The FemDom Society

This is another in the chronicles of sclamh (Irish for slave). Sclabh is a 24 year old female police officer leading an off duty life as a submissive of Ms Brigit O’Toole.

I knelt at Ms Brigit’s feet, my usual position, knees spread and hands interlocked behind my neck. In this position my cunt and tits were always available to my Domme. Ms. Brigit, speak in a conversational tone to me.

“Tomorrow we’ll be going to the FemDomme Society meeting. This is a business meeting of about a dozen or so members, some will bring their submissives, some will not. I will be bringing you.”

Ms Brigit O’Toole went on to explain that the submissives attending would serve food and drink to the Dommes, but otherwise be seen and not heard.

Ms Brigit and I left the next morning for the 90-minute drive, arrive shortly before 11:00. I had been instructed that I would be in the service of every Domme there and that any instructions received should be considered as coming from Ms Brigit. The main floor was for the Dommes to gather and meet, the submissives were to stay in the basement unless working or otherwise ordered.

As we pulled into the driveway of a modern home of average size, Ms Brigit explained the protocol further.

“You will knock and step back, holding the door open if necessary. Once I am invited in, you will ask permission to enter. Treat everyone and anyone as your superior.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Once inside, remove all clothing, you will remain naked and your body will be available at all times.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Mistress Jeannie will assign you your tasks.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

I opened the screen door and Ms Brigit gave a slight knock and the door immediately opened. A well-dressed, good-looking man in his fifties greeted Ms Brigit.

“Good morning Ma’am, please come in, Mistress Jeannie welcomes you to Her home.”

Ms Brigit gave a curt nod and walked in, Her body looked magnificent in a pencil skirtand matching vest of soft black leather that highlighted Her red hair and green eyes. The vest highlighted Her cleavage and weak freckles. Killer heels brought Her 5’9″ frame to over six feet.

“Good morning Sir, may I come in?”I asked the gentleman at the door.


“Thank-you Sir.”

As I stepped in I noticed he wore a thin black collar of seemingly high quality. I quickly removed my clothes, folding them neatly by the door.

“Mistress Jeannie will direct you, She’s in the kitchen”

“Thank-you Sir”, I said to the door slave remembering what Ms Brigit had instructed.

Walking into the kitchen I realized that I seemed to be the only naked female in the house. I caught up to Ms Brigit as She chatted with Another Domme. Once at Her side I assumed my kneeing position.

“Oh, she’s darling”, said the Domme I would soon learn was the Lady of the house. Mistress Jeannie was speaking about me as though I was for sale at the local pet store; whoch I guess I was.

“Why thank-you Jeannie, she’s yours to direct, I call her my little sclabh.”

“Stay”, was all Ms Brigit said as She left the room to mingle.

Mistress Jeannie looked me over as I held my position, knees apart; hands behind my neck. She stroked my hair as I fixed my eyes on the floor. She then began to lightly fondle my tits.

“You’ll serve the refreshments, so stay in the kitchen and pay attention.”

“Yes Ma’am”.

The house began to fill-up with Dommes and their submissives. There were nine male submissives including the door slave and four females. I began to feel more venerable by the minute as I realized I was the only naked submissive in the house. The Dommes ranged in age from young to older; some in fetish wear and some not. Ms Brigit was far and away the most beautiful person in the house even without my bias.

The meeting wore on as I served coffee, soda and such stopping every so often while a Domme casually tweaked my nipple or swatted my ass playfully. I caught a look from Ms Brigit and was rewarded by a slight smile. The conversation drifted from subject to subject as the meeting wound down. The door slave, I learned was Mistress Jeannie’s husband/slave and he served as coordinate of the event; making sure all the Dommes were properly served and the house remained spotless. All the submissives rotated through the kitchen and various jobs but me; I continued to be the server.

Mistress Jeannie called Her slave into the living room and announced the meeting would be adjourned shortly.

“Dear, you have supervised and served the meeting well”, said Mistress Jeannie, “Should my slave be rewarded for his efforts?”

All the Dommes gave a lucky thumbs up for the reward.

Ms. Brigit looked at me and simply said, “Blow him.”

Mistress Jeannie pointed at Her slave and said, “strip.”

I was shocked; no stranger to sucking and fucking, I hadn’t blown a guy in couple of years, preferring the warm folds pussy to cock, but here I was sinking to my knees in front of a room full of people saying “Yes Ma’am, thank-you Ma’am.”

Mistress Jeannie’s’ slave hurriedly shed his clothes. His semi-erect cock was thin but above average in length. He stood expressionless with his hands behind his back, making me shuffle forward on my knees to get him in my mouth. I was sure he would fuck my mouth hard but he didn’t move. He just stood quietly, legs apart and looking straight ahead; I took him into my mouth. I slowly sucked on the head of his cock, taking just the first inch or so into my mouth. I released him to tongue around the tip of his cock and stick the point of my tongue into his slip. His dick was definitely coming to life; while I began tasting a hint of salt.

I could barely hear the catcalls from the audience as I took as much of the cock as I could swallow. I began to slowly suck the length of the cock, pausing to run my tongue around the head to the delight of both the recipient and onlookers.

A female voice yelled, “The balls…suck his balls.”

Immediately I repositioned myself to slowly suck a testicle into my mouth to the mounting chefs. I released the ball and quickly sucked in his other ball, noting his breathing was quickening, although he continued to remain perfectly still. I went back to his cock and drew him into my mouth making slurping sounds that echoed off the walls.

As the noise level in the room grow so did my speed; I slurped and sucked the cock faster and faster.

“Mistress may it please cum?”came the squeal from above my head.

Mistress Jeannie replied, “Yes, you may cum”, adding, “scrabh, don’t swallow his cum.”

Ms Brigit chimed in, “You heard Her, don’t swallow.”

The slave never moved, just groaned as he came in my mouth. I almost gagged as my mouth filled with his cum and his body twitched in orgasm. I continued to suck as the twitching slowly subsided.

Mistress Jeannie ordered Her slave to the floor and onto his back as I continued to knee with a mouthful of cum. Mistress Jeannie ordered me to deposit his cum into his mouth. I leaned over and dropped the saliva mixed cum into his open mouth.

“Kiss him, make sure he gets it all”, was Ms Brigit’s direction.

I rolled my tongue around his open mouth as he hungrily sucked the cum from my mouth.

A hand reached into my cunt from behind and Mistress Jeannie said, “Brigit, your little slut is sopping wet!”

“Good, I want her horny; I have plans for her when we get home.”

It would be a long, horny ride home!


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