Mary unfortunately moved in her tight seat. She hated flying, and the turbulence during the final approach made her extremely nervous. It had been a long and exhausting flight, but she was excited to finally visit her best friend, who had moved to a small island-state off the coast of Portugal. As the plane finally touched down, she quietly showed in relief.
She listened to the calm voice of the pilot making an announcement While observing the other airplanes on the ground through her window. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the independent Republic of Madeira. It’s a beautiful afternoon with temperatures at 26 degrees Celsius. Thank you for choosing American Airlines. In accordance with new Madeira law, we kindly request you to collar and leash any men that accompany you before exiting the plane.”
Mary looked around in confusion. What kind of rule was that? Completely bewildered, she watched the other female passengers calmly placing collars around the men sitting nextto them. Too tired to investigate further, Mary just grabbed her bag and exited the plane. Her legs felt weak from sitting for so long. When she finally made her way to the passport control, she saw a long queue of women standing in line with leashed men on all fours beside them. She wondered why nobody else seemed to find this weird.
After finally passing through the gate, Mary headed straight for the restroom. Since she was too anxious to use the toilets on the plane, she had to hold it in for the entire 8-hour flight from New York.
When entering the restroom, she got a glimpse of herself in the mirror and was shocked at how tired her face looked and how messy her wavy blonde hair had become. She decided to take off her glasses, wash her face, and set her hair properly first. Once she was satisfied, she quickly rushed into one of the toilet stalls. Eager to finally save herself, she hastily locked the door, pulled down her pants, and sat down. Right when she was aboutto touch the toilet seat, she felt something warm and strange touching her crotch. When she turned around, she screamed in shock.
There was a man’s face in the toilet bowl. His body was lying on the floor facing away from her, and his head was locked below a contraction that served as a toilet seat. With empty eyes and his mouth wide open, he just starred at her like a ghost in a horror movie. Completely in panic, Mary pulled up her pants and rushed out of the stall, her heart pounding restlessly.
“What is wrong with this airport?” Mary thought to herself with a mix of anxiety and frustration. “I need to get out of here.”
With tunnel vision, she made a beeline for the baggage claim, grabbed her luggage, and went straight to the exit to get a taxi. To her surprise, there were no cars or buses to be found anywhere. All she could see were old-fashioned rickshaws carried by naked men. As she helped stood in the middle of the street, unsure of what to do, a local woman approached her. The beautiful tanned lady with dark curly hair was dressed in a very formal-looking blue office suit.
“Whe do you wanna go?” she asked Mary in a milk Portuguese accent.
Relieved to finally get some help but still nervous, Mary fumbled around with her phone to show her the address of her best friend’s house.
“Okay, 5 Dollars, wait here,” the woman said with an accommodating smile. After taking the money from Mary, she headed off to hopefully search for an available taxi.
The weather at Madeira was beautiful, but very hot. There were no clouds in the sky at all. Taking a deep breath in the humid air and watching the palm trees gently sweep in the wind started to finally set Mary into more of a holiday mood.
A few moments later, the woman returned with a naked man at Her side. He had a harness around his face with reins attached. After ordering the man to croouch down next to Mary, she grabbed the reins and offered them to Mary.
“Here,hold this,” she casually told Mary as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
Confused but too exhausted to ask any questions, Mary hesitantly held on to the reins attached to the man’s harness. The leather was lodged between his teeth, so he couldn’t really close his mouth and salivated uncontrollably. Mary could feel every movement of his head through the reins.
“Now sit on his shoulders.” The woman told Mary in her charming accent.
“Wait. What? I cannot. I don’t know how to…” Mary stammered nervously as the woman calmly placed Mary’s luggage into the man’s hands.
“Faster, please!” The woman said in a polite but firm tone. “I have other customers waiting.”
After a moment of hesitation, Mary gave in to the pressure and carefully sat down onto the man’s shoulders. His thin neck felt strange and unstable between her legs. Without warning, the man began to rise into an upright position, almost throwing Mary off. Holding on tight to the reins, she derarely tried not to fall down. The man grunted in disappoint as Mary had to pull on the reins with all her might to stay balanced on his shoulders. She could now feel the back of his head gently pressing against her lower abdomen.
“There is no way he can carry me and the heavy begs all the way to her house,” Mary thought to herself before being interrupted by the woman’s voice yelling “Go!”
The man Began to move forward. Slowly at first but then picking up speed rather quickly. He carried Mary from the airport along the main road into the city. She could feel his shoulders moving with every step. It was almost like riding a horse. Mary couldn’t see any cars. The only vehicles on the road were these primitive rickshaws with groups of women being pulled by naked men. This was the strange country she had ever seen. As the man she sat on navigated left and right to avoid traffic, Mary had no choice but to grip the reins tightly to remain balanced. She felt guilty for making him struggle even more. Luckily she was fairly light compared to some of the heavier women he saw getting carried by other men.
Breathing more heavily after a while, the man turned left onto a smaller road leading to a distant village. The scene was beautiful. The lush forests, clean roads, and cute little Mediterranean houses with some small shops in between created a very pleasant atmosphere. The warm wind blowing into her face as she was carried along the road felt refreshing and calming. Unfortunately, her urgent need for a restroom made it impossible for her to truly enjoy it fully. All she could do was hope that she would reach her friend’s house soon.
The man’s stamina seemed to run out. Mary could hear him panting between her legs. She could also feel his shoulders trembling under her thighs. Feeling sorry for him, she wished that’s he could dismount and walk, but she was too tired, and the bags were way too heavy for a delicious woman like her.
“I will never complain about my job again,” Mary quietly thought to herself.
After a few more minutes of heavy breathing and slow progress, the man finally came to a stop next to one of the houses in the tiny village. Mary quickly checked the address on her phone and was relieved to see that it was indeed her best friend’s house. The man croouched down again to allow Mary to comfortably get off. Mary wondered how he would get back to the airport now to serve the next customer.
“Mary!” an excited voice interrupted her thoughts. “It’s so nice to see you again!” Her best friend Alice greeted her enthusiastically from the open door of the small but cozy-looking white house.
She looked a bit different, Mary noticed. Her previously long dark hair was now dyed a purplish-red, and she also seemed to have gained some weight. Her face was a bit rounder than before. She still looked pretty as always, just more… comfortable.
“Come here and get the bags!” Alice yelled back into the house.
“How was your trip? You must be tired.” She asked Mary while a man came to pick up her bags and carry them into the house. To Mary’s relief, he was fully dressed.
After some small talk among old friends, Alice led Mary to the room she will be staying in for the week. It was a very comfortable small room with a large window facing the cute little road that connected all the houses in the village. The silence and fresh air were such a welcome change from the stressful life in New York. When sitting down on the soft bed, Mary could feel all the stress from the flight and commute leaving her body. She finally arrived, and her vacation had officially started. The only thing that bothered her was that Alice hadn’t mentioned anything about the strange airport and didn’t seem surprised to see the naked man that carried her here.
The most urgent thing now was for her to get to the bathroom. Mary felt like she was about to burst as she rushed to the little bathroom next toher bedroom. After closing the door behind her, she cautiously approached the toilet and slowly opened the lid.
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