The Institute and Adam


The naughty bits start in Chapter One.

The Institute – A Description

This series of tales is about the activities that take place in a modern B.D.S.M. brother.


The owner is one Madame Wanda. The Madame has a large trust fund so running the Institute is a matter of password for her; it isn’t just about the money.

She runs a stable of male and female professional sex trade workers. Some are tops, some are bottoms and some are switches (go either way). The same is true of gender desire. Some are only heterosexual and some are only homosexual (or lesbian) and some are bisexual.

All her staff members are highly experienced and knowledgeable. They are well paid and then there are the fringe benefits.

After all, being known as a former member of the Institute means one will know the right people, as well as how to secure their premises. It also will mean they know what they are doing behind closed doors.

The Institute maintains that it is a facility for treating those suffering from stress related ailments, etc.

One may only become a client by being referred by another client.

After the referral, it will take several interviews before a new client is accepted. There are protocols to be observed, after all.

Following an initial assessment, potential clients go through a series of tests and assessments to determine their tastes, likes and dislikes.

They agree, on paper, to submit to the ‘procedures’. All legal and medical procedures are followed to protect both clients and staff.

Clients are made aware that discretion is a major part of the horrendous fees charged by the Institute. If the authorities were every to become involved, nothing would get out…ever.

Wanda and her staff are very much into discretion. It means more clients and an ability to continue performing. It is the same with a clean medical record.

Madame Wanda has spent a considerable amount building her Institute to her specifications; she still has a very large fortune left. This allows her to dictate policy and maintain the Institute without financial worries.

There are various rooms throughout the Institute. It is built inside an old meat packing plant inside an industrial park. There are several other businesses around it. Some of them go all night long.

This accounts for the comings and goings of various people. The meat packing plant looks exactly like that on the outside.

Originally, Madame Wanda was Wanda Corbinetti, a very determined prostitute who had the amazing fortune to have a distant relative pass away and leave her, his entire fortune.

Said fortune was valued somewhere in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Wanda could have done anything; been anything. She chose to be a Madame.

When she had worked the streets, there were several close brushes with both the law and rough clients. Wanda swore that if she should ever come into theresources needed, she’d set up a safe place to do business.

A few years later and it was so but not without its costs.

Chapter One – The Whipping in the Garage

Madame Wanda made it a point never to use last names outside of the paperwork. First names were up to the client’s discretion but she always knew who she was dealing with, even if they didn’t always know who she was.

Tonight’s client called himself Adam. She had taken his interviews herself.

As was her usual way, Madame Wanda took her time sizing Adam up. It took her several meetings with him before he would open up and tell her what he really wanted.

This was not at all unusual and Wanda was quite patient. Patience was a virtue, after all.

Adam wanted to be dominated sexually. He had made his wants and needs clear, several times over. The Madame had been titillated by this.

He had been very embarrassed and uncomfortable when he made this revelation. Adam told Wanda that if his associates or competitors were to every find out, he and his would suffer horribly for it.

The vacation that he had been planning would now be spent, in part, at The Institute. He seemed eager and Wanda was so pleased she made arrangements for him by date and by assigning him a ‘safe’ word, should he wish to slow down the action or stop it entirely.

The day his vacation had started, he had been chauffeured right into the garage which was part of the plant. This means that once in the garage, one did not have to go outside to access the rest of the Institute.

Adam exited the vehicle and was greeted by three women whom he had never seen before. There were two very large formidable women dressed in black suits with white shirts and black ties and one woman in a sophisticated black dress that was obviously in charge.

At her Direction, the two large women stripped Adam and tied his ankles together. They tied his wrists together and connected them to an overhead rope that they pulled on and secured when he was standing on tip toe.

As one last thing, the smaller woman in the dress walked over and shoved a ball gag into Adam’s mouth and secured it.

This left Adam nude, bound and standing on tip toe in front of three very dominant people. They talked to each other in a foreign tongue, as though Adam were not there!

As embarrassed as he was, Adam was also aroused to the point that he had a semi erection. His breath was coming in short sharp gasps and while the room was neither too hot not too cold, he was perspiring freely.

One of the women noticed his erection and commented on it, to his associates. They all turned to look. As the woman directed them, all three turned their cruel attention to a helpless Adam.

One of the women smiled, a mean smile, and made a show of slowly removing her belt, in front of the bound Adam.

Knowing what was coming, Adam found himself staring in horrid fascination at the woman with the belt.

The woman with the belt moved to a position directly behind the bound man, her shoes clapping sharply on the concrete floor, as she walked.

The second woman stepped directly over to Adam. She inspected the nude bound man before smiling directly into Adam’s eyes.

Adam looked over to the woman who had stepped back from the action after she had inserted the ball gag.

Her eyes were wild with desire and she was smiling, as well.

Suddenly she spoke. It was in the same foreign language that Adam did not understand but the two large women obviously did.

Two things began to happen at once.

Adam heard the belt whisper through the air before landing with a wet splat upon his nude bound body.

Adam tried Valiantly to restrain his cry of pain. He was partially successful but he still jerked away from the pain; right into the hand of the woman in front of him. She had reached out and firmly grabbed Adam’s semi erect penis as he inadvertently jerked forward!

Adam gurgled in surprise and tried to pull away. There was, however, no escape from the confident hand on his genitals.

As the second woman began to slowly, expertly, masturbate a very surprised Adam, the first woman continued to whip the nude bound male in a rhythmic fashion.

A helpless Adam found himself jerking back and forth between the pain of the belt behind and the pleasure of the hand in front. He cried out and gurgled behind his gag but his torqueors ignored this.

Adam did not use his safe word. He thought about it but he held off…for the moment. The whole thing was just too compelling for him to want to stop it.

Adam found he was growing increasingly hard as both the whipping and his masturbation continued. The woman in charge continued to talk to the two large women in business suits who were tormenting Adam. They continued to talk but only in their foreign tongue.

All three were obviously enjoying their play but they were making ita point to ignore Adam’s attempts at communication.

Adam, in spite of his best efforts, began to jerk pleasantly in time with the cruel hands of his captors. The woman noticed immediately and commented in a heavily accented tone.

“He likes it! Just as we knew he would!” She said, her voice thick with desire, “Tie his legs apart! It is time for the next phase!”

The two women chuckled and Together, retied Adam’s legs wide apart. He tried to resist them but it was hopeless. He even gurgled through the gag.

They both stopped to look at each other and smile before deliberately continuing.

He was now hanging by his bound wrists with legs tied wide apart. Only the restraints kept him from falling.

He was aroused to iron hardness, his dick leaking a small amount of precum. One of the big women laughed cruelly at his prediction.

He was also ashamed at his reaction yet he did not use his safe word then either.

Chapter Two – The Device

Oneof the big women disappeared momentarily into the receptions of the garage. When she returned, she was wheeling a device that Adam recognized all too well.

He had made it a point to tell the Madam…Wanda…was that it? All about this really neighbor device he had once seen. He definitely wanted to try it out.

He groaned in fear and password. Seeing it under these conditions was quite different than seeing it on his monitor in the privacy of his own house, when he had been alone.

The smaller of the women stepped between him and the device. She looked him right in the eye and when he shook his head ‘no’; she smiled and nodded ‘yes’.

Adam found his breath coming faster and his dick (if possible) becoming harder. If any of the three women had touched him ‘there’, he would have shot his load at that moment.

It must have shown because the smaller woman spoke in a harsh tone to the other two. Then she slapped his erection hard, once, twice, thrice!

Adam screamed andShook in his restraints. However, the slapses had the desired effect and he was calmer than he had been a minute ago.

Made of metal, the device was as long as a wooden palate but only half as wide and well padded. There were four well grateful wheels underneath it.

In the middle of it was a single pole made of steel. The pole was about four feet high but that height was adjustable.

There was a horizontal handle on the back end. It was there to shove the whole thing along.

There were several places on the pole to place things that seemed to lead the way. Things like the vibrating dildo that hummed and shook.

The three women laughed and then they shoved the contraction backwards until it was between Adam’s spread legs.

Adam, goggle eyed, struggled helpedlessly as the two large women Carefully but firmly lowered him and then secured him onto the palate.

Needless to say, Adam was quite resistant to having the dildo shoved in places he had never had thngs shoved. He cried out and struggled helped but the strength of the women was more than enough.

There was also the fact that if he had really wanted to stop it, all he need do was utter the safe word. He did not.

He ended up kneeing on the palate with his back to the bar and his arms bound tightly behind both the bar and himself. With his ankles locked tightly down to the base of the palate and the vibrating dido planted firmly up his ass, the three women stood back to survey their handiwork with satisfaction.

They smiled and talked among each other. Adam tried to pull free but it was quite useless. All that happened was that he agitated the dido and became even more aroused.

The smaller woman stepped forward and picked up a riding crop from the base of the palate. She smiled down at Adam and touched his iron hard erection with it. He groaned behind the gag. He knew what was coming but there wasn’t anything he could do about it.

The two big womenstood on either side. They wanted a ringside view of what the smaller woman was going to do.

She reached up with the crop. Adam watched it, as if it were moving in slow motion. It fell fast and it landed hard.

The bound nude man screamed through the gag and pulled helpedlessly against the cruel and unfeeling restraints.

The smaller woman smiled and lashed Adam’s helpless dick again and again. It did Not take long for it to wild. The vibrator did its best to keep that wild to a minimum.

He cried and yelled and did his best to endure but tied in the way he was, it was nearly impossible.

All the while, the vibrator inside his butt buzzed away and kept him helped aroused.

Adam was dimly aware that all three women were becoming noticeably aroused. It showed in the way their eyes had turned glassy and in the ragged breaths they were taking.

Finally, the small woman stopped lashing him. She made some sarcastic but seemingly sympathetic noises andHanded the crop to one of the big women. The she sat on the base and gently stroked Adam’s pain filled and drooping dick until it was hard once again. Then she stopped…

He looked at her in fear and horror as she smiled directly into his eyes.

“Now, ‘Liebling’…dearest…Now, we will teach you what a whipping is all about!” She said cruelly

Standing up, she took back the proved crop and Proceeded to teach Adam exactly that; what having his dick whipped was all about.

The sound proofed garage was filled with the sounds of his screams and cries, even behind the gag.

The vibrator inside his butt continued to work its cruel magic. He was aroused nearly all the time. It was a mixed sensing at best. Being in pain and aroused together.

Every time he started to go soft, the smallest of the three women would stop whipping him. She would sit on the palate and stroke his dick until it was iron hard, once more. All the while she stroked him, she cooed in her foreign tongue.

Adam couldn’t tell if he’d died and gone to heaven or hell. His dick said one thing, even though his mouth said another.

Chapter Three – Ursula and Grendel

The three women still talked to one another in their foreign tongue but the two big women stepped back slightly and one nodded to the other as the smaller one stopped to stroke Adam’s cock yet again.

The first one grabbed the small woman. The second one quickly turned and walked into the receptions of the garage.

“Was is mit dir…What has come over you?” The small woman inquired with a shocked expression on her face.

When the second woman returned, she was pushing a device identical to the one that Adam was strapped to.

The smaller woman gasped in shock and struggled in a futile effort to get away.

“Nien, nien…iss not for me!” The small woman shouted as she struggled again.

The second woman pushed a ball gag into the small woman’s mouth.

Both of the big womanen then ignored her muffled cries and once they had stripped her naked, gently but firmly forced her into the same position on a similar device that Adam was on. The only difference was that the small woman’s device held two vibrating dildos!

She was kneeing with her arms tied behind the pole and behind her back; her breasts proudly standing out, becoming to be touched. The two big women did not hesitate. They touched, pinched, felt and slapped the offered flesh.

The small woman cried out and looked properly outtraged.

She was gagged and both her anus and her vagina were filled with vibrating plastic. She groaned and struggled.

They moved both palates until Adam was facing his former torque.

Adam’s dick was still hard but he was not as close to climaxing as he had been.

The two big women then laughed together. It was an unpleasant sound, filled with a cruel undercurrent. They took off their suit coats and ties. Then they rolled up their sleepes and undid their shirts about halfway down.

One woman disappeared into the receptions of the garage yet a third time. While she was gone, the second woman stepped between both bound victims.

“So now we play a new game!” The big woman said with a thick accent, a cruel smile upon her face, “Today, we see who has the most self control!”

The second woman returned trailing a vibrator wand on a cord with the cord obviously plugged in. The wand was silent…for the moment.

The big woman who had spoken first continued.

“Now we will proceed to bring you off…But we expect you will resist. To that end we have decided to just keep struggling you, whether you come or not, whether you are first or not…” She let her voice trail off, “…Of course, if you wished us to stop you from coming; you could always ask us to calm you.”

She smiled then, another cruel smile.

Adam and the small woman groaned and struggled. Both Shook their heads and made muffled pleasures behind theirgags.

The big woman then sat on Adam’s palate and reaching underneath it, pulled a huge bottle of lubricant out along with a clothes.

The second woman did the same on the other palate.

Both sat so that those who were bound could watch the other.

The woman who was torment Adam spoke quietly to him alone, her accent so thick he could have cut it with a knife, “Grendel; that is the big woman, has always had a thing for Ursula; that is your counterpart. Unfortunately, Ursula could not care less. Perhaps tonight this will be seen in a different light, no?”

Adam made no reply but watched, in horrified fascination, as his torqueress took a huge dollar of luxury and expertly applied it to his manhood.

It took only a few strokes before he was groaning and struggling against his tormentress’s knowing hand.

Adam looked across at Ursula. The big woman…Grendel…had lubricated the wand head and pressed it firmly against the smaller woman’s privates.

Ursula was shaking her head and mumbling incoherently through the gag. Her eyes were desperately seeking those of her torqueress but to no avail. Grendel was very busy watching the wand victory against the bound woman’s cunt.

Adam’s torqueress continued to masturbate his very sensitive erection. She smiled as she grasped the base of his manhood. She laughed, to herself, as she slowly raised her hand up his shake and he jerked and yelled against it in response.

When she rode her hand over the head of his erection, Adam screamed even louder in password and fear. She witnessed contentedly.

“Think how it will feel…After you have come!” The big woman said menacingly, to Adam as he stared at her in fear and desire.

Adam grossed in fear and shook his head but his torqueress just laughed.

Then she turned to look at the two other women.

Ursula was beginning to groan and struggle in earnest now. Grendel’s eyes kept going from her head to the smaller bound woman’s nude privates.

Ursula shook her head, her eyes worried and filled with fear.

Finally, Grendel spoke, “Would you like me to help you calm down, Liebling?”

Grendel paused before adding, with a smile, “You don’t mind if I call you, dearest, do you?”

Ursula groaned and shook her head.

“NO?” Grendel feigned outtrage, her accent thickening, “Are you saying you do not want me to use that term?”

Ursula shrieked as the vibrator continued to raise her desire to the limit.

“Oh…” Grendel pretended to understand, “You would like me to call you that, then?”

Ursula struggled and yelled desperately, her climax only seconds away.

Grendel took the wand away and picking up a riding crop from Ursula’s palate said warningly, “Remember, you asked for it.”

Adam, jerking and struggling helplessly, as his sensitive dick was cruelly stroked; watched the two women with utter fascination. Never had he seen such activities!

Grendel raised the crop slightly away from the smaller woman before lashing her across the breasts!

Ursula shrieked and vainly tried to pull forward, her eyes wide and filled with fear.

Grendel laughed and lashed her again!

Ursula yelled as another welt formed on her naked breasts.

Grendel feigned concern and said mockingly, “Oh was that enough? Here, let me try this instead!”

She struck lower down, across Ursula’s strumach.


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