The Journey Ch. 07

The following day dawned clear and bright, the birds chirping, day breaking in the clear skies above. Slowly awaking, she tried to stretch her limbs, frowning in her sleep as she met resistance. Turning to her side, she now was fully awake, feeling eyes upon her. Tilting her head to her upper arm she tried to remove the sleep mask covering her eyes, pushing against it to slide it up. Struggling a few minutes she finally gave up, the mask had been tied to securely. Blowing an exasperated sight, she snapped her head up as she heard a low chuckle.

“Master?” she called out in a soft whisper.

“Yes, little one?” she heard Him respond from the recliner to her left.

Sagging in relief, she spoke softly, “I didn’t want to wake You, Master…but now that I know You are awake, would You untie me please, Master?”

“Hmmm, how much do you want Me to untie you, little one?” He asked, seeing her already starting to squirm.

“Master, please…I gotta go,” she responded witha slight while in her voice.

Chuckling as she squirmed even more, trying to cross her legs, He squatted down beside her, gently struggling her hair. “What’s the rush for, little one?” He teased.

“Masterrrrrrr, please, I gotta go, pleaseeeee,” she begged practically.

“Where do you have to go, little one?” He continued to tease.

Struggling to cross her legs, she while “Master, pleasuressseeee… I gotta go.”

Chuckling He untied the sleep mask, smiling down to her as she blinked her eyes, bringing them into focus.

“Good morning, sweetness,” He spoke gently.

Smiling up to Him she returned the morning greetings, waiting as patiently as she could for Him to free her from her bindings. Once He had her free, she sprang up from the mat, running to the bathroom. He chuckled, watching as her ass swung provocatively. Hurriedly she sat on the toilet, letting her long golden tempers fall down covering her face. She heard Him walk into the bathroom; His boots taping out a staccato with each step. Tensing, she whimpered softly; she couldn’t go.

Lifting her head slightly, her voice soft with pleasure, “Master, please…I can’t go with You in here watching.”

He brushed her hair back from her face, squatting down beside her so He could look into her eyes, His voice gentle, “this is part of your training, little one and no better time to start.”

“Master, please,” she pleased.

“This is something you will have to learn to get used to, little one.”

Nodding her head slightly, she responded, “yes, Master.”

Slowly He stood up, walking to the sink, He proceeded to turn on the cold water and brush His teeth. He knew the sound of running water would stimulate her body functions so that she had no choice but to go While He was in the same room. Wiggling uncomfortablely on the seat, she looked at Him, almost exasperated; it was becoming harder and harder to hold. Finally when she could stand it no longer, she relaxed enoughso that she could save herself, feeling the stain of a deep blush wash over her as she did. Hearing the sudden rush as she did, He smiled softly, continuing to brush His teeth.

“She will learn to become more comfortable with all of her body and sharing it with Me,” He thought to Himself.

After she had completed, she looked up to Him, softly asking, “Master, may I take a quick shower, please?”

Smiling to her, He nodded, “of course, little one.”

She waited patiently for Him to finish, and to go about His way. Knowing what she was waiting for, He turned and leaned against the counter, His eyes mischievous and a small grin playing about His lips.

Looking up from lowered lashes, the blush still prominent on her cheeks, she hesitated briefly, her voice soft, “Master?”

“Why the sudden shyness, little one, I thought you wanted to take a shower?” He asked, His merriment evidence in His look and voice.

“I do, Master…but” she responded, letting her voice trail off.

“You are in training, remember, little one? Everything you do, You will do in My presence, understand?” He asked gently.

Nodding her head slightly, she whispered, “yes, Master.”

Scampering into the shower room, she turned the shows on, letting the water warm before she stepped beneath the cascading waterfalls. Washing her hair quickly, she closed her eyes as she rinsed the suds from the long tempers, arching her back as it streamed down to just the top swell of her ass. He smiled as He watched her; every movement she made was poetry in motion. She had lost herself into the simple pleasure of a hot shower, stopping long enough to pull on the loofa gloves and pour a small amount of shower gel into the palm of her hand. Scrubbing every inch, she had all but forgotten she was being watched.

Calling out to her, “don’t forget My freshly shavled cunt, little one, and My tits and ass.”

Whirling on the ball of one foot, she gasped softly as she sawHim standing there, grinning. Blushing furiously, she responded, “yes, Master.”

Quickly she finished her bathing, rinsing the conditioner from her hair and then rinsing the fragrant suds of the shower gel from the rest of her body. Turning off the showers, she bent from the waist and gathered the long silken strands into her hands, gently squeezing out the excess water and then flipped her head back, sending the mane flying.

Stepping hesitantly to the door, she looked up from lowered lashes to find Him standing with a bath sheet held open to her.

“Come, little one, let Me dry you,” He spoke softly to her.

Gathering her waning courage, she walked into His arms, feeling them encircle her body with the big, fluffy towel, hugging her close to Him as He slowly patted the water droplets from her. He continued to dry her, covering every inch, lifting her arms, blotting gently against her breasts, belly, until she was completely dry.

Inhaling deeply the soft fragrance of the shower gel, He spoke, “ironic how a delicious slut like you would love the smell of vanilla so much, little one.”

Tilting her head, she looked up to Him, confused. He simply smiled, “you will soon learn the significance, little one.”

Nodding slowly, still confused, she answered simply, “yes, Master.”

He smiled and kissed her forehead, enjoying the little girl Innocence about her.

“Hungry, little one?” He asked.

“Starving, Master,” she replied, smiling up to Him.

“Well, let’s get these snarls out of this hair for you and then we will find some breakfast, little one,” He spoke.

Nodding her head, “yes, Master.”

Finding a comb in the cabinet, He started to gently untangle the snarls. She stood still, winning Every now and then when He found a particularly stubborn snarl. When He had completed, He swatted her on the ass.

“Let’s eat, little one.”

“Yes, Master”, she smiled up to Him, adding, “thank You Master.”

He smiled down to her and simply nodded.

Again, as the night before, she was on plus cushion at His feet, her body positioned in a nadu knee, hands “held in Master’s will” behind her back as He fed her a light breakfast consisting of juice, fresh fruit and a toasted bagel. Smiling up to Him, she would flick her tongue lightly against His fingers as she was fed, her shyness slowly starting to fade a bit.

He had intended to start her on a rigorous training schedule, but she was as skittish as a newborn filly and ready to bolt at any time. He changed His mind and decided that it would be better for her in the long run to become accustomed to her new surroundings and to let her shyness slowly dwindle. He didn’t want to rush her into anything and then come up against barriers that could have been prevented with a little patience on His part. He would still keep her in training, but taking the small baby steps that she needed to progress and grow. And she was progressing in His eyes. There were only small tantrums now and then and those seemed to be controlled with just a sharp look from Him. The natural submissiveness of her was slowly coming to the surface and He did not want to jeopardize that small part of her that was yearning to be free. The part that was becoming more and more prominent with each hour she had been within His care and possession.

She remained kneeing, observing Him from lowered lashes. He seemed to be deep in thought. Her mind was at peace, all of her in fact. She felt the protection from Him and saved it. She smiled softly to herself, trying to recall a time that she had ever been more peaceful. Looking up to Him again, she found Him smiling down to her.

His voice was gentle, “you are smiling, little one, why?”

She smiled softly and shook her head; “it is silly Master.”

“You must learn to share everything with Me, little one. I will decide if it is silly or not. You need to let Me in and share all of your thoughts.”

Blushing softly, she softly answered, “I was just thinking that I couldn’t remember a time when I have felt this…tranquil, Master, at peace.”

He smiled down to her, “you will continue to feel that, little one, more and more as time continues.”

She smiled up to Him, arching her back a tiny bit more.

“Today is your day, little one, whatever you wish to do, we will. Within reason, of course, and with My approval,” He spoke.

She beamed up to Him, “anything I wish, Master?” she asked with that telltale little girl examination.

He nodded and smiled, “anything, little one.”

“Well, first off, Master, we must visit Lakota, and then I want to go exploring Master,” she started rambling.

“Hold on, little one,” He interrupted, “who is ‘Lakota’?”

“The palomino, Master. I named him during my sleep. It is a perfect name, don’t You think, Master?” she asked excitedly.

“Lakota, little one?” He asked.

“Yes, Master. Lakota is theNative American word for the Sioux Indian tribe, Master. They are a brave and fierce people. And in the Native American language, ‘Lakota’ is translated as ‘friend’, Master.”

He smiled, nodding His head “The name fits him, little one. I didn’t know you were interested in the Native American culture.”

She smiled to Him and nodded, “yes, Master.”

“Hmm, guess you had better get some jeans and boots on if we ‘have’ to go visit that big ol’ brute,” He spoke.

She giggled, seeing that He was teasing with her. Bouncing up to her feet, she rushed to clear the table and tidy the kitchen, her bare feet barely skimming over the floor as she raced around the kitchen. He chuckled as He watched her.

Scampering to Him, she brushed her lips across His cheek, smiling to Him before she throw out her challenge, “race Ya, Master!”

He caught her before she whirled away, pulling her to His lap, “hmmmm, maybe we should just stay in here for the day, little one,” He said, a gleam of mischief twinkling in His eye.

Gasping, she looked up to Him, searching His eyes, “awww, Master… pleasuressseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, please, please, please, please, please, please can we go see Lakota? Please Masterrrrrrr?” she begged.

He chuckled, watching as she squirmed in His lap, finally He consented, letting her up from His embrace.

She giggled sliding down from His lap, pulling against His hand in her excitement to anxious Him along, “come on, Master”, she urged Him.

Smiling down to her, He allowed her to literally drag Him back up stairs to the master suite.

She ran into the walk in closet, her eyes scanning the perfectly organized rows of clothes; jeans, shirts, boots, everything she would need.

Walking up behind her, His voice starting her, “little one, I will make all of your clothes selections from now on.”

Frowning slightly as she turned to look up to Him, she responded, “uhmm, ok Master.”

Tilting her head slightly to the side, she couldn’thelp but blur out, “how come Master?”

He chuckled, knowing she wasn’t being belligerent, but just curious, He answered, “you are Mine now, little one, everything that goes into or on to that body will be decided by Me.”

Satisfied with His answer, she smiled and nodded, “ok, Master, as You wish.”

He smiled to her as He pulled a pair of light colored faded blue jeans from the upper shelf, a peach colored western styled shirt and a pair of brown western lace up boots with a high riding type heel. She smiled as He made the selections; they were her favorites. The jeans fit her snuggly, she had never seen the shirt before but the color suited her coloring and the boots she had just gotten broke in so they were comfortable to wear for long durations.

He tossed the jeans and shirts to her as He walked out of the closet, sinking down into the recliner to watch her dress. Looking at the clothes and then looking back to Him, she started to turn back into the closet.

“Little one?” He asked, stopping her.

“Yes, Master?” she responded.

“Why are you going back into the closet. Those are the clothes I’ve selected for you,” He spoke.

“I need a bra and panties, Master. I was just going to get them is all,” she replied.

“No, you don’t need them, little one. Those are the clothes I’ve selected. When or if there comes a time for Undergarments I will give them to you. For today, just the jeans, boots and shirt, you may however, find a pair of socks in the armoire here.” He spoke gently, but firmly.

“Uhmm, yes Master, but,” she started say.

“No buts, little one, now get dressed if you want to see Lakota” He interrupted.

Nodding, she spoke softly, knowing that she had started to cross Another boundary, “yes, Master.”

She kept her gaze lowered as she slipped into the shirt, snapping it closed. Padding lightly to the armoire, she smiled hesitantly to Him. He returned her smile, reaching out to grap her wrist within His large hand, pulling her to Him.

He pulled her into the space between His thighs as He leaned back in the chair, His voice soft, “I know that this is all new to you, little one, and that you are used to making your own decisions, especially about what you wear. But from now on, My word is law and I won’t tolerate being challenged. You will have the final words though, ‘yes, Master’. That is all I want to hear from you when I give a direct order. Understood, little one?”

She peeked up from lowered lashes, nodding, “yes, Master. I understand.”

He smiled to her, “good girl.”

Grasping the edges of her shirt, He pulled lightly against it, smiling as the row of snaps gave way under the pressure. Chuckling, He looked up to Her face before capturing a nipple with His lips, drawing against it firmly, feeling how it instantly tightened against His tongue. Letting go of it with a pop, He captured the other nipple, biting softly against it until He heard the small whimer and moan come from deep inside her throat.

Releasing it, He spoke, His voice husky, “you better get dressed, little one, before I decided to keep you tied up in here.”

Moaning softly at the loss of His warm mouth against her pumped nipples, she replied breathlessly, “yes, Master.”

Releasing her, He adjusted His cock, straining at the seams of His jeans, fighting down the urge to take her then and there.

Smiling over her shoulder to Him, she grabbed a pair of socks and hurried to get dressed. Again snapping the shirt and then wiggling into the tight fitting jeans before lacing up the boots.

When she was completely dressed, she stood, her voice soft, “Master?”

Smiling, He watched her, twirling His finger to indicate her to turn slowly for Him.

“Yes, little one?” He responded.

“Uhmm, what should I do with my hair, Master?” she asked softly.

He wolf whistled at her as she slowly turned on the ball of one foot, “mmmm, those jeanshug every curve of you, little one,” He admired.

She blushed deeply, hearing His whistle and words of praise.

“Just throw it up into a pony tail, little one,” He answered.

After pulling her long tempers into a high ponytail, they were off, walking down the cobblestone path to the stables. Her small hand nestled into the confines of His larger one. He smiled as He watched her eyes dance With her excitement. Hearing the horse nicker loudly to them, He released her hand, chuckling as she ran the remaining steps to the stable. She was struggling the horse’s nose and talking softly to him when He finally reached both the girl and the horse. Reaching into His pocket, He withdraw a pocketknife and a ripe, red apple, carefully cutting wedges for her to feed to her new friend.

Smiling up to Him as He handed her wedding After wedge of the juicy apple, she spoke softly, “thank You, Master, for bringing Lakota a treatment.”

He smiled to her and nodded.

Before He knew it, she had slipped in between the slats of the fence and was inside the enclosure.

“Careful, little one. He hasn’t been around here long and I don’t know his temperature yet,” He warned.

Smiling to Him, as she petted Lakota’s neck, “I will, Master, but He is gentle with me…see, Master?”

“All I see right now is a huge horse and a little girl,” He responded, trying to keep His voice light.

Inside His heart was pounding seeing her so close to the calmion and the calm suddenly seeming so big.

“I’ll be ok, Master. Lakota won’t hurt me.”

He nodded, still feeling a little uneasy, questioning Himself why He had bought that big of a horse to begin with. He continued to study the pair, ready to intervene if necessary. Slipping through the slats of the fence Himself and walked quietly up to the horse, watching as Lakota flicked his ears back and forth, his brown eyes watching the Man. He leaned against the fence a few feet from them and smiled as He saw the horse seems to nestle the girl within his protection. He knew then that the horse would become her protector and was amazed at how quickly the bond had formed between horse and girl.

“I’ll be right back, little one,” He called to her.

She turned and smiled to Him, “ok, Master.”

He dropped the currycomb and brush He had been carrying, His jaw tensioning as He saw her now sitting astride the horse, bareback. He started walking towards her, His strides matching the seeing anger seeing her atop the huge beast. He stood in the middle of the enclosure; His anger slowly dissolving as He watched the stallion, noting how the animal seemed to sense she was a novel rider. The horse continued walking slowly around the perimeter of the fence, picking his feet up high and proud, his neck arched and head high, as if showing off to a stadium of spectators instead of just one lone Man standing in the middle of it all. She smiled, her enthusiasm contagious as she saw Him, her Master,standing and watching, noting however, the small tick in His cheek as He clenched His jaws, her first sign she had become familiar with when He was displeased.

Walking Lakota to Him, she smiled hesitantly to Him, her voice soft, “Master, see how gentle Lakota is with me. I wanted to show You, Master. I knew he wouldn’t hurt me; he knows that I’m not experienced. I wanted to show You, Master, so that You would know.”

He looked up to her, raising His hand to shield the bright sunlight from His eyes. “I see you, little one, and I also remember the direct command I gave you yesterday about that horse. Do you remember that command, little one?” He spoke firmly.

Sensing the tension in the air, Lakota cultivated lightly, she patted his neck and whispered soft words to calm him.

“Get down from that horse now, little one,” He spoke, trying to keep His voice light so as not to agitate the horse further.

She slip slowly down from the horse, her head just barely high enough to meet the horse’s withers.

“How in the hell did you get up on to him?” He demanded.

Sensing His anger, her voice falsetered, “I walked him to the side of the fence, climbed the fence while I held him and then slide on to his back Master. He stood still for me and let me, Master. He won’t hurt me.”


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