Alice woke up in a dimly lit room that looked something like a monk’s room- or what she imagined one would be. It had no corners, just rounded edges, and the walls were a pale green. She was entirely naked, save a metal collar which was attached by a finely wrong chain to a peg in the centre of the ceiling.
Looking out the window, she saw hills of tall grass and a rising sun. The day was about to begin- She knew the procedure started at sunrise. Am I really since about this? Her mind was beginning to race with doubts and second-guesses, fear. Before Alice could think any further, someone entered the room without knocking: a tall, broad-shouldered man dressed in a well-fitted black t-shirt and black shorts. He wore a harness around his waist and one leg, off of which was dangling some familiar, and some unfamiliar tools.
“Kneel down, whore,” the man said firmly. Alice, casting her doubts aside, kneeeled on the poisoned wood floor as she had been taught; toes together,heels up off the floor, with knees wide enough apart to expose her pussy entirely. She rested her hands behind her back, throw back her shoulders, which thrusted out her pert breasts, and lowered her gaze to her visitor’s lithe black boots. Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself why she and her Master had agreed she would be temporarily audited off. Her Master always seemed to know the desires she had, but was too humiliated to voice, and so, even though Alice had never been used without her Master present, He had instructed her to obey any and all who would command her.
The visitor’s voice brought Alice back to reality; “You will have to be ready for auction in two days, so we have a lot of work to do, whore. Today, my lucky job is to examine every aspect of your little body in every way possible. You will experience a range of pain and pleasure, most of which simply revolutions around how much of a masochistic little slut you are.”
Alice wasn’t sure whether he expectedher to reply or not, so remained still. The man grabbed the chain which drew from her neck to the ceiling, and raised her up by it. She quickly stood, pulled and choking from her metal collar, but he raised his hand so high that only the very tips of her toes could touch the ground, and shook her slightly off-balance. Just when Alice thought she was going to pass out, the man throw her towards the small bed, which she half-bounced off of and landed on the floor. She quickly scrambled back to kneeing, catching her breath. Looking down, she saw that her nipples were extremely erect, her breasts were flushed and heaving, and her shaken cunt was shiny with wetness. The sight of herself only served to heighten her awareness of how pulsing every nerve in her body was, how hot the blood felt in her veins. The man was walking over, slowly. His harnessed leg stopped right in front of her, his foot right between her spread, kneeing legs. He grabbed the back of her head and pushed her face into his tigh, holding her there. With his boot, he spread her inner thighs further open, teasing her with the possibility of grazing her open cunt.
“Are you ready to begin, whore?” His voice floated through her ears as she breathed his scent; leather, soap, crisp wool.
“Yes, sir,” Alice said, voice shaking. He withdraw his boot, stepped back, and ordered her to stand up in the centre of the room. He unclipped her chain, replacing it with a shorter one which he then clipped to his belt.
“Get on all fours, keep up with me,” he said, barely giving her enough time to get down before briskly striding from the room. Alice immediately scuffed both knees being dragged out, and quickly made a Valiant effort to keep pace. As they walked down the hall outside Alice’s room, Alice thought she could hear strange noises coming from the doors on either side of them. Some sounded like moans of pleasure, some like screams of pain. The ones which intrigued Alice the most were the soundsof deep, rough voices. The idea of what lied ahead was so frightening to her, yet as she crawled she could only focus on the feeling of her cunt lips sliding against one another, her breasts dangling towards the ground, swinging with every movement. Her nipples were rock hard and they felt nearly as sensitive as her throbbing clip.
The man holding her lean stopped outside the last door in the hall.
“You’re lucky,” he said. “Your Master said you could handle anything I can throw at you, so we get the best room. And I plan on taking a few non-professional liberties with you.” A jolt of fear ran through Alice, and she began to shake. Her pussy was burning hot between her thighs, the air against it felt searingly cool.
The man ordered Alice into the large room behind him, then told her to kneel while he prepared. She looked around what she could see at floor level; the same wooden floors as the rest of the building, same pale green paint. There was a skylight shining a square of light onto the open centre of the room. Around one side, there were the legs of a type of table- a massage or examination table, of course, Alice thought. Then, the bottom of a St. Andrew’s cross, like the one at her and her Master’s local dungeon. There was also a full wall pegboard on the backmost wall, displaying a variety of paddles, canes, whips; e-stim equipment, knives and play knives; a huge range of dildoes, vibrators, and cock rings; and some instruments which Alice was surprised to note that she did not recognize. Her mind was racing as the man took his ageing time preparing his instruments. A distinct sound of rhythmic slapping was coming from one of the rooms around them; Alice wondered how many other slaves were being examined and prepared for audition.
“Right,” said the man, coming to stand in front of Alice, holding a clipboard. “First, I’ve got to take a thorough look at your whose body. Stand up, get into your attention position.” Alice quickly stood up, spread her legs, throw back her shoulders, and placed her arms behind her head. The cool air rushed onto her throbbing cunt, and she could feel that her wetness had spread all around her inner tighs, and between her buttocks.
The man stepped back, circulation around Alice and making notes. He pulled out a tape measure and began measuring her, as if he were a tailor who was set to make her a dress. When he measured her bust, he also measured how extended her dark pink nipples were- which was very. Alice flushed red at this detail, which only served to make her already hard nipples even more attention.
Continuing to measure her all over, not being shy about spreading her ass or cunt lips, the man began to probe Alice with questions.
“When did you lose your virginity, slut? Tell me the whole story, succinctly.” Alice swallowed, and began; “I was 18, sir. I had been giving my friend’s older brother blowjobs for a few weeks, and one day he said he wanted to fuck me, so wehad sex in the family’s pool shed.” Alice felt extremely embarrassed to admit this, as she didn’t put much stock in the experience now. The man, however, kept probing.
“Did he cum in your cunt? How much older was he? Was anyone around while he fucked you?” He had stopped measuring her now, and was just staring at her, though she kept her eyes downcast, thankfully.
“He came in my cunt sir; he was 21 at the time, three years older than me, and yes, my friends were all in the pool while he fucked me, sir.” Alice’s cunt throbbed as she relayed this detail; that was what had excited her the most at the time, the danger of it all. She laughed inwardly at her current position- still seeking that danger and fear. The man seemed to follow the same line of thought, smiling and saying, “So you’ve always been a whore. How many cocks have been in your holes, bitch?”
Alice was extremely embarrassed not to have an answer ready; she felt as if she had been foolish not to expect thats and try to make an estimate, but she had never kept track of all of the people she’d had sex with, or been used by. “Sir, I don’t know exactly. May I make a guess, please?” Alice mumbled, head down, trying to count in her head. “Make your best guess, you loose little whore,” the man said, with some apparent glee at her response.
Her Master had shared her cunt, ass, and mouth with many of his friends over the past few years- at least 30 or 35 different men, not to mention her previous boyfriends, hookups, and Doms. Alice felt certain that her number was unusually high, and tremulously said, “At least 60, Sir.” The man tutted and wrote the number on his clipboard before setting it down.
“You’re a disgusting little hooker, you know that? You’re going to have to work extra hard to prove that all those loads of cum up your holes haven’t ruined you and made you lazy.”
He guided her over to the exam table she had noticed earlier. It was equipped with arm, wait, and neck cuffs, as well as a set of stirrups with cuffs at the ankles and thighs. Out of the entire ordeal of being examined, audited, and used, this table gave Alice the least appreciation- she had something of a fetish for being spread wide open and helpless to the intrusion of cold probes, pokes and prods, and complete body restrictions. She allowed herself to be fit into the restraints, placed her ankles in the stirrups and felt a surprisingly thrill of nervousness.
Despite her excitement for this portion of the day, an unexpected rush of embarrassment swept through her. She suddenly felt very worried that her shaving job had been negligible, or that she had somehow dirtied herself between her bath last night, and that morning. She was also aware of how wet she was, having already significantly moistened the smooth exam table’s mat under her hips. Alice closed her eyes and began doing deep breathing, trying to slow her pounding heart. She heard the man wheeling something towards thetable- a tool cart, she thought appreciated, but not without some arousal.
“Now, whore- do not move unless I tell you to. You are free to make whatever noise you like, providing you can hear my instructions. You may not cum for this portion of the exam, is that clear? That’s part of how we’ll grade you for sale- your self-control. Understood?” He sat on a wheelie stool and positioned himself at her upper body to look her in the eye.
“Yes, sir.” Alice replied. She felt that she would have a difficult time restraining herself in normal circumstances, and as it was, she had not been allowed to cum for the last 24 hours, despite being horny with anticipation the entire time. But she couldn’t think about that now; returning to her deep breathing, Alice resolved to simply submit to her urge to obey at any cost. It would be a test of will, and a chance to prove herself to her Master, who, she was finding out, seemed to have set a very high bar for her.
The man put on a pair of tight, black latex gloves, turned on an overhead light, and began doing what seemed to Alice to be a routine breast exam. He took two of his large fingers and firmly pressed them all over each of her breasts, rolling and pinching the nipples after that. He moved his fingers to her lymph nodes and pressed them there, too. Alice continued breathing deeply with her eyes abused from his. Submit, submit, she told herself. leaned into his touches mentally, despite being firmly strapped down, completely unable to move even her head or feet.
The man had progressed his probing down her abdomen, pressing deeply into her stomach with both hands. “Ahh-” Alice let a surprised moan escape her as he pressed directly onto her bladder. He only smiled in reply, and if anything, lingered at the area longer than seemed necessary. Alice knew better than to ask to use a washroom, but his touching had reminded her that she had not been able to relieve herself yet that day, and her bladderwas quite full.
The man left her stomach area, thankfully, but a jolt went through Alice’s cunt when he turned to his tool cart and selected a set of nipple clamps and a small cloral suction cup. “I’m going to secure both of these before I start the internal exam, whore,” the man said, aggressively pinching each of her nipples before securing the clamps. He tightened them liberally, sending blood rushing to her nipples and making each heartbeat radiate into a point of throbbing pain and tantalizing pleasure.
Next, he took the suction device and placed its open end over her cliporis, making a seal which also began drawing blood into her already throbbing clip. Alice began to feel something of a sense of destination- she was only just beginning and already she felt she was nearing her limit of experience.
The man was standing back, watching her heaving chest and glistening cunt. “I have some more questions for you, bitch,” he said, looking over his assortment of toolsand selecting a speculum. “What’s the biggest thing you’ve ever had in your holes?” He pumped some lube from his cart into one hand and slapped it onto her cunt, rubbing it into her pussy hole without moving the clip sucker.
“I have had my Master’s 9″, 2″ thick dildo in my mouth and cunt, sir. My ass has taken a plug which was about as thick, but only 6″ Sir.” Alice felt fairly proud of her answer, as her Master had always tried her on her ability to take huge cocks in any of her holes. The man inserted the speculum all the way into her pussy, the first thing she’d had inside her for 24 hours.
Alice moaned loudly without even thinking about it as the man began to open the speculum. It stretched her cunt open wider and wider, making her feel very full, yet very empty at the same time. Her clip continued to throb in its prison. Alice felt a new rush of embarrassment as the man took out a flashlight and began looking into her spread cunt. He made some notes, then opened thedevice even wider- Alice wondered how wide it even went, as her cunt was nearly stretched to the limit. The man was lightly investigating her cunt lips, which were gripping the device taught.
His gloved fingers roamed down to her taint and asshole, rubbing each carefully and firmly. Alice attempted to squirm and found her restraints to be virtually immovable. The man’s index finger paused at her hole, before slowly pushing into her. Alice moaned- his finger bottomed out in her asshole, and she felt her hole constricting and relaxing around him. The speculum spreading her cunt open made even just one finger feel very large inside her; she felt filled to the brim. He turned his finger slowly, as if feeling the inside of her hole, which filled her with a type of embarrassment, fearing that he may find her to be flawed in some way. Apparently finding nothing unusual, he quickly withdraw his finger, leaving her hole feeling rather empty, and distributed of his gloves.
He left her fully spread and stretched, nipples and clip nearing the same shade of purple, while he washed his hands across the room. “What do you most fantasize about when you play with your cunt, slut?” He returned, holding the clipboard, and waited for her answer. But Alice wished she did not have to confess, because her most arousing fansy was also deeply humiliating. “I… often fantasize about being pissed on, sir,” Alice admitted quietly, her face feeling extremely hot. She became very aware of her body, tightly strapped to the table, the cool air whispering over her skin; the clamps squeezing her nipples, her cunt spread wide open by the speculum, and the suction on her clip reminding her of every passing heartbeat. And now, the pressing feeling in her bladder, an uncomfortable sensing which was being heightened by her anxiety and arousal.
The man was recording Alice’s answer on his clipboard. Alice had answered truly despite her shame, because she was hoping whoever boughtt her would want to use her as a urinal as much as she longed to be used as one. The man finished writing quickly, however, and set his board aside, instead reaching for a blindfold and securing it over Alice’s eyes. She heard him walk down to the other end of the table, and felt him begin to shrink the speculum, and withdraw it from her cunt. She felt very empty without it, and then the man also removed the clip success device, making her clip ache with the release.
She didn’t know what was going to happen next, but as she lay there, trying to adjust to the emptiness in her cunt, and the freedom of her half-numb cliporis, the man began securing something to the bottom of the table and asking her questions as he did so.
“Does your Master piss on you, whore?”
“No, sir,” she replied, feeling something smooth and cool press against her clip and stay there.
“When was the last time you were used as a urinal, then, bitch?” He stepped back, or at least, stopped movingthe table. The firm head of what felt like a magic wand still pressed firmly onto Alice’s soaking pussy, angled to cover her clip and hole.
“A few months ago, sir, at an event we attended. Other Doms pissed on me and several other slaves.” Alice’s cunt quivered at the memory, remembering how depraved she had felt, the hot piss dripping down her body and onto her cunt. Her Master was happy to let others use Alice as a piss reception, but he felt it was beneath him, and rarely took part.
In a sudden low voice, very near her ear, the man hissed, “You’re nothing but a little piss princess, aren’t you? And you’re hoping I’ll satisfy that little whose cunt by gracing you with my piss. But I don’t exist to give stupid greedy whoses what they hope and dream for, so you’ll just have to suffering.” With that sardonic remark, he stuffed a ball gag into Alice’s mouth, leaving her voiceless as well as sightless, and she felt the magic wand on her cunt turn on.
To Be Cuntinued…
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