Donna’s naked body swept up from the bed and over to the hotel door, her flushed breasts bouncing playfully. With her tangled blonde hair deliberately covered the combination padlock, she unlocked the security chain and brought in the bottle of champione. She closed the door again with a solid thud and slipped her padlock back on to the chain just as Sam arrived.
She giggled happily as Sam buried his face in her hair and kissed her neck. With Donna distracted, he unexpectedly reached up and tugged at the locked combination padlock.
“It doesn’t seem fair that only you can open the door,” he breathed, working his lips against the nape of her neck.
“It’s not…”
“Am I your prisoner?”
“Lover,” Donna corrected, turning around and squeezing his erect cock, “I’ll let you out When its time…”
Sam’s spare hand continued to turn the dials in an attempt to break Donna’s code.
“It would take you days to find the code,” Donna purred, squeezing his cock tighter.
“Is this another hold?”
“Mmm…” she breathed, “The only way out is to go soft.”
“With your naked body just there?”
Donna glowed at the compliment and proudly led the way back to bed with one manicured hand around the bottle, the other around Sam’s cock.
“Champagne?” Sam asked, having principaled open only one of Donna’s hands.
Sam tried to reach for a second glass, but Donna refused to let go of his penis. The fingers of her other hand now curling tightly around his balls, “We’ll share one glass,” she whispered.
“Why do I always end up in an inescapable hold?” he asked, trying to pull away.
“Because you want to?”
Donna gently used Sam’s penis to pull him down on to the white sheets and positioned his head between her waiting thighs.
“Maybe I do, Sam smiled as Donna’s thighs gracefully closed in around him, squeeze together to trap him in a reverse head scissors.
Sam was now lying on his back with Donna’s body pinning him into the thick memory foam mattress. His eyes peered over the top of her round cheeses, watching her sip champione as his pumped lips tried to form words between her bare chefs.
“It’s okay, you can have some,” Donna called, teasing him with her patronising tone.
Propping herself up on her arms, she twisted around and poured a drop of champione between her cheeses. The bubbles felt cold and tickly as the sparkling liquid rolled down her valley towards Sam’s mouth. Sam forced his lips forward and used his tongue to flick the liquid into his mouth.
“Fuck!” Donna mouthed. The feeling was incredible, and she closed her trembling eyes as Sam’s tongue soaked up the last of the mood, “Lick me dry!” Donna panted as she looked at the full bottle.
Sam’s tongue slid up between her cheeks and pushed in against her hole. The tingling sensing was getting out of control and she tipped in some more champione to distract his tongue.
Donna took a long sip from her glass and held the bubble champion in her mouth. She then slipped her mouth around Sam’s penis, sealing her lips so that his cock marinated in the effortcent liquid.
“Oh yeah,” Sam croaked, Donna’s legs expressing just a little too much love.
Donna listened to him cry out as he climaxed. He was like a musical instrument, his voice changing as she tensed and released her body. When she squeezed, there was nothing but a low moaning victory as her cheeks sealed him completely.
She swallowed the cocktail of champione and cum and then pulled free.
“Another drink Sammy?”
Donna channeled more champione between her cheeks and watched in delight as Sam thirstily lapped it up. Even when she stopped, his lips continued to lick and explore her butt, leaving her mind struggled to process the new sensing.
“Let’s try this,” Donna exclaimed, already feeling the effects of the champione.
She released her hold on her preyand bounced excitedly to her bare feet. Pulling the white sheet from the queen size bed, she laid it carefully on top of the large rug.
“Can you ‘kiss’ me while we’re wrapped up?” Donna asked, her naked body rolling and giggling on the sheet.
“I’ll kiss you anywhere,” Sam replied huskily, straddling her naked body and kissing her shiny red lips. Her blue eyes and dark lashes seemed larger and almost cartoon like with excitement
“Down there… please?”
Sam looked down to where her restless hips were rolling and her legs spread, “It’s dangerous down there,” he smiled.
“You mean it’s fun down there…”
“I promise I’ll keep you safe…” Donna’s legs were getting dangerously impatient.
Aroused as hell, Sam’s lips moved to Donna’s breasts, popping and playing with her erect nipples, before moving down to her warm and waiting vagina.
“Get in the right position,” Donna quivered, pulling him closer and wrapping him up in her flushedtighs, “If this works, your position will be permanent.”
“I assume this is right?” Sam teased, flicking his tongue across her clip.
Donna was visible shaking.
With Sam in a tight front head scissors, she pulled the white sheet over them and tucked it in snuggly. She then started to roll, her hips bringing Sam with her until everything from her breasts down was tightly wrapped up in the taut sheet.
“Okay in there?” she called down to the moon of entwined bodies tied up in the fabric.
She was rewarded with another flick of his tongue as she next pulled the rug over her and rolled back the other way to encase them both in a solid carpet roll.
It had worked perfectly. Sam’s head was pressed deeply against her, not kissing her was no longer an option, and her legs were so tightly bound together that there was no way that they could part.
“Can you breathe in there?” The cartoon eyes were dangerously aroused.
Sam hedonistic moans vibrated inside the rug.
“One kiss for ‘no’ and a thousand kisses for ‘yes’!” Donna called.
Sam’s lips were going crazy, sending Donna into all out ecstasy as he relentlessly worshiped her. She tried to thrust and push, but nothing moved inside the rigid, tightly rolled rug.
“Fuck, yeah!” she cried, tears in her eyes.
She felt like a mermaid, wild blonde hair and pouting red lips, toned shoulders and pert breasts and then just a tightly coiled carpet. Magic was happening inside there that nobody would ever see. A private love cave encaging a beautiful captive man.
“I wish someone could tie up this rug,” Donna quivered, “never to be unwrapped…”
She could feel his every move, slow and loving despite his own cruel imprisonment. He was totally trapped, engulfed by a woman’s body with less freedom than probably anyone on the planet. Wild fansies drifted through her mind as she climaxed with high pitched cries echoing around the room. She was a trembling mess withlong blonde hair sticking to her glossed lips that were shaped in a permanent inane grin.
Sam lay waiting in the pitch black as Donna’s body ran through its wild emotions. He was helpfully mummified, his arms trapped by his sides and his body one with Donna’s legs. He couldn’t move at all and calling out only sent visas into Donna’s pussy. He was breathing deeply, gasping in her scented, oxygen deprived air.
He gave her a single, long and loving flick of his tongue.
“Oh yeah,” Donna called.
‘Fuck… remember the code girl…’
He waited and gave her another single lick. Fuck, her body was waking up and thrusting against him once more. He loved the thought that this woman wanted to keep him there forever, but while he loved his incarceration, he needed to breathe. He flicked his tongue again.
Fortunately, the mermaid remembered, “Oh god!” she called.
Sam let himself be led by her powerful hips as she rolled them both over three times to unwrap the rug, and then back against to free them from the sheet.
She quickly opened her eyes, “You okay,” Donna asked, all wide eyes and tangled hair.
Sam lay flat on his back, a permanent smile on his lips, as Donna’s attention returned to his cock. Her mouth felt so nice, so playful, so seemingly fascinated by him. He climaxed into her mouth; her big Disney eyes craned upwards to watch him.
Sam stood up and held out a hand to help the grinning blonde to her feet.
“I hope I didn’t break you?” she smiled.
Donna saw the mischievous look in Sam’s eyes, but not in time to stop him twisting her wrist, making her turn around and then bow down as he raised her arm. It was now her turn to struggle beneath him. The tangle of blonde hair was breathing fast as he stepped over her shoulder to double lock her in place.
Donna had always hated being trapped, but this time she was aroused and dangerously infatuated. Her mind was confused, she knew she should escapeand impose her revenge, but she was strangely happy to let him hold her. She moaned, flicking away her hair so she could kiss his cock.
“How does it feel?” Sam asked triumphantly.
“I’m trapped,” Donna seemed surprised.
Her mouth engulfed his cock once more. Sam loosened his hold on the beautiful woman and closed his eyes as he focused on her mouth.
Donna suddenly twisted, clasped Sam’s wrist and reversed the hold. Sam was now being forced down with Donna’s leg swinging dangerously over his shoulder forcing him to the floor.
“How did you…” Sam gasped.
“Now you’re trapped,” Donna cried endorphins flooding her body.
She dropped to her knee and started to crush Sam’s head between her tigh and her calm. He was kissing her like crazy, peppering the back of her thigh and the fold behind her knee.
“Opponents don’t usually do that…”
“They should, your body is even more beautiful from down here.”
“Oh, stop!” she cried, “Or I’ll never be able to let you go.”
With renewed permission to be mean, Donna held the arm lock and dropped down more heavily on to Sam’s head, his face distorting beneath her naked bottom. The more she crushed, the more his cock swelled until
“Can you keep me in a hold until morning?” he mumbled into the fold of her knee.
“Til morning?”
Donna released his arm, stepped over his crushed body and jumped on the bed, “Do you think we can?”
Sam shrugged nonchalantly, although his raging erection gave him away.
Donna rolled from side to side as she imagined her most inescapable hold, “Mmm… I wonder if my legs would hold you while I’m sleep?”
“I doubt it,” Sam teased as he kissed her lips.
“Want to put your head where Your mouth is?”
“Sure,” Sam smiled confidently, as he lay down next to her, head to toe in a reverse head scissors, with his head nestled in snuggly between her open legs.
“Do you really give me permission to hold you all night?”
“If you can…”
She propped herself up on her arm, her back arching up from her tensed buttocks as she tightened her legs. Sam gurgled from Donna’s overexcited thighs.
They were both exhausted and inebriated as Donna poured the remainder of the champione between her cheeks, each drop being rewarded with a gorgeous anal sensing as Sam kissed and licked.
Donna’s eyeselids were threatening to close, “If you wake me up…” Donna whispered dreamily, “…my thighs will put you straight back to sleep. I mean it!” She didn’t want to lose the bet.
Sam fitted so perfectly between her legs; his nose seemed designed to fit between Donna’s strong bare cheeses. He could feel the quivers and shakes as Donna drifted into sleep. Her legs cinched together with her ankles crossed, as her breathing changed, slower and deeper, as she started to dream.
Donna had positioned Sam deep between her thighs, his features more engulfed and his air more rationed. Her legs quivered as she slept but somehow, they still maintained their grip.
However, Sam was ready to try. Donna’s head was resting on his thigh and he had to rolled her over a little before attempting to wriggle his head free. Her legs seemed to weigh a tonne, and he struggled to lift her upper thigh as he pulled. Nothing. His hot breath beat against her buttocks as he tried to break the tacky seal that had formed between them. Nothing again, he would have to force her legs apart.
Suddenly, Donna’s breathing changed as she shuddered in her sleep. She moaned the cutest moan as her legs tensed again. His nose was back where it started, surrounded on all sides by toned and tensed female muscle.
“Okay, darling,” Sam panted, kissing her bottom in conciliation.
Donna didn’t reply. How could he be trapped by a sleeping woman? She rolled back a little, her hips turning to rest more heavily on his chest, and one leg crossing over the other to put him in a figure of four. There wasn’t much of Sam showing any.
“Relax, please,” he mumbled, now lightheaded from lack of air.
Slowly her cheeses loosened, resting back down on to his cheesebones, and he gratefully breathed in her cented air. He was trapped, unable to talk and barely able to breathe, yet it felt wonderful as he reached down to bring himself to orgasm. He didn’t need to keep quiet; he was well muffled already. He wiped himself clean and pulled the white sheet over them both.
“Good morning!” Donna smiled as her sleepy eyes flickered open.
She hugged Sam’s thighs and squeezed her own together, contented and excited at having spent another night together. She felt close to Sam, both mentally and quite literally, and hugged him again.
“Morning…” Sam croaked, overwhelmed by her loving grip.
“Oh sorry!”
Her strong legs loosened but stayed reluctantly locked together around his head. A little daylight streamed in between the curtains, the beams of sunglistening on the tiny hairs on Donna’s thighs.
“And I thought I might need a harness to keep you there,” Donna breathed, enjoying the warm and tacky feel between her legs.
“I certainly couldn’t get out,” Sam panted, “…not without waking you.”
Donna’s smile widened as Sam continued to describe his night time escapades with her body. She loved waking up slowly, rolling and stretching under the warm sheets, and having Sam so close and intimate made it a thousand times better.
“But you can let me out now…”
Donna’s mischievous smiled returned, as she loosened just enough to let Sam’s head slip further between her legs. This time when her thighs tightened, Sam’s entire face was buried in her thighs and crotch.
“Opps, you seems to have disappeared…”
Donna loved this position. It wasn’t the most secure way to hold an opponent, but it was beautifully humiliating. Sam’s window on the world was now completely blocked and locked. His eyes, nose and mOut were all enclosed somewhere inside the most intimate part of her body.
“I love you being mine,” she whispered, her fingers interlaced around his head and working him deeper, “…breath me in.”
Sam’s raging erection was only engaged by Donna’s touch. He thrusted forward until Donna’s lips finally consumed him. Fuck, he was quick, something magic must be happening between her legs. He was Now still, breathing deeply and moaning contentedly.
Sam seemed to be enthralled by his sensing deprivation and Donna was only too pleased to keep him there. She reached for her phone and checked her messages. Sam seemed exhausted but content in his dark underworld and so she covered him with the sheet and started to text.
“You look tired Sammy,” Donna whispered, “… want me to put you to sleep?”
She had taken away his words but somehow, they understand each other through aroused moans.
“I think you want me to,” Donna whispered, releasing him from sensory deprivation and wrapping her toned thighs securely around the narrowest part of his neck.
Sam felt the force of the woman’s body construct around his neck. Soft thighs became solid and unyielding. He quickly became lightheaded and sleepy and looked up with big questioning eyes.
“It’s okay,” Donna whispered.
He pulled at her legs, but Donna just shook her head, “Trust me…”
Sam lips curled into a smile as his eyes closed and he lost consciousness. Donna loosened her grip and gazed lovingly at the man sleep between her legs. The feeling of power was amazing, she had put a man to sleep. Another minute of loving squeeze and her thighs could take his life. She never would, but the trust in his eyes had made her tingle.
Sam woke a few minutes later to see Donna sitting cross-legged on the bed next to him. He tried to move and soon realized that Donna had used his belt to tie his wrists together behind his back.
“After you knock out your assailant,you have to immobilise him,” Donna smiled, leaning over to kiss Sam’s lips.
There was a knock on the door and Donna skipped up to her feet and wrapped a robe tightly around her waist as she brought in the room service breakfast. She placed it on the bed next to Sam and took a piece of toast.
“Do I get my coffee in the same way as champione?” Sam asked with a cheeky smile.
“Coffee might be too hot,” Donna blushed,
Wow, had she really forced him to lick her butt. She smiled shyly and walked over to the bathroom.
“Donna, my wrists!” Sam called.
With the bathroom door locked and the shower pouring, Sam walked over to the mirror to decipher how Donna had tied him up. His arms were crossed behind his back with his wrists locked together in a tight figure of eight with the belt buckle complete inaccessible.
He looked at the breakfast that she had ordered for them but chose the minibar instead. He managed to pick up a small bottle of whiskey with his mOut and hold it between his knees to unscrew the cap. He drank half, but then dropped the bottle and was on his knees trying to retrieve it when Donna returned.
“Is that your breakfast?” Donna questioned, now showed and back in her short blue lace dress.
Sam had given up on the bottle and was struggling to prop his head up against the wall. He looked like an exhausted action hero, glistening muscles, unshaven with ruffled hair. His cock ached from use, proudly erect as ever.
“I like you with your hands tied,” Donna mused as she stepped nearer so that he could see inside her dress and then sat down astride his waist, “so helpless…”
Sam grateful sipped from the whiskey bottle that Donna held to his lips and then sat watching as she sat on his lap and started to brush her hair. Her weight was crushing his penis and straight blonde hair was tickling his face until she finally martialled it all into a hair elastic.
“I have to go and give my class,” Donna sighted.
“And I have to sleep,” Sam nodded towards his wallet, “Can you book me another night as you pass reception?”
Donna hugged him as she untied his wrists.
“I hope you realize how nice I am,” she breathed between kisses.
Donna strode to the door and spun the dials on the combination lock. Sam stole one last kiss as Donna slipped through the opening.
“Lock the chain again,” Donna whispered, blonde ponytail flicking wildly as she checked the corridor.
“How will I get out?”
“I promise I’ll come back and tell you the code…”
Sam closed the door, engaged the security chain and shortened it with Donna’s lock. He checked to make sure that the chain couldn’t be unhooked before opening the door the tiny crack that the chain allowed.
“Okay, I’m locked in,” Sam called as he looked through to slit to see Donna sliding down and stepping out of her blue panties and pushing them through the tiny crack in the door. Her wide lips were parted and breathing heavily with excitement.
“Present to keep you company until tonight…”
“Tonight? Your class is only an hour!”
“Plenty of time to try to guess my code!” she giggled as she hung the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door. She turned, her naked but swinging beneath the sheer dress as he walked away.
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