This is a Maledom tale about a highly successful businesswoman’s secret fans coming to life, if just for a little while.
‘The Institute – A Description’ is presented at the beginning of each story but it remains the same throughout the series.
This original story starts at the beginning of ‘Chapter One’.
The naughty bits start at the beginning of ‘Chapter Two’.
The Institute – A Description
This series of tales is about the activities that take place in a modern day brother.
The owner is one Madame Wanda. The Madame has a large trust fund so running the Institute is a matter of password for her; it isn’t just about the money.
She runs a stable of male and female professional sex trade workers. Some are tops, some are bottoms and some are switches (go either way). The same is true of gender desire. Some are only heterosexual and some are only homosexual (or lesbian) and some are bisexual.
All her staff members are highly experienced and knowngeable. They are well paid and then there are the fringe benefits.
After all, being known as a former member of the Institute means one will know the right people, as well as how to secure their premise. It also will mean they know what they are doing behind closed doors.
The Institute maintains that it is a facility for treating those suffering from stress related ailments, etc.
One may only become a client by being referred by another client.
After the referral, it will take several interviews before a new client is accepted. There are protocols to be observed, after all.
Following an initial assessment, potential clients go through a series of tests and assessments to determine their tastes, likes and dislikes.
They agree, on paper, to submit to the ‘procedures’. All legal and medical procedures are followed to protect both clients and staff.
Clients are made aware that discretion is a major part of the horrendous fees charged by the Institute. If the authorities were every to become involved, nothing would get out…ever.
Wanda and her staff are very much into discretion. It means more clients and an ability to continue performing. It is the same with a clean medical record.
Madame Wanda has spent a considerable amount building her Institute to her specifications; she still has a very large fortune left. This allows her to dictate policy and maintain the Institute without financial worries.
There are various rooms throughout the Institute. It is built inside an old meat packing plant inside an industrial park. There are several other businesses around it. Some of them go all night long.
This accounts for the comings and goings of various people. The meat packing plant looks exactly like that on the outside.
Originally, Madame Wanda was Wanda Corbinetti, a very determined prostitute who had the amazing fortune to have a distant relative pass awayand leave her his entire fortune.
Said fortune was valued somewhere in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Wanda could have done anything; been anything. She chose to be a Madame.
When she had worked the streets, there were several close brushes with both the law and rough clients. Wanda swore that if she should ever come into the resources needed, she’d set up a safe place to do business.
A few years later and it was so but not without its costs.
Chapter One – Stress
Belinda Daniels was a success. Truth to tell, she had a knack for success. In her professional life, everything she put her mind to, turned to gold.
Her personal life was another story. All her enthusiasm and energy went into her career. This left almost nothing for herself. Something her friends had tried to tell her repeatedly. She really had no family to speak of.
At one point, the exhausting workload she carried started to tell on her. She needed a release. She made mEntion of this one day at a lunch with one of her professional friends, Wanda Corbinetti.
Belinda had met Wanda through mutual friends some months earlier.
When Belinda mentioned how the stress was getting to her, Wanda had lent a sympathetic ear and suggested a counselor who specialized in treating stress.
“He knows his stuff.” Wanda had said, “And he is discreet. He is also someone I use and I trust his judgment in many cases.”
“I’ll call him when I get the time.” Belinda had thought to herself.
That time came two months later just after Belinda had successfully completed yet another merger.
“If I don’t call him now, I never will.” She thought to herself.
The counselor was not in the employee of The Institute. Nor was it was his job to ascertain Whether a person who came to see him would benefit from a visit to The Institute. That was simply one option among many. His first duty was too the health and welfare of his patients.
If they could benefit from services supplied by The Institute, he would facilitate such a move. If not, he would assist them in some other way. About one patient in ten made it to The Institute.
It took a few sessions with Belinda Daniels for the man to see that she could, indeed, benefit from some regular visits to The Institute.
Belinda had a secret craving to be sexually dominated. She wanted, she said, to be with a trustworthy someone who would put her through her paces, sexually speaking.
She didn’t quite know what that means but she was willing to be taught. She simply didn’t want it to interfere with her career.
“And where am I going to find a dominate male or two who will respect me in the morning, hmm?” She had mused out loud.
That was, indeed, the problem. Anyone she had met or might meet simply did not fit the bill. She was now a little older, savvier and more confident. Her age and abilities made the whole thing just that much more difficult.
Thecounselor suggested a visit to The Institute. She enquired as to what that was, so he told her about it; in some detail.
At first she was quite shocked yet at the same time, titillated.
She had expressed several concerns, mostly about confidentiality and ethics.
“They are very safe and remember that it is but one answer, my dear.” The counselor had said, “Please keep in mind that I have a close professional relationship with them. What happens to you affects me directly, so if you choose to proceed in that direction, I will be able to assist you.”
Belinda had said she would think it over. After another two weeks, she decided that a visit would be in order.
When she approached the counselor about it, he asked her simply, “Would you like others to gawk at you under such conditions?”
“No, No, I think not.” He had smiled then and continued, “If you wish, we can set down on paper a contract of exactly what you would like to try. This would include a word and or a gesture that would say ‘Stop’ and all activity would cease. We would also include when you would come and go but once in, you either stay in or you leave. There is no exploring outside the premises.”
The counselor finished by adding, “All this would be to make you as comfortable as possible on your first stay. Do keep in mind that these people know what they are doing but that they are there to serve you.”
It took another couple of weeks for Belinda to mull over what she wanted to do and how far she was willing to go. But, in the end, she wrote down what she wanted, her safe word and gesture and when she was to enter and exit The Institute.
She was also careful to make a copy of what she was doing and put it in an envelope. She gave the envelope to a lawyer who was not to open it until either she instructed him to or a specific date passed with no word from her.
It was, she said to him, part of some confidential negotiations…
Chapter Two– Preparation
The day that Belinda was to start her four hour stay at The Institute, she arrived at her counselor’s office, as per their arrangement.
As stipulated, she wore a cheap nondescript suit. The kind no one would ever usually see her in.
Belinda was quite nervous and she found her anticipation of this trip was every bit as exciting as a business meeting with a powerful Competitor.
An automobile arrived and chauffeured her to The Institute. It went directly into the garage.
When she exited the automobile, there were three men in dark business suits to greet her. Two of the men were absolutely huge. Their muscleity and personal power radiated off of them like a sun radiates heat.
The smallest of the three stepped forward and smiled as her greeted her.
“Ah, Belinda, I am here to make sure your stay is all you would want it to be.” He said not unkindly.
“Please follow me.” The unnamed man said before turning and walking out ofthe garage and down a short hall.
Belinda, feeling quite unnerved, followed with the two giants a step behind her.
A young woman in a maid’s uniform opened the first door and stepped out.
The man stopped and said, “Please be so kind as to follow Matilda. She will show you what to do.”
He stepped back and Belinda followed the young woman into the room. It was a large room and Matilda held up a white sauna wrap. She looked expectedly at Belinda.
“You want me to get undressed and get into that?” An incredulous Belinda asked.
The maid and smiled and nodded.
“Oh no, I think there has been a mistake!” Belinda said, now that she was having second thoughts.
Belinda turned back to the door to the garage and opened it. The three men were standing, expectedly, on the other side.
“We thought you might be reluctant.” The small man said to her in a soft menuing voice.
He commanded the two hulks, “Prepare her and be quick about it.”
The two men smiled, mean smiles upon their crackgy faces, as they stepped towards her.
She gasped and inadvertently stepped back. Before she could do anything, one man grabbed her and spun her so that her back was to him. The second giant proceeded to rip her clothes off!
Between the two men, Belinda Daniels, leader in business and community affairs was stripped naked in a matter of seconds.
“No, no, stop that…Don’t you dare!” She cried out promptly.
Her wrists were bound together and secured above her head by a rope that appeared from seemingly nowhere.
Her legs were tied wide apart leaving her vulnerable to whatever perverted desire these people had in mind.
She had a ball gag thrust and secured between her teeth.
One of the men stood directly in front of her and ran his called hands freely over her naked flesh. He smelled of expensive cologne and she couldn’t help but notice that as powerful as they both were, neither giant had hurt her,in any way. In fact, she was actually more turned on than she had ever been.
So she did not use either her safe word or gesture although it did occur to her. She had wanted to see what this place was like and now she would. Still…
She screamed and shook her head in defiance and tried Valiantly to stop what was happening to her but it was to no avail.
Belinda was no small girl. She ran and lifted weights. In high school, she had been a bit of a jock. After high school, in college, university and beyond, she had kept up her fitness.
Against these two behemoths, she was as helpless as a lamb.
Suddenly the big man stepped back and Belinda watched, in shock, as the maid stepped close and touched her.
First Matilda fondled her breasts and then she touched the bound woman between the legs. She stepped back and looking at the small man, shook her head, as if to say that ‘no, Belinda didn’t like girls in that way’.
Belinda watched in mounting horror and fascination as the small man and Matilda turned and started towards the door. She gurgled behind her gag.
The small man turned, milk surprise on his face, before he said, “Bruno and Frank know what to do.”
He added, “You did say that you wanted to know what we do here, didn’t you?” He queried rhetorically.
Chapter Three – The Lash
After the small man and the maid had left, the two big men went to work on Belinda.
Belinda found her breath coming in short sharp gasps. The feelings of arousal were becoming very strong! All thoughts of business and responsibility were gone. Only that these two beasts were going to have their way with her…her!
They stripped off their suit coats and white dress shirts. Their powerful arms, bulky torsos and flat stomachs were Hypnotically fascinating to the bound woman. She rarely saw men naked and never really big men like this. That they were up close was just too good an opportunity to pass up.
One of them, noticing her gaze, stepped close to her and let her feast her eyes on his bronzed skin.
He deliberately flexed his powerful muscles for this naked female. He was rewarded when she took a deep breath and her mouth opened slightly with growing desire.
When he had stepped back the other giant made a show of taking off his belt. He deliberately walked behind the bound woman.
The first man stepped close to Belinda again and smiled; his eyes on hers.
Belinda’s eyes widened in fear and recognition!
“No!” She screamed through the gag, “Not the belt!”
The man in front smiled at her as he spoke to his companion, “I think she is being coy. Give her a taste Frank.”
Frank laughed and let his belt whip through the air. It landed on Belinda’s naked butt with a wet splat and she grunted.
As the lashing progressed, she continued to cry out and shake her head.
Belinda’s eyes begged the man in front to let her go! He merely rubbed his jaw and lethis gaze travel insolently over her nude body.
Belinda found herself becoming hot at the thought of this man being aroused by a plain Jane like her. But that was obviously the case. His erection made a large bulge in his pants. She quickly looked away from it.
Frank let fly again and again. He was careful not to lash her too hard. After all, the point was to torque her, not hurt her.
Dispite her cries, Belinda’s eyes began to grow very glassy with desire. Never had she been treated thusly. But then, never had she ever felt such desire, either.
Bruno, the man in front, stepped close to Belinda and firmly grabbed one of her nipples as Frank applied the lash.
Bruno spoke casually, “We are going to have such fun with you!”
He twisted her nipple slightly. He listened to her whimper and pull against his hand, her eyes widening with fear and excitement.
Frank lashed her yet again but this time Bruno let go of Belinda’s nipple and made a show of reaching down between her legs. He smiled; a mean smile.
Belinda shook her head and pleased from behind her gag. When Bruno touched her bare cunt, she thought she might come right then.
“She’s sopping wet, Frank.” Bruno said with a tight grin.
Frank laughed and said, “Let me see.”
He stepped forward and touched her between the legs from behind. She blushed and looked modestly away.
“You’re right! She’s as wet as it gets!” Frank exclaimed to the other man.
Bruno said, “Give me your belt and trade places. It’s my turn to see how she jumps.”
Frank laughed again.
Belinda looked towards Bruno and tried to catch his eye. She shook her head and tried to let him know that she didn’t really want him to whip her. She tried and failed!
Bruno took his position and let fly with the belt. He was much quicker than Frank. He was harder and faster than Belinda was prepared for. He left much less time between strokes too.
As she jerked andcried up, Frank smiled a possessive smile and let his right hand fondle the lips of her bare cunt.
Belinda couldn’t help but hump them as the belt did its cruel work. Finally, Frank slipped couple of fingers into her vagina.
Belinda gasped and closed her eyes. She shook her head but used neither the safe word nor gesture.
Frank continued to finger her as Bruno applied the belt.
Just when it looked to both men like she might climax, they stopped touching her and stepped back, smiling at her obvious arousal.
Belinda opened her eyes at the absence of touch and was furious that they would see her so vulnerable. She was horribly embarrassed.
“What would they think of me?” She rebuked herself, her feelings and thoughts a mass of confusion.
Under other conditions, what others thought mattered very little to Belinda Daniels. It was partially how she had achieved such success. It was also why she had remained so alone.
Both men stepped close and Frank grabbed her lightly by the throat while Bruno whispered I her ear.
“You are here to enter us! That works best when we know you are hot! You can’t fool us because we know that you want this!” He said softly, his voice full of menace, “You will hum and convulse and come on our leather and there is nothing you can do about it.”
Bruno paused for emphasis before adding, “Do you understand me?”
Belinda nodded slightly, her feelings of embarrassment gone. Obviously she was under their control, she realized and unless she wanted to end this deliciously naughty behavior, she’d go along.
Both men stepped back. They looked at each other and nodded before switching back to their original positions.
Frank stood behind the nude and bound woman and Bruno stood in front.
It took only a couple of minutes for all to regain their initial password.
As Frank lashed her again, she cried out and Bruno let his fingers slip inside her.
After a couple ofmoments, Belinda could not fight the powerful feelings raging within her. She began to shamelessly hump and jerk against both the hand and the belt. Her eyes drifted shut and she groaned in password.
Bruno let his other hand reach out and grab one of her nipples. She gasped in surprise but she didn’t open her eyes.
Belinda whimpered a bit as Franks belt landed harder than she was ready for. At that point Frank and Bruno looked at each other and smiled.
Chapter Four – The Bench
Belinda was barely aware when Frank quit lashing her and momentarily left the room, so aroused was she by Bruno’s talented hands.
She heard him open the door behind her and leave the room but it did not register. She did not even open her eyes.
“Please…” She thought Passionately, “Please don’t let this end…Not quite yet.”
Frank returned a moment later and set down the long bench her was carrying, in front of her.
It looked like an overly tall exercise bench. Just below groin height, it was well padded and black.
Bruno stopped fondling the bound woman and she opened her eyes to star at this newest addition.
The two men untied her. They were careful but she did not even resist when they bent her forward and retied her face down on the benchmark lengthwise.
Her arms and legs ended up straddling it. Her wrists and ankles bound to the four legs of the bench. Bruno was thoughtful enough to remove her ball gag.
She lay with her head resting on its side, too dazed with lust and excitement to do much else.
He stood to the side and in front of her face and said calmly but forcefully, “Look at us! Look at what we are doing!”
Both men calmly removed what clothes remained. Belinda let her stare start at their feet and travel up.
Their powerful calves and thighs seemed etched from stone. Their huge genitals were erect and bobbed obviously in front of them.
Both men produced condoms and proceeded to carefully place them on their large hard cocks.
She gasped and licked her lips, her eyes becoming humid at the sight.
Both men moved towards her, one stepping behind and one stepping in front.
She turned her head, hypnotized by the sight of their nude arousal. Bruno stepped close behind her and she felt him slide his dick into her. It was one slow smooth push and it was right to the hilt.
She whimpered with pleasure and tightened her vaginal muscles against the intruder, that she might better feel him.
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