The car slowed, feeling this, she picked up her head, listening. Feeling the car turn, she heard the unmistakable crunch of gravel beneath the tires. Tilting her head towards Him as if to question, she continued to listen, now alert.
Seeing her, He smiled, answering her unspoken questions, “patience, lil one…just a bit longer.”
Sighing softly, she settled against the seat, her keen ears listening to the unending crunch. Feeling the car come to a halt, she sat upright in the seat, the blindfold still intact. She picked up on the sound of an electric window sliding down, and a beeping noise. Her head tilting as she tries to figure out what the beeping noise is and then the sound again of the window rolling up slowly.
Chuckling, He finally gives her what she is so patiently waiting for, “you may remove the blind fold now, sweetness.” As He gives her this instruction, the car again accelerates, the crunch of gravel once again heard.
He chuckled as He watched herhands fly up to her face, pushing the blindfold away, her dark eyes blinking rapidly against the afternoon sunlight pouring in through the windshield. Her eyes slowly became accustomed to the light. She turns in her seat to look behind, seeing the tall security fence, the gate just swinging closed. She tilts her head as she looks at Him her questions unspoken.
“You are not a prisoner here, lil one…this is just a security measure to keep those who do not belong here out.”
Nodding slowly, she quietly answers Him, “yes, Master.”
Slowing the car so that she could take in every new site, He watched the emotions play against her face. He knew exactly what she was thinking, a poker face she didn’t have.
Eyes darting, taking in the trees in full bloom that lined the long gravel lane, the rolling hills to Each side of the drive and the long pristine white fence line. A small long gatherers on her browser as she continues to take in all of the sites, thinking she has seen thats same scene once before, feeling the familiarness of it all. Knowing she has never been here, but feeling the sense of belonging, she continues to observe each new sights and sounds as they come into view.
Gasping softly, she sits straighter in the seat as the house comes into sight. It is exactly the same as what she has always dreamed. A big spraying two-story log cabin, the rich wood glaiming in the afternoon sun. Flowers and various plants meticulously groomed in front of the wide wrap around porch that surroundings the house, the stables just off to the left of the house with a riding arena just beyond the stables. A cobblestone path leading up to the front door beckoning to her.
He chuckles as He sees her hand on the door latch, sensing her anticipation as she sees all that He has built for her.
Hearing His chuckle, she looks at Him, her face a mix of emotions, “how did You know Master? How did You know this is what I have always envisioned?”
Smiling to her, He responds, “you told me, lil one, don’t you remember?”
Puzzled, she looks at Him, “but…I’ve never seen or spoke to You before, Master…how can that be so?”
“You talked to me, lil one, I’ve heard every dream, every misery, each hope, every heartache you have been through. You have shared all of this and more with me, I simply listened.”
As He spoke, He slowly caressed her thigh. “I know, lil one, all that you need, want, desire…even if you do not at this time. Have faith and trust in Me to take care of you.”
Slowly she nodded her head, her mind a mass of confusion.
The car came to a halt, stopping at the cobblestone walk.
“Stay here, lil one.”
Looking at Him, she nodded slowly, her anticipation barely contained. He chuckled as He opened the door, swinging long legs out to the gravel. Standing and shutting the door, He stretched His tight muscles from the long ride, knowing that she was near burning, He walked around to the passenger’s side,opening the door for her. Taking her small hand within His, He gently pulled her from the car. Closing the door behind her, He felt her hand tugging lightly against His. She was anxious to see everything, but also a bit timing.
Feeling her dark eyes looking up to Him, He looked down upon her face, smiling.
“Whe shall we begin, little one….the house, the stables…what do you wish to explore first?”
Looking up to Him, she lowered her long lashes, suddenly feeling very shy. “Where ever You wish to show me Master,” she responded softly.
Pulling her close to His side, He chuckled softly, “what’s this with the shyness, little one?” “This is your home, you belong here, everything you have ever dreamed of is within reach now for you little one.”
Gasping softly, she lifted dark eyes to Him, “but Master, I can’t…I have responsibilities, my work, my home, everything. I just can’t up and leave all of that behind. No matter how much I have dreamed of having a home exactly like this.”
Grasping her chin lightly in His hand, he lifts her face to look at Him, seeing the tears glazing over her dark orbs. “This is yours, little one…built from your dreams…nothing else matters now. I have taken care of everything; the house, your truck, your job, even your family.” “The house has been sold, all of your belongings are being moved as we speak, I sent a letter of resignation to your boss and your family is well aware of where you are. You have nothing to worry about except being as pleasure as you are at this very moment and striving to be even more pleasure to Me as we put you through your training, little one.”
She listened quietly through the entire time He spoke…her mind whirling.
“But, Master…,” she interjected softly.
Putting a finger to her lips to hush her, He pulled her tightly to Him. “Your dreams are coming true little one…why do you seek to question them?”
”Because, Master…nothing like this has ever happened to me before…” she answered softly, almost in a whisper.
“I know, little one…remember? I know all that you have gone through in your life. I also know exactly what you need to make you happy, to feel safe and secure, to feed that inner hunger that calls to you. No one, not even you will take this away, ever. You are mine…mine now, tomorrow, throughout eternity.”
Slowly she nodded her head, her dark eyes searching His as she listened to His words, feeling a sense of trust, of peace within her soul, warming her with its strength, its security and also the tiny cracks starting to erode at the walls she had constructed to protect herself. Smiling softly up to Him, she stood on tiptoe, brushing her lips lightly against His neck.
He heard her soft murmur, “thank You, Master.”
He squeezed her tightly to Him, stroking her long hair, His voice soft, “you are welcome, little one”
Smacking her bottom lightly, chuckling as He heard the gasp, He grew “now let’s start this exploration…I know you are eager.”
Looking up to Him, she giggled as she saw His eyes twinkling in merriment, “yes Master!”
Giggling, she tugged at His hand, her steps almost skipping as she headed first towards the stables as He knew she would. He watched her, smiling as she seemed like a little girl on a grand adventure. Grinning as she stopped dead in her tracks, finally spotting her surprise.
She looked up to Him, “Master…He is beautiful. May I pet him, please Master…please, please please?”
Chuckling, He looked down to her, His voice soft, “of course little one, he is yours…but only after you have taken riding lessons may you ride him.”
Gasping she looked up to Him, the tears falling unchecked down her cheeks, running to Him, she hugged Him around the waist. “truly, Master, truly he is mine…my very own?”
“Of course, sweetness. You have dreamed only of a palomino calmion, four white stockings and a star on his forehead, haven’t you, little one?”
“Yes, yes Master…all my life,” she said breathlessly.
“Then go to him, make friends…he has been waiting patiently for you, little one.”
And she hugged Him fiercely, “thank You, Master.”
He chuckled as He watched her tiny feet scanper to the stable, slowing as she approached the calm. Squatting down to pull some sweet clover she held it out to the calm, approaching him slowly. The calmion nickered to her, shaking his head in greeting. Giggling softly, she skipped the last few steps to him, softly caresing his nose as he ate the clover from her outstretched palm. Turning to look over her shoulder to her Master, she beamed to Him. He walked the distance to her, laughing as the horse nickered loudly, as if saying to pay attention to him, butting his head playfully against her shoulder.
“I see I am going to have some competition for your time from this big brute, little one,” He laughed.
“Oh Master, isn’t he beautiful?” she spoke breathlessly, snuggling up against the huge calm.
The calmion seemed to take her into the embrace, nuzzling her to him, his ears flicking as he watched the Man step close to her.
“What will you name him, little one?” He asked softly.
Tilting her head slightly to the side, she looked from the calmion to the Master, “hmmm, it will have to be something very special, Master” she responded.
“Buttercup?” He asked, chuckling.
Both the girl and the horse looked at Him, the horse blowing through his lips to show his disgust, the girl giggling, “no, Master!” “Something majestic…strong…a name to suit him and all his glory.”
The horse nickered and nudged against her again as if agreeing.
Laughing out loud at both the horse and girls obviously dislike, He pulled her hand to His, “come, little one, there is much more to show to you. You’ll have plenty of time to come back and visit your new friend in a little while.”
Sighing softly, she let her fingertips trail down along the horse’s nose, kissing him softly, whispering she would be back soon. Nickering softly in response to her, the horse nudged her gently towards the Man.
Smiling, she looked up to her Master, fairly skipping as they circled around the stables. Her eyes keen and observant, taking in each detail. The riding arena, the barn housing all of the tack, saddles, both western and English, and of course more horses. Moving along the cobblestone path, they wound their way through lush gardens with fountains, the vibrant colors and sensitive scents mingling with the fresh country air. Her small gasps of delight bringing smile after smile to His face as He watched her.
Coming to around the house, she stopped. Her eyes focused on the sunken pool, complete with a water slide, tropical plants, chain loops, everything was there as she had only dreamed of in the past. Her dark eyes again sought Him, “oh Master…everything is here…everything.”
”I know, little one…I prepared everything for you…only for you,” He responded softly.
Reaching up on tiptoes she kissed Him, pulling His head down to meet hers, nuzzling against Him, sucking softly against His lower lip.
“There are a few rules though, little one,” He spoke.
Tilting her head, she looked up to Him, listening.
“You will have chores, nothing too extreme, but you will Take care of your horse. He is yours, therefore, your responsibility. He will need to be brushed, curried, given fresh water, his stalls cleaned and maintained, and of course, when you have completed your riding lessons, he will need to be exercised daily. Do you think you can handle that, little one?” He asked, smiling.
“Yes, yes Master. I will take good care of him Master, I promise.”
“The horse serves many purposes, little one. He will give you something to care for when I am not available to you, he will keep your mind occupied so that you are not getting into mischief, and he will provide excellent exercise to you as well, keeping those legs and that ass of Mine in tight condition.” He chuckled as the ever-present blush crept up again on her face.
Grinning up to Him, she countered, “mischief, Master? I don’t get into mischief!”
He laughed knowingly.
“Ok more rules, little one. You will swim laps in the morning and evening, nude. If you sunbathe, you will be nude, However, you will keep sunscreen on so that you do not burn.”
Nodding as she listened, she looked up to Him, “nude Master?”
“Yes, little one, nude. You will be nude most of the time. Only when you are riding or cleaning stalls will you wear clothes. You know I don’t prefer jeans, but in this instance you will wear boots and jeans to protect that silent flesh of yours.”
Nodding, she spoke softly, “yes, Master.”
Blushing softly as she felt tingles shoot through her body.
“Now on to more exploring, we still have much to see, little one” He spoke to her.
Smiling up to him sheresponded, “yes, Master.”
Glancing to the back of the house, her head tilts as she sees a strange concrete structure. Seeing the direction of her gaze and her obvious questions on her face, He supplies to her, “that is a storm shelter, little one, I know how deathly afraid of storms you are. It is well stocked and has all the amenities that you are accustomed too.”
Smiling up to Him, she whispered softly “thank You, Master. You truly do know all about me and my little quirks.”
He smiled down to her, “you told me, little one.”
“Now let’s get into the house, I am hot and sweaty and need something cool to drink, little one” He spoke.
Smiling up to Him, she tugged lightly against His hand.
They walked around the path to the front of the house, she smiled as she saw the swing on one end of the wrap around porch, the many pots of flowers. Stepping to the double doors that lead into the front foyer, she stopped, her eyes growing big as she looked from the foyer to Him. Her dark eyes taking in all of the details, the flagstone floors, the neutral color scheme, the potted trees gracing one corner. She slipped off her sandals, feeling the coolness of the stone beneath her bare feet. Her small hand continuing to tug lightly against His as they wandered through the house. Her small gasps, the oohs and ahhs, the “oh Masters”. He smiled, knowing how pleased she was and how happy He was to Finally give to her what she had been needing all these years.
She stopped abruptly as the entered the kitchen and dining area, her eyes huge, her exclamation breathless, “ohhh Master…this kitchen…it’s huge!”
Her feet pattering lightly against the stone floor as she scampered throughout the room, inspecting the long marble topped counters, the professional sized stove, the different pantries, the side-by-side refrigerator with of course, crushed ice, cubed ice and water dispensers, the gleaming stainless steel appliances. Off to the left of the kitchen was a breakfast nook with a solid oak table and four chairs, windows lining one whole wall to look out onto the patio area, the pool and the riding arena.
Falling back to lean against the counter, she could only look at Him, her dark eyes glistening, one word breathlessly on her lips, “Masterrrrrrr….”
He walked to her, lifting her to sit on top of the counter, parting her tights as He slide between them, even at This height, she still looks up to Him and snuggles against His chest.
“Thank You, Master,” she murmurs softly against Him making Him smile and cuddle her closer.
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