Fucktoy couldn’t be happier as Master led his naked slaves to the town bathhouse. These people were so nice, darting out a hand here or there to pinch an ass or slap a title as the naked slaves followed their Master at a respectful distance. Fucktoy encouraged them shamelessly, she was careful not to let them take it too far, and Master’s guards intervened if the slaves were held up for too long. She was pleased as the grouping hands combined with the golden piercing swinging between her legs as she walked and knocking against her clip kept Fucktoy’s arousal at an ever-burning simmer for her Master. And anything that pleased her Master pleased Fucktoy.
Whore was trying and failing to act as the proper merchant’s daughter she thought herself to be and not let herself be affected by all the eyes roaming over her body and the straight hands feeling her up as they passed. She cringed away from them, but she could do nothing to prevent the more persistent ones with her hands trapped behindd her back. With easier and more willing targets, with Cunt and Cumdump acting much like Fucktoy, she was spared much of the attention. Fucktoy’s thoughts were interrupted as a big hand came down to slap into her meaty ass. She squealed in surprise and delight as the hand squeezed her ass cheek. She looked up into the ruggedly handsome face of a burly young farmhand.
“Sutch a nice ass was made to be fucked, little slut,” he said with a menacing grin down at her. He probably expected her to try and get away, no doubt used to the slaves of his home that seemed more like workhorses than proper sex slaves. Fucktoy simply smiled invitingly back at him before answering.
“Feel free to explore my tits as well. My nipples are very sensitive, expert craftsmanship,” she pushed her chest out for him as they walked, but her Comment must have stamped him, for he stopped in the street to stare at her open-mouthed. He got ahold of himself, but a guard intercepted him before he could catchup to her again, a goal.
Fucktoy grinned ecstatically to herself. Just this morning, she had been the lowly Tarnished, a practical creativity that couldn’t inspire lust in the most amorous of people. But she would never think of herself like that again. She was Fucktoy now, her Master’s priced sex slave. A thrill went through her as she thought of everything she would get to do now. She caught Whore looking back at her, and Fucktoy turned at the other girl. Whore looked surprised at having been seen before she hurriedly turned around again.
With Fucktoy’s attention drawn to the other slave, she couldn’t help staring at her naked ass. It swwayed and wobbled beautifully as she walked. Whore was a little chubby perhaps, but not in an obscene way. If anything, a little fat only added to the girl’s charms. Her labia peeked out below, framed by a nice thigh gap, and Fuckoy licked her lips as she wondered what the other slaves’ pussy would taste like. She might have questioned her newly awakened interest in other women, but Fucktoy was too horny for that. She simply imagined all the things they could do together and let herself enjoy the view. All that mattered was pleasing Master, and Fucktoy highly doubted he would complain.
“We’re here,” Master’s words penetrated Fucktoy’s increasing depraved thoughts, and she tore her eyes away from Whore’s ass to see that he had stopped in Front of a bigger, squat building with a domed roof. Pillars were arranged on either side of the entrance, and a sign hung above that Fucktoy couldn’t read, but the picture painted on it made it clear that this was the town’s public bathhouse.
“I am going up to the mayor’s manor to make arrangements,” Master said as his new slaves gathered before him. Fucktoy was a bit disappointed that he wouldn’t get to see They bathe, but she keep it to herself, trying to be good for her Master. Others were not so subtle.
“But Master,” Cunt while and stomped her foot. “Aren’t you goingto bathe us personally, or at the very least watch, so we don’t do anything naughty.” She bit her lip and wiggled restlessly in her bonds.
“Some other time perhaps,” Master smiled fondly before raking his eyes over their naked bodies, making all of them blush. “I would enjoy that, but time is running late, and my guards will report any illicit behavior.” The two guards were standing at attention so silently behind them that Fucktoy had almost forgotten they were there. She wondered idly how they could move so quietly in all that armor. Master snapped his fingers, and all the slave’s hands were freed from behind their backs.
“You are still not allowed to touch yourselves, so you will have to help each other. You are still my slaves and must follow my orders at all times,” he gave a meaningful Look to his two guards, and they saluted him critically. Before leaving, Master thoroughly kissed all of them and took some time to grope all their breasts, and gave a friendly slap to their asses. The slaves stared after him until he disappeared behind a house, the silence stretching out. Fucktoy missed him already.
“Clara is with me,” Cunt said suddenly. Breaking the silence, she grabbed the blond slave’s arm and hurried towards the entrance. Cumdump stumbled and looked back at Fucktoy and Whore before shrinking helplessly and letting herself be led, one of the guards following After them.
“Right this way, ladies,” the remaining guard said respectfully, and Fucktoy suddenly realized she recognized him. He was one of the guards that had barged into her little house to fetch her for the so-called audition. The one that had questioned whether they should really take Fucktoy, then Tarnished, to the Master. Fucktoy could feel herself wanting to dislike the man, but she couldn’t bring herself to. She was a sex slave now, and such negative emotions belonged in her previous life.
Yet some slight resentment lingered within Fucktoy. If Insatiable had listened to this man, she would have never met her new Master, and Fucktoy couldn’t let that go. She didn’t want revenge exactly. Well, she did, but Fucktoy tried hard to suppress those emotions. She grinned to herself as an idea came to her. There was nothing wrong with proving what a good slut she had made, to show the guard how wrong he had been.
“Isn’t this exciting?” Fucktoy asked a nervous-looking Whore as they were led into the building.
“I don’t know if exciting is the word I’d use,” the other slave mumbled as she looked with appreciation at every person they came across. Now that her hands were free, she was back to trying to hide her nakedness.
“Master won’t be pleased if he finds out you’ve been keeping his property from view. He kept us naked for a reason,” Fucktoy said milkly, and Whore reluctantly lowered her arms.
They soon entered the room where the large pool was housed. Their collars and golden bands around their wrists and ankles, if not their nakedness, made it obvious what they were as everybody stared at the two slaves. Every surface was inlaid in ceramic tiles, the domestic roof depicting two large fish chasing each other in a circle. Fucktoy admired it for a moment before she stepped into the water, reaching just the underside of her breasts, smiling pleasantly at the other babies who, despite showing an interest in her, keep to themselves. Much of that was thanks to the guard she suspected, but Fucktoy didn’t do anything to invite them over either.
The water was nice and warm, somehow heated, making the room humid and steamy. The sound of pouring water filled the air as small pipes filled the pool with clean water. Cunt and Cumdump must be here somewhere as well, but the steam made it hard to tell. She thought she could make out the gleaming armor of the other guard standing at the other end of the pool but couldn’t see the other pair of slaves.
“Well?” Fucktoy said expectedly to Whore, who was just staring at her, not entering the water yet. “We’re supposed to help one another, remember?” She giggled as the other slave got ahold of herself and practically ran into the water, kneeing to hide her body beneath the surface.
“Everybody’s staring at us,” Whore whispered as she glanced around wearily.
“Yes,” Fucktoy answered cool and winded at a couple who seemed particularly interested.
“I don’t understand how you can be so calm about this. Aren’t you embarrassed?” Whore glanced at Fucktoy before she turned to study her reflection intensely.
“Yes, and even more so at first, but I have nothing to be ashamed of,” she did a couple of poses, and the other slave couldn’t help but look.
“I’m sorry. I forget,” Whore’s eyes widened slightly as she seemed to remember who Fucktoy used to be.
“Don’t be. I have always been a wanton slut. As Master said, now the outside just matches the inside.” The other slave still looked guilty, but she seemed to take Fucktoy’s words to heart as she thought them over.
“I’m glad for you, truly,” Whore smiled finally, and it seemed like she meant it. “But I never wanted to be a slave. I’m a merchant’s daughter. I was supposed to take over my parent’s shop when they grew too old to run it. Not… this,” she gestured to their naked state and sunk even deeper into the water.
“Come now. It can’t be that bad. What do you think about Master Alphonse? Oh, isn’t he amazing? I can’t wait for him to fuck me again. Even his cum tasted amazing. Ah, it gets me wet just thinking about it,” Fucktoy gushed and took Whore’s hands in her excitement, the other slave’s expression sinking along with her body further into the water.
“Ah huh,” she simply mumbled distractedly.
“Well, tell me. What do you think of him? He isn’t that bad, is he?” Fucktoy knelt down in the water in front of Whore, which seemed to make it easier for the other slave to look at her.
“No,” she answered with a twist of her mouth. “He isn’t asbad as I thought he would be. I like him well enough, I suppose.”
“I think he’s just the best. Oh, my pussy feels so empty without his cock, mmmmh, it’ll never feel the same,” Fucktoy while as she resisted the urge to reach down into the water and stroke her aching cunt. “Ah!” She suddenly exclaimed as if she’d just thought of something. “You think Master will start our anal training soon? I can’t wait to be plugged and stretched like a proper sex slave, all my holes ready for Master to use whenever he wants.” Fucktoy was driving herself into a frenzy of lust as she enthusiastically shared her desires with Whore. It looked like the other slave would join in, lust clouding her eyes before she shook her head and propriety took over.
“Not so loud,” Whore hissed and throw a hand over Fucktoy’s mouth to silence her as she glanced around at the other babies. “Someone’s going to hear you.”
“And?” Fucktoy asked casually after grabbing the hand covering her mouth and pullingit down.
“Well, they might, they might think less of you, or even come over, bearing the wrong ideas,” Whore was so worried about attracting attention that she failed to notice where her hand had ended up. She did a doubletake as Fucktoy, quite deliberately pressed the palm of her hand into her heaving right breast. Whore simply stared for a moment, mouth agope, but quickly snatched her arm back when Fucktoy started kneeling it into her flesh.
“What? They’ll think I’m slut,” Fucktoy laughed at Whore’s scandalized look. She clutched her hand as if afraid she would lose track of it again if she let it go. “I have always wanted to be enslaved, Cunt is the same, and I suspect Cumdump is as well. Until I met Master Alphonse, I didn’t think I had much of a chance. So being called a slut is the highest praise for me. It sends my heart a flutter and gets my pussy wet, all the better to serve my Master.” There was a moment of silence as Whore simply starred at Fucktoy, lost for words. “You can’t tell me that you don’t like it when people look at you when they lust after you?”
“Ha,” Whore laughed in derision. “Trust me, no one’s lusting after this body, not when they have three literal sex goddesses to choose from. You’re all beautiful, and I’m, I’m fat,” she abruptly stood up from the water to illustrate her thick figure, but it did more to enflame Fucktoy’s lusts than to dampen it as Whore’s wet chest came into view. Whatever point she was trying to make was moot as the communication brought everyone’s eyes, including Fucktoy’s, to Whore’s revealed assets. When she saw how Fucktoy admired her body and how much attention she had drawn Whore quickly knelt again to cover herself.
“Nonsense,” Fucktoy scoffed. “See that man over there,” she pointed to a muscular, tanned man making eyes at Whore since they came in. He was long since done cleaning himself and was just staying in the water so he could watch. “I think he likes you,” Fucktoy waved at the man, andhe smiled and waved back. Whore saw him and immediately jerked away from looking at him as he waved.
“Stop it. Are you crazy? What if he comes over here?” Whore hissed and grabbed for Fucktoy’s waving hand.
“If only,” Fucktoy surprised. “Calm down. Our tin can over here will make sure nothing fun happens to us,” she drawn and pointed a thumb over her Shoulder to the guard that still stood watch by the side of the pool. He nodded at them, and Whore smiled nervously up at him, seeming to take solace in that. “Wouldn’t you just love it if he came over here and fucked you senseless, or better yet, fucked us both?” Fucktoy shuddered at the mental image, but Whore shook her head vehemently.
“No, I would not. I don’t even know him.”
“Oh, and what about Insatiable then? You two seemed to get along well. She needs to bathe too, you know. Maybe we’ll bump into her.” The sudden hit in Whore’s breath was telling, and if that hadn’t been enough, the color risingin her cheeks spoke volumes.
“Fine, she’s fine,” the redhead answered too quickly.
“And what about me?” Fucktoy asked coyly as she nearly Whore in the water. She leaned in so she could whisper in the other slaves’ ear. “Did you like the taste of my pussy?” Whore realized back as if she had been slapped and stood up to take a step away. Red hair clung wetly to her dripping breasts, nipples hard and pointing.
“I never wanted to be a slave,” she said again like a mantra but stopped, staring transfixed at Fucktoy as she too stood and slowly came closer.
“I loved your tongue in either case and am curious what you taste like,” that seemed to be too much for the other slave as she closed her eyes tight and said, as if in defense.
“You know he’ll probably never let us wear clothes again, right?”
“That is as it should be,” Fucktoy chuckled as she nearly the frozen girl. She ran her hands slowly up her arms until she could run her fingers through Whore’s beautiful red hair. “Although I do think my tits look a bit bare without Master’s cum covering them.” It had been one of many rapidly accumulating highlights of the day, and Fucktoy would probably remember it for the rest of her life. Knowing that her body pleased Master so well that he wished to adorn it with his seed sent a tingling sensing through her even now. Whore finally began to relax as Fucktoy massed her temples.
“They are nice tits,” she said after slowly opening her eyes.
“So, you like them?” Fucktoy smiled sweetly at Whore as the other slave gave a slight nod. “You want to touch them?” Another nod, but more hesitant this time. “You can. I don’t mind. I want to touch yours too.” Fucktoy’s smile grew cheese as she pointedly stared at Whore’s breasts.
“I,” she hesitated. “I couldn’t. I shouldn’t. There are people watching.” She stared wearily around the pool, and she was right there were some interested parties. Most were simply minding their own business.
“Oh please, have you never been to a public bathhouse before? People check each other out all the time. It’s inevitable.” Fucktoy was surprised when Whore Shook her head in denial. “Really, never?”
“We had our own bath at home, so there was never a need to,” the redhead explained with a shrug. Their family-run shop must have been doing really well for them to be able to afford a luxury like that.
“Either way, you will have to touch my tits if you are to wash me. You might as well do it now,” Fucktoy decided to move on from that little revelation. Whore still looked uncertain even when she shook her chest at the other slave, making her breasts jiggle invitingly.
“But what will Master say? Are you sure we are allowed to do this?” Whore asked. She looked sorely tempted but still came up with excuses.
“All Master wants is for none of us to cum. If we play with one another a bit to keep us nice and horny for him, then all the better,” Fucktoy reasoned as she putHer arms around the other woman’s wait. She remembered what Insatiable had said about Whore needing to be forced. Fucktoy was not a dominant person, but if that was what her slave sister needed to break out of her shell, she would try it.
Despite her resolve to take control Fucktoy started slowly by simply washing Whore like they had come here to do. She avoided any erogenous zones, scrubbing the bar of soap over the other slave’s arms and back. Whore was a bit stiff at first, but she soon relaxed under Fucktoy’s careful ministers, even letting herself stare at the tits Fucktoy was deliberately dangling in her face. But when she was about to go to town on Whore’s tits, the redhead’s hand shot up to grab her own before Fucktoy could begin. Their eyes met, and the other slave’s expression was practically begging.
“I’ll do that myself,” came the flimsy excuse. Whore knew very well what would happen if Master found out she had deliberately broken his rules. They both glanced back at the guard keeping watch over them by the side of the pool. Fucktoy grinned at him when she saw he kept his eyes firmly locked on their activities.
“If I can’t use my hands, then I guess I’ll have to use my tongue,” Fucktoy grinned mischievously before quickly leaning in to give a slow lick from the underside of Whore’s right breast all the way up to her hard nipple. The other slave grunted in surprise, she tried to stop her, but Fucktoy grabbed her hands in turn, keeping them at bay. Whore’s arms turned to jelly in either case as Fucktoy took the nipple in her mouth and sucked hard, making the other slave squeal in both pleasure and distress.
“Stop, mmmmah, please,” Whore begged, and Fucktoy took mercy on her.
“Why should I?” She asked as she leaned away slightly, breath still tickling Whore’s skin. “The other tit hasn’t had any attention yet. It seems lonely.”
“It’s just,” she paused as she breathed heavily, looking down with longing at Fucktoy’s mouth, ready to spring. “I have always had an unnatural… fetish, you could call it.”
“Go on,” Fucktoy encouraged, interested now.
“With, with women,” Whore hung her head in shame as if she expected Fucktoy to mock her. She waited for more but was a bit let down when nothing else came.
“That’s all?” Fucktoy asked incredulously.
“Yeah,” Whore answered, and Fucktoy scoffed.
“You must have been really sheltered if you thought that would be a problem.”
“I know that women can enjoy each other’s company and even sometimes do marriage, but I was to be a decent woman. I was supposed to find a husband as soon as possible, preferably one who could help me run the shop, not run around chasing skirts.” Whore tried to keep up a brave face, but some of the hurt came through, and Fucktoy understand. She let go of Whores arms and enveloped the girl in a tight embrace.
“You poor thing,” Fucktoy said soothingly as she stroked Whore’s hair. “You must have been absoluteely dying with all those unclaimed subs strutting about, not to mention all the slaves constantly being used in the streets.” Fucktoy suddenly gasped and leaned back to look Whore in the face. “That’s the real reason you didn’t get out much, isn’t it? You were trying to avoid all the naked sluts on display,” Whore hadn’t really responded to the hug, trying to squirm out of it instead. But at Fucktoy’s revelation, she broke down into tears and throw herself into Fucktoy’s arms.
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