“It’s always been my fantasy to be tied down and ravished by a virile man with a large cock,” Helen said. She led Jim to her bedroom and handed him four leather cuffs with chains attached. “I want you to have your way with me while I’m tied down.”
“I’m not really into bondage, are you sure?” he asked.
“It’s always been a fantasy of mine but I was scared to ask my husband.”
“Okay, lie down on the bed,” he said and strapped Helen down attaching the leather cuffs to the bedposts. When he was done he said, “I have a lunch date with Anita and Janice, I’ll be back in a couple hours.”
“You can’t just leave me tied up here while you go fuck those sluts,” Helen pleaded.
“Hush, did I say you could speak?”
Jim grabbed some dirty panties from Helen’s dirty clothes hamper and stuffed them in her mouth.
When Jim got back and took the panties out of Helen’s mouth she screamed, “You fucking asshole. You left me here for two fucking hours with fucking panties stuffed in my mouth!” He put the panties back in her mouth.
“There’s nothing about bondage that’s fair,” Jim said. He found a pair of scissors and cut her shorts and blouse off leaving her in expensive looking panties and matching bra.
He pulled her breasts out of her bra one at a time. Her nipples were red and hard surrounded by dark brown areolas.
Hooking his fingers in the top of her panties he pulled them down so he could see her pussy and cliporis. It was wet and swollen. He leaned over and gave it a little lick.
Just then Helen’s doorbell rang. “I wonder who that is,” Jim said. Helen was shaking her head side to side but couldn’t talk through the panties stuffed in her mouth.
Jim left the room and came back in with Anita. “Hi Helen,” Anita said. “Jim said you were tied up and I came over to see if I could help.”
All Helen could do was squirm on the bed.
“If you stop yelling I’ll take the panties out of your mouth,” Jim said.
Helenstopped trying to scream and Jim took the panties out of her mouth. In a more controlled voice she said, “Why the fuck did you use scissors on my clothes? Do you know how much they cost?”
“Are you really worried about your clothes? I bet I can make you forget all about your clothes.” Jim pulled a small silver cylinder about the size of a lipstick holder from his pocket and said, “Anita loaned me This ‘personal’ vibrator when she heard you were tied up.”
“Let me,” Anita said. She took the small vibrator from Jim and turned it on. She barely touched the vibrator to Helen’s clip when her whole body twitched. Jim watched as Anita held the vibrator firmly on Helen’s cliporis.
Just as Helen exclaimed, “Oh, fuck! I’m going to cum!” Anita took the vibrator away before she climaxed. “No, put it back. Let me cum, you bitch!” Helen screamed.
Anita ignored Helen’s protests and waited until she had settled down before touching the vibrator to her cliporis again. And once again Anita took the vibrator away just before Helen climaxed.
This went on several times more before Anita turned the vibrator off and looked at Jim. “This is making me horny. I don’t think Helen will mind if we fuck in front of her,” Anita said and started undressing.
“I don’t care what you do just put that vibrator back and let me cum,” Helen pleaded.
Anita ignored her and climbed on the bed and got over Helen like she was going to do a 69 on her. She looked over at Jim, who had just stripped, and said, “Fuck me doggie style so Helen can watch up close.”
Jim knelt behind Anita and guided his hard cock to Anita’s wet pussy. His cock and Anita’s pussy were only about 3 inches away from Helen’s nose. She watched as Jim slammed his hard dick into Anita over and over until he made one final thrust and held Anita’s hips tight to him while he deposited his cum in her pussy.
When Anita climaxed she fell down on Helen’s prone body and said, “Now, that was one finefuck. Don’t you agree Helen?”
“Yes, it would be even better if it was me getting fucked.”
Anita felt Jim slowly pulling his cock out of her pussy and know that his cum was leaking out on Helen’s face. When Jim finished pulling his dick out of Anita she turned around and planted her cum filled pussy on Helen’s face. “Clean my pussy, you bitch.”
When Anita’s pussy was clean Jim pulled Helen’s panties up and put each breast back in her bra before unbuckling her legs and arms.
“You can’t leave without fucking me. You didn’t even let me cum,” pleased Helen. “I can get you hard again.” She reached for Jim’s cock and took it in her mouth. It was only the size of a peanut and as soft as a wet noodle so she was able to deep-throat him.
Jim didn’t mind the blow-job but said, “Helen, I’m not 20 anymore and my dick needs some R&R before it’s ready to get back in the saddle.”
“That’s not fair. I asked you over here to fuck me, not fuck Anita 3 inches from my nose.”
“Like I said before, there’s nothing fair about bondage.”
About 30 minutes after Jim left Helen’s doorbell rang again. She was still in her bra and panties when she answered the door. Janice held up a straw-on dildo and said, “Anita said you and I might like to use this.”
Janice pushed Helen back into her house and closed the door. “Get on the bed, spread-eagle.”
Helen started to protest but Janice cut her off, “Get on the bed NOW, bitch!”
Helen compiled and let Janice put the cuffs around her ankles and wrists. When Janice used a pair of scissors to cut off Helen’s panties and bra Helen started yelling. Janice pulled down her shorts and panties and put Helen’s panties between her legs and peed on them before stuffing them in Helen’s mouth. “Please stop talking.”
Janice finished taking her clothes off and strapped the dildo around her waist and centered it on her pussy. “This strap-on dildo has two soft rubber bumps,” she explained. “One on eachside of the base that line up with our clients. Every time I ram the silicane dick into your pussy those soft rubber bumps will slam into our clients.”
As soon as the dildo was in her pussy Helen stopped trying to talk through the panties in her mouth. Janice pulled the panties out of her mouth and Helen started moaning, “Yes, fuck me harder.”
When both had climaxed and their orgasms were over Janice unstrapped the dildo from her waist and left it buried deep in Helen’s pussy. She reached up and unbuckled the straps on Helen wrists and laid down beside her with her head nestled on Helen’s shoulder and her fingers making small twirls in Helen’s pubic hair
She moved her head down a little and took one of Helen’s nipples between her lips and gently played with it while Helen moved her hand down to her pussy and pushed the dildo in a few more times. Her ankles were still strapped to the bed posts.
“Us old grey haired ladies still know how to cum,” Janice murmured.
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