I stood in the shower letting the hot water pound against my forehead as I slowly began to feel fully consciousness. I was not a morning person and it always took me a while to come around after waking up. I began to be able to formulate thoughts as I slathered shower gel into my closely trimmed hair. Inevitably, my mind drifted back to the shed yesterday with Sarah. I feel myself start to get hard as I recalled the sight of her bent over the quad and the noises she’d made as I’d pushed into her.
I forced my mind onto other things, I’d be seeing her again later on today and I didn’t want to get too excited before then. That said, I had no idea what to expect when I saw her again. She’d certainly sounded as if she was keen for this to continue, but neither of us had spoken to the other since we’d finished in the shed. I didn’t want to message her this morning and seem overly keen – even though I clearly was.
I dried myself off after the shower and checked myself out in the mierror as I got dressed. I had been making a real effort to cut all the junk food from my diet over the last couple of months. The way my abs had started to show now, made me feel as If it was worth it. I finished dressing, took a banana for breakfast and grabbed my helmet and bike lock keys. I was running slightly late as usual, but I rarely left the house when I intended to and I always managed to be ready for the first trip of the day so maybe that really means that I was on time.
It was another lovely sunny day on the south coast of England as I closed the door to my stairwell behind me. It was still early in the season but if it stayed like this it was going to be a treatment – in more ways than one. The journey to work was mostly downhill so I freewheeled the majority of the way through the relatively quiet fishing town. There were a few people about already, mostly locals setting up shops and getting ready for the day. By the middle of summer, the town would be so packed it would be hard to ride the bike through the volume of people absentmindedly stepping out into the road, so for now I enjoyed the peace. I was sure it would pick up in the middle of the day, but that would be nothing compared to the number of people that would be milling around in a couple of months.
I locked the bike up at the top of the harbour and went to get the boat. The harbour itself only had a small sheltered pen, so the boats were kept ashore on trailers overnight. Each morning the boat would get towed 50m from the storage area, down the slipway and launched. Each evening the reverse would happen. It was a bit of a faff launching and recovering the boat by yourself but after a few weeks, I had it carefully choreographed. One positive was that hauling the heavy rib with her twin outboards around meant that trips to the gym were seldom necessary when I was working.
I had about an hour until the first group arrived so I set about fetching the tow truck and getting on with the launch. I worked solidly for forty minutes, for the first time since I’d woken up that morning I wasn’t thinking about what the rest of the day might have in store. As usual, when you are working away on something, the time passed quickly. Other than my usual fight with the trailer’s winch the boat was launched smoothly and I quickly parked the trailer and truck back in the compound.
I carefully climbed around the passenger seats to check the engines and switch on all the boat’s electronics. After seeing that all was well, I lowered the engines and turned them on to warm them up for a few minutes. It’s only a short trip out to the island and we are going fast as soon as we cleared the harbour entrance so it was always best to have given the engines a chance to wake up as well. I checked the log and found I had two trips today, one starting shortly and then another in the early afternoon. It was a shame that it wasn’t just one and staying on the island all day but that still gave me plenty of time.
A short while later the passengers began to arrive. As usual, most were in a good mood, it was a lovely day and most of them were on holiday. I gave them the quick welcome spiel and safety brief – the boat was only half full this early in the season – then I was letting lines go and we were off. I carefully spun the boat in the narrow space and we noseed out through the entrance. The Passengers were talking excitedly among themselves and once I could see the bay was clear I pushed the RIB up to full speed, thankful for the lack of speed restrictions in this part of Cornwall!
The settled spell in the weather meant the ride out was fast and smooth. The wind flapped my t-shirt against my chest and the sun glinted off the sea enough for me to have my sunglasses on. The only thing for me to pay attention to was the array of lobster pot marker buoys that littered the coast – particularly close inshore near the cliffs.
I fiddled with the radio and dozenle-checked the engine panel as I slowed the boat when we approached the island. I was trying not to pay too much attention but I could already make out two figures standing on the wooden pier. To my great disappointment, I could see another boat also tied alongside the jetty. I hadn’t realized that anyone else was likely to be here today.
I carefully brought the RIB alongside the jetty just behind the other boat. In a similar fashion to the last time I was here, as I closed the dock Dee reached down and hooked the mooring line from the bow. She deftly flicked it over the cleat built into the dock. I nudged the engines astern and did the same at the after end.
‘Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen…’ I launched into my introductions with my usual well-practicated false enthusiasm, pleased that for whatever reason the other boat crew were not around to add to my feeling of self-consciousness. As always, the guest’s attention was focused outwards on the island rather than paying any attention to what I was saying. I didn’t blow them, I had far more interest in things on this island than what I was saying as well.
Still moving in autopilot I finished my talk and began helping people clmber up onto the jetty, collecting lifejackets back from them as they went. I’d already introduced the girls as part of my initial speech and they took over as soon as the guests were ashore on the dock. I didn’t get a chance to say anything other than professional chat to Sarah and Dee when, to my disappointment, they both walked away with the guests and led them up onto the island.
I was hoping that Sarah was going to be able to slip away the same as she had the last time I was here, but the last thing I wanted was to come across as needed, and she still had her job to do. I set about giving the boat a quick clean and organization. It didn’t seem to matter how many times you went through and organized things, boats just seemed to attract mess. However futile it was I knew thatI’d never stop repeating the process. I took a lot of pride in keeping the boat looking as smart as she did. I knew it was one of the reasons the owners had given me the boat to run with such little oversight, they knew they were going to get the job done right. The price of such little oversight was going to quickly pay for itself in other ways.
A few minutes passed before I was distracted by a group of people coming down from further up the beach. I looked up and saw a small cluster of people moving into view, led by Sarah and Dan. I was surprised to feel a small amount of relief in knowing that the reason she had left so quickly with my group was that she was also looking after another one.
Dan called out a hello as the group made their way down the pier to their boat. We’d only met a couple of times so far in the season, but I had no doubt that we’d be seeing a lot of each other over the coming months. I climbed up onto the jetty and shook his hand as he approached.
‘How’s it going?’ I asked.
‘All good.’ He replied, ‘Straight out this morning but it’s the only one of the day – still early in the season.’ I nodded. ‘You busy?’ He asked.
‘Yeah picking up, not flat out yet though. Give it a couple of months and you’ll be beginning for a quiet day.’
He laughed as he jumped down onto his boat and started helping his guests back on board. They seemed a happy and able bunch and it didn’t take him long to have them all safely back onto the boat.
‘I’m not out for the next couple of days, but I’m out every one for the next four after so I’ll catch you then.’ He walked to the back of the boat and keyed his engines to life with a soft warble. Sarah had made her way over to his bow line, so I bent down and Untied the one at the stern. Dan looked up and gave us a nod, and we both chucked the ropes back onto the deck. He skillfully nudged the nose of the boat against the pier to swing the stern out into deeper water and roll the boat awayfrom the quayside.
Dan’s jet-black boat looked good as it lolled gently in its own wake. He swung her around to point out through the harbour entrance. Sarah waved to the guests and they waved back, thanking her for the tour. Although there would be more wildlife come the height of summer the relaxed pace of things at this time of year means that the tours were often better and people more content. The boat Accelerated slightly as he straightened for the entrance, and a couple of seals locked in the shallows staring back at the tourists.
The engines of Dan’s RIB disappeared around the corner and out of sight. I heard them throttle up as the boat increased her speed again. Gradually the noise decreased as the boat got further away and the wake I could see left behind in the mouth of the entrance flattened to nothing. I checked my watch, there was only an hour left until the current group I had on the island was due back – that probably meant I only had around twenty minutes until people started arrival back on the jetty. A frustratingly small amount of time – at least I’d make the next shuttles happen in record time.
I sat back down at the bow of the boat with Sarah. ‘So Dan making it out today was a lovely surprise.’ She said. I watched her face carefully but she was giving nothing away.
‘Yeah, good to see him.’ I replied. She remained poker-faced so I figured I had to take a chance to find out what she was thinking. ‘To be honest, I would have been quite happy if he hadn’t made it out today though.’
‘Why’s that?’ She asked, playing along. She was definitely smiling now. I decided to just go for it.
‘Well, I was hoping we could carry on where we left off yesterday.’ She smiled at this and moved across to stand next to me.
‘I was hoping you’d say that.’ She said. She leaned into me, our backs to the water. She cast a glance up the beach, but it was still empty. ‘How long is it going to take you to come back out?’.
‘A couple of hours.’ I said. ‘That’s going to feel like a long time.’
‘You’re telling me – I might start to regret getting too carried away this morning.’
‘What do you mean?’ I asked.
She cast another glance up the beach but it was still empty.
‘Well, I thought if we were going to carry on with where we left off last time I’d need to get myself ready.’ She said.
I had a hopeful suspicion about where this was going. ‘What did you do?’
She smiled and took one of my hands in hers. She leaned forward over the front of the boat so her perfect ass was facing me. She guided my hand onto her ass cheek.
‘Feel.’ She said. I shifted myself forward so I could take one chef in each hand and I slowly traced my fingers along her beautiful curves. My thumbs traced down the small of her back and between her cheeks. As they traced downwards I could feel something hard poking through her shorts, circular, and a couple of inches across. I immediately knew that myhopes had come true.
I pushed my thumbs firmly onto the butt plug and couldn’t help but smile at the way she moaned, arched her back and squirmed back against me, causing me to push the plug harder.
Instinctively, I raised my hand and slapped her ass. She whimpered and moaned again.
‘Stay still.’ I said, softly but firmly. She whimpered but stopped moving. ‘Good girl.’ I said.
I reached up and took hold of her ponytail with one hand, slightly pulling her head back. My other hand continued to play with the plug, alternative between pushing it and gently pulling it. Each time I moved it I could hear her whimper and feel her tense up as she tried to stay still.
I traced my fingers down past the plug inbetween her legs and firmly rubbed back and forth between her crotch. She flinched again. I withdraw my hand and spanked her ass cheese once more.
‘We don’t have time now, but I’m going to punish you for that later.’ I said.
‘Uhuh’ she replied, nodding her head slowly and causing my grip on her ponytail to pull her head.
I went back to rubbing her crotch and could feel her legs quickly begin to shake with the tension of holding herself still. I started to rub a little faster and firmer and hear her breathing start to quicken as I picked up the pace.
‘Please,’ She said. ‘I need to cum so badly.’ I slowed a little enjoying the sight of this beautiful girl bent over the boat right in front of me. My mind was flicking between enjoying what was happening right now and imagining what I was going to do to her this afternoon.
‘Not yet.’ I said. ‘It doesn’t really seem fair that you get your release when I still have hours to wait.’ She groaned. ‘Besides, good things come to those who wait.’ I slapped her ass one more time and reluctantly stood up. The passengers were going to be back any minute and I didn’t want to be scrapbling around with an erection. She spun around to face me and sat back on the seat. I noticed her wince slightly as her ass met the chair.
‘After you drop the guests here later on, come straight up to our hut.’ She said. ‘I’ll wait for you there.’ I was struggling not to grin like an idiot at the thought of it and I think I just about held it together.
‘Ok.’ I said ‘But make sure that plug doesn’t come out of your ass until I get there.’
She nodded, ‘I will, but anxious I’ll already have been waiting all morning’.’
‘You can guarantee I’m going to be as quick as I can.’ I said. In the distance, I was sure that we could both hear the noise of people stomping back along the paths. She stood up to go. ‘I’m not sure I want to be here when everyone arrives and I am in this state.’ She said.
‘How do you think I feel?’ I replied. ‘You’ve got no idea how hard it is to drive a boat in a straight line with a permanent semi.’ She laughed and climbed off the boat, leaving it gently rocking against the pier.
‘I’m sure you’ll power through.’ She said and walked off down the pier. Looking closely I was sure that I could see the outline of the plug poking out through the tight material of her shorts. I stared until she was at the end of the pier and moved out of sight through the trees. I wondered if I should jump in the water to cool off – I had no idea how I was going to get through the next couple of hours and it was taking all of my willpower to avoid following her up to the hut right Now.
I was still contemplating doing exactly that when thankfully, the first couple of guests walked out from through the trees. I forced my mind back to the present, the faster I could get this done the sooner I was going to be back with Sarah. I fired up the engines and forced myself to play with the electronics for long enough that my erection had a chance to drop to a point where it wouldn’t be visible Through my jeans.
As the first guests arrived back at the boat I walked up to the side to greet them and help them back on board. There were the uSual stories of how interesting the island was and how keen they were to come back, but thankfully they were all on time getting back on board. As soon as everyone sat down I throw the ropes off and carefully backed the boat away from the pier.
The trip back to the mainland, getting everyone off, cleaning the boat and getting all the new guests on dragged every bit as much as I thought that it would. Eventually Though, I was guiding the boat back through the entrance to the island and onto the pier. I noted that as promised, there was only one figure stood on the pier waiting for the boat.
Dee tied the boat up and helped all the guests off as usual. I shut the boat down just as she was launching into her introduction to the island. She turned as she was about to lead them off. ‘Have a good afternoon, see you later.’ She called.
‘Cheers.’ I said. I had no idea what she had been told about Sarah’s plans for the afternoon and I didn’t want to know. My plan as always wasJust to play it innocent until it was proven otherwise.
I tried to busy myself as much as possible making small unnecessary adjustments to the boat until I was certain that the whole group were a long way down the path. I double-checked to make sure no one had forgotten something that they might decide to come back for later. Then I could finally convince myself that there was no need to delay the afternoon’s entertainment any longer. I pulled the keys out of the ignition and stuck them in my pocket before climbing up onto the pier and walking over to the beach.
I retraced my footsteps from the day before, following the path to the shed where the quad was kept. I carried on past it for a short while until I reached the girl’s accommodation hut. I knocked on the front of the weathered old door.
‘It’s open!’ I heard Sarah call from Somewhere inside. I pushed the handle and the door was unlatched. I couldn’t help but give one last glance over my shoulder to make sure there was no one around but I didn’t see or hear anyone. I clicked the door closed and Sarah must have heard because she said ‘I’m in here.’ As it clicked.
I walked across the small space that must have made up the majority of the communal living area and through a door leading off to one side of the room. As I opened the door and saw the contents of the room it was all I could do not to burst into a grin. The room itself was pretty small, roughly a square only a few meters in either direction. Dominating the middle of the far wall was a double bed, taking up most of the available floor space. On the bed was Sarah. She was led on her back with her head up on the pillows. She had stripped off since earlier and was now only wearing a simple black bra with a matching thong. From the way her legs were angled, I could see the shiny stainless steel of the butt plug still firmly embedded in her ass.
She smiled at me as I stood, clearly dumbstruck, in the doorway.
‘That did feellike that took a long time.’ She said.
‘Er, yeah – but I already think it’s been worth it.’ I replied. I kicked off my shoes in the doorway and pulled my t-shirt over my head, leaving me standing there in just my jeans. I made my way over to the bed and straddled her hips. Leaning forward I moved down and kissed her, I was euphoric that the thing that I had been imagining for the last twenty-four hours was finally happening. I gently took her lip between my teeth as we kissed. I reached up to take her neck in one hand while the other cupped one of her incredible breasts and my thumb slowly circled her hard, nipples.
My head divided away from her lips and onto her neck, I carefully kissed my way from her collarbone to her earlyobe. Sarah’s hand gripped and ran through my short hair. I could already feel myself rock hard, pushing against her stomach through my jeans. It turned out that she must be able to feel it too because she gripped harder and moaned in my ear.
‘Please, I need you inside me again.’ I was desperate to oblige but also I didn’t want her to think that I had forgotten my promise from earlier.
‘Soon.’ I said, ‘But first I need to make that pretty ass pay for all that squirming this morning.’ She blushed the same colour as I expected her arse to be shortly, but smiled at the same time. I rolled off her, sitting on the edge of the bed with my feet on the floor. Before she could react I took her wrists and pulled her over to me, bending her over to me. I took hold of her arms and brought them behind her back, pinning them there with one hand and leaving my other free to work on her arse.
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