The Futa Glory Hole Ch. 01-21

(Note- All characters depicted are 18+)

The Futa Glory Hole

Chapter 1- The Decision

As I push around my school lunch with a plastic fork I can’t help but let my mind wander. I’ve been considering doing something… Something I probably shouldn’t. My friends told me about this spot, one in an old abandoned building on the edge of school grounds. Apparently it has a hole so woman… Can… Can put their thing through it and get pleased by boys.

I already feel sweet on my browser as I consider what it could be like. I’ve never been with a girl before, never even kissed one. Honestly my mediocre appearance and even more mediocre sense of style doesn’t help, but at the end of the day it’s really my own fault. Everytime I talk to a girl all I can picture is I want they want from me, of the beast between their legs waiting to pounce. Then my tongue gets tied and I panic, ultimately I always find an excuse to get away. The thought of touching a girls thing definitely scares me… The thought of it entering me in any way straight up horrifies me.

My friends think I’m ridiculous, my mom thinks I’m a late bloomer, my little sister says I’m a pussy. The only person I really listen to is my older sister Crystal though. She’s 24 and heads an all girl punk band, she isn’t home often but when she is I always pump her for advice. For the longest time she told me if I wasn’t comfortable with… You know… That I should take my time and wait. The last time I talked to her though she gave very different advice.

She told me I’ve built this whole thing up in my mind to such a degree that I need to just rip off the band-aid before it gets worse and I end up going into college with no experience. Her recommendation was to find a nice nerd girl who doesn’t get any and practice on her. Her secondary recommendation was to find a slutty goth that just wants to “defile a pure little cutie like you”… As always her second recommendation is more extreme, and more about what she likes than what I do. I really do appreciate her help though, she is one of the smartest people I know and without her street smarts and endless well of wisdom I would be quite the lost man.

Unfortunately though no matter how hard I try I can’t follow her advice this time. I definitely can’t approach the scary goth girls, hell even the nerdy girls intimidate me to no end. After seeing me fail one to many times a friend told me about the glory hole. At first it sounded stupid to me, but as the days wear on it sounds more and more practical. I won’t have to look them, or talk to them, or fear them jumping me and taking what they want. It sounds safe, discreet, and like… Kind of hot.


As the bell rings I throw down my fork and make the decision. I’m gonna do it, Today after class I’m going to that place and I’m gonna… Gonna… Please a girl…

The rest of the day blows by at a break neck pace. Even so I find myself checking the clock every few minutes, fearing every second that brings me closer to what I promised myself I’d do. Come on Doug, what’s the big deal? This is a part of life, all of your friends have done it, most of the boys in your grade have done it, hell even your bratty little sister has a boyfriend! Though she’s only a year younger she might as well be a decade older than me with the experience she has. Gah! You got this man! Come on!


A spike of panic pierces my heart at the sound of the bell. Like I’m sleeping walking I walk slowly to my locker and put my stuff away, then slowly as possible out the doors. I wonder who goes to this place? My friends said it’s mostly older married woman looking to blow off steam, but who knows. One of the crazy parts is that it could be anyone, a teacher, a student, hell it could be a homeless woman for all I know. If it’s the latter I’m definitely backing out, this is all disgusting enough as it is.

As I approach the building I can’t helpbut appreciate how secluded the area is. Between the trees and the small little path you have to follow no one should see me entering the place, at least not from the street. The place appears to be an old storage building or something, with how high the ceilings are maybe even an old gymnasium of some sort. As I enter the door creaks, immediately I see spray painted arrows on the walls presumably leading to the hole.

I walk down a dark hallway, then take a right down another dark one. The air smells musty and I can’t stand how dusty everything is. Finally I come to a split with arrows pointing each way. Under the right arrow it says “Sweeties” and under the left it says “Sluts” I suppose I would be a sweetie right? Gah! I already feel like I don’t belong here.

I Take the right hallway and walk a little bit before seeing a door marked “Heaven” with a little set of angel wings painted on it. That door creaks as well when I open it, inside the floors are all old tile and the walls concrete. I guess this was a gym because I think this is a locker room. I walk down a very short hallway and come to a room with countless doors in it. There are four sets of two doors, the rooms walls look newer so I assume this was built specifically for this whole glory hole thing. Each door has a little dial on it saying “unoccupied” which is actually quite relieving. I’m the only person here right now apparently.

I open the first door with a shake hand, it has the male symbol on it. Inside I find a small dingy room with nothing inside. Well nothing except a hole in the wall. I lock the door behind me and immediately begin pacing. Every instinct in my body is telling me to leave this place, to go home and just jerk off. But I promised myself that I would do this, that like my sister said I would just rip off the band-aid. Come on Doug… Just… Just wait a few minutes.


The sound of the door slamming makes me nearly jump out of my skin. Then soundof the lock on the other side clicking makes me feel sick. I back away against the wall opposite of the hole and stare at it with fear. What will come through? who has come to such a place to have a boy please them?

All I can do is wait and see…

Chapter 2- A Familiar Voice

I feel the air leave my lungs as the mean looking absurdly sized uncircumcised cock slides through the hole. It’s at least 13 inches long and so damn thick! Big veins run up to the mostly covered bulbous purple head. As it comes fully through the hole the low hanging pendulous nuts come through as well, they have to be the size of tennis balls and they hang so low it’s truly disgusting.

“Well sweetie?” The voice on the other side says.

The second I hear the voice my blood runs cold as ice. I know this person… She is my next door neighbor! Mrs. Selena! She used to babysit me all the time when I was growing up, she is a very kind woman and my mom’s best friend. She stands at a whopping6’9 with thick thighs and even thicker hips. Her tits are unbelievably big, I know from talking to her daughter that she wears a G cup bra. Her bright blues eyes pop next to her bright critic red hair. My favorite is her freckles though… She… She has them everywhere…

Her thing is so freaking gross, I never could have imagined she was hiding something like this under her apron. I can’t do this, Not with her, not with that thing, just… NO! I panic now as I scramble for the door and unlock it, but when I push it the door won’t open. What? I push even harder and it doesn’t budget. What is happening!?!

“What’s going on in there? I hope you aren’t trying to run, I made sure you can’t so don’t even bother. Sheesh I’m so sick of boys chicking out at the last second… This is gonna happen one way or another boy, so I suggest you accept it.”

As if it can sense my gaze her cock twitches when I look at it. This can’t be happening. If she finds out it’s me she will tellmy mom I was here for sure, I’ll be so grounded I’ll never see the light of day, I’ll be lucky to go to my own graduation.

“Look either I feel that tongue on my nuts in the next two minutes or I’m coming over to your stall to teach you a proper lesson… What’s it gonna be sweetie?”

Why is she talking like this!?! She has always been nothing but kind and supportive, she sells Flowers for a living for God sakes! Hell! She has a loving wife and daughter at home why is she even here!?! This is all kinds of fucked up! She shouldn’t be here and neither should I!

“One minute…”

Fuck… Fuck… FUCK!

I get on my knees and scoot forward, it’s hard for me to even look directly at it. As I get closer my nose twitches, the smell is RIDICULOUS! My god, my nose literally hurts as it takes in her scent. Selena always smelled so good, like fresh vanilla or something. This… This smells like the dirty clothes hamper of the girls track team has been left in the sun to bake.

“10… 9… 8…”

Fuck! As I slowly inch forward I can see her sack is glistening with sweat, I’m beyond disturbed by the sight. I swear I can feel the heat radiating off her balls like hot coals in a fire pit. Why… Why has it come to this!?!

“3… 2…”

I start at the bottom and give one long drag of my tongue right up the middle. Halfway up I shutter and gag as the overwhelming taste of salt, sweat, and musky body odor overtakes my senses. I shiver a second time as I smack my lips and continue to force to taste her absurd essence.

“Ah good you finally came to your senses… How did it taste boy?”

I look at the floor and remain quite…


She punches the wall “Hey when I ask a question I expect an answer! GOT THAT!?! Tell me you little timing slut is this your first time here?”

I do my best to change my voice so she can’t recognize me, I choose a higher pitched meek one “Y… Yes…”

“Hmm interesting… Is this your first time sucking a cock?”

I grimace “…yes…”

She laughs “Oh boy aren’t you lucky? Well slut I’ll have you know I’ve spent the past few days hitting the sauna and edging myself for just this occasion, I haven’t cum in almost a week!”


She laughs again “You don’t sound excited! That simply won’t do…”

To my surprise her cock slowly slides back and out of the hole.

“Put your mouth up to the hole slut… NOW!”

I jump in fright at her tone, is this seriously still the woman who would make me cookies and hot chocolate on those cold winter nights? Who tutored me in Spanish when I was strugglening? Who tried to set me up with her daughter on a blind date!?!

I crawl forward and sit up at the hole so only my mouth is visible to her.

“Now open up.”

I reluctantly do so, the second I do I feel two fingers jam to the back of my throat. Before I even realize what’s happening the fingers deposit two pills. I attempt to spit them up but before I can they slither down. I fall back and put my hand over my mouth in shock.

“W… What… Was…” I can’t finish my sentence I’m in such shock.

The cock slowly pushes back through the hole, the nuts flopping and bouncing as they come through. The are so sweety they leave a little damp imprint on the wood where they smacked it.

“Don’t worry, let’s just say those pills will help you be more honest with yourself… (She takes a deep breath) Now start licking my nuts again, you know that’s what you came here for slut.”

I shake my head “No… I didn’t… I’m not a slut… Please…”

Her laughter echos off the walls “Oh ok! I get it! You want to play innocent! I can respect that, well ok sweetie your innocent life is over now… You belong to my cock, it is your world until I say otherwise… Now start bathing my nuts with your cute little tongue or you will lose multiple virginities today!”

I shake my head “But… But…”

“10… 9… 8… 7…”

I sit back up and get closer to her cock, I again close my eyes scared to look at it.

“6… 5… 4…”

I dive into her sweaty, wrinkled, disgusting nuts, lapping and sucking with reckless abandon. I gag multiple times because of her taste but I don’t stop, my brain is starting to feel fuzzy, like her odor is making me drink or something. Then it hits me, the pills! That’s what’s making my mind fuzzy! Damnit, what did she give me?

“Ah! There we go, like that slut! More! Sloppier!”


I suckle and slurp on one of her massive nuts, it’s so hot it feels like its burning my tongue and lips. I feel a glob of precum drip down on my shoulder, it alone is as big as one of my loads…


Her nuts are soaked in my spit, I do as I’m told and bend down low. I then push my face up into the hot wrinkles licking and lapping all the while. Her sack is so big that my entire face is covered and there’sStill more to spare. The cent is like lava in my sinuses, it will forever be etched into my brain I think. I struggle to breathe as I work myself into a frenzy. I loose track of time, of my body, of my being.

“Mhmm that’s good, so you never answered me before… How do they taste? And be honest slut!”

I cought and spit “They… Are… Sweaty… It’s… Gross…”

She laughs “Gross? That isn’t very kind… A lot of boys would kill for such well marinated nuts, you are a picky, prissy little slut huh? Well don’t worry we’ll break you of that…”

I don’t respond, I just continue to lap and suck like I was told too.

“Ok it’s time…”

I stop for a second “T… Time for what?”

She laughs “Time for you too peel my foreskin honey!”

I never should have come here…

Chapter 3- My first kiss

“Now be gentle sweetie, it can be painful for me to peel…”

My hands shake as I wrap them around her girly shake. God the veins and it’s conStant pulsing makes it look and feel so feral, so primary. Now that it’s mostly hard it’s at least 14 inches long, I wonder how much bigger it could possibly get? Let me rephrase that, I’m afraid of how much bigger it will get…

“Good, now give it a few long slow pumps, work it loose a little you know?”

The overabundance of gleaming sweat works as a lubricant as my hand grips tightly and slowly push up from the base to the head. I hear a little moan on the other side as I get close to the tip, and in that exact moment a large gush of nearly clear liquid comes cascading down her girl meat, it coats my right hand causing me to let go of her and move back for a second. I freak out a little and try to rub off my hand on my pants, it’s so sticky and viscous though that I can’t fully get it off.

“What’s the hold up honey?”

I grimace as I look back at the cock “Um… N… Nothing…”

She giggles “Well… Come on then!”

I shimmy back up and grab ahold yet again, come on man this is no big deal. When you jerk off cum gets on your hand all the time, you don’t freak out then, so why should now be any different?

I take hold of the base and repeat my slow stroke upward, again a massive gush of precum thick as honey rushes down her cock and onto my hands. A shiver runs up my spine as the hot liquid makes contact but I don’t pull away, instead I use it as lube as I began slowly jerking her at a melodic pace. Her cock grows another few inches as I stroke and her precum flows like a river.

“Ok it’s ready, grab the middle extra tight and pull down, please be gentle…”

Even though I know she can’t see me I give her a reassuring nod, I can tell by the tone of her voice she isn’t kidding when she says it’s painful. As much as I don’t want to do this, as much as I fear the threats she has made up to this point, I can’t help but still care for her. She is basically like a second mom to me.

I… I don’t want her to be in pain…

I grip tight and ever so gently begin to work it down inch by inch, it’s easy at first but I hit a snag eventually. I bounce my hands ever so slightly as the skin stretches to it’s absolute max around her unnaturally bulbous head. I hear her whimper on the other side of the wall. After about 30 seconds of this I finally decided it’s time. I give a quick firm tug, her head bursts forth into the light of day.

I recoil in shock as I see it… As I smell it…

“Ahhh you did good sweetie…” She says with a painful voice.

I barely hear her as my eyes feast on the monster before me. The head of her cock is so bizarrely shaped! It’s much larger than the shake and has three knobby humps on it, two big ones on each side of the head, and one smaller one in the dead center, I’ve never seen anything like it. I had always heard futa cocks come in all shapes and sizes but I never knew that means something like this!

Then there’s the smell, the overbearing smell of sweat andfermented fish, it makes the air feel heavy it’s so intense. All along the ridge between her head and shake is a ninety white goo, some kind of build up caused by her inability to peel it I would assume. That probably is somewhat the cause of the odor as well. There isn’t alat of the substance, but any amount is too much in my opinion.

“Come on now, give it a kiss right in the middle of the heart…”

I’m confused for a second until I realize that with the hums on the sides her cock head, it looks kind of like a heart at the right angle. I grimace as I stare at the center hump.


My first kiss is going to be with a sweaty, smelly, filterhy cock… I never would have guessed that would be the case but here I am. I slowly lean forward, my lips quivering in anticipation. I close my eyes just before I make contact with pulsing purple head.


It feels red hot on my lips and make them tingle instantly. As I pull back a long strand of sticky syrup follows, the whole head is coated in it. I wipe my lips feverishly trying to get it of as she giggles on the other side.

“Come now baby you can do better than that. Give me another, and this time go slow…”

I look at the door, I wonder if I kicked it hard enough would it break open? Nah even if I did she could come out of her stall just as quick and push me back in, then god knows What she would do to me. Well would she really do anything? Selena has been nothing but kind my entire life, I can’t even picture this horrid thing attached to such an angel. Maybe this is like roleplay for her? I don’t know but something about her demeanor scares me regardless.

I again lean in, I do my best not to breathe through my nose as I picker up and give a nice long kiss and the center hump. She gives a little squeal of glee as my as my lips stay glued to it and give a loud smack sound.


This time multiple strands follow my lips as I part with the cock. I again freak out a little trying to rub it off.

“Mhmm that was a little better, now I want a different kind of kiss… Kiss it like a girl you think is sexy, that maybe you have a crush on. Oh and don’t forget use your tongue, really be passwordate!”

I give a little involuntary while as I close my eyes in denial that any of this is actually happening.

“O… Ok…”

Ok Doug just… Just picture a girl… A cute girl. For whatever reason the first girl that comes to mind is Selena’s daughter, it’s strange because I’ve never really thought of her in that kind of way. Her name is Gabbie, her hair and face are very similar to her mother’s, and like her mother she is extremely tall. she stands at about 6’7 with a thin and extremely athletic build, she’s like a track and field prodigy or something. Her hair goes down to her ass nowadays and she wears large gauges that look really good on her. I don’t know why my brain goes to her though, we were best friends until high school, but only friends. Then she got popular and I… Didn’t…

I lean down with my eyes still closed and imagine Gabbie, I imagine a scenario where we have would have to kiss, like a drinking game at a party or something. Neither of us really wants to but… We have to right? It’s the rules of the game after all. We lean towards each other as everybody watches us with baited breath.


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