The Greatest Slut Ch. 06

Master fell asleep leaning against Fucktoy’s side in her bundled up state, with her legs folded back until her feet rested on either side of her head. Both her cunt and her anus were beautifully exposed for anyone to see, and Fucktoy could do nothing to hide them if she had wanted to, with her arms and legs bound as they were.

Whore had been very shy at first, barely able to even look at Fucktoy as she knelt before the creampied pussy. She stared at it in awe, seemingly transfixed and taking in the well-used fuck hole laid out like a feast, leaking pussy juice and white cum in equal measure. The golden ring resting against the clip had stopped buzzing by now, but Fucktoy could still feel a low hunger building in her cunt as she waited in anticipation for Whore to begin eating her out. Fucktoy was a bit puzzled as to Why Whore was taking so long, hadn’t she licked Insatiable’s pussy without a problem? What was so different about Fucktoy’s?

“Please,” Fucktoy pleaded, trying to convey her enthusiasm with a smile down at Whore. The other slave looked away immediately, coming out of her trace as if Fucktoy’s voice had scared her.

“You’re so, and I am,” Whore said haltingly as she glanced at her lightly snoring Master, propped up against Fucktoy’s side. “Look, I don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” she said with a deep breath to gather herself. Fucktoy gaped at her. Where had she gotten that idea? Fucktoy thought she had made it clear that she was a wanton slut, but apparently not.

“Adorable,” Insatiable said with an eye roll and a sight. She stood up and sauntered over to where Whore was kneeing, hips swaying. “Whore really is a good slut. I promise you,” she said to Fucktoy as she took hold of Whore’s beautiful red hair and forced her head into Fucktoy’s overflowing pussy. “She just needs some encouragement,” Insatiable held her head still, and Whore struggled against her grip. Even going so far as to bring her arms back to try and pry Insatiable’s hands out of her hair. It was a useless effort, and after a while of being held firmly, Whore started to meekly lick at the cunt she was shoved against. It seemed that Insatiable had been right, for when Whore got a taste, she couldn’t stop herself from licking and sucking more eagerly. “Good girl,” Insatiable criticized as she let go, and Fucktoy gasped at the sensing of someone eating her out properly for the first time.

Insatiable sat down next to Fucktoy and pressed her naked body into her other side, hard nipples pressing into her skin and hands running slowly up her outstretched thigh. They both watched as Whore eagerly devoured the pussy she was presented with, Fucktoy moaning and squirming and Insatiable with a smiling pleased expression on her face. She snaked a hand behind Fucktoy’s head, tangling her fingers in her long blond hair. She gripped it and turned Fucktoy’s head to face her.

“Master has never lost control like that before,” Insatiable saidsoftly as Fucktoy stared, gasping, into those deep brown eyes of hers. Raven black hair hung down like a curve as Insatiable leaned over Fucktoy, giving her the illusion of privacy. Her eyes traveled over severe features now soft as Insatiable examined Fucktoy in turn, they fastened on her mouth, and Fucktoy found herself wanting to kiss those luscious lips. Her password built as Whore stuck her tongue deep into her pussy and licked in a come hither motion, scooping out cum, reaching that perfect spot. Fucktoy almost lost herself to another orgasm right there, but she managed to hold herself back for Master.

“You are something special, aren’t you? Even before Master changed your body to his liking,” Insatiable said as she noticed Fucktoy’s near drop over the edge, and her other hand snuck down to play with Fucktoy’s piercing, flicking it over her clip, and increasing the decade torture. “Such a good girl, holding yourself back for Master,” Fucktoy had never understood the sayinging, be careful what you wish for. Never having had many of her wishes come true, but she thought she might appreciate it a little better as she had her desire for a kiss fulfilled.

Insatiable’s face descended, and their lips met in a luxuriously languid kiss. Fucktoy yielded to Insatiables tongue, meeting it with her own as it invaded her mouth. She was lost in the kiss, eyes closed, so fucktoy didn’t notice as Whore latched on to her clip and sucked. Fucktoy squealed into Insatiable’s mouth and bucked in her restraints, trying to dislodge the red-headed slave from her cunt. Reprieve came when Insatiable ended the kiss and said sternly, looking down at Whore.

“Let up, Whore. Or you’ll be the one to explain to Master why you made his precise treasure cum without him there to watch.” Whore jerked back as if she had been stung, leaving Fucktoy to recover her breath as she let her head fall back in relief, chest heaving. She was not so much afraid of what Master would do if she had cum without permission. No, Fucktoy was more fearful of disappointing him. She wanted to fall under his dominion, to be owned and pampered and do everything he demanded of her.

Just the thought of it made her sex twitch dangerously, longing for the orgasm she had worked so hard for to save for her Master. It was a strange paradox. The more she obeyed her Master, the hornier she got and wanted to cum, but that would be a clear breach of his rules. It was a tight rope to balance on, but now that she had reached her dreams, she wouldn’t ruin it by failing. She would be the best Fucktoy she could for Master.

“Sorry, Ma’am,” Whore said but couldn’t resist licking gently along the outside of Fucktoy’s pussy.

“That’s a good slut,” Insatiable said proudly as she smiled down at Whore before turning back to Fucktoy. “And so are you for keeping that pussy nice and wet for Master,” she stroked a hand down Fucktoy’s cheat affectively and kissed her on the forehead, the othe hand still lazily playing with the ring above Fucktoy’s pussy.

“Thank you, Insatiable,” Fucktoy panted out as she recovered, and Insatiable slid off her to snuggle up against her side again.

“Normally, Master can fuck for hours, cumming as many times as he wishes without flagging. Today he came, what? Twice? Before he became so tired that he needed to rest,” Insatiable said as she competed over to their still sleeping Master. “It’s almost unfair. Us normal sluts have to work ourselves to the bone to get him to that state, and usually in groups,” she shook her head in mock despair.

“You’re not jealous?” Fucktoy asked, surprised, and Insatiable laughed slightly.

“Heavens, no, you might become his new favorite, but as I’m sure you’ve noticed, Our Master is not like other men.” Fucktoy had noticed. With the way he displayed his power, it was hard not to.

“You mean that he’s a mage?” She asked, and Insatiable laid her head against Fucktoy’s shoulder and looked down contentedly at Whore, who was greatly enjoying taking long slow lick up Fucktoy’s pussy.

“That is part of it, but there is more to him than that. His slaves always end up like the sluts they were meant to be, greatly enjoying their time under his care. No matter if they were a girl with a bad back or one who didn’t even want to be a slave, to begin with. Why do you think that is?” Fucktoy thought about that for a moment and had come up with a pretty good answer when Master stood at her side.

“Wow,” he yawned as he stretched out his arms above his head, sitting up straight in the seat beside Fucktoy, Insatiable on her other side, and Whore kneeing on the floor with the other two slaves secured in their seats. “I really passed out there, didn’t I?”

“You sure did, Master,” Insatiable said as she stood up from her seat and sauntered her way around Fucktoy to flop herself down in Master’s naked lap. “But do not worry, you weren’t out for long. We have kept your little Fucktoy nice and worked up in the meantime, and I don’t think the other two minded watching.” Master embedded Insatiable as Cumdump nodded eagerly, and Cunt looked away as if afraid of getting caught staring.

“Well, good. I can always count on you, can’t I, my little minx?” Master said affectionately as he kissed Insatiable sitting in his lap. She squirmed as he brought his mouth back, protesting by grinding her ass into his cock. “I know you’re horny, Insatiable, but the ponies need to be fed and watered, and we can all use a rest. We should stop at the next town,” Insatiable looked disappointed but slid off his lap so she could get at his cock with her mouth.

“Then I’m sure you wouldn’t mind putting my mouth to use,” she said throatily as she took hold of Master’s rapidly hardening cock.

“Go right ahead,” he gave her permission, and Insatiable started sucking. Fucktoy now understand what Insatiable had meant by Master not losing control. By the time they made it to another town, Master hadn’t cum once. He just sat there, looking down at Insatiable with a smile and uttering the occasional hum of pleasure. It was a sleepy little farming village, and the farmers and their slaves were out toileting in their fields under the midday sun. They passed by slowly outside the windows, some of them looking up from their work to wave cheerily at the passing wagon.

The ornate wagon with Its fancy crew of female ponies must have been a sight to see in a small hamlet like this, for they drew a small crowd. The guards had to fend some of them off that grow too close, but they were mostly respectful, simply curious to see who their visitors were.

“We have arrived,” Master said as he held Insatiable’s head to his groin, groaning as he came down her throat. She moaned contentedly and let herself slide off his cock as he released her, saliva connecting her lips to the head as it slide out of her mouth with a wet sound.

“Thank you for making use of me, Master,” Insatiable crooned as she rubbed her stomach contentedly.

“You’re welcome, slave. You always did make for a nice cock sleepeve,” Master tried, and Insatiable smiled up at Fucktoy, a glint in her eye, as Master went to put his pants on. He snapped his fingers, and all the restrained slave’s bindings loosened at once, Fucktoy’s legs floating bonelessly to the floor. “Come, slaves, you need to be prepared before we pay our respects to the mayor,” Master said and went to open the carriage door. He paused, his hand on the handle, as Whore uttered a startedled gasp.

“It’s just,” she began as Master stared at her. “I can’t go out there, not like this,” she protested as she gestured at her nude body. Fucktoy could understand how Whore felt. Not so long ago, she would have felt the same, but that was before Master changed her. The shame still threatened to rise inside Fucktoy, but the lust far outweighted it. The idea of ​​Master showing off the perfect handiwork that was her body simply got Fucktoy going, but it was more than that. It was about not having a choice, of being Master’s property and pleasure him. A warm feeling welled up in Fucktoy’s chest at the thought, and she would do everything she could to make Whore feel the same.

The redhead might not have had Fucktoy’s perfect body, but she had nothing to be ashamed of. She might be a little on the heavy side, not fat by any means, instead curvy and thick, and that red hair of hers was to die for. Fucktoy had never been attracted to women when she had been Tarnished, but through her lust, she found herself wanting to explore Whore’s body. She wanted to run her hands over her skin, to grab that freshly spanked ass and kiss her breasts. What Whore had done to Fucktoy with her mouth ended the other slave to her even more. Butterflies roiled in her stomach as Fucktoy looked at her and made her want to perhaps return the favor.

“When are you going to drop this act and realize what a slut you truly are?” Insatiable said forcefully as she stalked towards the still kneeing Whore. She worked lessly yanked the redheaded slave to her feet and cupped her pussy, “and if you don’t believe me, at least listen to your body.” Insatiable pumped two fingers in and out a few times as Whore squirmed and held on to her assistant’s forearm. “You’re soaked,” Insatiable drawn and removed her hand from between Whore’s legs to wave her wet fingers in front of her face.

“That doesn’t mean,” Whore began, but Insatiable only laughed at her.

“What? Are you seriously trying to tell me you aren’t enjoying yourself?”

“I, it’s just that,” Whore got out before she quietly and looked down at the floor in shade.

“Whether you love it or not is irrelevant,” Insatiable said with a scoff. “The fact is that you are Master Alphonse’s property, and you’ll do as he says or be punished.” Whore only nodded in response, but that seemed to please Insatiable nonetheless as she smiled and said more warmly, “I know it can be hard at first, but you’ll turn into a good slut, in the end, trust me.” She then kissed Whore on the cheese and proceeded to walk to Master to stand beside him. The declaration didn’t seem to comfort Whore in the slightest. It seemed to do the opposite as she hunted her shoulders, drawing further into herself.

Fucktoy couldn’t stand the sight of Whore standing there looking miserable, so she stood up from her seat with some effort and walked over to her slave sister and took the shorter girl’s hand in hers. Whore’s head snapped around to their clapped hands and followed Fucktoy’s arm up her body to land on her face. She divided for a moment and then grew started and proceeded with her intense study of the floor. But she nonetheless kept a firm hold on Fucktoy’s hand as their Master led his slaves out of the carriage.

The carriage had stopped in what must have been the town square. It was a small paved circle with quaint little houses built around it. It was very cozy, and Fucktoy liked it except for the fact that she could see no fuck dolls tied up for public use, not a single slave bound outside the few shops and not even outside the single inn she spotted. Fucktoy looked around at the people who had gathered outside the carriage and felt double sad for them. What slaves there were in a small town like this couldn’t be spared from their work to perform more sexual duties.

Fucktoy was determined to show these people what a good slut looked like. Perhaps she could even ask Master if they could put up a bit of a show for them. She turned at the crowd, trying to enter them as she swayed back and forth slowly, making her tits jiggle subtly. A slight cheer went up, and Fucktoy giggled as she turned around and gave her ass a sharp slap. The crowd’s Intensity redubled, and Fucktoy looked over to see that Cunt and Cumdump had similar ideas, turning this way and that to show off their bodies, smiling at the people asThey shouted compliments at them.

“Shake those cow tits, you filter slut!”

“Come here, and I’ll make that ass bounce!”

“They are so horny. I can see their juices glistening on their thighs!”

These people were so nice, and Fucktoy wished she could give herself to all of them. She had to remind herself that she was Master’s property, and he would decide what would be done with her. The four guards kept the crowd at bay, so it looked like Fucktoy wouldn’t be given away just yet. Whore was still miserable beside her, covering her tits with an arm and her groin with the other.

“Hey, lower your arms, Whore,” Fucktoy whispered over to her, but the other slave only frowned. “They love us.”

“They love you more like,” she hissed back. “And my name isn’t,” what she was going to say was lost as she gasped in panic as Master snapped his fingers and all the new slaves had their hands forced behind their backs and locked together. Whore was forced to confront the crowd’s jeers and stars, and Fucktoy could see the moment her eyes glazed over in lust.

“You really are a good slut,” Fucktoy teased, and Whore whirled around to glare at her. She was about to say something, but the words died on her tongue, and she blushed and looked sheepishly back at the crowd.

“Insatiable, you take the driver and two guards to get the ponies looked after,” Master said to his slave, who was somehow back in her red dress.

“Yes, Master,” Insatiable said agreeably. “Any particular requests?”

“Hm, make sure they have plenty of food and water. Pay extra if you need to. Oh, and see if they have any nice stallions for them to play with. Our little ponies have been such good girls during this trip after all and deserve a reward.” The ponygirls perked up at that, stomping their hooved feet excitedly and pawing restlessly at the ground to get going. Their tail swished, and bells rang as they squirmed in their bonds.

“Yes, Master,” Insatiable saidas she hoped up beside the driver so they could be on their way, the two guards walking on either side of the carriage.

“Now for my eager little slaves,” Master said as he turned to the four of us. “You are to be bathed and groomed before I take you up to the mayor’s mansion.”


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