The Good Soldier Pt. 01

“Lance Corporal Jones!” The Voice of the Sergeant Major boomed across the hall to where Lance Corporal Alice Jones was sitting “The Colonel will see you now”

She snapped to her feet and placed her beret carefully on her head, tucking her Auburn hair tied into a severe underneath. She was small at 5’3 with a slender frame, she had what might be considered a stern and serious expression, and her delicate facial features made it seems strange. She wore no makeup, yet her skin was perfect, an observant eye would be able to tell it was from a careful skin care regime not just a blessing of youth.

She didn’t feel nervous, as she walked towards the office, rather a mixture of confidence and elation. She didn’t know what was coming yet she felt an optimization that her hard work, her dedication and commitment to the army was about to be rewarded.

She had been chosen! She had been pulled out of her unit, and given the opportunity to volunteer for a secret assignment. She hadn’thesitated, she had thought that approaches like that only happened in the movies, yes it was for a year, and yes, she would have limited contact with home. She didn’t really care though, she had no family, a half-hearted relationship with a boyfriend, good friends but nothing that would hold her back.

Instead of feeling appreciated at the idea of ​​being pulled out of her current life for a year, she felt excitement, and her mind raced at what possible deployment necessary such restrictions.

She marched into the office, halted in front of the desk of Brigadier General Percy Shelta, and then saluted smartly. The Brigadier looked up at her, he looked appreciated she thought, and was either unwilling or unable to hide it. He motioned to a chair.

“Please take a seat Corporation” he said kindly “take off your headdress and make yourself comfortable.”

She sat down removed her beret, but still sat with her back rigid, and not touching the wonderfully padded chair.

“Corporal I’m now going to brief you on why you’re here.” his tone was odd, sympathetic as if he was breaking bad news.

Alice didn’t understand, but she wasn’t a stupid woman, her optimistic started to fade, for the first time she started to feel a sense of foreboding.

“Corporal, this camp is your duty assignment for the next year.” he said simply “You will be confused to this facility during that time, and be allowed to leave under only the most limited circumstances.”

“Yes Sir.” Alice said simply, she didn’t question why.

The Brigadier smiled, he seemed happy with her resolution, he took a breath then carried on “There are two possible roles for you here, one that I will brief you about momentarily. The second which you will only fill if you decline the first role, is an admin role working in the unit office, the job is not demanding, however for security reasons once you are briefed on the other role…” he paused “the role for which you were asked here… security concerns dictate that you remain here, even if you choose to decline, as you are entitled to do.”

“Yes Sir, I understand.” Alice said, while wondering how horrible the assignment must be to account for his apparent guilt in asking and making it volunteer. This was serious, and Alice was both excited that she had been selected and frankly scared to find out what was needed of her.

The Brigadier smiled “That’s good… That’s good.”

He stopped a moment then began to speak in a rather emotional voice “Corporal Jones this is a place of Scientific research. It’s also a place of confinement, a Prison if you like. There are 5 men in this facility who while they have not committed a crime, simply cannot be allowed to walk free. “

Alice said nothing, she sat there calmly but her mind was racing, she forced herself to focus on what the Brigadier was saying, she didn’t want to miss some detail, and be caught out later.

“The men…” he paused, and she could seeHis face grimace when he referred to them “have been here for some time, and are undertaking work for us, however recently there have been issues, and they’ve decided to cease that work”

He’s explained this before Alice thought, he’s almost practiced at it “While they can’t force us to release them, we can’t force them to perform the work we so urgently need them to do”

The Brigadier paused, and Alice felt the need to say, “Yes Sir I understand so far.”

He smiled at her and almost hesitated before continue “Corporal… Alice. May I call you Alice!”

Alice was momentarily thrown “Yes Sir… Of course, Sir.” She didn’t need to be reminded that the first name terms was only one way, but she was surprised that he had asked her permission to use her first name.

“Alice, we need the work to continue, it is absolutely Vital! I ahmm… I insisted on being the one to brief you, it may have been better coming from someone else, but I am the senior officer at this facpurity and it’s my responsibility”

Alice was struggling to keep her calm, she just wanted to know what was expected of her, but all she knew so far was the Brigadier couldn’t bear to put it into words. Eventually it came into head, they wanted her as a test subject! But why? She had images of herself being strapped to a table, maybe they wanted to impregnate her. She started to feel ill.

“Alice over the last months, the details have stopped work repeatedly always making demands, those demands that we could meet, we did. However, one demand, a demand made most vehemently, we felt we could not meet… Until now.”

She looked at the Brigadier while he finally got to the point of why she was here “They’ve been here for some time and have been denied access to relationships, to the ability to interact with the opposite sex, there were incidents some time back.” His face clouded “with some of the female person. This time however, they’ve waited until a key moment, to withdraw their cooperation and…”

It finally dawned on Alice, before he got to the end “This time however they’ve waited until a key moment, to withdraw their cooperation and…”

“Is it just me?” Alice asked. She heard the words come out of her mouth without thinking.

“Excuse me…!” The Brigadier was started. For all his discomfort there was a massive disparity in rank, and in any other situation he would not be taking questions mid conversation from a Lance Corporation.

“You said there’s 5 of them Sir” Alice said quietly, surprised at herself for how her thought process was working “Will it just be me?”

The Brigadier bridled a bit, but then composed himself, he took a moment and then his tone changed again, this time it was a little more relaxed, he seemed almost relieved.

He didn’t use any more euphemisms “We’ll control how much time they get to spend with you.” he said, “We’ve warned them that we won’t order you to do anything, and that, if for whateverver reason you can’t continue that’s it!”

“But their work is vital” Alice didn’t intend it as a question, she was pointing out the obvious flaw.

The Brigadier smiled at her sadly, “Yes it’s vital and they’ve stopped.”

“I’m ready now.” Alice heard herself say.

The Brigadier looked surprised “Thank you, Corporal,” he said, with an initial note of shock “I would like to give you some time to become settled but… You’re needed now.” Finally with a sad tone he added “I’m sorry that this wasn’t the posting that you hoped for.”

Alice said nothing, the Brigadier got to his feet, and led Alice out of the office.

They walked out of the building, the camp was a relatively small one, Alice had initially thought it a transit camp. They got to a large walled compound, they were waved through the guard post at the front, and then past two other gates all manned not by soldiers but by Armed men in civilian clothes. In fact, Alice saw the majority of what people oncamp w civilian clothing.

They walked into a cavernous building, random terminals were spread throughout, it looked chaos, at the centre of the room their looked to be a large chamber with equipment scattered around it. She followed the Brigadier through a door at the far side, into a large expensively furnished living area.

A series of large screen TV’s were mounted on the wall, scattered throughout the room, were 5 men, at computer terminals, reading or in one case sleeping on an expensive couch.

‘So this is them.’ She thought looking around her. ‘They’ve got everything they want, and now they’ve got me.’

“Finally!” a man shouted rising from his seat behind a computer “about fucking time you saw reason.” He was in his early 40’s bald and portly. He walked over to Alice eyeing, her up and down “A fucking soldier! Jesus Christ!” he exclaimed “And why’s it just her? We said at least 3.”

Before the Brigadier could say anything Alice said “Fuck you” her loud clear voice filling the room. The Brigadier looked at her oddly but didn’t correct her.

Alice looked at the man figuring he was their leader, and then she looked around the room. All the other men were on their feet, they ranged in ages, from one in his early 20’s to one that was at least 60.

“This is not a fucking negotiation” she said angrily, “I’m here at the request of the Brigadier, and I’m only here so long as you’re performing your duties.”

She looked around the room “I was asked to do something, and I’ll do it, but you’ll do what you’ve been asked first!”

“No!” the man said “We get you first and then we’ll decide…”

Alice was angry, she didn’t know why or who at… but she felt rage bubble up inside her “You’ll get me…” She said with a hiss “when you’ve done your work for the morning.” she saw some of the men bridling, and she carried on “I’ll be here” she said carefully “once you’ve shown you’ve resumed your duties, and not before”

“But will you do what we’ll ask you to do?” an elderly looking man asked.

Alice looked at him, he was old enough to be her grandfather, she felt sick. “Yes.” she said simply “Go back to work.” she competed to the door “Once everything is working as it should be, I’ll be here.”

The portly man grinned at her “And what do you think we’ll want you to do.” he asked

Alice looked back at him with contempt “Maybe you’d just prefer to keep sucking each other off?” she said

His voice turned nasty “Aren’t you the little princess.” he said, “I wonder if you’ll keep it up when I’m fucking you up your arse”

“That’s enough.” The Brigadier said angrily

Alice looked at them blankly “Go back to work” she said, “I’ll be here when you get done.”

The older man now moved to the front “OK then young lady, you’ve made yourself clear, and that’s very admirable.” He smiled in a relaxed way, and carried on. “But let me make myself clear:” He turned back to the Brigadier”We’ll go back to work, but if the young lady here isn’t able to perform her functions later today…” he stopped and smiled at him “well then I promise you Brigadier, that no further progress will be made while you remain in command of this facility.”

The Brigadier looked momentarily thrown, the threat of demanding his removal seemed to be one he’d never heard before.

“Don’t you dare fucking talk to him like that!” Alice said angrily. She moved in between the man and the Brigadier and jabbed her finger in his chest “You don’t fucking talk to him like that!”

The man stepped back, started, yet smiling. Alice spoke to the older man “I’ll perform all my duties and you perform yours.”

“Very well then young lady.” he replied nodding with a congenial smile. “Well gentlemen, let’s begin Then, we are quite behind schedule after all.” With that he walked to the door and the other slowly followed.

“It’s also Corporal not ‘Young Lady’” Alice said to his back.

The Brigadier looked shaken. “Don’t worry Sir” Alice said, “I’ll make sure everything goes ok, let me know if they cause trouble otherwise I’ll be here.”. She was pleased when she saw the look of relief on his face, she also chose to see gratitude in his expression.

He looked at her oddly “I’ll have someone outside the door, if for whatever reason you want to stop…”

“I’d prefer If there was no one else here Sir.” She said, again Alice surprised herself with the confidence in her voice, it sounded like she was listening to someone else speak. “It’ll be easier with just them and me.” She didn’t want anyone around she realized, she wanted what happened in the room to stay in the room.

The Brigadier nodded “Do you need anything?” he asked.

“No Sir. I’ll be fine. I’ll get my personal items this evening,”

“Thank you, Corporal” he put his hand on her shoulder “You’re being asked to do something that no one should have to do.” With that she snapped to attentionion and saluted, which he returned, then walked out of the room.

Alice wandered around the room for a while, taking in its contents, the book shelves, the magazines. She sat at a computer that was unlocked, it had no internet access. She moved through the folders, finding folders of programs and text documents she couldn’t understand, as well as a lot of pornography and computer games.

She sat on the couch and waited, three hours later they were back.

“I half expected you not to be here when we got back.” A voice said, it was the older man who proceeded to introduce himself as Doctor Gordon, stressing the Doctor part. Then there was the angry portly man whose name was Givens. The younger nervous looking man in his twentyties was introduced as Taylor. The fourth man was called Alberto, again, in his 40s and obviously not British. Alice could hear a thick accent when he spoke to the last man, another large overweight man in his 40’s though, at least with his own hair, calld Jones.

Alice stood there, impassively she felt suddenly calm. “OK then Corporal” Givens said viciously “let’s have a look at you. STRIP!”

Alice saw a ripple of emotion cross each Man’s face as she started to do just that. The emotions may have been different depending on the character of each man, but it was there. Maybe a few of them felt disgust with themselves. Maybe they were testing her she thought?

She turned slightly away from them and began to unbutton her shirt. She moved quickly but took the time to fold her shirt before placing it on a table. She removed her T-Shirt to reveal a black sports bra. Givens moved to her front, so he could observe her undressing better. He moved closer to her.

“Jesus Givens! Give the girl some space!” Alberto said. Givens gave him a dirty look, but Alice noticed he stepped back. She looked at Alberto, maybe he would be an ally, she needed some friends in the group.

She knelt and started to unlace her boots.

“Fuck your boots! Get your tits out.” Givens said impatiently. Alice looked at him with contempt. In her head she knew that she was going to have sex with this man, but she didn’t yet feel it was real.

“I have to take my boots off to take my trousers off.” Alice said simply as she continued to unlace them, she pulled them off one by one, then unid her trousers, took them off and placed them folded with Her shirt. She wore a plain set of blue knickers underneath.

She didn’t hesitate. She didn’t see any point in dragging it out, not with 5 sets of eyes fixed on her. She pulled her sports bra off, feeling a brief sense of relief from having her breasts freed from the compression they had been under.

“What size are your breasts Corporal?” Dr. Gordon asked, not in a leering way but more with geneuine curiosity in his voice.

“They’re 32C” Alice said simply. She wanted to tell them all to fuck off and run out of the room, but she didn’t. She felt what she was doing was leconomical; that as obscene as it was, it was also worthwhile.

She was about to remove the plain blue knickers she was wearing when Gordon said, “Stop there Corporal, stand up straight so we can look at your breasts.”

Alice obeyed standing there for a few moments before Givens said, “We don’t just get to look, we get to touch.”

He stepped forward and instinctively Alice brought her hands up, he stopped. She thought she saw a flash of fear in his eyes, but after a moment she lowered her hands and he was the first of the men to touch her; gripping her breast roughly, pulling at the nipples. He angled his body, so the other men could see.

As he pinched her nipples roughly she asked “Are you really a scientist? You don’t look like one.”

Givens showed a flash of anger, “Never mind what I look like slut.” he said. She saw some of the others smiling at her comment, he pinched her nipple and she flinched in pain, but kept her hands by her side.

“Fucking stop!” Alberto said. “She’s doing what she’s asked.”

Taylor walked over to her clothes and removed the sports bra from the table, Alice felt a flash of anger that he was interfering with her clothes. I thought she would have small breasts when I first saw her.” he said nonchalantly “The sports bra makes them look smaller.”

“And the baggy uniform she was wearing,” Jones spoke for the first time “She’s small as well so her tits look bigger.”

For a few moments they discussed her breasts among themselves. Alice felt her anger rising as they spoke about her in the third person, as if she didn’t matter.

She stood there for a moment before Gordon ordered “Take your panties off Corporation” and she did. She pushed them down and stepped out of them.

“She shakes her cunt.” Givens said with contempt.

“We can all see that.” Alberto replied dryly.

“She waxes it.” Taylor said in a nervous voice, the younger of the men, it was the first time he had spoken.

“How can you tell?” Gordon asked him, with a curious voice.

“There’s stubble when they shake it.” he replied

“Ahh” Gordon replied, “Why don’t you be the first of us to touch it?” he said with a smile.

Taylor looked terrified, he turned to Alice and asked, “Can I?”

“Don’t fucking asking her Taylor!” Givens exclaimed “Just do it.”

Taylor’s eyes went to Gordon who nodded. He moved towards Alice and extended his hand. At the further possible distance from her, he brushed his fingers over her bare public area.

“Why do you wax your pubic hair Corporal?” Gordon asked, “Is there a sexual reason?”

Alice looked at him “I just prefer the way I look without it.” she said simply, and Gordon shrugged and nodded.

“I like that she has an innie.” Taylor said abruptly.

“What do you mean?” Gordon asked.

Taylor pointed at Alice’s cunt. “Her labia are tucked inside, so her cunt looks smooth with only a little slit.”

All the men stood looking at her crotch. “Turn around and bend over so we can see it better, Corporal.” ordered Gordon.

For the first time Alice hesitated; she started to feel appreciated about what they were like as a group. It might be best to get them alone.

She competed to an alcohol at the far side of the room “You’ve all had a gawk at me, so I’m heading over there, come over one at a time.” she moved to walk away from them, but it was Alberto that blocked her way.

“No, I’m sorry Corporal.” He said sadly. “We’ve discussed this. We’ve lived and worked together for years, and now we’re all going to do this together.”

Alice stepped back, she tried a different tack.

“Look,” She said placatingly “it’ll be more enjoyable for you all if you do it one after another.” Alice knew that being in a group often brought the worst out in men, it would be better if she could deal with them one at a time.

Alberto shook his head “No Corporal, we’ll do it as we decided not you.” He looked at her andThen in a firm voice said “Now, you were told to bend over, weren’t you?” So much for him being an ally Alice thought.

Alice scanned the men’s faces, she realized that she had missed something about the relationship between them she realized. The more she hesitated the more agitated she saw Givens was becoming, and there was no point arguing if the result was her doing it anyway. It would just make her look weak.


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