The Irreverent Reverend Ch. 07

The images were black and white and had the grainy appearance of an old movie. The screen was small and the Reverend realized immediately that he was viewing a security monitor and that somewhere in the garage behind him, the camera was pointed at Jessica. Looking deeper into the screen he saw how the bright lights reflected off the shiny concrete floors and how the screen’s hazy images cast an eerie and macabre shadow across the scene.

Along the perimeter, he could make out the shape of a large machine, what looked to be an old and dilapidated snow plow, resting dormant, like a prehistoric mammoth caught and hurt by the ravishes of time. Strewn about the screen’s frame there were racks of shovels, buckets and stacks of burlap bags; everything appeared old and antiquated. It was like he was looking back into time, or into a museum where time had stopped but the sloth and callousness continued to thrive even when life had stopped. It was what he could expect from this back woods maintenance facility and everything appeared quite normal, except for what the Reverend saw in the center of the screen.

The camera was focused on a large wooden table. The officer stood next to the table, he was shirtless and beads of perspiration glistened on his body. Strewn about the floor, he saw Jessica’s shirt, torn and heaped next to her shoes. Several black leather objects lay on the floor, as if carefully dropped. The Reverend could not identify them; they looked to be items one would find in a horse barn or a blacksmith’s shop. Curled on the floor, the Reverend recognized a bull whip, coiled like a snake ready to strike.

Jessica was on the table. Her hands were behind her back, shackled together with the officer’s handscuffs. Her long hair had been pulled back in a cruel pony tail and bound with a rope. The other end of the rope wrapped around her handscuffs and pulled her head back unnaturally, stretching her neck. Her skirt was bunched about her waist and shewas kneeing on the table. Her face and breasts smoked against the table, her ass lifted in the air. Stockings still encased her legs. Nowhere did the Reverend see her panties. Her posture looked unnatural, she was contorted; restrains held her upper body down and only her will hold her lower body up, open and exposed. Her ass was played upwards and she looked inhuman, like a circle freak with the neck of a bird and the webbed toes of a fish. The stretch of her back formed an angle to the table and her ass pointed like a cannon towards the sky.

He saw her face in the camera. Her eyes and mouth were scrunched in indescribable emotion. Her face was filled with both surrender and password. She seemed at peace but did not wear the look of serenity or calm, rather beneath her quaking flesh it was as if she had found, after a lifetime of searching, a lost happiness that had been buried under a lifetime of silk and she was desperately clawing her way downward towards it, searching fora lost treasure. Each shudder of her body moved her a little closer a little deeper. Her mouth was forced open by a gag, her legs spread apart and her body obeyed her forced position but it were her eyes, only her eyes betrayed her. They were clenched closed. They remained defiant and would not open.

The Reverend struggled for understanding. The officer stood beside the table. In his hand was a flogger and the strips of leather dangled and flew through the air at her body. Redness like sunspots blurred her back, legs and her ass. She was not bleeding but heat seared her skin and lightning bolts sizzled across her flesh. The man swung, the leather fluttered and slammed against her exposed ass. Again and again the officer swung the whip. Again and again he lashed her body. The Reverend gripped the desk.

There was no volume and he looked about the desk probing deeper into this visually horrifying scene. Below the screen, a label hurt and blackened with grime, read “audio.” The Reverend flicked the switch and the sounds from the garage filled the room.

“Yes, this is what good little girls like,” the man chanted with malice in his voice. His whip whistled through the air and a sharp “crack” resounded in the speaker. Jessica did not scream, only a muffled sound could be heard, like air pushing of air out of a pillow as it is struck with a fist. The Reverend knew he needed to do something but remained frozen in his chair. The officer lashed her and taunted her. First on one tigh, then the other he whipped her. Then, between her open legs the whip struck and her whole body shuddered. Still, there was no sound, only muffled air exited her lips.

The Reverend studied the woman on the table, the woman whom he had recently fallen in love with. He struggled to understand. He was witnessing a scene out of a medieval torture chamber, and although her body was contorted and bound in an unnatural fashion, there was a primitive essence to what he was seeing;he was watching the most basic of urges, animalistic and natural and it sprung from a time before we learned to cover our bodies.

He gazed at her face and pleased for understanding, for a sign, for a shard of insight into this spectacle. The whip coursed across her body, stopping only momentarily as the officer dragged the leather across her flesh or he moved about the table to find a new area of ​​skin that did not glow in redness. He expected her to fall flat on the table with the power of each stroke. Each blow of the whip was sent with the same strength that pushed the Reverend into the dirt back on the highway, yet Jessica held her ground.

Her body shuddered and she stood firm, lifting her ass into the air after each “crack,” repositioning her self, readying herself, exposing her ass for another stroke. Though her eyes remained clanced, there was peace in her face, like the calm of a skipper who resolutely held the wheel of an endangered ship as the storm’s fury broke over its bow, wave after wave, crash after crash.

It was then that he realized that she was enjoying this. The man struck and she received. Her knees were played open on the table and after each crack of the whip she arched her back and pushed her ass higher, reaching for each lash, beckoning the whip’s force with her exposed womanhood.

A strange emotion enveloped the Reverend. He was swished away in a dark tunnel, back in time. There, he saw himself in a dark boot staring at a screen, much like the one he was watching now. The tiny room was dank with the foul smell of rotting semen and he dared not touch anything. In front of him was a tiny camera and images filled the screen. Inside, he saw the pretend dungeon of a pornographic movie and watched as men dressed in leather whipped beautiful women bound in rope, chains and sexy clothes. It was in these booths of his youth, that he let go the veil of decency that seemed to choke his life and where he held his penis in his hand, struggling it feverfully and firmly, in his tiny black cell, staring at the screen, impatiently pulling for an orgasm, trying to coax his seed onto the screen, into the movie’s dungeon, on the body of the waiting woman who was tightly tied, spanked and penetrated.

The Reverend could feel the blood begin to flow in his loins. His balls were swollen from the impact to his groin but the warm feelings grew as he watched Jessica in voyeuristic pleasure. It was like the old days there in the porn shop and he felt his hand move instinctively towards his pants. He felt ashamed of what was happening but felt powerless to stop his hand. The Reverend fight these feelings, but he know from experience, once it started, he was doomed. The primary force would overtake and overcome him. It would win. His hand moved towards his crotch and he felt the hardness of his cock straining against the clothes. It was happening. He was entering the forbidden zone. Yes, he was a sinner. He was drawn into the screen.

The officer moved to the end of the table. Crouched on the ground, almost underneath the table, the Reverend noticed Pamela, the dispatch woman. He had not seen her before. She did not move but watched the action. A look of fear and long filled her face. The officer dangled the whip between Jessica’s legs. He slowly danced the leather strands back and forth in an arc, swinging their tips back and forth Against her exposed pussy and inner thighs. After each rotation, Jessica seemed to open her legs further guiding the implementation away from her legs and centering the attention on her open lips.

The whip gathered momentum and he struck harder and harder. Jessica’s muffled puffs became moans, the leather lashed her pussy and the man whipped her again and again. The Reverend watched her body shake after each blow. She involuntarily tried to close herself when the whip hit, each time reopened her legs, pushed her pelvis back towards the man, and opened her vulnerabease. The peace in her face was contorted and the Reverend watched as Jessica compromised on the table, bound with no attempt at escape. She lay peacefully on the table and through this penance; she tried to cast off her body in a lost effort to find release.

The Reverend reached towards his crotch and squeezed his cock through the constraints of his trousers. Jessica began to quiver as the pussy lashing increased. The Reverend moved his hand toward his zipper as her body began to quake in orgasm.

Just then, the officer stopped. The “crack” and the “ahhh” from the speaker grew silent. Jessica slumped on the table. The Reverend did not move.

“Untie her,” the man barked and Pamela lifted herself from the ground and released the rope from her hair. Throwing a ring of keys on the table, he motioned to unlock the handscuffs. The dispatch woman’s touch was soft and delicate as she ran her hand across Jessica’s flesh, feeling the heat from the punishment. When her hands were free, the officer barked “turn her over.” The woman gently turned her onto her back, all the while cradling her with her hands.

The officer stepped forward and gripping Jessica’s ankles gruffly, pulled her towards the table’s edge so that her legs dangled down and her ass rested on the corner. He reached for a cord of rope and then secured each wrist to the forward table legs and over her head. Jessica did not move. The Reverend watched and waited.

“Now get on your knees and suck a real man’s cock,” he ordered. Pamela knelt in front of the man, let down his zipper and pulled his penis out. It was a gruesome appendage, long and pointed, with a drawe of foreskin covering its end. She took his cock in her mouth and began to suck. While Pamela sucked his cock, the officer reached for the whip and now began to tease Jessica’s nipples. The leather danced across their erectness like the tentacles of a squid. Then he struck. She winced. He struck again. First one breast and then anotherer. The meaty flesh jiggled and she bit her lip, searching for a way out of that place, that secret garden of her mind where the pain opened the door to pleasure. The officer did not look at her face. He did not know where she was or where she wished to go. He focused his attention only his cock, now engaged in the Pamela’s mouth. On the table, Jessica was merely a toy, just another helpless animal, like those the man had teased and tormented in his youth. It was a primary game, yes, but there would be no release for Jessica, only the man’s twisted and shallow sadistic pleasure.

When he had enough, the officer pushed Pamela away, moved to the end of the table and stood in front of Jessica’s spread legs. The Reverend jumped to his feet. He fumbled with the erection in his pants, pushing it down and away, awakening to his senses like when, in the tiny dank booth, the last quarter would be spent, the screen would go dark, the movie’s fantasy would stop and he would rush to exit thatdank place of forbidden fansies.

Jessica did not move. Her eyes remained clenched. Her body lay open and vulnerable to this man, he would penetrate her, this she knew, and when the touch of his cock would engulf her, the erotic sensings would fill her body and she would give way to them, but he could not penetrate any further than the further reach of her womb, he could take her as men have calledously taken and Discarded women since the beginning of time, but this man would never reach her heart. In her clenched eyes she held the keys to this sacred place and no man would enter unless she unlocked the door.

The Reverend moved towards the door. As he turned, almost as an afterthought, and hastily looked about the dispatch desk for a something, anything he might use. He must worry, Jessica was about to be rapid and with the conviction of a crusader he strode towards the dungeon’s door and flung it open.

The dispatch girl looked up in shock and horror yet did notutter a sound. She looked beseechingly towards the officer but his eyes were half closed and glazed over in his sadistic fantasy. He had not heard the Reverend enter, his hands were on Jessica’s hips and he was a man who was now thinking solely with his cock and he toyed with Jessica as he rubbed its head against her wet and swollen entry.

The Reverend strode towards the table and almost tripping over the bull whip coiled on the floor, he bent down and picked it up. Another memory of his youth came racing back to him, this one much older, from a time more innocent. As he grasped the wooden handle and felt the braided leather uncoil, he recalled purchasing such a whip from the State Fair in a bazaar called “Mexican Village.” He remembered pleading with his mother for the whip, for what reason he did not know. It would be his only souvenir and this is all he wanted, he begged. It was a strange souvenir, for a boy who had not yet reached puberty, and even he did not know why the whip held such fascination. His mother relented and all summer long he would practice making the whip’s tail crack in the back yard.

Now, he unfurled the whip and summoning this fragment of memory into his hand, he sent the leather tail soaring through the air and pulling back with his wrist the leather stretched towards the officer and a resounding “CRACK” echoed in the garage. The officer twisted his head back in rage. The two men locked eyes. There were no words, only the steely glare of their eyes and for a moment time stood still and the two men engaged in a test of wills. The Reverend was the first to move and he spoke only with his arm as he coiled the whip and let another “CRACK” sizzle in the officer’s ears.

The officer turned to face the man. His cock pointed at the Reverend like a weapon drawn. The men locked eyes again. They stood Facing each other. Out of the corner of his eye, the Reverend surveyed the scene. Jessica body was understanding softly on the table and strwn on the ground, next to Pamela was the officer’s belt with his billy club and holster. As his cock began to drop, the rage in the officer’s eyes softened, his confidence returned and a dark smile formed on his lips.

Pamela cowered and fear filled her eyes. Jessica tried to lift her head but could see nothing. The two men stared, saying nothing. It was like a dueel out of the old west, gunslingers warily eyeing each Other, looking for the slightly movement, watching for the signal, glaring at each other with intimidation and force.

The officer’s erection dropped and his appreciation faded. “The man standing before him was nothing,” he told himself and he smiled. “I have dropped him to the ground and I will do it again,” he told himself as he slowly reached down for his belt and the tools of his trade. The Reverend knew that now was the time and reached back with his bullwhip and sent the coil hurtling through the once again. This time he had a target in mind. The air betweenen the men was electric as the brained leather sizzled. The whip’s tail cut with a vengeance and as the officer grasped his holster, the leather wrapped around his cock, cooling around his dropy appendage like a snake encircling, snaring and suffocating its prey in a deadly grapsp.

In one fluid swooping motion, The Reverend pulled back with the whip and the officer’s feet gave way and he crumpled to the ground. Not only had the bullwhip bit its cruel lashes in the officer’s cock, but when the Reverend pulled, he nearly tore the bastard’s cock off. His cries of pain were unbearable. They echoed in the hollow garage’s shell with the horror of a man falling into the roasting fires of hell.

The Reverend paid no attention. He walked over to the table and brushed his shaking hand against her face. She opened her eyes and they looked deeply at each other. No Words were spoken. None were needed. He untied her arms and scooped her up in his arms. Pamela rose, meekly gathered the woman’s belongings and placed them gingerly in the cradle of Jessica’s stomach. As the Reverend made his way towards the door, she called out, “wait.” She moved wards towards the officer still writing and screaming on the floor and fumbling through his pockets, she retrieved Jessica’s panties. “She said these were a gift,” and handed them to the Reverend. He took the panties gratefully and Pamela returned under the table, croouching and waiting.

“Thank you,” Jessica whispered with tears. He pulled the door open and they were gone.


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