You May Call Me Gabriel Ch. 05

Caged – Day 11

Natasha’s eleventth day in the cage started badly. First of all, her back was sore after the whipping she had received the day before. She was bleeding in several places where the tip of the whip had broken the skin and when she awoke, she found her should blades sticking to the floor. This caused her to cry out softly the moment she tried to move, and though she Did not think the sound was too loud it brought her captor straight to her side.

“Stop that,” Gabriel said, glaring at her through the bars. She did not know what he means, which made him even angrier it seemed. The next thing she knew, he was unlocking the cage and pulling her across the floor. Ignoring her shrinks of protest, he took her straight to the dreaded hole and lowered her roughly down. Sensing his rage, she went down quietly, but she could not resist looking up at him as he went to close the trap door.

“Please, Gabriel!” she begged,but he only scowled at her while slamming the trap door down.

It truly was a terrible start and it only got worse from there.


Gabriel left Natasha in the hole for the better part of the day. He knew it was neither fair nor smart, for she had injuries that needed looking after, but he had to do it for sanity’s sake. She was driving him wild, what with her soft sensitive moaning and the looks she gave him with those big innocent eyes. Just who did she think she was dealing with? Some ordinary man that she could seduce at will? The idea was preposterous, absolutely preposterous and above all insulting, he thought. Of the county women that had tried to seduce him, not one had even come close and there was a good reason for that. They were all fakes, and he could tell… he could read them from a mile away. If Natasha thought she could succeed where others had failed, she had another thing coming. She might think she had him, but he would show her. Oh, he would show her, all right.

By the time the afternoon rolled around Gabriel had a whole new plan.

Natasha blinked painfully when he opened the trap door again. With her hair sticking wetly to her face she looked infinitely vulnerable as she gazed up at him from her prison, but he pretended not to notice. Pulling her up by her arms, he stared at her challenging her to speak. To complain. Anything to give him an excuse to punish her, but for a change she kept her mouth shut. Never mind. He still had his new plan and nothing she said or did would change that. First though he had to clean her up.

“Lie down on your front and don’t move,” he ordered, lowering her to the floor of the shower. As he washed and disinfected her wounds, he noted that she barely flinched. She was obeying his order to perfection, the clever little bitch. Yes well… Let us see how she handles the curve ball he was about to throw her. Gripping her shoulders, he lifted her up andinto a kneeing position. While soaping her breasts, deliberately running his hands over her pierced nipples, he said,

“I have some good news for you Natasha… I’ve decided to take you up on your offer.”

She looked confused, so he clarified it for her.

“You said you would sleep with whomever I say, if I granted you that silly favour you asked for,” he said as he hosted her off. “Well, I’ve had a chance to think about it and I think it’s a fair deal. So, you’ll get your wish after all, now isn’t that nice?”

He looked at her askance while waiting for a reply. As predicted, she was shocked by the news.

“W…when?” she stuttered, seeking his gaze.

“Soon,” he told her, keen on prolonging the suspension. Then without another word he stood up and left, unable to look her in the eye.


Caged – Days 12 to 16

Since Gabriel’s unique shelter / dungeon was miles fromcivilization, it was not easy to arrange a visit from friends in order to see his plan to fruition. In fact, a regular person might never have managed it, but lucky for Gabriel he was not a regular person, and neither were his special male friends. Within hours of sending the first email, the screen of Gabriel’s laptop started to flash with incoming message alerts. The replies came swift and fast, and they went something like this,

Wolf12 to Wolf1: good to hear from you. Confirm availability 4 days from now. ETA 0600hrs at co-ordinates provided. You need us to bring anything?

It did not take him long to key in the answer,

Just yourselves.

And with a press of the enter key the deal was sealed.


For four days after being told about the upcoming event featuring her as the star attraction, Natasha sweated in her cage, barely able to take her eyes off the entrance. She never doubted Gabriel’s word,Particularly when she saw how sparingly he treated her. Oh, he pulled her out and fucked her each day, but he did not electronocute or cut her or burn her. The whips and canes rested on the wall like some unusual party decorations, while the skin on her back healed to its healthy self. The only exception was the scar above her breast, but even this had settled and no longer burned. He helped the process by plying her with medicine and ointments and herbs. He wanted her to eat more too, but she just could not keep the food down. He did not force-feed her this time. He understood the source of her anxiety all too well.

She was thinking of asking him to call the whole thing off when on the fourth day he announced,

“I thought you might like to know… The boys will be here tomorrow.”

He was standing over her cage as he said it, and she was glad for the small distance between them. Working desperately to still the tremor in her limbs, she was unable to speak for a while. Atlast, as he was turning to walk away, she called after him anxiously,

“There… there’s more than one of them?”

Oh yes, he thought. Now you think to ask.

“Aha,” he said without turning around. “Is there a problem?”

Please say yes, he thought, hearing her sharp intake of breath. But though she trembled in her chains, Natasha refused to yield even now.

“No,” she said and when he unexpected a look around, he saw her hang her head, not unlike a bird whose wings had been cut.


Caged – Day 17

At precisely 0600hrs the next day, Gabriel’s team started arrival. Confident in their punctuality he had left the door open, and the stream of cool morning air brought goose bumps to Natasha’s bare skin. She did not try to rub them off. She did not try to move at all, but sat as though paralysed, watching the men pile in.

He had called them boys, but there was nothing boyish about them.

To a man they were tall and broad-shouldered, with their hair cropped short like Gabriel’s: aggressively so. They wore all black clothes, and their faces were painted to match. Although their uniform appearance she could not see an insignia of any kind. Their eyes were the only things shining in their faces, until they saw Gabriel and flashed him a smile. There were six of them in total and they were all heavily armed.

“Welcome,” Gabriel said, clapping each of them on the back. “Wolfgang… Dirk… Georg… Torsten… Henric… Bjorn… So glad you could come. Please, make yourselves at home.”

The men came into the room with long strides. Unbuckling the straps of their backpacks, they set them down softly, before doing the same with their guns. Their movements were measured and graceful, their footsteps soft. They were power carefully controlled and they sent shivers down Natasha’s spine.

“So, Gabriel,” she heard one ofThey say. “Are you going to introduce us or what?”

She hunkered down in her cage. Presently she could see Gabriel coming toward her, with the key to her cage in his hand.

“You’re on, my sweet,” he told her so only she could hear. As he tugged on her chain Natasha quailed, but it was too late to back out now.

The men devoured her with their eyes as Gabriel marched her over. Allowed to walk upright for the first time in almost three weeks, Natasha moved awkwardly, even though her shackles were gone. Self-evidently the restraints would only get in the way and as she thought this she shivered.

“Aww… look, she’s cold,” the man nearest to her said. She lowered her gaze, but he took hold of her hand and pulled her towards him.

“Natasha this is Wolfgang,” Gabriel said as the man’s arm encircled her wait. “He’s second in command and my right hand. I trust you’ll be nice to him, like you promised. I trust you’ll be nice to all of my friends.”

The men encircled her completely, touching her breasts and her buttocks, struggling her hair.

“She’s beautiful, Gabriel,” Wolfgang said, and she felt her heart skip a beat. Although her nervousness she was terribly excited by the handsome young men – Wolfgang in particular, had caught her fancy – and trying not to show it.

“Who are you guys?” she asked, trying to stall for time. The men laughed and in a single, swift movement, lifted her off the ground. As they lay her trembling body across the neary table, Wolfgang tilted her head towards him and said,

“We’re the Wolf Squad, honey, and we’re about to eat you alive.”


Natasha had promised herself she would not scream. Within half an hour of meeting the Wolf Squad she had broken that promise most thoroughly, and they were only getting started. It was not that she did not like them, quite the contrary. During their brief introduction her pussy had grown wet, and she generally craved their aNotice to start with. The only trouble was the men had been instructed to fuck her rough. They were all very well endowed, their erections impressive to behold. Wasting no time on niceties, they spread her legs open and spitted her through. They fucked her hard while they held her down. They took turns doing this without a pause in-between. It was this last thing that made her scream.

“Please! I can’t take it! Please oh God…” she begged, willing them to stop, if only for a moment. Stony-faced, the men only held her tighter and continued to drill her. Natasha’s screams grow more desperate.

“Gabriel! Call them off! Please!” she almost fainted with relief when she saw him appear beside her. With a wave of his hand, he made the men pause mid-stride, before leaning close to her.

“Have you changed your mind?” he asked her, quietly. “If so, we’ll stop, but Natasha… if we do that, the deal is off.”

Natasha glanced at the men’s faces, above her. Their eyes watched her carefully, their jaw lines outlined sharply against the brightly lit ceiling. Although they had been fucking her without a pause, they were yet to break a sweat, and this, coupled with their lean muscles, told her what she was in for, if she chose to continue. Thinking this, she opened her mouth to say she wished to stop, then closed it again just as fast. She did not know why she did it, she knew only that she was turned on by them, in spite of everything.

“N-no,” she stuttered, her chest heaving. “No, that’s OK. I just needed a break, that’s all.”

Listening to her, the men grinned, flashing their white teeth and making her heart race all over again. Gabriel, however, was not laughing.

“Now you listen to me, Natasha,” he said, his expression grim. “You asked for this, and You have to take it like the slut that you are. Remember, you don’t call the shots here. They do – or rather, I do. When I invited them over, I told them you’re a masochist who likes things rough. Now, I know they’re big boys and they’re gonna hurt you some, but no more than I have done. Besides, if you ask me, you’re lucky… this here tonight is only part of the gang.”

Speared on a huge throbbing cock with multiple hands holding her down, Natasha moaned in sudden realisation. So, it was his idea to begin with! And here, she had thought Gabriel cared about her. That Somewhere in the depths of his sadistic person he actually gave a damn. How foolish she had been, to think this. She did not want to scream any more and give them the satisfaction, but the men extracted more screams from her, right away.

“Aaaa! Noooo!” she howled as Dirk leaned down and took her pierced nipple in his mouth, biting on it hard.

“Hey, that looks like fun!” Georg said and he clamped down on the other one.

As Natasha bucked and compromised, the rest of the men pushed her down.

“Wow, she’s a feisty one!” Wolfgang said. He twisted her wrist to immobilise her shoulder and onthe other side of her Torsten did the same.

Natasha felt as though her arms were being ripped off. Meanwhile her pussy was being pounded, her hips sliding back and forth across the table. She was a piece of meat thrown to the wolves, she thought, and she felt a kind of dark excitement spike inside her. Then, with her body shaking under their thrusts and her pussy pulsing hotly, she started to howl.

“Aooow! Aooow! Aooow!” long, loud howls that pierced the ear. It was only a matter of time before they decided to shut her up.

“Eat this,” Bjorn said, pushing his cock into her mouth. Being large, he filled it completely, stretching her jaw in the process. Her screams became muffled after that, though her body still jerked.

“Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmm!” she wanted desperately to turn her head away, but she had no chance in hell. Holding her head tilted back, Bjorn forced his long cock down her throat again and again, while the rest of the men took turns drilling her pussy. Theyfucked her like this for an hour or more. Then they paused and throw her panting on the floor. They never let go of her arms and legs. With six of them there, they had plenty of spare hands. Before she could start to beg and plead, the first of the cocks was in her ass.

“Aaaaa! Aaaaa!” she screamed practically at an even higher pitch. The large cock slide in and out of her ass smoothly and they laughed.

“You’ve done a good job with her back hole, Gabriel!” they congratulated him while she bucked beneath them. As she began to scream once more, she felt one of them lean down and pull her by the hair.

“Aaaaa! Aaaa! Aaaa!” she shrieked as her head was brought up. Then another cock entered her mouth, making her gag. It made her pussy grow even wetter with excitement, and she shook with the humiliation of it. If she could have, she would have asked them to slow down and take it easy on her, but she was not in a position to ask them anything. The Wolf Squad had her and they would not let her go until they were done.


The gang bang involving Natasha and the six members of the Wolf Squad went on for many hours. This was nothing unusual for the men. Like Gabriel, they were extremely highly sexy and inclined to sadism too. True to their word they did not simply fuck her, but hurt her as well, practically eating her alive. Gabriel never cared in the past, but today he found the whole thing repulsive, the minutes dragging painfully by. Not by a flicker of a muscle did he show this as he stood to one side in silence watching them. He had asked them over and given the green light and it just would not do to intervene now. Having said that, there were numerous times when he wished with all his heart, he could do just that. Like three hours into it, when They made her knee and bent her arms so far back that her shoulders almost popped. He watched them tie her with their belts in this unnatural position and he saw howHer skin broke out in a sweat as she fight to stay conscious. They lifted her up and held her between them like this, while fucking her in mid air. The only practical purpose he could see behind the move was that it placed her at a more convenient height. They fucked her absolutely senseless in this way and when her screams grow faith, they restarted them by biting her, hard enough to leave teeth marks behind.

That was not all. During the brief time between ejaculating inside and all over Natasha, and getting hard again, they put Gabriel’s dungeon to good use and took turns whipping her all over her back, ass and thighs. Her screams were ear-piercingly loud as they broke the skin, but when they ran their hands between her legs, they found her dripping wet once again. This turned them on no end, and they lined up on either side of her with fresh enthusiasm, while keeping her strung up like a piece of meat – or so they told her, while pressing the tips of their cocks against herpussy and her ass. By now, Natasha could only sob weakly. Whatever arousal she felt, was eclipsed by the pain they had caused her, pain that she had agreed to in advance. A part of her wanted to back out, but determined not to lose face, she did not beg them to stop. Instead, she moaned as they impaled her, then as they began drilling her between the two of them, in both her pussy and her ass, she started screaming again. Mindlessly and without words, of course.

Gabriel had witnessed many gruesome tortures in his unusual life, but by late afternoon he had had enough. Against his nature, which delighted in cruelty for cruelty’s sake, he turned his back on Wolfgang and the gang, pulling himself up the ladder two at a time. Leaping out of the shelter like a wounded bear, he took off at a run through the forest, with the single aim of going as far away as he could get. He shashed the shrubbery that stood in his way, looking for something to punch, rip and tear. The sound of the men’svoices followed him, with Natasha’s screams clearly distinguishable in the still mountain air. Please. No more. The words in his mind were trapped like her and thinking about it, he felt a growl start up deep in his throat. He was the leader of the Wolf Squad, bound by a code far stronger than words. Were it not so, he would have gone back and beaten them all, with his own hands.

It was evening when Gabriel returned. By then, mercifully, the gang bang was at an end.

“Hey, man, where’ve you been?” Wolfgang asked innocently, looking up from his meal. He knew how sharp their senses were and he faked a grin as he replied.

“Where’d you think?” he said, carefully keeping his gaze averted. “I’ve been cooped up in here for weeks and if I didn’t get out each day, I’d go insane.”

They all laughed.

“Imagine how she feels,” Dirk said, and Gabriel chuckled with them, while deep in his chest a spear slowly pierced his madly beating heart.


Caged – Day 18

Gabriel waited until his men had departed early the next morning to take his first good look at Natasha. As instructed, they had placed her back in her cage when they were done and it was there that he found her, lying curled up on the ground. She looked so broken and so still and small that it did not seem likely she still breathed at all. Cursing under his breath, he unlocked the door and crawled in beside her. Ever so gently, he grasped her right wrist and pressed his fingers over it, looking for a pulse. Moments later he witnessed in relief, and it was then that he was able to take it all in. The crueles. The bite marks. The blood. Her pale skin was the perfect canvas for each of these, and it seemed to Gabriel not one square inch of it remained blank in the aftermath of the encounter. As for her insides… he could tell how raw she was without checking, based on what he knew. She would be neither the first nor the last woman that the Wolf Squad had ravaged, and that at his command. At. His. Command.

As he extracted Natasha from her cage, Gabriel felt quite certain that whatever pain she felt, it could not compare to the gut wrenching feeling in his own chest.


Natasha was not aware of Gabriel’s arms crackling her or his broad chest pressing Against her. After the most through fucking of her life and the cruel whipping on top of it, followed by another night in the cage, she was in a state of shock, no longer consciousness of her surroundings. Her head lolled weakly, thrown back over his arm, her legs swinging loosely with each step he took. As he went to lay her on his bed, her free arm trailed underneath her, and he had to take extra care not to trap it there. Natasha herself could not have moved it. Natasha herself was no longer there.


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