His e-mail surprised me. He said his name was Max. And that he was a middle-aged man living in London. And that he had a slave, a woman named Jan, who he wanted to give me as a gift.
Like many of us who have written erotic stories and posted them on the net over the years, I had grown some accustomed to receiving e-mails from people who had read my stories. Generally, the feedback is positive, usually having something to do with a story catching the imagination of the reader. This kind of feedback is fun to receive. After all, connecting with the reader is the object for most of us who try to write. We endeavor to create an image that speaks to the reader, an image that draws them in and lets them become a part of what it is we try to describe.
Max write me a number of e-mails, actually. He told me in the beginning how Jan had found my stories and began to read them through. She would tell him about reading them, tell him she liked them, that they excited her. Max said Jan’s interest in me changed when she began to read stories like “Staying After School” (found here) and “Her Weekend Surprise” (found here) and “A Special Request” (found here). After reading those stories, he wrote, Jan began to include me in her fansies, the fans she used to masturbate when she was alone.
For this he would punish her, he said. He wrote of spanking her, even using his belt to spank her on a few occasions, but he came to see, he said, how she wanted the punishment. Wanting the punishment wasn’t in itself usually, he told me, so that didn’t really concern him. He was puzzled, he wrote, about why she seemed to use me to make him jealous. Perhaps, he thought, I was her way of testing his love for her, his desire to own her and have her for himself.
All this, he wrote, led him to the decision to send her to me. He wanted to show her that he could give her to me and not be bothered by me having her.
He proposed that he fly Jan from London to Charlotte. Should I agree to his plan, I would find Jan waiting for me in a hotel room. She would be mine to use in whatever way I choose. She would, to use his words, be my slut for one night.
Like I said, this was a new one on me. I admit to having received some unusual propositions through the years, but this one was entirely new and different.
I thought it over for a couple of days before writing him back. I would be honored to accept his slave as a gift, I wrote him.
Over the course of my communication with Max I had a chance to learn more than just a bit about Jan. Max wrote of their initial meeting, her discovery of her desire to be submissive, and the bonding they had done over a weekend in the Swiss Alps. He had also sent pictures. Max loves taking pictures, obviously. And just as obviously, Jan loves to pose. There were pictures of a smiling Jan walking through the British Museum, and there were pictures of Jan horseback riding in the country, and thee were pictures of Jan preparing to take a large bubble bath, and there were pictures of Jan in a slinky black teddy, and there were pictures of Jan without the teddy, and there were pictures of Jan pleasure herself and the camera.
With each successful e-mail from Max it became more and more apparent that he was leading up to some sort of crescendo. I reminded myself from time to time that all there was for me to do was wait. He’d get there soon enough on his own.
The crescendo came in the form of dozen photographs. They were all of Jan. In some she wore black leather chas. In virtually all she was tied in some scripted manner. In some you could see the red marks, the dark welts, across her thighs and ass. In some you could see the red marks on her breasts and nipples. But in all it was her eyes that leaves out of the picture. It was her eyes fixed on the camera, reaching out to the photographer and the viewer alike. In those eyes was a fixture of pure password or lust, whatEver one choose to call it. It was raw and earthy and unapologetic. And in some way I wasn’t sure I understand, it was aggressive.
I thought of all this as I drove to Charlotte. Jan’s flight was to have arrived the day before. The plan was for her to take a room at the Hyatt and spend some time recovering from her journey. I was to arrive at 8:00 p.m. the day following her arrival. She was to be waiting for me in her room.
The spring air flew through the car easily as I drove. The music drifted in the air and mixed with my sense of anticipation. How would it all go? Who knew? Me? Jan? Max? Not one of us know, of course. At worst, she could be some sort of British psychopath with a lust for shedding red American blood. Everything else this side of the worst didn’t seem too disagreeable. In fact, as I had thought through all this in the weeks leading up to the meeting, the possibilities looked much better than merely acceptable.
As I recall, the traffic was typically annoying. I remember the hotel parking lot was full. I had to drive around more than I liked to find a place to park. My irritation was some kind of clue, I remember thinking. I was impatient with getting it all started. I wanted it to begin. I wanted it all to happen. I wanted it all to happen. I wanted Jan, and more.
It was mid-week, so the Hyatt lobby was full of people traveling and doing business in Charlotte. There were suits and dresses and shorts and t-shirts. All or at least most of them were looking for a good dinner and a good time. They were headed away from the hotel. I was headed inside.
I carried the small black overnight bag I had packed as I headed for the registration desk. Do you have any messages for John Coltrane? I asked. Yes, just one, the college-aged drone answered before handing me an envelope. I stepped away from the desk and opened it. Inside a folded single sheet of hotel stationery was a room key. On the stationery, written in a skilled hand, was a brief message. “Room 626.I am waiting for you.” It was signed simply, “Jan.”
I folded the note and stuck it in the bag slung over my shoulder. A quick scan of the lobby revealed no one who was obviously watching me. Was anyone with her? I wondered. Was anyone along for the ride, maybe with not so good intentions? Was Max watching me? Had he traveled with her? Or had Max perhaps hired someone to protect Jan? A bodyguard? An assassin? One can never be too sure, I had reminded myself over the days leading up to this meeting. One can never be too certain that people might not have more on their agenda than what they tell you about.
Thingking, walking, and watching I found the elevator and took it to the seventh floor. I got off and moved down the hall to a corner leading to the vending and ice machines. Stepping inside, I checked my watch and leaned on the wall to wait. Five minutes passed and no one showed up, no one got off the elevator. No one followed? Maybe not.
I took the stairs down to thesixth floor and stepped into the hall. I walked past room 626 without looking at it. I found the vending and ice alcohol again and stepped inside to wait another five minutes. No one moved past the door. No one came into the hall at all. No one was watching the room? No one was expecting me? No one outside the room, I reminded myself. But who was in the room? Jan? Who else? And how many?
Doing my best to walk quietly but quickly, I moved to 626 and knocked. I could hear the television being clicked off and someone moving across the floor. The latch twisted and the door opened smoothly. Standing there in a black silk robe was the woman I had seen in so many pictures. It was her, Jan. She smiled and stepped back for me to enter. Without thinking I smiled back, neither of us speaking. I stepped through the door and into an adventure, thinking of the things I needed to do, thinking of my list of checks, thinking of the risks, thinking fast as the door clicked shut and locked behind me.
The room was a large suite. The first room was a comfortable furnished sitting room. Beyond it was a small kitchen area. Beyond that, the bedroom. On the bar was an array of fresh fruit, wines, and bottles of liquor.
“You are taller than I imagined,” she said from behind me.
I turned and took in her smile, her expression. She seemed at ease, relaxed and composed.
“And you are more beautiful than your pictures,” I responded.
Her smile widened and her head divided in recognition, an unconscious move of embarrassment.
“Thank you, Mr. Coltrane,” was all she said.
From my jacket pocket I pulled a wide black scarf. I motion to her to come toward me. She did without asking why, without a moment’s hesitation. Without Speaking or explaining I wrapped the black scarf around her eyes and tied it snuggly behind her head. Her arms hung at her side unmoving.
“Stay right here,” I told her, “Don’t move at all. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Sir,” she answered smoothly.
I pulled the double-edged knife from my bag. The slide of the blade from the sheath made the slightest hint of a noise. I saw her flinch but she didn’t move. She stood perfectly still as I moved towards her and past her. My should brushed her sleepe as I stepped to the door and pulled the chain latch into position. I moved past her again to step into the kitchen area. I listened for anything Other than my own breathing. Nothing. I stepped into the bedroom with something approximating a ready moment. Nothing or no one there. Nothing or no one in the bathroom either. The hotel suite was empty except for Jan and myself.
When I came back into the sitting room, I sheathed the knife and put it away, back into the bag.
“Satisfied?” she asked without any hint of sarcasm.
“He said you would check.”
I didn’t respond.
I sat on the sofa and considered the situation. Jan still stood in the middle of the floor wearing the black scarf as a blindfold.
“Did you have a good trip?” I asked.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Are you well rested?”
“Yes, Sir, very much.”
“Why are you here, Jan?” I asked.
“To please you, Sir. To be your slut for tonight. My Master has sent me as a gift to you.”
“Have you made preparations?”
“Yes, as my Master as instructed. The hotel staff arranged for or fetched liquor and food. And I brought toys as he told me.”
“Yes, Sir. Silk ropes, vibrators, lubricants, beads, butt plugs, clips, and leather items, whips and things.”
I see.”
“Are you pleased, Sir?” she asked.
I didn’t answer.
“You may remove the blindfold,” I said.
Her arms came up slowly and untied the knot on the back of her head.
“Now,” I continued, “Undress for me.”
All it took was a loosening of the knot on the sash around her waist. A shrug of her shoulders let the silk robe drop to her feet. She was naked then. Her breasts, full and swollen, held her nipples out to me. The curve of her hips was strong and firm. Her pubic hair was completely shacked clean.
“Your Master likes your pussy shacked?” I asked.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Kneel for me like your Master as taught you.”
Jan knelt immediately.
I rose and walked around her slowly. She was kneeing there on the carpeted floor, leaning back to sit on her heels. Her eyes were downcast, her hands behind her back. She was silent as she knew to be. Her knees were apart as she had been taught.
I remember being struck by her beauty as I circled her. Yes, she was beautiful, and she was waiting for me to begin.
“What are you?” I asked her.
“I am your slut for tonight,” she answered Without hesitation.
I stood behind her and smiled to myself. I leaned down to whisper in her ear. “What will you do for me?” I whispered.
“Anything, Sir,” she said aloud.
“Show me how much of a slut you are.”
“What shall I do for you?”
“Show me your breasts, offer them to me, make your nipples hard for me.”
Her hands came to her breasts, cupping them, raising them upward as her thumb and forefingers took her nipples. She didn’t raise her face to me at all as she twisted both nipples. Each breast seemed to swell in her hands as her nipples grow taut and hard.
“Do you like?” I asked, Still walking around her.
“Yes,” was all she said.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, Sir,” she corrected.
“Now rub your pussy for me with one hand.”
Her response was automatic. Her right hand found her pussy immediately and began to rub in a circular motion. Again I stopped my pacing and stood in front of her watching. Her left hand moved from breast to breast as her right hand worked faster on her pussy.
“Stop,” I told her, “And return your hands to behind your back.”
She did as I instructed. I could see gentle red marks around her nipples, and her pussy lips wereswollen and prominent between her legs.
“Would you like to continue?” I asked her.
“Yes, Sir.”
“Do you want to cum?”
“Yes, Sir, very much.”
I stepped behind her before telling her, “Lean forward on all fours. Show me your ass and pussy. Show me how hot you are, how much you want to cum.”
“May I touch my pussy to show you?”
Her fingers found her pussy and spread her shiny wet lips. A finger disappeared inside, then another, both fingers fucking her smoothly before being pulled out to rub her clip.
“Wet a finger in your pussy then slide it into your ass,” I told her.
She did as I said. A finger from one hand in her ass, a finger from her other hand in her pussy.
I watched her hips move with her fingers. I listened to the wet sounds her pussy made. Stepping closer, I took in her scent, the smell of her lust, the scent of her essence.
“You are a slut, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Sir,” she answered in a breathy whisper.
“Do you like showing me?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Because I want to please you, to show you how much I want and need to be fucked.”
“Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Yes, Sir, very much.”
I could tell from the way her hands were moving faster that she was growing close to her first orgasm. But I wasn’t ready for that yet. It wasn’t time for her pleasure.
“Now stop with your hands,” was all I had to say. Her hands drew away from their sites of pleasure slowly but steadily leaving her pussy open and alone.
“Do you want to cum?”
“Yes, Sir, very much.”
“Only when it is time,” I told her.
She remained silent, waiting.
“Get up now and put your robe back on. It’s fine for going out. You look nice in it, very nice. It can pass for a dress. Find some shoes. I’ll wait here.”
Jan got up, grabbed her robe and slipped it on as she went into the bedroom. I could hear her rummaging around, looking for shoes, I imagined.When she came back, her eyes were cast on the floor, the robe tied snuggly around her wait, and she was wearing a pair of expensive sandals. The robe’s length was just below mid-thigh. Perfect, I thought.
She stopped in the middle of the room and waited.
“Come with me,” I told her, taking her arm and beginning to move towards the door. We didn’t speak as we waited in the hall for the elevator. Nor did we speak while we road the elevator car down to the lobby. But while we rode alone in the car, I let my hand move from the small of her back downward over her ass. I let my fingers work the robe up until it was bunched at her waist and my hand held her smooth, naked ass. I let my middle finger run down the crack of her ass, feeling the firm flesh, the toned, strong muscles, down and between her cheeks, down Until the tip of my finger rested on the wet pumper of her ass. That wetness, the slick, distinctive, silky feel of her pussy juice covered the tight ring of her ass. It was almost as if that wetness was inviting me, pulling me, almost begging me to enter her. My finger did, and she moaned. But I pulled my hand from her and let her robe fall back over her as the elevator doors opened to let us out so it could take in a small collection of unknown, bored looking hotel guests.
We walked in silence to my car. I opened the passenger side door and she settled into the seat. I started the car, opened the sunroof, and let all the windows down. The cool, black night air joined us as I pulled out of the parking lot and onto Pineville Road heading towards downtown.
“Unfasten your seatbelt and open your robe for me, Jan.”
She did as I told her, pushing her ass down in the seat, bending her back, offering her pussy to me, I thought, all while letting the robe drop away from her breasts. The wind grow faster and cooler as I picked up speed. The chill made her nipples shrink and extend into hard points of dark flesh. As I drive I reached acrosswith my right hand and ran it softly over each breast and each nipple, then down her belly over her shaken mound, down and through her thick, wet pussy lips. I drug the finger upward, letting it spread her pussy and enter her, pulling wetness from her up to circle and play over her hardened clip. I could feel her hips move upward ever so slightly. I painted circles around her clip with her wetness.
When I found the street I was looking for, I pulled my hand from her to negotiate the turn.
“You may touch your pussy, if you like,” I told her.
Her right hand found herself immediately.
“Feed me a taste of your pussy,” I added.
Her left hand dipped to gather juices quickly. Her fingers came to my mouth and ran over my lips as I licked them. All the while her right hand played over her clip and pussy.
“Thank you,” I told her when her fingers were clean and pulled away. “Remember,” I added, “Do not cum without my permission.” As I drive, I watched her. I wasn’t sure she was prepared to wait, so I told her to stop touching herself, to put her hands on the seat beside her. Reluctantly, I think, she did, triggering a thought that this reluctance with something that would have to be dealt with later on in the evening.
The sight of her in the car, her naked and colored only by the moon, colored as well by the dull glow from the car’s dash and the passing amber street light, the sight of her in that moment mixed with the anticipation of nearing where I wanted to take her. I slowed the car and turned into the parking lot. “Close your robe,” I told her. She did just before the valet approached her door. An exchange of keys for a receipt left us to walk together into the bar.
The bar was dark. The dance floor was crowded with people dancing or trying to dance. The night was still relatively young, so There was still room to move around. Some tables and booths were unused, I could see. I moved us towards the corner booth near the backof the bar. Jan moved smoothly beside me. I could feel her smooth naked flesh under the silk robe. Each stride made for a shift of skin against the silk. A very, very nice feel.
She slide into the booth and I followed.
“Open your robe again,” I told her without looking as a waiter approached.
Her robe was open and the deep cleavage between her breasts exposed while the waiter took our order. I ordered two double Absoluts on the rocks. No fruit. The waiter was skilled at keeping eye contact but I could tell he was drawn to Jan’s front. Anyone, any man, would be, I remember thinking. The waiter hustled back with our drinks, probably to see if Jan had discovered her open robe. He left almost reluctantly. I watched him move directly to the bar and quickly discuss something, us, Jan, with the bartender.
I leaned towards Jan and kissed her as I fished a chunk of ice from my drink. The kiss was soft and slight, but it held her as I smoothly slipped the ice inside herpussy. “Hold it,” I whispered to her as I kissed her below her ear. She stiffened and then tried to relax, but when she gathered herself she turned her head and kissed me tenderly on the lips.
“I have wanted this for a long time, Sir,” she told me when our lips parted.
I only smiled.
The night was indeed very young.
While I sipped my drink and Jan sat gripping the ice cube in her pussy, I watched Ray, the bartender, dial a number on the house phone under the bar. I moved closer to Jan and ran my hand up the inside of her thigh until I could feel the contrasting combination of the cool water and her warm juices.
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