The Fifth Ch. 03

This is the 3rd part of a 12 part story of a Lady and her stable of slaves

3. Man Maid To Serve.

Deanna made her way down the stairs to the first floor. The second floor of her small manor house consistent of six rooms, her master bedroom with its large bath and powder room and large walk in closet, an office and computer room where she did her writing and other work, an exercise room and small gym where she regularly worked out, with another adjoining bath and shower, a never yet used guest room, a stand alone bath room, and finally quarters for Edward so he could be close by should his Lady have any personal needs that required him at night. The other slave quarters consistent of a number of rooms at the back of the house on the first floor, and a loft above the garage.

The larger Main floor was composed of a sitting room, a separate living room, a state of the art multimedia room, a formal dining room where the Lady always took her meals, and a large eat-in kitchen where the meals were prepared, and the slaves were fed, and a number of rooms used as slave quarters in the back near the laundry room.

Deanna walked through to a door leading to the basement. Not waiting for Edward, still two steps behind, to rush forward to open it for her as she would most other times, she opened it herself and continued down the stairs there to the large well lit room below. It was not a particularly well stocked dungeon, that not being one of her own specific interests, but it did have several implementations and equipment that certainly indicated its use as a lifestyle oriented playroom. At the bottom of the steps Michael, who had been sitting in a chair several strides further on, jumped up and bowed.

“My Lady.” he greeted.

“Is he well?” she inquired in reply.

“Yes, My Lady.”

Deanna turned her attention to the figure facing her in the middle of the room. Thomas had been the third slave she had acquired, about a year afterr Michael, and a year and a half after she had purchased and moved into the manor. Extremely well muscled and athletically built he was in his early thirties. The determination to seek a third slave had been born from the fact that while Edward was responsible for all of the household duties, there was a continuous amount of outdoor labor that needed to be kept up. Given his age and his full slate of other chores, and that Michael was almost always away during the day managing her professional career, she had to hire a landscaping company to come several times a week to maintain the upkeep of her outside property. She was never pleased with this arrangement, not least because of the inherent loss of privacy and the possible exposure of her lifestyle, which was especially concerning given her recently acquired celebration. After a number of long discussions with Edward about this she directed him to investigate the possibility of recruiting another slave to care for the grounds.

This proved to be much easier that she would have thought. With her permission, Edward had actively continued his blog. While meticulously masking all identities and location, he had broadly outlined in it the course that his life in submission, now slavery, had taken. As might have been anticipated this greatly increased the interest and popularity of his blog. So when he put out an inquiry about his Lady’s need for a live-in slave groundskeeper he received a brisk response.

Most of these he could sense and see were from fantasy seekers who would have no strong or lasting commitment to the role. A few however attracted his attention, and with his Lady’s consent he arranged for individual meetings and initial interviews with three of them in another city. The first one not show up, and he found the second to be clearly unsuitable for a number of reasons. But the third one, Thomas, appeared very promising. He had owned his own landscaping company which in the falsering economy had financially failed. He was getting by at that point by hiring out for a wide variety of handyman jobs. He had no firm ties to employment, locality, and no neary relatives. Even more important, Edward perceived the inner seriousness that Thomas was investing in trying to gain the position. He was intrigued enough that he recommended to his Lady that she meet with him as well, which she did soon after in a hotel room in the same city, using her own special interview techniques and requirements. She also was impressed with him, and agreed to take him on a trial basis. This worked out so well that it wasn’t long before Lady D had a full time landscaper and handyman, and her third personal slave.

Beyond their overarching primary desire to serve and please her, each of the slaves had their own particular specific kink that she not only enjoyed exploring with them, but even more importantly, she explored as a means to bind them even more closely to her. With Edward, of course, it was to be her service slave, responsible for all her daily necessities. For Michael it was his deep need for humiliation, although some paradoxically he needed it to be administrator from someone he truly believed cared for him. For Thomas it simply turned out to be a desire for bondage … extreme bondage.

Deanna regards the man facing her from the center of the room. Except for a leather hood covering his entire head, with openings only for his nose and mouth, Thomas was entirely naked. His arms were stretched out above him, bound at the wrists with leather restraints and two cables connected from them to a pulley and winch. He was pulled up so that only the balls of his feet and toes were touching the ground. Hanging fully in this position his heels could come no closer that an inch above the floor. Also connected to the ceiling were two Steel wires that were tautly attached to his breasts by rubber tipped nipple clamps. Down below a cord was tightly wrapped around his testicles and tied firmly to a ring on the floor. When he hung down freely his arms would be stretched to their limit and his breasts and nipples would be pulled painfully upward. To relieve this stress on his arms and breasts he could push himself up further on his toes, but that would also stretch his bound scrotum further downward. When his aching calves, toes, and balls could take no more he would ease himself down, Once again putting the strain on his arms and tits.

Lady D had personally placed him in this apparatus the prior evening, just before she had retired to her bedroom for her more pleasant activities. Thomas had spent his entire night altering with his own actions the agoy above with the age below. Concerned with his safety whenever he was so bound, Deanna always insisted that he be constantly attended during Those times, and Edward arranged for one of the other three slaves to always be there with him, to release him should he utter his safe word, or if they felt he was ever in any danger or trouble. Lady D imaginedly constrained him in similar types of confinement roughly twice a month and this night Michael had been assigned the second shift of guardianship.

Deanna watched as he struggled to remain up on his toes, his genitals stretched painfully below. After less than a minute he sagged down, his arms hung to their limit and his breasts pulled and pumped upward. Earlier in his ordeal this night Thomas had been able to last four to five minutes in either position, but as the night wore on the intervals became less and less until he could barely last a minute in each. Lady D was not a sadist. She did not enjoy inflicting or even observing pain for pain’s sake. But she was more than willing to explore it, at least to an extent, with those in her world whose psyches required it. There were limits though beyond which she believed none of them should ever go.

She finally approached him and first removed the clamps from his breasts. This produced its own sting of torment as blood rushed back into his tortured nipples. She then relaxed the pulley enough that he could now bear his weight fully on his feet. After untying the cord around his ball sac she straightened up and unbound his wrists, his arms falling leaderly to his sides as she then unzippered and removed the leather hood from his head. Throughoutly spent, a sheen of sweat covering his entire body and his hair plastered to his scalp, he almost instantly fell to the ground on all fours before her.

“Thank you, My Lady.” he hoarsely uttered out.

Deanna was never sure in these circumstances whether he was thanking her for releasing him, or for placing him in the bondage in the first place. Most likely some of both she usually concluded.

“Go and get some sleep Thomas.” she said. “You are relieved of any outdoor chores today. But rest well because tonight I will require your service as a chauffeur driving me into the city for an outing.”

“Yes, My Lady. As you wish, My Lady.”

Without another word Deanna turned and retraced her steps up and out of the basement. It was time for breakfast.

Upon her entering the dining room Edward rushed around from behind to pull her chair out for her to sit. Her table setting was already laid out and moments after she was settled another slave, wearing a full length apron, came Through from the kitchen carrying a tray of freshly squeezed orange juice, a cup of hot coffee with cream, and a freshly baked bran and raison muffin, toasted and buttered as she liked it.

“Good morning Abel.” she said pleasantly.

He bobbed his head. “Good morning, My Lady. Your Eggs Benedict will be out in a minute.”

“Excellent. I look forward to it.”

The most recent addition to her stable, less than a year prior, Abel was the younger and also the shyest and least self assured of her slaves. In his mid twentyties, he had shoulder length blond hair, now wrapped under a baker’s cap, and a slim physics. The impetus to acquire him came because after four years, despite his many other attributes and his most sincere efforts, Edward was still at best a mediocre cook, and Michael and Thomas in their few attempts were even worse. Deanna was also finding that although he never gave her any cause for dissatisfaction, the managing of all of her other in-house chores as well was perhaps becoming too onerous, Especially as she had become more and more desirious of his personal attendance duties. So about a year after Thomas had been acquired she broke to Edward that he search and recruit another possible member for the manor, to help handle the cooking and house cleaning responsibilities.

As Edward had continued to regularly blog about their experiences living as such in the manor, particularly after the addition of Thomas he had have been inundated with personal inquiries and requests from all sorts of submissives begging to be brought into the Lady’s service. Most of these he could again readily see were from fantasists who would never truly be serious about their pleasures. For these he would politely decline once via email and then further ignore.

There were a few however with whom he maintained a degree of private correspondence, as he sensed in them a serious searching to find and better define their own orientations. One now in particular came to mind given his Lady’s ‘request’. It was a young man who had recently graduated from a prestigious culinary institute and was currently pursuing advancement in his career working as a su-chef in a well considered restaurant. But the young man was also having a great deal of difficulty in his private life coming to terms with his strongly submissive nature, most especially in expressing his own specific manifestation of it. Edward had had a number of private post conversations with him About this, and truly wanted to help the young man sort through his issues. But for these very reasons he was extremly unsure whether having him potentially enter his Lady’s service would be a good situation for any of them. When he brought these concerns to her, she suggested that he be brought in for an ‘interview’ after which SHE would better judge his suitability.

So despite his qualms Edward had no choice but to contact the young man, Abel, and arrangement for him to come to the manor for this evaluation. He had made it clear to him what all this would entail, and what was to be expected, and with an obvious degree of anxiety anticipation and nervous desire Abel pleaded to be afforded this opportunity.

Thus one early Saturday morning soon after, Edward and Thomas drive two hours to the city where Abel resided to bring him back for his trial run. As per Lady D’s instructions Abel was to be blindfolded for the trip back. This was not only so he would have no knowledge of where he had been should he prove unsatisfactory, but she also felt that it was important, even at the very beginning, that he understand and realize that he had no rights, even of sight, without her leave.

Once the journey began Abel was also forbidden to speak. Edward still had significant reservations about how the young man would handle everything, especially if he was chosen by the Lady, particularly in light of his self acknowledged struggles dealing with the most intimate aspects of his orientation. Even so, Edward Was impressed with the courage he had demonstrated so far, despite his clear tension and uncertainty. Being blindfolded and struck dumb, and being taken by strangers to an unknown location where his innermost and to this point unsettled self would be fully exposed, had to be terrifying. Yet he was allowing himself to suffer all of this for the merest chance to have his underlying, and to date hidden nature may be brought to light and life. Edward truly hoped and really did believe that his Lady, however she decided, would be kind.

Arriving back at the manor in theearly afternoon Abel, blindfold off and permission to speak again given, was taken immediately to the kitchen where the first part of his ‘audition’ was to take place. He was to prepare dinner for the Lady. As this was to be one of his major ongoing duties, if it proved unacceptable there would be no need to proceed further.

He had been apprised beforehand that this would be the first step in his evaluation and that it would be left to him to decide what to prepare, and to bring with him all the appropriate provisions to do so. He had packed two full coolers of foodstuffs and other dinner needs to be brought with him and he now set about preparing his fateful repast. He planned to offer up a roasted duck garnished with a cherry and brandy glaze. Using the duck’s liver, along with several others he had purchased separately, he made a duck liver pate to be served as a appealer, to be followed by a wild mushroom and truffle soup. This was to be accompanied by a baby Romaine and endive salad with chopped walnuts, cranberries and crumbled blue cheese. The duck would then be presented with a julienne of fresh vegetables. And for dessert he had created a fresh chocolate raspberry mousese. With each course he had purchased and brought a specifically selected wine, including a special one with dessert. All of this had cost him almost a week’s wages, but in his heart, when placed against what he hoped to gain, he considered it as even less than a pittance.

Dispite his toil throughout the afternoon, when the time for dinner came he was not allowed to present it personally to the Lady. Edward performed this task, taking each course in and serving it to her when she was ready. Abel paced back and forth in the kitchen, on pins and needs the entire time, having never yet set eyes upon the Lady, wondering frantically how she was judging his efforts. Finally, after coffee and a cordial followed the dessert, Edward re-entered the kitchen and informed him that the Lady had been pleased, and that he should now prepare for his ‘formal interview’.

Having previously been advised by Edward about how this would proceed Abel was led to the sitting room where he was instructed to remove all of his clothes and then to knee naked in the center of the room in front of the overstuffed leather sofa, forehead to the floor with his arms stretched out in front of him, palms up. In this position he waited for close to thirty minutes before he heard soft steps enter the room, pause for a few brief moments beside him, as if he was being inspected, before a few more steps then someone setting into the sofa. A good minute more of silence before …

“You may knee up, Abel.” the Lady spoke.

Abel raised his head and upper body up and gazed, mesmerized, for the first time at the Lady.

She smiled.

“That was a delicious dinner you made for me, Abel.”

“Thank you … My Lady.” he stammered out.

“That is a talent we may have to cultivate.”

His heart pounded. “Anything you wish, My Lady”

Her smile grew more pointed, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

“What is it that YOU wish for here, Abel?”

He took a second to try to best formulate his answer.

“I want to cook and clean for you, My Lady.” he offered hopefully.

“Those would indeed be your primary duties.” she concurred. “But what is it that you would dream of while doing them for me.”

This was the crux. Edward had made her intimately aware of the struggles and difficulties that Abel was having in coming to terms with expressing his inner being. But she absolutely had to have him begin the process of baring his soul as naked to her as his body was now, or he truly wouldn’t be worth possessing.

Face blushing, and breathing hard, Abel fight to overcome his shame, and the derisive rejection he was sure to come. But she had asked and he knew he had to answer or whatever very slim hopes that he had would all be for naught.

“I would like nothing more, My Lady,” he panted out hoarsely. “than to serve you however you wish … as a man …” his voice lowered even more,

” … and as a woman.”

He hung his head awaiting her scorn.

“What an interesting proposition.” she responded after several moments. “You seem to be offering me two for the ‘price’ of one. Is that what you would like me to take?”

He took a deeper breath, both terror and thrill cursing through his body.

“Please … do” he whispered out.

“Than I shall.” she answered brightly. “This is the one choice you will be allowed. When you cook for me, and the household, it will be as Abel. For all your other domestic duties it will be as a woman … Anabelle … I think we’ll make that Belle for short.” She paused expectedly. “And make no mistake, you WILL be female during those times and treated by all as such, not just dressed like one.” Her eyes bored into him. “Is this your desire?”

His entire body was flushed with the emotions roiling through him, but Deanna couldn’t help but note that the part of him that marked him first and foremost as a male, up to this point flaccid with fear, was now rising firmly up in response. He swallowed hard.

“Yes, My Lady.” he declared in no uncertain terms.

“Very well then, I accept. Edward,” who had been standing silently in the back of the room throughout, “will Take you out and get you settled and help you with whatever arrangements you need to make to terminate your outside affairs and move in here to begin your new life. All instructions and any questions you may have will be addressed through him.”

She scrutinized him closely one last time before dismissal as he appeared to grapple mightily with the enormity of what all had just translated.

“You may go.” she finally said satisfied and delighted that, as Edward gathered him up to take him away, she had just proved a fourth member for her stable.


And LadyD did enjoy and use both aspects of her new slave. Abel had proved to be as exceptional a chef as his initial meal had suggested. And Belle, though tenative, awkward, and very self-conscious at first, grow more comfortable and confident as time went on. This was likely due in no small part to the fact that everyone in the manor regarded and interacted with her solely as who and what she was, a scullery maid. Deanna had brought her along slowly, demanding at first only that she be Belle in every way, before eventually beginning to stretch her boundaries. This night would be a major step in that direction.


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