Caged — Days 4 & 5
Natasha slept fitfully on her third night in the cage. The aches and pains in her body were too persistent to ignore and the particular locations of her injuries meant she could not find a position in which to alleviate the disappointment. Her chest was the worst, throbbing painfully under the bandages. But when she tried to lie on her back, her ass and upper thighs suffered in turn. The area the subject of the caning was still very tender and would take at least another week to heal. The overall effect — mentally, as well as physically — was devastating. At a tender age of twenty-one, Natasha had never experienced anything like it. It was little wonder she was having second thoughts.
Lying in bed listening to her tossing and turning restlessly, Gabriel pondered his next course of action. He was not particularly concerned about the young woman’s lack of comfort, but he know from previous experience the kinds of complications that could arise and what they could lead to. Some women were tough than others, it went without saying, but generally speaking they were weak. Much weaker than the men he had tortured and that had lasted for weeks before breaking down. Had this was just any girl he likely would not have cared so much, but this was Natasha. The daughter of an Army general and the most coveted girl at every base they went to. Gabriel had grand plans for her future. Notwithstanding all the things he put her through, he also planned to keep her healthy and in fighting spirits. Finally, he made up his mind, springing lightly from his bed. Time to give her a helping hand.
Halfway through another turn, Natasha realized Gabriel was there, leaning over her. In the darkness his blue eyes glowed like a wolf’s and she cried out in fright, throwing an arm up before her. He caught her wrist with lightning speed and brought it back down.
“Relax,” he ordered, firmly. “I’m here to take care of you.”
While she looked at him in a daze, he pulled her out and placed her on a sort of a padded trolley on wheels, low to the ground. After strapping a wide belt around her waist, he proceeded to wrap leather cuffs around her arms and ankles, immobilising her completely. She moaned in sudden fear, but on this occasion at least, it was not justified.
“Shhh… shhh… be a good girl now and relax. Just relax,” he crooned to her soothingly while stroking her hair, and slowly but surely, she grew quiet under his hand. She saw him turn away briefly and in the next moment he was strapping a piece of rubber over her bicep.
“No! Please… what are you doing?” she pleased, her eyes wide. Instead of replying he tapped her skin lightly, looking for the vein. Having found it, he inserted the needle and taped it in place. He unstrapped the rubber Letting the blood flow resume, before connecting the tubing and hooking her up to a drip.
“You’ll feel a lot better soon,” he told her as he wheeled her back into thecage. The gurney he was using seemed designed for the narrow space, for it fitted perfectly. Natasha watched him through drooping eyeselids as he hung the drip on the outside of the bars and locked her in once more. Whatever it was that he gave her was fast acting, because she could feel her body relaxing already.
“Mmm…” she tried to thank him, but the powerful mix of anaesthetic and morphine was in full effect and before she He knew it, her world went black.
When Natasha next came to, the lights in the dungeon were on, which usually means it was daytime. She felt better, if not exactly awake, and she gazed around her curiously wondering where Gabriel was. Although he had hurt her as he promised he would do, he had also given her pleasure — and besides, he was the only person that she could hope to see while she was here. She felt pretty sure he was also the only one who know where she was, a thought that scared her if she dwelled on it for too long. Supposing he left, what then? She could easily starve to death, alone where no one could find her. She shivered deliciously, feeling the panic set in. Then through the bars she saw a shadow fall on the floor, and she realized he had been there all along. Watching her with his blue wolf eyes.
“Hello Natasha,” he said in his usual calm voice as he strolled over to her cage. “How are you feeling today?”
She waited until he was squatting beside her, on the other side of the bars, to answer.
“Better, thank you,” she said, looking him in the eye. He seemed pleased at the response. With a corner of his mouth lifting into a smile, he reached into the cage and placed a hand on her forehead — the hand that had slapped her and cut her and caused her pain. Now it simply felt big and warm and very much male. Noticing the pattern of her thoughts, Natasha closed her eyes in embarrassment. What the hell was wrong with her? He was not interested in her, except for the purpose of his sadistic game.
Reading the expression on Natasha’s face, Gabriel smiled more broadly. She was weakening, it seemed. That would make everything so much easier.
“You’ve been out for two days,” he told her, watching as she recoiled in shock. She was still strapped down, however, and soon she slumped back weakly.
“I don’t believe you,” she said, frowning. Then, “What did you give me?”
Gabriel reached for her arm. He had left a needle in her vein, in case it was needed again, and he pulled it out as he replied.
“I gave you what you needed,” it was all the information he would provide. He had neither the time nor the inclination to discuss the matter further. As he turned to her with a look of anticipation on his face, he saw her pupils narrow in fear.
Squirming inside her Straps Natasha watched helpedlessly as the door to the cage swung open. Gabriel pulled the gurney out in one quick movement and took hold of her chain before undoing the straps. Then he stood back andwaited for her to get up.
“No,” he said when she tried to sit up. “On your hands and knees.”
Shakily she compiled. To her relieve she did not feel dizzy and when he walked away tugging at the chain, she followed. She was wondering what he had in store for her when suddenly she saw him stop and place something on the floor. When he stepped to one side, she saw it was a bowl of food. Not milk or soup, but chunks of meat and vegetable and pasta that smelt as delicious as it looked. The only problem was, there was no spoon or fork and puzzled, she looked up at him for guidance.
“Eat,” he ordered, in a tone that broke no refusal. She reached for the bowl, but he kicked her hand away.
“No hands,” he told her. When she failed to act immediately, he bent down and grabbed her by the back of her neck. Shoving her face into the bowl he repeated his earlier command.
“Eat,” he said calmly. “Or I will feed it to you through a tube.”
Natasha needed no further prompting. Feeling humiliated beyond words, she lowered her head and began to eat. It was not a very large serving and despite her handicap it did not take her long to finish. He made her lick the bowl out — then he marched her to the tiled area that served as the bathroom. He never let her get up, but hosted her off on all fours, making her feel like his pet. Her hair was lank and sticky, and he shampooed it for her, pulling her head back to keep the soap out of her eyes. All his movements were measured and graceful and despite herself she found herself enjoying the attention. She even let him spread her legs and later her private parts. He shave her with a men’s razor until there was no hair left. When he was done, he made her knee before him so he could check her chest. She winced when he touched her scars, but he gave her a warning Look that quickly shut her up. Having finished examining her, he nodded satisfied and led her back across the room.
“Time for some more fun,” he announced. But as he pulled her to her feet preparation to tying her to a large vertical wheel, Natasha had a sudden and irresistible urge to fight him. It was totally irrational, for two reasons. One, she could have used the safe word, and two, he was much bigger and stronger than she was. Yet, once the urge possessed her, she could not resist. She did not want to use the safe word and end the game, dammit! She only wanted him to cut her some slack, she thought miserably. Then, without warning, she stuck out her arms and shoved against him with all her might. While he was busy maintaining his balance, she kicked him as hard as she could between his legs.
Gabriel’s reaction was not what she predicted. She knew she had hurt him, because he bent over gritting his teeth, but he did not fall down, nor did he give her a chance to get away. Instead, he yanked at the chain, pulling her towards him. Before she knew what was happening, he was lifting her off the ground, with one arm wrappedA second later he had slammed her against the wheel with brute force. The air rushed out of her lungs, leaving her struggle for breath. He pushed against her with his great bulk while pulling her arms above her head. A second later, she felt the thick leather straps close around her wrists and she knew she was trapped. Again.
To say that Gabriel was angry would have been a vast understatement. Natasha’s latest attempt at defiance outraged him. After all the care he had shown her, it was hard to believe she was dumb enough to try kicking him in the balls. Not that she missed. She just did not connect with enough force to incapacitate him. In Gabriel’s opinion she could not have failed more dismally. She had not hurt him, but she sure as hell had made him mad. And there would be a price to pay.
“You Stupid, stupid girl,” he clicked, spreading her legs and tightening the straps around her ankles tighter than was necessary. “That’s no way to treat your host. I have half my mind made up to escort you out of here, right now. What do you say to that?”
Straightening up, he glared at her until she dropped her gaze. It did not take long, since she was naked and helpless, and she did not feel like fighting him anymore.
“Please, don’t do that. I’m sorry,” Natasha said, hanging her head. Her long black hair spilled forward, still wet from the shower, and he grasped it and pulled on it, making her face him.
“You’re not sorry yet,” he said, his jaw working angrily. “But you will be, I promise.”
A minute later, while organising his tools, he saw her watching him and in a burst of irritation he tied a blindfold over her eyes. Not wanting to listen to her pathetic pleading, he followed up with a gag, shoving it in her mouth violently. She made sounds of protest as he tightened the straws across her head, and he used it as an excuse to slap her. Once. Twice. Three times. Then while she moaned practically, he spun the wheel she wason. He let it spin until the momentum ran out, listening to her frightened moaning through the gag. The wheel stopped with her the right way up and he spun it slowly around, so that she was upside down. Her hair trailed on the floor, her head hanging loosely, but he had eyes for one thing and one thing alone: her clean-shaven, tight little pussy. He examined his tools briefly, already knowing what he would use.
Natasha thought she knew what pain was. She was about to learn otherwise. The metal rod felt cool at first as he inserted it inside her, making her squirm. The size of a regular cock, but significantly longer, it reached her cervix quickly, pushing against it. She felt him lock it in place somehow and a second later she felt the water filling her up inside. The rod vibrated with the jerking of her hips as she fight the strange sensing and the accompanying urge to pee. Being upside down and gagged, she was starting to feel a pressure building in her head and she moanedrather desperately trying to communicate her distress. Her muffled pleasures fell on deaf ears. The water filled her inexorably, spilling out and running along her body. Seconds after this happened her bladder gave way. She heard him chuckling in satisfaction as her piss ran down her torso and over her face. Then when all of her skin was wet, she heard the click of a switch, and the real torture began.
Gabriel knew about electric torture the way he knew about every other form of torture available to man. The tool he was using today was his special adaptation and one that had been thoroughly tested before. In his experience, most of the women passed out within minutes if higher voltage was used. In order to prolong Natasha’s suffering, he adjusted it to a lower setting, before rocking back on his heels to enjoy the show.
With the Current arcing over her wet skin, Natasha’s body started convulsing — enough to make the wheel she was tied to rock from side to side. Biting down onthe gag, she could not scream as her muscles constricted time and again. Her fists clnched and her toes curled, but that was nothing compared to what her pussy was experiencing. The large metal rod that was the source of the current vibrated against her walls, stimulating her in a way she had never been stimulated before. The sensing was like a series of orgasms that quickly spiraled out of control. In absolute shock Natasha Shook silently, praying for the torture to stop. It did not. She did not know it, but Gabriel was waiting for her to pass out. She lasted a full ten minutes before her body finally succeed.
Withdrawing the rod from Natasha’s pussy and the gag from her mouth — it was too risky to leave it in once a person passed out — Gabriel smiled to himself. His rage had cooled some but it would not steer him from his plan. He splashed some more water on her face to help wake her up. Then he picked up the other implements with which to proceed.
Natasha coughed when the water splashed up her nose. She was still cooughing when he spun the wheel to bring her into upright position once more. For a moment, he stood back and watched her straining against her bonds, with her head hanging in defeat. Then he turned his attention to her breasts. Being perky and full, they stuck out invitingly and he pinched the nipples with ridiculous ease between the heavy-duty clamps. Feeling the metal bite down, Natasha cried out and began to shake violently, all over.
That’s more like it, Gabriel thought, watching her. Still, she was not screaming, and he absolutely demanded it. Leaning down, he gave her no warning at all before ripping the clamps off her nipples and threading the first need through.
Natasha screamed brokenly as the large piece of metal pierced her nipple. He followed the piercing with a thicker piece of metal, leaving it wedged inside. As he grasped the second breast and prepared to pierce her, she started to sob.
“Please… have mercy…” it was gratifying to hear her beg and he took his time threading the needle through the second nipple, enjoying every moment.
With both her nipples pierced and the holes stretched with metal bars, Natasha Shook uncontrollably on the great wheel. When Gabriel finally untied her and lowered her to the floor, she went to curl up at his feet, whimpering miserably all the while. She still had the blindfold on and so she did not see him pick up another object as he pulled her towards him by the chain.
“Lie across my knees,” he ordered, helping her into position. Trembling with the cold, Natasha obeyed. Her nipples throbbed painfully distracting her for a moment, but when he spread her ass cheese apart, she knew what was coming.
“No, ple…” she never got to finish because he shoved the anal plug inside her so fast. It was a big one, too, but he felt she could take it. Did he not fuck her ass with a large dildo a few days ago? Reaching for the chatity belt,he pulled it between her legs and locked it in place. Only then did he let her go.
“Listen to me very carefully,” he said while removing the blindfold from her eyes. “You’ve been a very bad girl. A very disrespectful guest and for that you must be punished.”
He noted with satisfaction that she kept her gaze lowered, too afraid to look him in the eye. Her legs trembled as she knelt before him with the thick plug filling her ass. She was in the perfect state for what he was about to do.
“Now it’s up to you how you take your punishment,” he continued smoothly. “You may scream and fight or you can go down quietly. Once inside you can drive yourself mad or you can use your time to think. Either way you will not come out until I decide you’re ready. Do you understand?”
She nodded without understanding, for she did not know what he means. He made it clear soon enough. Dragging her by the chain, he strolled over to the trap door in the floor. It seemed too small to admit an entire adult, but appearances could be deceiving. He pulled on the latch and a black hole opened up beneath them.
“In you get,” he said. She shook her head no. When he went to pick her up, she prostrated herself on the floor and grabbed hold of his feet.
“Please! Gabriel! Please don’t do this!” she sobbed, her whole body shaking. “I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry! I’ll never be bad again I promise!”
Gabriel had to admit she sounded sincere, but then so would anyone else in her position.
“Do you want to use the safe word?” he asked her, with a frown. She bit her lip, before shaking her head ‘no’ — and so, he bent down and dragged her back to the hole, saying,
“Come now. The sooner you get in the sooner we can get it all over with.”
She made as if to fight him then, but he pulled her up by the hair, practically lifting her off the ground.
“Do you really wanna fight me again?” he asked her. She could not answer she was crying so hard,but she did not resist when he pushed her backward and lowered her into the hole. As he closed the trapdoor her sobs echoed out at him then were shut off. He felt no goal. She had to learn her lesson, that was all.
Caged — Day 6
For the rest of that day and night Gabriel left Natasha down the hole. It means he had to deny himself the pleasure of fucking her, but being strong Willed he did not mind. As aroused as he was, he did not try to masturbate and so ease his tension: far better to let it build and release it at the appropriate time. Inside one of her three holes — preferably more than once. He hoped she would appreciate the attention after her time inside, but if not, he could always lower her back down. Patience was a virtue and Gabriel had it in spades, only she did not realize it yet. He slept a lot, not worrying about Natasha or any noises that she made. Predictably she had gone quiet after a few hours, allowing him to rest undisturbed.
Inside the cramped and cold hole, with her body boxed in on all sides, Natasha was in a terrible state. From a very young age she had suffered a fear of darkness, often sleeping with the light on. She also hated small spaces even avoiding lifts where she could. When Gabriel lowered her into the narrow opening and shut the lid above her head, she was plunged into a living nightmare so terrifying she wet herself in fear. Having already emptied her bladder while up on the wheel, there was not much left to come out, but she felt the warm trickle well enough as she sobbed with her head against the wall. Her mental anguish was such that the pain in her body did not register for some time. Slipping into a panic, her system flooded her with adrenaline, giving her strength she did not know she had. It was of no use. The concrete cubicle she was in was too narrow to allow her to move more than a few inches and the trap door itself was incredibly solid.
Natasha’s nails scraped ineffectively against the harsh surfaces until her fingers bleed and still, she did not stop. Feeling she had to get out or die she gave it her all screaming at the top of her lungs for the longest time. Her bare skin rubbed against the walls as she thrashed against them willing them to give way. The idea was ridiculous of course and in the back of her mind she knew this, but it only fed the panic inside. She screamed and fought for the sake of it, until her body could Take no more. Passing out, she collapsed weakly in the only position allowed which was more or less upright with her knees slightly bent against the wall.
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