Today is Sunday. It’s noon and I’m sitting on my steps waiting to be picked up. All of this has happened in only a week. At last week’s college graduation party my brother and his friends asked me to do a scene with them. They wanted me to play a slut who would be crucified for her sins. This required a victim, hopefully young, hopefully physically attractive. To be striped naked, whipped and put to the cross. I knew the instant I heard it I wanted to be that victim. They wanted my sister Robin but they would have had to force her. I was more willing. I was also over eighteen, three years younger than my brother and his friends. I couldn’t wait.
I told my brother we’d need to negotiate a long scene like this so a day later I was given a contract outlining how long it would be, What would happen, what wouldn’t happen. I would be picked up today at noon and driven to the site of my ordeal, a secret site. Except we all know where it was. Just a big lonely field. It takes about two hours to drive there, in Maine, out in the hills north of Portland, an isolated wood lot reachesable by a long dirt road. An ideal spot.
According to the contract once we got there I would be strung up by my wrists in the nude to await my punishment. Stringing me up like that gave the guys time to come and minister to me, however they would, and gave me time to think about what was to be done to me over the next few hours. It also gave them time to arrange the rest of the scene. The real action consisted of a flogging, of me, and then my crucifixion. While I was strung up, they would erect a frame from which I would be hung for my flogging. Then they would assemble my cross and we’d be ready.
The flogging in the nude was scheduled to last one hour. That was a long time but I had endured one of three hours even though I had passed out several times and had had to be revived. Today, after the whipping, I would be marched to the cross and the actual crucifixion would take place. That was scheduled to last until the sun went down over the trees directly in front of where I would be hanging from the cross. That would the boys time to take me down from the cross and revive me and give everyone time to get back out to the main road before dark set in. So if you figure I’m picked up at noon, we arrive at two, I’m hung out to await my fate until three, I’m flogged until four and on my cross by five that gives about two and one-half hours to suffer on the cross. Doable.
Besides these details there were other things in the contract. I would be driven to the site with my hands and feet bound and a blindfold on. That was to make sure the location of the “secret” site remained a secret. Hopefully they’d tell the driver of the car where it was. There would be at least one girl with me at all times. That was to protect my virtue, something I had in fact already surrendered willingly to my third boyfriend. I would have surrendered it willingly to either of my first two boyfriends but they never asked, some to my chagrin.
Once at the site I would be stripped and hung out to await punishment. I knew by that time I’d be so horny if they weren’t fast enough I’d strip myself. During this phase of the punishment they would use clamps on me. That’s a bondage thing. I don’t think the Romans put nipple clamps on people before real crucifixions. I made They add a clause that they could not put the clamps on my genitals. Ick. Also there was to be no fucking. At least no fucking of me. By them.
Again according to my contract I was to be whipped and crucified while completely naked. Not even earnings. People could touch me but there was to be no penetration, i.e. no rap, and no one could hit me with anything but of course the whip while I was being flogged. The whip was described in the contract. A store bought three-tail cat about two feet long made of soft leather. Not too bad. The first time I was flogged it was done with a wet piece ofhemp, which hurt like hell. I would be whipped only on my bare ass and the backs of the top part of my thighs. They knew I have thin legs and that whipping my thighs would hurt like hell. Not that whipping my bare ass wouldn’t. I would then be taken down, bound and marched to the cross.
The cross would be the traditional kind on which Jesus was crucified. The kind that looks like a T. A lot of girls, me included, like to be done on the kind of cross that’s shaped like an X. The attention for me is having my legs spread wide because it makes me feel so vulnerable. If there are guys there it gives you the thrill that comes with knowing the power of your pussy. Because every guy I ever talked to wants to see girls on that kind of cross, too. I thought I might like to try it for this scene but having Your legs spread like that is kind of personal and I didn’t think I wanted to spread `em for too many people. Maybe next time. So I let it go. Maybe the girlfriends didn’t want their men seeing me that way. Might give them ideas about what else my cunt might be good for later on. It also said the cross would be made of wood, a two by four for a cross piece and a four by four for a base although these details hardly seemed to matter to the victim.
I was to be tied to the cross with rope, of course, no nails, no barbed wire, etc. They would tie my wrists with my arms spread wide and also bind my elbows and my upper arms near my shoulders. That was fine. I knew I wouldn’t be strong enough just to hang by my wrists. I would be supplied with a pussy rope and I could cum as much as I could manage, none of this orgasm control crap. I would be crucified facing the sun. It was the middle of the summer and it would be very hot, in the nineties, or the high thirties if you’re into Celsius, always Assuming it didn’t rain which it rarely does in the summer. Being in the sun all day didn’t concern me. I spend a lot of time at the beach, as much time as possible topless and my bare, still snow white ass would be somewhat hidden. Plus the girl who was to be with me all during this protecting my non existing vitamin was to be provided with sunscreen. Photography would be not allowed though I’d be powerless to prevent it.
While on the cross I could be flogged some more but otherwise I was to be left alone. I could ask for as much water as I wanted and it would be given. If I passed out I would be taken down and revived and that would be the end of it, unlike my other long whippings when they revived me and just kept on whipping me. There were no bathroom breaks. I would just have to pee on myself. I’m sure there were people who would love to see that.
It would be almost eight hours from the time I was picked up until the time I was taken down from the cross. While naked I had to be really naked. Condemned girls in ancient Rome didn’t wear jewelry. Also for some reason I could not even wear any sanitary protection. This was a moot point since I wasNot going to be on the rag at the time but of course they didn’t know that. I guess they wanted to make sure they had an unobstructed view of my cunt, either that or they wanted to see me bleed. People could say anything they wanted to me, call me names, make fun of my body. There was no mention of a safe word, which didn’t surprise me with one of my brothers in charge. I didn’t ask for one. I really wanted to suffer Through all of this.
I woke up at 4:30AM that morning and lay in bed for awhile and finally was up at six. There was no way in hell I could sleep. Wolfed down an English muffin, grabbed a cup of coffee and drove to the beach. It was already seventy-five degrees or so and it wasn’t even seven. This was going to be a hot one. Great. Clad in my little red bikini, barefoot, I ran the mile and one half to the jetty and sat down among the rocks. I run every day and go to the gym. I need to keep my body in trim for swimming and the kind of modeling jobs I’m offered.
Since there were few people around and I was half hidden among the rocks I untied my top behind my neck and caught a few rays on my bare tits. Some girls sunbathe topless right on the beach but I don’t. My tits are mine so I don’t give them away except to boyfriends and the people I do scenes with. I just sat there and contemplated my future, my immediate future, like the rest of the day. My tits liked the sun. It also seemed they knew they were going to spend much of the rest of the day bare.
Sitting there looking out at the ocean, almost alone, it seemed hard to believe I was going to finish the day hanging naked from a cross. Of course I was almost naked right now and in any case being nude was the least of my worries. I’ve been whipped nude a lot before too. Enough to know I was going to enjoy today’s session with that little store bought whip. Enjoy every second of it, every inch of me. The crucifixion was another matter. I wasn’t sure how much it would hurt, how much troubleit would be to get my breath, whether anything really bad would happen to me, whether I could last the two and one half hours. But I looked forward to the feel of the crotch rope against my cunt lips and the chance to achieve an orgasm in still another set of new circumstances. Right in front of everybody.
Speaking of which, feeling the warmth of the sun against my bare tits, I slipped my hand down the front of my bikini bottoms Only to take it right back out when two fishermen came up behind me and started walking out the jetty. They were like six feet from me. I sat up quick and squeezed my boobs tight against my knees to try to maintain some shred of dignity as they went by. They went about their business and for about an hour I sat there just enjoying the sun and the water and the little breeze there was. Finally I just stood up. I didn’t pull my top up until one of the fishermen spotted me standing there. I wanted them to spot me. They looked at me, I looked at them. I havenice tits, not that big but I enjoyed showing them off. After a few seconds I pulled the loose strings of my top up under my hair, tied it and started running back down the beach.
Back home I read the Sunday paper and then lay in my bikini bottoms on the blind chair on the porch. At eleven I went inside and took a shower and washed my hair. As I dried I watched myself in the mirror. I was still the slim, virginal lass I was in high school. At five ten and a hundred twenty five I was thin. Topless sunbathing at our camp had taken the pure white edge off them but they still stood out a little pale against my suntanned body. I turned and surveyed my snow white behind and thought how in a few hours it was going to suffer so under the whip. Turning back around I dabbed a little perfume behind my ears, on my neck, between my tits and at the top of the crack in my ass. Quarter of twelve, I took a leak and got dressed to go.
Promptly at noon an SUV arrived to pick me up, one of the huge ones that look more like commercial vehicles than cars. There were five people in it, three guys and two girls. I remembered them from college parties my brother had invited me too. I sat in the third row with the two girls. The two guys who weren’t driving sat just in front of me in the second seat. I knew this was for a reason. As we drove off the girls had me lean forward while they bound my wrists behind my back. They took my cross trainers and my socks off and bound my ankles. At that point they waited until we had crossed the bridge and got to the New Hampshire tolls. Then, past the view of the toll takers, they blindfolded me and we drove for two hours. It was uncomfortable sitting like that having my hands tied behind me.
I was wearing a short-sleeved white blouse, a little bra, short denim shorts and white cotton underpants. Not long after they finished tying me one of the girls unbuttoned my blouse down to my waist and pushed it off my shoulders. She unhooked mybra in the front and pushed the cups to either side, baring me in the front to my belly button. Even blindfolded I could tell from their voices the guys in the passenger seats had turned around to stare at me. After a while I could feel us turn off the smooth paved roads onto the dirt road which led to the site of the festivals.
Ten minutes later we came to a stop. My clothes were arranged as I had put them on and I was trundled out of the SUV, hands and feet still bound, still blindfoldfolded. I practically fell over and finally someone had sense enough to until my ankles. After all I could hardly run away. Still blindfolded, a boy on either side of me holding me by the arms, they walked me along the path I knew led to the clearing. Already my nipples were so hard they hurt and my pussy cried for relief.
We had arrived at the clearing and my blindfold had been removed. We were at the bottom of a long hill. It was there at the bottom I would be strung up and put on display for an hour. A long piece of two by four had been put up years ago between two trees, tied in the crotches of branches on either tree about nine feet off the ground. I’d be suspended in the nude from that and would face up the hill. This was just to get me naked, loosen me up a bit, give people a chance to come by and chat and give me a chance to think about what was going to be done to me. Thinking about it can be the best, and the worst, part of any ordeal like this.
My brother took control of the proceedings. First he ordered me stripped naked. I was put in charge of four of his college buddies who would do the honors for me for most of the day. Three of them were guys. Not to my surprise they happened to be the three guys I had dated but I hadn’t fucked any of them. Just a little petting. The fourth person was a girl. She was There to make sure none of the guys tried to slip me the root when no one was looking. And I know from personal experience that two of these guys could have done it so quickly no one would have had time to notice. Including me. But I digress.
They proceeded with the striping. The contract I had signed called for a forced striping but it didn’t really happen that way. They had to until my wrists so I could take my shirt and my bra off, which I gladly did. I loved the feeling of the warm sun on my bare tits. Then they had me cross my wrists in front of me and one of the guys who had dated me tied my wrists tightly together.
One of the other guys throw a rope over the two by four over my head and they tied the other end of it to the rope that bound my wrists. Then they pulled on the free end of the rope until my hands were straight up over my head and I was almost on tiptoes and they tied off the free end of the rope to a tree and I was suspended and helpless. I still had my shorts and my panties on but they soon remedied that. One of the guys stood in front of me leering at me and slowly unzipped my shorts and began to wiggle them down over my ass.
As soon as I was naked, people started gathering in front of me, mostly staring at me from a distance. My brother told my keepers to put suntan lotion on me and spray me with bug spray. I needed the sun tan oil on my bare ass which was almost snow white.
My brother told me that there was a ground swell of interest in seeing my breasts whipped. My contract called for only an ass and back of the upper thigh whipping. I told him I didn’t think it was fair to wait until the victim was naked and helpless to start discussing changes to the contract. If I knew I was going to have my breasts done I would have had a drink before hand to dull the pain. Having my tits whipped hurt bad since I’m so thin.
But I told him I’d do it if they used a single tail whip while they were doing my boobs and if the guys who had dated me got to do the whole whipping. I figured it would be fun to make the guys who had derived so much pleasure from my naked body inflicta lot of pain on it. Plus, during a whipping a certain amount of emotional intimacy is created between the person being whipped and the person doing the whipping. Especially if they are facing you doing some really special girl body part like your tits. It’s almost like sharing your body with a boy while making love.
I’m sure that same type of intimacy is created during a crucifixion. In any case I was soon to find out. More people are involved and they are not actively participating but you still have the guys standing below you, devouring your naked body with their eyes.
Every part of you is offered to them. Tits, cunt, ass, everything. You belong to them and if you survive they take with them a little part of you you can never have back. A little bit of your innocent, a little bit of your heart. They forever have an intimate connection with you because they’ve stripped you naked, had you helpless, made you scream in pain. It’s like letting a guy fuck you. For a time heowns all of you. You’re pinned underneath him and part of him is inside you. And you can never erase the connection you have with him. That he’s had your naked body. I always wonder at that part of it, letting the guy into my own private world while he’s doing me. He told me they didn’t have a single tailed whip so I told him they could just rap two of the tails of the three tail whip they were going to use on me around the handle and presto, a single tail whip.
For a minute I just basked in the glow of my nude body, of what was being done to it. I love being tied up and, having my arms stretched high above me, my body displayed at full length in front of all these men, was delicious. I could feel the sun on my back and on my bare white ass. Although being hung between two trees the sun was high enough so it reached me between the branches. Although the ninety-five degree heat the sun felt good. It felt strong on my bum. I’ve noticed that sunbathing topless or in the nude. The sun always feels hotter on the white parts of my body.
Hanging there helpless I kind of throw my hair back and stuck my tits out and ground my hips a little. I squeezed my tights together and felt the warm wetness of my cunt and the tightness in my abdomen that some time later would explode into many orgasms. For a minute I slipped away inside my own little world but I came back down when they started putting suntan lotion on me. The three guys who had dated me shared the honors. Of course it was just an excuse to feel me up, they could care less if I got a sunburn. It was the first time any of them had gotten to see my pussy. They made the most of the opportunity.
After they finished, people started coming up to visit with me. Some of the boys talked to me as if we had run into each other at a frat party,like I wasn’t naked and helpless. The girls just stared. Some of them made comments on my body. My tits were popular. They’re OK. I like them. Small. Right for my body. They’re bigger now that they were when I was younger but smaller than my sister Robin’s who is four years younger than I am.
It was strange trying to talk to some of the boys. Some of them unabashedly stared at my nude body. One guy walked slowly around behind me and surveyed my snow-white bum at some length. I smiled thinking maybe he was more interested in that than my anterior features. If so he was wasting his time. Nobody’s ever done me in the ass and as far as I’m concerned nobody’s going to. Even if I am tied up.
Hanging there naked with all these people around me, staring at me, made me hornier and hornier. One girl came up and described to me what being crucified was really going to be like. The gathering ache in my arms and shoulders from holding up the weight of my body. The age of trying to push myself up by my legs so I could breathe. The scraping of the wood of the cross against my back and the raw red welts on my bare ass. The age of not being able to get enough air, of slowly suffocating. And of it going on hour after hour. And there’s no reprieve. Just me and the age of slowly dieing on the cross. By the time she was through talking I was so wet I could feel it down my thighs.
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