Z's Story

She stood before him and disrobed as she did every day. She did not worry but neither was she Leisurely about it. As she removed and carefully folded or hung up each piece of clothing, the shell, the armor, the protection that she wore each day to protect her from the world peeled away with it. But instead of feeling vulnerable or afraid, she felt peaceful and relaxed because he was there. She knew, in every possible way and Every possible place within her, that he would care for her, protect her, cherish her in every possible way.

When she was naked, she glanced up at him and could not help but smile. He smiled back as she knelt before him. She picked up her collar from the small table next to his chair and held it up to him in both hands, lowering her head. She saw her skin glow in the dim candlelight and let the last strains of the song playing finish before she spoke.

“I offer myself to you willingly and with joy in my heart. I give myself to you completely: body, mind, and soul.”

He took the collar from her and fastened it around her neck. She shuddered as she felt the feeling wash over her, every bit as intense as it had been the first time. He leaned down and kissed her on the head.

“Thank you, pet.”

He lifted her head with a finger under her chin and kissed her forehead.

“Are you ready, pet?”

“Yes, Master. May I please have my spanking, Master?”

“Yes, pet.”

He shifted forward in the chair so that she could lay across his lap. She climbed across and positioned herself comfortably and contentedly as she felt his hand on her bare bottom. He caresed and stroked it slowly for a few seconds before speaking again.

“Why am I spanking you, pet?”

“Because I am yours and You want to, Master. To remind me of my place, Master.” She paused ever so slightly and surprised. “Because I want you to, Master.”

He raised his hand and brought it down sharply, the slap like a spike driven through the quiet in the room. A small noise escaped her as the blow released what little tensions and inhibitions she had carried here with her.

“One. Thank you, Master.”

They continued the ritual. Tonight, he stopped at 27, apparently satisfied with the shade of pink her skin was at that point. She slip down and knelt between his legs, looking up into his eyes. She saw something there tonight, Something slightly out of place. Just a little bit of distraction.

“May I pleasure you, Master? May I please suck your cock?”

“Yes, pet. I would like that.”

He leaned back and she deftly pulled his cock out and breathed in deeply. Breathing in his cent made her head swim as badly as if it were paint fumes but in a slightly different way. It encouraged and excited her and her mouth began to water at the thought of having him inside of it. She stroked him slowly as his cock quickly stiffened to its full size in her hand. She started by making long, slow strokes with her tongue across his balls then gently sucking one, then the other, then both, into her mouth, suckling them softly. When he let out a soft moan, she could not help but moan in response. Her greatest joy was his pleasure and she was proud and happy when she could give him so much that it escaped his carefully control.

Slowly, with her tongue curved around the shake, she began to lick up and down its length, her hand resting at its base to hold it upright. The head glistened in the candlelight as she swirled her tongue around it, stroking it slowly at the same time. She wanted to go slowly, to prolong this part but her throat felt empty and longing so she lowered her mouth quickly, engulfing his cock and shaking her head slightly to work it as deep and far as it would go.

This apparently awakened something in him as he grabbed ahold of her head with both hands and thrust into her, making her gag. His breath became heavy as he roughly moved her head up and down on his cock, forcing her to fuck her face on it. A moment of panic washed into joy as she became his object of animal pleasure. The heavy breathing became a growing as his hips began to rise from the chair with every push of her head downward. She let go of his cock and moved her hands behind her back to allow herself to be more fully nothing more than a reception for his lust. Her mind, her heart, her body, every part of her realizing its purpose and deepest desire.

She was so lost in herself that it was almost a shock when the thrusting and shoving stopped suddenly and he muffled his cry, pushing her head down again. Her hands flew up to his thighs to push herself up slightly so she didn’t gag but mostly because she wanted to taste him. She wanted every part of him for herself, the rich scent of his body, the firm feel of his muscles, the indescribable taste of his cum. She sucked and licked, savoring it. When his hands fell away, she raised her head and let him see her mouth full. She liftedHer tongue slightly causing it to drip from the corner of her lips while he watched. As she flicked her tongue out to catch the drop, he smiled at her. He had said many times that he loved seeing her be the dirty slut they both knew dwelled deep inside her. She swallowed and let out a slight whimper at the joy it gave her to have part of him become part of her.

“That’s my wonderful pet. Thank you.”

He made to stand up and she shifted back to give him room. He rose and put himself and his clothes back in order and stepped around her into the room. She heard things sliding across the floor and the clock of chains and metal. He said nothing to her, knowing she would remain exactly as she was, kneeing and facing the chair, until he called her. Each noise, every second increased the mystery and anticipation and her excitement too.

“Come here, pet,” he said finally.

She turned and crawled to him. He had a large almost circular steel tube that stood vertically witheye bolts at various points. He had her stand inside of it and he put on her ankle cuffs and attached them to the bottom of the frame. She loved the cuffs. They made her feel safe and owned. Between her legs, a few inches out of reach, was mounted a wand style vibrator. This was going to be fun… maybe.

As he put on her wrist cuffs and attached them to the top of the frame, opening her up and exposing her, he slid his fingers gently down the inside of her arm and teased the underside of her breast. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she breathed in deep.

“Every time”, she thought, “every time he touches me.”

He reached around from behind her to put on the nipple clamps, the butterfly kind this time, making her gasp and moan. He tied strings to the clamps and looped them over the top bar.

“Squat down and let it touch you, pet.”

“Yes, Master.”

She did as told and moaned loudly as the violences hit her wetness. The moan quickly turned to a cryas he tightened the strings making them pull hard on the clamps.

“Stay there, pet.”

“Yes, Master.”

The sensings fought in her body. Her pussy throbbed and clinched as she pressed it down on the vibrator. But she could not enjoy it as she wanted because her nipples nearly screamed as if they were about to be torn off.

While she squatted, he tied another set of strings to the clamps and looped them over the bottom bar on the frame.

“Stand up, pet. All the way.”

“Yes, Master.”

She stood, missing the sensing between her legs but thankful for the relief on her nipples. The relief was short-lived, however, as he tied off the second set of strings pulling down, hard, as she stood fully erect. She whimpered slightly as he stepped away, smiling at her obvious Discomfort.

“All right, pet. You’ll stay there until you cum for me… twice.”

She moaned as she lowered herself slightly, easing the pull on her nipples.

“Yes, Master.”

>She took a deep breath. She could do this. The first one would be easy. She could do this. As she bent her knees slowly, the clamps started to pull before she even touched the vibrator. Concentrating on her core and tightening up inside, she keep moving downward until… Yes, oh God yes. There it was. Focusing on the throbbing between her legs she ground her hips against the sensing, ignoring the flares of pain in her nipples. In mere seconds she was ready.

“Master, may I please cum for you?”

“Yes, pet, you may.”

“Oh, thank you, Master.”

She let it go, let it wash through her, let the waves of pleasure flood her every sensing. Her mind went numb as the orgasm pushed the pain of the clamps away. She cried out and willed herself to press down harder to make it last. As the sensings started to wane, the tearing pain jerked her up panting.


Too far, the lower strings pulled the clamps down and the pain came back doubled. She quickly bent her knees again but her legs were still wobbly from the orgasm and it was hard to stay up. She felt herself falling and panicked only to feel his arms supporting her.

“I’m here, pet. I’ve got you.”

She let him support her as she caught her breath. How was he there? When had he moved? Her eyes had been closed when she climaxed. He must have moved then. She steadied herself with her knees bent so the clamps weren’t being pulled.

“Thank you, Master.”

“You’re welcome, pet.”

He flicked one of the clamps and chuckled at her cry as he walked back to his chair.

She calmed her breathing as she held her position, knees and elbows bent. Sweat started to break out over her body from the effort. She knew the second time would take longer, she knew. She’d have to build up to it. Three focused breaths and she lowered herself again.

The pain hit her before the pleasure but she made herself stop lower. She wished he would switch the vibrator to high and she thought he might if she had been gged but she was determined to make him proud by doing it without further help. But she couldn’t help from crying out as she pressed herself onto it.

She raised up again quickly. Five seconds, she could do five seconds. She lowered herself again. One. Two. Three. Her mind screamed. Four. Five. And up. Deep breaths. Her tights and calves started to ache but she made herself push down again. Five more seconds. This time she felt the good sensings start to stir.

Three more times she pushed herself down, each time for a second longer. By now, her legs ached so much she had to stand up and the new pull on her nipples made her cry out again.

She saw him stand and walk to her. He touched her face and leaned close, whispering in her ear.

“You’re doing so very well, pet. I’m so proud of you.”

She smiled through the pain.

“Thank you, Master. Oh, thank you.”

As she lowered herself again, he backed up two steps. She looked into his eyes and saw the strength there she needed to continue. When the vibrator touched her, she kept his gaze and pushed her legs together as much as she could. Her breath started to quickly though she wasn’t sure if it was from the sensings between her legs or her nipples.

“You can do it, pet. Cum for me.”

She swallowed hard and kept herself pressed against the vibrator until she felt the familiar pressure build within her. Her legs, her mind, her breasts, fight her need for release but she would win. She closed her eyes and practiced as he had taught her: focusing and concentrating on the pleasure and pushing away the pain. Thankfully, it hit her suddenly and the words rushed out of her.


“Yes, pet. Cum for me now.”

Her cry was loud and fierce as the pressure released deep inside her. Then just as suddenly, pain pierced her and her eyes flew open. He had released the clamps and the blood rushed back into her nipples. Her scream changed pitches and then turned into a loud moan of relief as she stood fully. Arms hanging in the cuffs, sweat pouring off of her, she panted and smiled as she looked into his face and saw that he was pleased.

He turned and unfolded the familiar soft blanket and wrapped it around her after he detached her wrists from the frame. She pulled it around her as he did the same with her ankles. Then he picked her up and carried her to his chair, smiling again as she snuggled into him and surprised.

He spoke to her in soft tones of how pleased he was and how well she did and that how lovely she looked when she came for him. She could feel him hardening beneath her and wiggled, just a little, in his lap, hoping that she could inspire him to use her for his pleasure.

“Now, now, pet, do you really think I need encouragement? Are you sure you’re ready, pet?”

She looked up at him and kissed him deeply in answer. His mouth responded fiercely and she felt herself roughly pushed from his lap. She landed played on the floor as the blanket fell away and exposed her naked body for him. He looked at her, his eyes on fire and a growl coming from his throat as he took out his thick, hard cock and fell upon her.

He entered her in one thrust, shoving her legs apart and making her cry out. He buried his face in her shoulder and bit down on her neck as he pounded into her fast and hard. She wrapped her legs and arms around him and let herself be taken.

His growl became rough grunts as he climaxed inside her filling her with his seed and fulfilling her desire to be his source of pleasure. Here was where she belonged and here was where she dwelt, mind, body, and soul.


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