Sorry for the short chapter the next one will be longer. i hope Y/your still are enjoying the build up.
Waking early with excitement Adeen quickly showers and pulls her long unruly curls into a tight ponytail and gets into a pair of spandex shorts and matching workout bra. She looks in the mirror and smiles as her large breasts are finally contained. Capture like that it makes her waist look smaller and her hips so much wider.
She heads downstairs to the kitchen and Rosa already has her breakfast on the table. Looking at the empty seat and grows a bit, as He already has eaten and left for work. She sits and eats her oatmeal and toast in silence as Rosa flutters around the kitchen.
Her mind starts to wonder about just what He does and where He works and the biggest question, His name. She glaces at Rosa thinking she could ask, but would it get her into trouble or does Rosa even know His name? She shakes her head and tells herself He will tell her His name if and when He likes and that is that.
She turns her head hearing the doorbell ring. Jumping up from the table and rushes out to the front door. She pulls the large door open and a perky little blonde is standing there. Adeen looks her over, she is in incredible shape, toned and not afraid to show it off in her little workout shorts and matching sports top. Her eyes widen a little seeing a little thin black choker around her slender neck, thinking she must be an Owned submissive as well.
The women extends her hand, “You must be Adeen, I’m Grace the fitness trainer.”
Adeen takes her hand and shakes it lightly and blushes softly, never having worked out a day in her life. She steps back letting her in.
“Nice to meet you Grace, Please come in. I didn’t think I needed any work but apparently He does.” Adeen giggles softly.
They head into the large living room and she starts teaching her how to stretch andNumerous other strengthening exercise along with some aerobics. The hour passed pretty quickly and they were having a great time getting to know each other. She was almost sad to see her go but brightened up when she told her that she would be back three times a week.
After showing for the second time today, she picks out a nice pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She sights looking in the mirror and hopes that her Master will soon take her to get some bras, looking over her hard nipples poking out in the shirt.
The doorbell rings and she rushes down stairs to answer it. Pulling the door open she sees a beautiful older women in casual jeans, white t-shirt with a black blazer and a nice pair of heels. Her dark brown hair pulled up into a pony tail and make up done beautifully to pull all her gorgeous features out.
“Hello, you must be Adeen. My name is Miss Cruise.” She holds her hand out.
Adeen takes her hand and shakes it softly and pulls the door back for her to come in. They head into the large dining room and Miss Cruize set her briefcase on the table and opens it. Adeen sits quietly not really knowing what to say as she watches her.
“Well let’s get to know each other a little first.” Miss Cruize says with a soft smile.
They sit for a few hours just talking. Adeen tells her all about her love of books and learning new things and that she was Actually pretty disappointed when she wasn’t allowed to finish high school, since she was a straight A student.
Miss Cruize explained to Adeen that over the next year she would be getting a top notch education and if she wanted to she could even take some University courses as well. Adeen was delighted but saddened when their four hours had passed so quickly.
After Miss Cruize had left she looked at the clock and it was still going to be an hour before Master returned. She started to wander around the house finding a few things that He had left out. There was a small power room offthe Great room and so many closets.
She walked out through the kitchen to a backdoor and stepped out into the beautiful backyard. It was well landscaped with lushes trees and shrubs, and flower beds everywhere. Off to the back corner was a beautiful waterfall with a large coy pond. She walks back in the house and Rosa smiles at her.
“Beautiful property isn’t it Miss.” Rosa says with a smile While she is starting to prepare supper.
“Yes it is.” Adeen says softly, then take a seat on a bar stool on the other side of the counter to watch Rosa cooking. She never learned how to cook which she thought was a little strange.
Her and Rosa chat and finally get to know each other. Rosa had worked for Master for 15 years and had no children or even married. She also lived at the house as well, she had Her own apartment over the large garage. They laughed and talked while Rosa kept busy finishing preparing the food until hearing a clearing throat in the kitchen doorway.
Adeen looks and smiles seeing her Master standing there with a sexy smile. He was dressed in a very dark blue suit and looked like so business like it made her blush a little. He walks over and leans down giving Adeen a soft kiss on the cheek.
“So did you have a good day Adeen?” He asks softly before walking to sit at the table, while Rosa starts to set it.
“Oh yes Sir, I did.” She stands up and following Him and sitting in her place beside Him at the table. They sit and actually talk during supplier. She tells Him all about her day, she really liked Grace and Miss Cruise.
“Well I’m glad you liked Grace, she is an Owned submissive as well. She belongs to a good friend of Mine. You will be meeting Him at some point.” He smiles at her, His cock twitching in His pants. He pushes His plate away and stands up holding out His hand to her.
She stands up and take His hand and there is that electricity once again, straight between her legs. He leads her to the Den, befor they even get in the door He pulls her into His strong embrace, kissing her deeply. She mewls softly into His mouth as her body is pressed hard against His.
Still in the embrace He walks her into the room and shuts the door behind Him. Finally pulling His mouth from hers, she pants softly having been once again swept away with His delicious kiss.
He looks down into her eyes, “Strip.” He orders softly against her lips. He lets go of her and walks to His chair, sitting down putting His finger to His temple and leaning His elbow on the arm to watching her.
She bites her lip, that throbbing between her legs starts to deepen. She crosses her arms in front of her gripping the bottom of her short t-shirt and slowly pulls it up over her head and drops it to the floor. Her nipples harden even More from the cool air in the room. Slowly she starts to unbutton her hip hugging jeans.
“Turn around and bend at your wait while your pulling them down.” He says softly, His tongue slowly runs over His lower lip and His cock pressing hard against the front of suit pants.
“Yes Sir.” She blushes softly and slowly turn around. Her hips wiggle softly as she slowly tugs them down from her hips. Her long curls fall forward around her face as she bends over. She lets out a soft little mewl as her now damp thong slips up more between her soft white globes.
He tilts His head with a smile seeing a little wet spot on her thong. “Stay just like that.” He gets up from His chair and stands at her side. She takes in a soft gasp as His fingers touch her ass cheek and slide down between them. His fingers softly pressing against the wet fabric.
“Well that’s nice to see. I haven’t even touch you until now and you are already dripping.” He chuckles softly running His hand back and over her nice round cheese, pulling back His hand and watching her as He brings it down on her smooth flesh with a loud smoke.
Her body flinches forward with a soft yelp as her skin tingles and reddens. His hand softly rubbing the now deep pink hand print.
“You like getting spanked, don’t you Adeen?” He asks even though He already knows her answer.
“Yes Sir, I do very much.” She softly pants out. Her body now trembling a little bit, that deep tingling between her legs starting to ache but she holds her body bent over and her hands on her knees.
His bulge now full and pushing His pants out even more. He slides His fingers under her thong and down between her cheeks pulling it aside. He lets out a soft growl seeing her smooth bare pussy glistening with juices. She moans out softly as His finger slides up between her tight wet petals.
He leans over letting out a hot breath, smiling wickedly watching her muscles clnch. Her hips start to squirm a little. His hand reaches up and lands another smack to her other cheese, making her softly yelp out again. “Be still.” He sternly barks at her.
She instantly freezes her body. Her need growing deeper with each slip of His finger and His hot breath, and her breath softly picking up speed. He smiles as she obey His order yet still feels her body trembling a little while He keep exploring her smooth wetness*
His cock raging and wanting to slide between those wonderfully tight folds. He shakes His head, pushing the thought to the back of His mind know she is not ready for that yet. He slowly crouches behind her, not able to resit her arousing scent. He slowly slides His tongue out and slowly licks up her pussy. He growls deeply, the taste of her making His cock throb almost painfully.
She grips her knees hard trying to be still from His hot tongue, His strong fingers gripping her ass cheeks and kneeing them as He feasts slowly on her deliciously tight pussy. Her panting and gasps start to fill the air, the tingling pleasure rushing over her with each lick of His hot tongue. Her muscles concrete tightly, a climax building just as fast as the one she had yesterdayy.
His voice making her pussy vibrate. “Do not cum little one, hold it as long as you can.” His tongue flicks over her now swelled clip poking out from under its little hood now.
“Yes Sir.” She gasps deeply and tightens her muscles trying to push back the building burn deep in her core.
His mouth laps more over her dripping, clenching pussy. Soft growls of warning keep her fingers gripping on her trembling knees to keep still. His tongue dipping and pressing into the tight hole. Gripping His fingers tighter on her ass cheeks, massaging them.
Pulling His mouth from her, “Head on the floor and ass up girl.”
She quickly slips to her knees and puts her forehead on the floor, her arms out in front of her. Arching her back, pushing her ass up high, presenting it to Him. He growls deeply and leans down, slowly licking up her pussy and starts feasting once again.
Waves of pleasure rush up through her whole body, panting and gasping fighting with her body toobey. She lets out a deep whimpering moan as two fingers slowly push into her tightly clenched muscles. He curls His fingers and slowly slides them in and out.
“Christ girl you are tight.” He growls deeply. His cock twitching each time her muscles concrete around His large fingers.
His tongue slides up over her tight little pink star, circled it and lightly pressing in, making her moan deeper. He knows by the feel of her pussy she is on edge. He starts thrusting harder in and out, His fingers coated in her slick juices.
Her voice cracks loudly, “Please may I cum, please Sir, please!” She begs deeply knowing she is going to exploit any second from His expert fingers and tongue.
He grinns and decides to test her endurance and obedience a little more. He shakes His head, keeping His fingers pushing in and out of her tightly clenched muscles, “No girl, hold it.” His tongue slides back to her tightly pumped back hole, licking and teasing it.
She lets out a deep hard disappointed groan. Every muscle in her body tightens trying to hold her release. He first Master was really strict about only cuming when He gave permission, so it was not something new to her; However she was quite out of practice. Her fingers twist and grab at the soft rug in front of her, gasping and moaning trying to focus, but His tongue and fingers were pushing her closer and closer to that wonderful fall into ecstasy.
His hand lets go of one of her ass cheeks and makes quick work of His dress pants, tugging them open and pulling out His raging hard cock. Gripping it tightly and struggling His fingers up and down it.
She keeps panting deep and hard, her hips now starting to twist and move. He quickly pulls His mouth and fingers back from her, and smiles as she lets out a deep groan from her pussy falling empty of His fingers. He slowly stands up keeping His hand stroking up and down His rigid cock.
His wicked mind now wanting to push her a little more, “Up and open.” He commands with a deep growl.
Still panting deeply she gets up and twists around into her open position, her eyes level with His magnificent cock. The head glistening with pre-cum, He looks down over her trembling body, “I want you to play with yourself and keep your mouth open.” He knows that most girls get embarrassed masturbating in front of someone, and she was no different from the deep blush rushing into her cheeks.
He smiles as He watches her hand tremble and slide between her legs, rubbing over her wet pussy slowly. His hand grips His cock harder and keeps struggling it. Her eyes drop down with embarrassment.
“Eyes up here girl.” He barks at her. His jerking hand pointing His cock towards her open mouth. He growls feeling her hot breath on the tip of His cock.
She quickly looks up into His dark eyes. He watches her body language closely. Her hand starting to pick up speed over her slick folders, knowing she is going to start begging again to cum any moment. His own breath starts to hit with each jerk bringing His own climax closer up the shake.
“You may cum when My first string of cum hits your mouth pet.” He growls deeply, watching her fingers sliding quicker over her sopping wet mound. His hips push forward until the head of His cock is just barely touching her lower lip. He lets out a deep guttural groan as He squeezes around the head letting the first long thick string shoot from the tip into her waiting open mouth.
She cries out with a deep squeal, her hips twisting a little as her climax rushes through her whole trembling body. Her tongue pushing back and holding each hot sticky load filling her mouth.
He smiles down into her glazed over emerald eyes, lightly tapping the tip of His slowly softening cock on her lower lip, “Mmm, good girl.” He watches with a bit of amusement and pride that she starts to swirl His cum in her mouth while tucking His cock back into pants and doing them up. “You may swallow girl.”
She quickly swallows and slides her tongue out around her lips, making sure she got it all, her breathing slowing back to normal.
He walks back and sits back into His chair, laying His ankle over top of His other knee, “Bring Me those fingers girl.” He smiles watching her trembling hand pulling up from her soaked pussy.
She keeps her mouth open and scotches on her knees closer to Him and holding up her wet fingers, offering them to Him. He leans down and sucks them into His hot mouth and lets out a deep growl at the salty sweetness of her cum.
“Delicious girl.” He points to the floor at the side of His leg and she quickly slips over to the spot and lays her head on the arm of His chair. They sit and chat for the rest of the evening.
The more they talk the more He comes to realize just how smart she really is and it keeps tugging on His emotions.
The rest of the week seems to fall into a routine, of working out, studying, cuming and drinkingHis seed, which she is happy for. But she can’t understand why He had not fucked her yet.
Her lustful needs start to grow stronger everyday and she finds herself wanting to play with herself when He is not home, something she knows is wrong without His permission. Her orgasms are also grow harder each time He allows her.
She can not wait for the weekend when she will be with Him everyday all day. Just His company is something else she finds herself craving as well as His cock.
Chapter 5 in the works.
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