The Good Wife: Resubmission Ch. 02

Hookers and Whores

I called Tom to talk to him about the next month. Gavin didn’t want me sleeping with Tom for a while, and he’s right, I didn’t want to violent our relationship any more than I already have. I don’t want Tom to slide his cock into me after Gavin’s had been there. I don’t know, it just somehow seems all the more wrong. I explained that I want our honeymoon to be special, I want it to be as if it were all new. He’s skeptical, I mean, what guy would be ok with not getting laid for a month? But he didn’t protest much, he trusts me. It hurts to violent that trust, to not live up to it, but I’ve got to see this through, for my sake and for Tom’s.

I was distracted at work, my mind pulling me in so many directions. I kept thinking about the night Before, what was Gavin planning on doing with those pictures? I couldn’t help but to think about our agreement and what would happen during the following month. And, of course, I was distracted because of how horny I’dBecome over the last few days. I wanted cock. At this point I was ready to bend over my desk and let any and all the guys here at work take turns with me. I didn’t care. I wanted to get laid. Tonight.

I make it to Gavin’s house at the same time, parking in the same place. The door isn’t locked, so I walk in and up the stairs. As instructed, I undress on the landing to the stairs, peeling my clothes off and folding them neatly. In the box, my attire for the evening is simple, open toe black platform pumps with a six inch heel, the black butt plug from the night before, and a small bottle of lube to help ease the butt plug in.

The shoes go on first. I can’t help but to smile as I admire them on my feet, Tom always called shoes like these hooker shoes. There were times in the past that I had considered buying Similar shoes to wear for Tom, just the shoes, nothing else. Of course I tried to feel him out, asking if he liked them, or how he thought I would look in them. His answerers were always bland and blasé. So, I never bought the shoes. I wanted normalcy at first, I needed it. I lived in constant fear that Tom would want more from me than I would be able to give. But that never happened. I just figured that he knew what I had been through and was waiting until I had healed. In time, however, I couldn’t help but to wonder why he didn’t want more from me. Why didn’t he want me to be slutty for him? It really does some damage to a woman’s ego when the one she loves doesn’t see her as a sexual being. Maybe that’s why I was so excited, strapping the shoes on. I felt sexy and naughty. For just a moment the guilt vanished. Gavin saw me as a woman with needs, as a beautiful and sexual being, and more, he knew what he wanted from me.

The lube was thin and watery, I rubbed a thin layer on the butt plug and placed a few drops on the tip of my finger. I rubbed my finger around my asshole, circled the tight hole, before slowly sliding the finger in. I’ve masturbated in the past, but I always rub my clip, I never play with my ass. Maybe it was all the toying my ass received yesterday or maybe it was because of how horny I had been the last few days, but I could feel myself close to cumming as I slowly worked my finger in and out of my ass. I had to stop or else I’d cum. Reluctantly but repeatedly, I slide my finger out and grabbed the butt plug. I pressed the tip against my ass and sat down against it, feeling it stretch my ass and fill me.

“Good girl.” Gavin smiled, leaning over the railing that looked down onto the landing. I hadn’t noticed him there. He was dressed similar to the night before, jeans and a tee shirt, fresh from the shower. In his hands he held the leash and collar, folded into a tight bunch in his hands.

With one last push on the butt plug and a small gasp, I was ready. I placed my folded clothes, my other life, into the box, and closed the lid. I was ready for this life, I was ready to be a toy again. Like the night before, I sat with my legs under me, my hands placed on my thighs, and my eyes down.

“I have a treat for you.” Gavin smiled, walking around the railing and coming down the stairs. Standing behind me, he leaned over to show me the collar, the one from the night before only now it had a small metal tag hanging from it. It was a pink tag in the shape of a dog bone, the kind that you can get at any of the big pet store chains, this one was personalized. Centered in the tag read the word, ‘whore.’ I was his pet now, his pet whore – just like I was seventeen years ago.

Gavin placed the collar around my neck, the tag reclining against the metal clasp, cold against my neck. The harsh click of the leash clip closing onto the collar. It was the sound of my day time self being locked away, locked away and bound, only to be released when I was done performing, when I was done being used.

Gavin started up the stairs, lean tight in his hands, “Come.”

I do as I’m told, crawling on my hands and knees after him when I catch a movement out of the corner of my eye in the living room. I want to look, but Gavin is watching me crawl up from the landing.

“Oh, she’s a cute one.” A woman’s voice, light and playful.

My head snaps up to see where the voice came from, I hadn’t expected this. The woman is sitting on the couch in a tan and white patterned sundress, her milky white legs stretched out and crossed on the ottoman, brown sandals lazily pushed to the side. She’s petit, the kind of woman that can still shop in the misses section, the kind people like me envy and loath at times. Her hair is blonde and wavy like mine, but much longer, hanging down to the center of her back at least, the hair pulled away from her face with a barrette. She catches my eye and smiles, a nice smile that reflects in her eyes, though there is just the slightest hint of wickedness there. Her features are almost elfish, small and delicate. I catch myself before saying hello, that would be breaking the rules, punishment. No. I look up, meet her eyes, then look back down, hiding my face, feeling the heat and red creep up my neck and into my cheeks.

Gavin sees the whole thing, he notices the shared look between the woman and I, he sees my embarrassment, a smile touches the corners of his mouth. “We have company tonight Julie” he says as I make my way up the last step, being led to the living room. “This is Lydia and the same rules that apply to me apply to her, you can call her Miss.”

“This who understands.” A sudden awareness of my nakedness overtakes me, I want to cover myself.

“Hey sweetie.” Lydia voice is a lilt, a song, soft and light.

“Hello Miss.” Gavin leads me right to the foot of the couch.

“Sit.” He commands, I follow, sitting back, my feet tucked under me, the clunky shoes uncomfortable against my ass. Gavin unhooks the lean from my collar and tosses it onto the chair next to the couch then sinks into the couch next to Lydia, putting his arm around her.

For a moment I feel a rush of envy, of jealousy. I was supposed to be the one sitting beside him on the couch, not a dog being issued commands.

Lydia shifts her legs, moving her feet from the ottoman to my lap. Her skin is cool and as she moves I catch the cent of a flowery and musky body wash. She’s freshly showed as well. I can’t help but to Wonder who this woman is, but I can’t ask, it’s not my place.

“Rub my feet sweetie.” She wiggles her toes in my lap.

My hands go to one foot first, my thumbs pressing gently into the soft areas, working my way slowly down her foot and then up again. Lydia giggles slightly as I pass the tender center of her foot, she jerks away slightly, but stops herself.

“Oh, you are a good girl.” She half giggles, “That feels so good, keep it up.” Her other foot raises slightly, tracing a line down my leg and back up. She lifts her foot slowly, somewhat shaky, her toes barely touching me, tracing a line up my stomach and up to my chest. She seems to weigh my breast with her foot, bobbing it up and down then curling her toes back and pressing her foot into my chest, massaging my title with her foot. She squeezes her toes tight around my nipple, he flesh cold, my nipple becomes rock hard. “Kiss my foot.”

My hands stop for a moment, I almost say no, but catch myself. Looking up, I’m faced with her foot just inches from my chin.

“I want you to kiss my foot.” He voice takes on a some more commanding tone, an underlying threat veiled in a sweet musical voice.

I let go of the foot in my lap and gently grap the foot in front of me. I start with the big toe, kissing the pad of the toe, then the next, and next, across all of her toes. Lydia giggles as I kiss across the ball of her foot and down the soft middle areas.

“Good girl.” She’s giggling, the threat in her voice vanished, “Open your mouth, wide.”

I do and she guides her foot into my mouth. For a moment, I’m stunned, I’ve never had a foot in my mouth before, I can’t imagine how ridiculous I must look.

“Good girl.” Gavin coos, reaching out to the table next to him, he picks up the camera from the night before and starts snapping pictures. “Look at me.” He says, staring down at the small viewing screen, “Good.” Snap, snap, snap. He places the camera back on the table and picks up a stack of something and passes it to Lydia.

Lydia giggles as my tongue passes under her toes, trying to stop a line of drool from running out of my mouth. “Don’t wiggle your tongue.” She laughs, taking the stack from Gavin.

I can’t hold it in without moving my tongue, a line of drool runs from the corner of my mouth down into my lap. My breathing is loud, I struggle to swallow back Some of the spit gathering in my mouth. With Lydia’s foot in my mouth, I can’t help but to look straight ahead, Lydia is thumbing through the papers that Gavin handed her, the pictures from the nightbefore. She stops and stars at each, commenting on a few, “I like this one.” And “Very nice.” Then hands them back to Gavin.

My mind wanderers back to the night before, to the pictures that Gavin was taking, embarrassed at the thought of this woman that I don’t know seeing me balanced on the ottoman with cum splashed across my face or with Gavin’s cock buried in my throat. I feel the red rush back into my cheats.

The stack of pictures is back in Gavin’s hands, he’s thumbing through them quickly. “This is what you are.” He says turning the photos around and holding them up so that I can see them. I’m prone on the ottoman, my body arching as my hands are gripping my feet. The butt plug is visible, sticking up from my ass and my mouth is stretched wide by Gavin’s cock. My eyes are red From gagging and small tears are trailing down my cheeks. “That is exactly what you are, a whore.” He turns the stack around so that he can see them, flipping through several of the pictures, finding it, he turns it back around so that I can see it, “That is all you’re good for.” He says, holding up the photo of me with cum splashed across my face, still prone on the ottoman.

“Gavin.” Lydia laughs, “That’s mean, she’s a good girl.”

“Yeah,” he says, leaning back into the couch, “she’s a good fuck toy.”

Part of me wants to storm out of this apartment, to stand up, slap Gavin, walk out, slam the door, and never see him again. But a part of me, a dark part of me that I didn’t want to acknowledge, is somehow pleased. I made Gavin happy, he’s pleased with me, I’m good for him. I disgust myself, and yet I’m excited. I become aware of the butt plug again and let out a slight moan around Lydia’s foot.

“She’s had enough.” Lydia says, slowly pulling her foot from my mouth, a thick and long line of drool following. She wipes her foot off on my legs. I stretch my jaw then close my mouth to swallow the rest of the spit, a stream of drool connects my chin to my leg.

Lydia reaches out to unzip Gavin’s pants, taking his cock out. His cock is soft and small, she holds it in her hand, shifting it slightly, as if inspecting it. “Get this hard for me.” She says, turning to look at me.

I crawl to the couch. Lydia holds Gavin’s cock for me as I take it into my mouth, bobbing my head up and down. He’s soft, but growing, each time I take His cock into my mouth it grows more, pushing further into my mouth. When he’s harder, Lydia lets go of his cock and places her hand on the back of my head, petting my hair and pulling it out of my face. She gathers my hair in her hand, holding it tight, guiding my head up and down on Gavin’s cock. Gavin lets out a low groan, pushing himself into the couch and thrusting his hips slightly to meet my mouth.

“Get him good and hard for me.” Lydia pushed my face harder into his cock, holding it there. I swallow hard as Gavin’s cock fills the back of my throat, I can’t pull away. Like the night before, my entirebody tenses as I gag around his cock. “You sound like a dying duck.” She laughs, “Make her do it again.”

Gavin thrusts hard into my throat, deeper than before as Lydia holds my head in place by my hair. His cock slams into the back of my throat, then seems to slide deeper. I can’t help it, my back arches and I tension again for another round of gagging and gasping. Lydia laughs again, breathless, “Oh, that’s too much, you’re such a good girl.”

Lydia stands up beside me and slips out of the sun dress, letting it fall around her feet. She’s completely naked. With her foot she nudges the dress out of the way and knees beside me. Her hands are just a little cool as she cares my shoulders and back. Her touch is soft and exciting. Her hands move back and forth, back and forth, soothing as Gavin hammers his cock into my mouth. I can’t help but to moan around Gavin’s cock as Lydia grasps the end of the butt plug sticking out of me, pushing it deeper into me. My back arches againas she works the butt plug in and out, in and out, driving me mad.

“Ok, that’s enough.” Lydia pulls my head back by my hair, Gavin’s cock is hard and almost eye level, pointing at me. “Save some for me.” She eases the butt plug out of my ass completely then pulls me back by my hair into a sitting position. “Here, hold this for me.” Lydia holds the butt plug up to my mouth. I hesitate for a moment, the toy was just in my ass, I meet her eyes and see the resolution. I open my mouth and she gently glides the butt plug into my mouth. “Good girl.” She smiles, tweaking one of my nipples, standing and offering a hand to Gavin.

The butt plug isn’t very long, but it’s wide and uncomfortable in my mouth. Again, drool and spit pool in my mouth, I don’t want to swallow it down and so I let it pour from my mouth. The butt plug is musty tasting and bitter, I can’t help but to wonder how many women have used this toy. How many women have had this butt plug in their asses?

Gavin takes Lydia’s hand and rises from the couch, moving around me, he undresses quickly, dropping his clothes on the floor. Standing behind me, I feel his cock, hard and warm, brush against my hair and shoulder. “You’re being very good tonight.” He says. I can’t help but to feel equal amounts of humiliation and pride. “I wasn’t sure if this would be too much for you.”

“No,” Lydia smiles down at me, “She’s a good girl, she knows her place.” Lydia runs a hand through my hair then pats my head.

Gavin steps around me, walking to Lydia. He looks her up and down, his cock bouncing and rubbing against her shacked cunt. “I love your tits.” He almost whispers, cupping one of her small breasts. Lydia lets out a low his as he pinches one of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Gavin watches her as he pinches harder and harder, her eyes closing, she bites her lip. “Lay back.”

Lydia leans back into the couch, pushing herself down so that her ass hangs over the edge. She spreads her legs wide, ready for Gavin.

Gavin turns to look at me, “Take that out of your mouth and put it back where it belongs.”

I do as I’m told, removing the butt plug slowly, trying to swallow back as much of the drool and spit as possible. The butt plug is good and lubed with my spit and slides easily back into my ass. I can’t help but to moan as it slides in me.

Gavin knees in front of Lydia and pushes his cock into her waiting cunt, her legs spreading even further as he enters her.

“Oh god.” She moans, her eyes half closing.

“Get closer.” Gavin snaps, almost annoyed, looking at me. I edge forward until I’m pressed against Lydia’s leg. His thrusts are slow and steady at first, his hands running up and down Lydia’s legs and down, grabbing at her ass. Then the rhythm steps up, his thrusts are faster and harder. With each thrust I can hear skin smacking wetly and Lydia letting out the smallest of grunts.

Fuck her, I think. I’m jealous, I’m supposed to be theone getting laid, I’m the one who Gavin should be fucking, not her. Fuck her, fuck her silly, the though keeps playing over and over in my head. I want to see him hurt her, I want to see her crying out, I want to see her beg him to stop. The thought’s interrupted when Gavin reached out, never once pausing with Lydia, to grab a handful of my hair. I may have let out a surprised cry when he did, but I’m not sure, and if I did, he didn’t notice. “Keep your head here.” He barked, thrusting harder and harder, pushing my head down onto Lydia’s stomach.

His cock was only inches from my face, I could see it, wet and red, each time he pulled out of Lydia. I could smell her pussy, a tangy and sweet smell. Gavin’s hand in my hair was replaced by Lydia’s. She was like a cat, kneeing at my head and hair with her hands. At times she pulled on my hair, gripping it between her fingers and giving a small tug, other times she just let her fingers comb through my hair.

Gavin pulled out of Lydia, his cock red and angry looking, as if ready to burst. “Open up.” He snapped and thrust his cock into my face. Quickly I opened my mouth to accept his cock. I closed my lips around his cock, bobbing my head back and forth, up and down his shake. I looked up to see a sneering smile on Gavin as he looked down at me, “Good girl.” He sneered, petting my back, “Tell me, how does her pussy taste?”

“This who likes the way Misses pussy tastes.” I could taste the tangy sweetness on his cock, her pussy tasted the way it smelled.

“Tell her.” He smiled, nodding towards Lydia.

I turned to face Lydia, “This who likes the way your pussy tastes Miss.” I said, lowering my eyes, not wanting to meet her gaze, to see her smile as I humiliate myself before her.

“Thank you sweetie.” I can hear the smile in her voice, why don’t you take a taste for yourself. She shifts her hips towards me, lifting a leg over my head. I’ve replaced Gavin between her legs. “Go on, take a taste.”

I’ve never been with another woman before, and for just a moment I’m confused, I hesitate. Lydia reaches out, grabbing my hair, and pulls my face into her pussy. I use my tongue to lap up and down her cunt, tasting more of the juices made from her and Gavin fucking, another reminder. Lydia lets out a soft moan as I work my tongue lightly going down and more forcedly going up. I pause for a moment to let my tongue dart into her hole, wiggling and exploring for just a moment before continuing to lap up and down. Lydia throw her legs around my head, hooking her feet behind my back, grabbed my head and began to rub her cunt back and forth across my mouth. I stopped lapping and held my tongue stiff as she worked her hips up and down. Her fingers dug into my hair, pulling, forcing my face into her cunt. Lydia moved her hips in a rhythmic motion, gasping and moaning, becoming more and more frantic, tensioning the further she went. She was about to cum, I could feel all her muscles tension,twitch, then tense again. Her hand pulled hard against my hair, gripping and pulling, I didn’t notice, I wanted her to cum, I wanted to make her cum. I lapped my tongue against her wet cunt, wide and broad strokes as she thrust her cunt up and down my face. Finally, she was ready, her legs tensed around my head, I felt her go stiff, still rubbing her cunt against my face, moaning, a guttural noise. I looked up to see her face, to see the strain of release. Lydia’s head was pushed back into the couch cushions, her eyes pressed closed, she was biting her bottom lip and moaning. Her hips thrust slower and slower, she had cum. Her fingers relaxed in my hair, unwinding, then smoothing out and combining the hair back from my face.


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