotch lining. He so wanted relief, but he didn’t want to spoil the magic that they shared. He had never touched that magic key and didn’t wantto now.
He let go off Amy’s underwear leaving the elastic to reseal the key in its home. But his cock was still pulsing and, just as the night before, he tried to stroke the steel cage in the hope of orgasm. Within minutes his focus had returned to Amy and he lay with his eyes only inches from her panties, desperately longing for what was inside.
Ben again pulled the front of the gorgeous silk lingerie and this time he Couldn’t stop himself from pushing his fingers inside, but his touch had stimulated her and she moaned. Ben looked up and quickly removed his fingers just before she stretched her legs and rolled on to her front.
Ben’s cock was aching madly as he now stared at Amy’s butt. He could still just feel the key between her thighs, but retrieving it without waking her was now impossible. He stood up and paced around his room, his tiny knob swinging pathetically. If only he had that key it would be so much bigger and doing so much more.
He ran his nose down between her butt cheats following the line of the pleated lingerie and then kissed her, as if saying goodnight to the key and goodnight to his hopes of being unlocked. Amy moaned quietly as Ben covered her with a white sheet and went to take a shower.
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