There are far too many rules in life. We’re oppressed by rules created by the rule makers walking in their mire to make our world a misery. They set the rules from the day we’re born to the first day we’re marched into school. They dictate the rules for which we live day by day, who we screw, how fast we can drive, what we can eat and how much hair we must remove. We have rules of engagement and rules for love and war. We even have rules for sex. And then there are the golden rules. These rules are the foundations for goodness and sometimes reward. These are the rules that are not to be bent, twisted or broken…. and this is the day that I will test them all.
Rule Number 1: Do unto others as they wish, but use your imagination.
He is standing outside my bathroom window with his dick in his hand. Perhaps he is watering the garden… or perhaps not. I can see his arm is moving he must be stroking himself. I quickly grab my towel, cover my naked body and wipe thewater from my eyes to get a better look at his face. My heart is buzzing like a humming bird in my throat. I can’t scream for help. I’m speechless, breathless. I just stand there helpless. He stops doing whatever he’s doing and suddenly raises his hands to the window sash and pushes. It rattles, but it doesn’t budget, it’s locked. I gasp with relief.
I step out of the shower and move to the center of the room. My legs and hands are trembling, my body is dripping wet. I feel light headed, like I’m going to be sick or worse still fear. Is this fear or adrenaline that I’m feeling or is it the affects of the alcohol? I can’t tell. I just don’t want to fall unconscious in front of a man standing outside my window masturbating. God knows what will happen to me then.
What will happen if I hope? Will he break into the house and come to my aid? Call an ambulance and escort me to the hospital’s emergency ward? No. He will take advantage of me. He will have his way and fuck my wet limp body. That son of a bitch! Look at him. Staring at me like he’s a dog drooling outside the butcher’s shop front window, thinking about gorging himself on some tenderloin prime cut of meat. Fucking animal.
Suddenly something comes over me. The feeling is quite outstanding. I watch myself deliberately drop the towel to the floor and expose myself to the man outside my window. Why I did that? I don’t know. Maybe the planets have aligned with the moon or perhaps I was overcome with the urge to be bad. Whatever the reason I now feel lustful and it is intoxicating.
The glass begins to steam up due to the pervert’s heavy breathing. His head drops like a bowling ball to catch a clear view of my naked body. I close my eyes and run my hands down my neck and over my glistening breasts. My hands don’t stop. No, I’m not finished yet. I began to stroke my nipples and mass my breasts. I open my eyes to see my voyeur’s licking his lips. I may be losing my mind, but soon I shall have total control over him.
My hands cares my belly and hips then wander back along the tops of my thighs where my hands meet on the border of my public bone. I squeeze my wet lips together with my fingertips, rubbing the damp public hair, prickling my bare skin. I let out a joyful sight when I cares my cliporis, side to side my fingers slide. My other hand cups my bosom before it actually disappears behind my back, away from my voyeur’s view, but he knows exactly where it’s gone. I push my fingers beyond my hind to find my lushes wet slit. I quiver with pleasure and moan as my fingers glide along the open seam then in and out, my movements slow, constant and smooth. I capture his gaze as my fingers re-enter my wetness. The strange grits his teeth and beats himself with desire.
Rule Number 2: If you open it, close it and always make sure it’s locked.
What will he do if I let him in? He won’t enter via the window; he wants to come in my back door. I can’t believe I just thought that. (I can’t believe I wrote it). If I open the window he will grab me, drag me outside and fuck me in the garden bed below. My face buried in the dirt, my body fondled and scratched by branches and fronds. He will plough me through the gravel and mud like a wild beast ripping apart its prey.
I will scream with pleasure as he fucks me. And I will whisper to him, “Take me, I’m yours.”
I step forward and unlatch the window. I hesitate, but I stand my ground. He straightens up and slides the sash open. I can see him clearer, undistorted by the open air. He looks young and virile and I want him. He lifts one leg through the window, with his buttocks resting on the sill and his cock dangling from his pants, he squeezes his torso through the window opening. Without thought of consequence, I lung forward, grab him by the neck and push him against the window frame. With one leg dangling in limbo, his body three quarters in and one quarter out, I snatch his cock and get down on my knees. I’m totally in control and most definitely out of my fucking mind.
He groans with aching lust as I gorge myself on his red hard cock. My hunger is overwhelming and I’m frothing at the mouth. I’m sucking him dry and I can taste his excitement. He can barely endure my affliction, but before he completely surrenders to me he throws me to the floor.
Rule Number 3: Hands are not for smiting; keep your hands to yourself.
My grip on the situation was short lived. The balance of power has turned now that I’m on the ground, I’m naked and I’m open. He slides his other leg through the window and towers over me. I’m drenched. My hair is still wet from the shower, my body is covered in perspiration and my cunt is wet and ready for my stalker. I’m no longer in control. I’m vulnerable and he’s menacing. I slide back on my elbows towards the door. He slowly takes off his belt and holds it like a whip. I start to panic.
I shuffle backwards out the bathroom, off the tiles and onto the timber floor. I reach for my handbag placed on a chair by the doorway and fumble for my savior. My intruder lashes out with his belt connecting with my wrist. I abandon my handbag and retreat to the opposite wall of the hall. I slowly rise to my feet nurse my lower arm, my eyes fixed on his dirty look. He whips at me again with a sharp crack and I let out a whining yelp. The leather strap slapses me on the supposed leaving a glowing cherry mark. My lashed skin is tingling and I’m yearning for more. He raises the belt again; I swiftly show him my backside and catch a glimpse of his wicked smile. Again he whips me with the leather strap, this time stinging my left butt chef.
He is standing within in inches of me as I’m pressed against the wall. My cheese, breasts, hips, knees and toes are frozen stuck to the cold rendered surface. I can hear him breathe in unison with me. We are both electrified and have no idea what will happen next. He reaches out and cares my cheek with the back of his hand. His affection is offensive. I turn my head and latch onto his finger with my teeth. He hisses in my ear and pulls my head back with a hand full of hair until my eyes begin to water and I release his fingers. I feel the badness of the leather belt silently slide around my neck as his muscles crush me against the wall. My mind is exhilarated and my pussy starts to weep with anticipation of what comes next.
Rule Number 4: If you care to fuck it, take good care of it.
He tightens the belt around my neck. My breath is restricted, deliberate and slow. His hands and fingers are everywhere, grouping my breasts, violating my mouth, probing deep in my cunt and taunting my ass hole. He is smoothing my clip and biting my neck. He is dominating every inch of my body, every piece of My flesh and he is holding my fragile breath. I long for his cock to be slide deep inside me. I moan and beg for him to fuck me. But he ignores me as he is in control, so I hold my breath and wait for his mercy.
His hand starts to linger around my pussy, working my citreous with three fingers, spreading the lips apart and reeling in my flow. He inserts each of the fingers one by one, altering between the index, middle and ring fingers, pushing them up inside. I can hear myself moan as he fucks me with his manly hands, I sound like a cat on heat that’s been tied up to a tree. The sound explored from my mouth is hideous, but I’m well beyond the point of self-consciousness. I can feel my muscles clnch around his hand, I don’t know how many fingers are inside me and which holes he’s penetrating, but it feels fucking amazing.
He spreads my legs apart and eases his appendage up into my dripping swollen cunt. I’m gasping for air as he begins to drive his cock inside me slow and strong. With every lunge the belt tightens and slackens on his withdraw. I’m breathing to his rhythm and for his rhythm I do exist. He builds up speed with each thrust, which makes me groan with satisfaction. My legs grow wear and I start to slump against the wall, the belt gets tighter as he pounds faster and deeper than before. My body is numb all over, my mind is cloudy and I begin to feel disappoint.
Suddenly there is a surge of heat around my pelvis and realize that I’m rubbing my own clip as he fucks me. The build up is long and intense. My body feels like it is being engulfed in flames as I began to implode into oblivion. The intensity of the fire grows and in an instant I am burning out of control.
Euphoria has become me. The orgasm has the intensity of a train derailing from its tracks. For the moment that I explode, tremble and convulse, I do not breath, I can not see, the world is silent except for the ringing in my ears that throws out my own frenzied screams. This is my nirvana, my enlightenment, my religion and my cocaine. This is my life and death fused together in one single perfect moment when a complete stranger makes me come.
Rule Number 5: Begin sexual relations out of want only, never out of need.
An untamed mind once wrote, “Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.” I often wondered if perhaps he was only half right, because for some of us sex is about being powerless. Well, at least spent after the climax.
We are scattered on the hallway floor like bowling pins, when we’re started by a knock at the front door. The stranger removes the belt from my neck and shakes me gently to make sure I’m still alive. I open my eyes, smile at him sheepishly and then climb up the wall to get to my feet.
‘Are you married? It’s not your husband is it?’ The stranger whispers.
‘You’re asking me this after you fucked me?’ I reply.
The man shrugs. I retrieve a dressing gown from the bathroom and cover myself up. I point to the stranger, as he gets dressed and lead him up the hall to the den.
‘Make yourself comfortable.’ I say to him as I switch on the light. The young man enters the room. I close the door behind him and lock the door, placing the key in my dressing gown pocket. I then make my way to the front door.
I swing the door open to find two officers waiting patiently on the verandah.
‘G’Day, Ms Milford. Sorry to disturb you.’
‘I was just taking a shower,’ I reply as I teased my wet hair into shape.
‘I do apologize for the inconvenience. I’m Senior Constable Danny and this Constable Booker. We’re responding to your personal mobile alarm device being activated a short time ago. Apparently you currently have a restraining order on a Mr. Seth Hector. We want to know if you’re in any danger at this present time?’
‘No, of course not.’
‘Are you aware that your alarm device was activated.’
‘No, there must be some kind of mistake.’
‘Well, I’ll ask you to check your device to see if it’s being activated by accident. False alarms do happen quite frequently.’
‘I see.’
‘Excuse me, Ms. Milford, but may I have permission to enter so I can check the premises?’
“Absolutely not!’
‘Sorry, Ms. Milford, but we need to ensure your safety.’
‘Well, I need to finish my shower! Good bye officers.’
‘Ms. Milford, please stop. We also had a report from residents earlier today that a young gentleman was seen loitering around the street and before entering your property. The description of the man does fit the description of a Mr. Seth Hector, your alleged stalker. I insist that you allow me to enter the property or at the very least that I inspect your backyard.’
I blush at the thought of two young police officers entering the rear of my property. I was also starting to wonder if this day could get any better. ‘Well, if you insist officers. But I must ask you to let yourself through the side gate. And don’t mind me if you see me in the shower, I’ll be busy shaving my pussy.’
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