Zeus's Mormon Sex Slave

A small rental car drives down a winding road through Mount Parnassus. The mountains are cloaked in a white and foggy mist. Four young men, ages eighteen to twenty-two, are passengers in this car. They are wearing white shirts with black name tags and formal khaki pants. The young men all have combined hair and washed faces.

One of the passengers a youth with pale caramel hair and fair complex looks out the window. His wide eyes take in the beauty of the misty mountains. The massive mountains remind the young man of the Rockies back home. They are not as big but they are still majestic.

Romble! Boom!

The ancient mountains echo with the soft sound of thunder in the distance. Something catches the eye of the young passenger: a large eagle soaring above them. It is a golden eagle with feathers that shine like actual gold. It is twice the size of a normal eagle. The giant golden eagle swoops in close. It flies to the upper right head side of the vehicle near the young passenger.

The young passenger presses his face against the window to get a closer look at the beautiful golden eagle.

“Troy! Get your face off the window.” Says the driver.

“Sorry, Oral.” Troy obeys and backs up. “I’ve never seen such a large golden eagle.”

“What eagle?” Says one of the passengers sitting behind Troy.

“What do you mean what eagle?” Troy turns to the guys sitting behind him. “Johnny there was a massive eagle whose feather shined like a status of Moroni.”

Troy turns and points in the direction of the eagle. It flies away into the mist.

“Hurry look!” Troy shouts. “Johnny, Willard you have to see it!”

Johnny Brigham and Willard Jones lean forward and try to spot the massive eagle.

“Ummm.” Willard squints his eyes. “Troy, are you messing with us.”

“Guys I’m serious.” Troy points at the eagle as it disappears into the mountain mist.

“Gosh darn it guys!” Troy throws up his hands. “You missed it.”

“Oh, TroyPlease get your head out of the clouds.” Oral groans.

Troy sights and stars down at his notepad. It is full of doodles and sketches of the Greek countryside and the sights he saw in Athens.

Johnny peaks over and looks at Troy’s nods.

“Troy, what is that?” He points at the sketches of the Acropolis in Athens. In the corner is a sketch of an owl.

“Oh, that? It is an owl I saw in the ruins when we visited the acropolis.”

“Oh lord.” Oral sighs and slapses his face.

“Ooooooo.” Johnny and Willard shake their heads.

“Troy you can’t use those notebooks for your frivolous fantasy and drawing.”

“Sorry.” Troy sinks into his seat.

“You are supposed to be using that to help you take notes and prepare scripts. We are not here to go on vacation. We are here in Greece to spread the good word of Joseph Smith to these fine people.”

“Yes sir.” Replies Troy

“I can’t believe I allowed you to talk me into making a stop at Delphi and Amfissa.”

“Oral the word of the church shouldn’t just be limited to the big cities of Athens and Thessaloniki,” Troy argues. “We should visit all the small towns.”

“Troy,” Oral shakes his head. “I have no doubt you are a man of faith.” He turns his head away from the road and looks Troy in the eyes. Oral’s eyes are tired and heavy from lack of sleep.

“However, I know why you I want to go to Delphi. It is see to the ruins of the oracle.” Troy sheepishly nods his head.

“Troy we really shouldn’t be associated ourselves with the ruins of false gods. We need to be focused on spreading the word of the true god.”


The car engine hood launches open and

“Goodness gracious!” Oral yells. He floors the breaks. The car stops in the middle of the mountain road. The young missionaries quickly exit the vehicle. They look at the car. Its hood is open and the engine is bellowing black smoke. Oral pops open the trunk and grabs the fire extinguisher. He sprays the engineuntil the smoke disappears.

“Golly, what happened?” Troy asks.

Oral looks at him. His face is full of fear.

“I…… don’t know.” He looks around. There are no other cars or people in sight. He pulls out a phone.

“Gosh darn it.” Oral moans.

“What is it?” Johnny asks. “Is the phone dead?”

“Oh no, it has power. It’s Just we have no signal where we are.” He holds the phone and waves it around.

“We need to walk down the road to see if you find a service station or any settlements.” Oral points to Willard.

“Willard come with me.” Oral then points to Troy and Johnny. “The two of you stay here and guard the car.

“Yes sir,” Troy replies. Oral and Willard, walk off down the misty road. They disappear into the fog leaving Troy and Johnny behind.

“Yawwnnn.” Johnny opens the car door and goes inside. “Alright, Troy I’m going to take a nap. Wake me if you see anything.”

“Okay,” Troy replies. Troy takes out his notepad and a pencil. Hebegins to sketch the misty mountains. The tall peaks are covered in trees. Troy savors the cool and quiet moment free from the other missionaries nagging. These mountains are magical and remind Troy of the mythology books he would read at libraries that his parents and teachers didn’t want him to read. Stories about powerful gods and goddesses. Great heroes and hideous monsters.

“baaaa!” Troy turns his head in the direction of the sound. In the fog, he sees a little lamb. It looks at him and bleats at him.

“Ahhh.” Troy walks over to the lone lamb.

“Hey, little guy.” He knees down to pet the lamb. The lamb leans its little head forward. Just before Troy can pet it the lamb darts away.

“Baaaa!” It bleats and runs deeper into the fog.

“Oh hey don’t be a Afraid little guy.”

Troy looks around and sees some grass. He grabs a handful of it and runs after the little lamb. He goes down the road chasing the little lamb. Then he finally finds it. Hiding in behind a rock.

“Look what I got for you little guy.” Troy knees down and holds out the grass. The lamb gingerly walks forward and sniffs at the grass. It takes a nibble of the grass.

“That’s it. I won’t hurt you, little guy.” The lamb eats the grass and lays down to allow Troy to pet him. Troy pets the soft white lamb. Its fleece feels like cotton bedsheets. Troy rubs the lamb’s belly for a while.

“You’re so cute.” Troy stands up. “Well, little buddy I have to get going now. Goodbye.”

Troy turns his back and walks back to the car.

As Troy is walking back a blind light goes off behind him. Troy looks down at the ground. Behind his own shadow is a large shadow. The shadow is something with a large span.

“Ahhh!” Troy yells as he is grabbed from behind. Massive talons wrap around his shoulder. Troy struggles failing his arms desperately as he tries to break from the talons. It is hopeless. He is lifted up from the mountain road and carried

“Let me go!” Troy struggles as he is carried up. He looks around and sees giant wings flapping beside him. He looks up and sees an eagle. It looks like the same golden eagle that he saw earlier in the car.

“HELP! JOHNNY! ANYBODY!” Troy yells as the eagle and him quickly assent up above the mountains. They reach the sky. The air gets thinner. Troy gasps and gulps. He has climbed many high peaks but now he is so far up beyond anything back in Idaho. It is freezing and he can’t breathe. Troy flails around for a few more minutes until he loses consciousness and blacks out.


Troy is awakened by the sound of a hammer slamming metal. He slowly opens his eyes and shakes his head. It isn’t so cold anymore and he can finally breathe.

He looks around as his vision clears. He sees two men in the distance. The tall one is muscle and is holding a staff in his left hand. The short and stocky one appears to be hammering something with on an anvil. He shows his work to the tall man. He nods yes and the two men turn to Troy.

They walk towards him. The tall man is strong and steady in his stride. While the short man limbs over holding on to his creation which Troy can’t yet see.

Once they finally reach Troy the tall man raises his staff and turns on some lights.

Troy can see now. He looks around and sees he is in some kind of den. A den with a luxury bed, bath, and fine furniture. There are ivory recliners with red silk cushions and a large throne made of gold and ivory. There are also crosses and dresses that have whips, chains, and sex toys on them. Troy tries to move but can’t. He looks down and sees that he is lying on the floor and bound by ropes. His clothes are damp with sweat yet still intact. Troy is missing his shoes and only has his black socks.

Troy gasps and looks back at the men. He sees the tall man. He has shoulder-length hair and a bear. The hair is white like clouds. Upon his head is an oak leaf crown. His eyes are blue and bright. The man’s arms are long and muscular. He wears an exomis tunic with a blue rope belt tied around his waist. The short exomis exposes his right chest and his strong legs. He is wearing gold bracelets on his wrists and sandals on his feet.

The short man is an ugly man with dark, dirty hair and a toasted complexion. He is sweaty and covered in dirt and soot. He wears a tunic and has crooked legs. In his hands, he holds a collar and four cuffs.

“Who are you?” Troy asks. The tall man raises his fist and a bolt of light forms his hand.

“I’m Zeus, Master of Olympus and King of all gods.” The lightning in his right-hand flickers and glows brightly. Troy turns his head and shuts his eyes. He shives on the floor in the presence of the godly king.

“Next to me is my son Hephaestus god of smithing.” He courtesys to the criticized god.

“NO!” Troy shakes his head. “It can’t be! You can’t be real. You are just myths.”

“Hahaha!” Zeus plants hisfoot on Troy’s chest and presses down on his chest.

“Oh. I’m real. As real as the foot crushing you.” Zeus mocks as Troy wheezes. He takes his foot off the bound boy.

Zeus extinguishes the bolt in his hand and lays his staff against the walls. He lifts up Troy and carries him to a mirror in the den. Zeus stands Troy up in the mirror. Troy sees himself covered in the ropes. Zeus stands Behind him with his left hand on Troy’s shoulder. His grip is strong like the talons of the golden eagle. The God King smiles wickedly.

“Let’s take these ropes off you boy.” Zeus’s left hand lights up. Troy feels a jolt of electricity rush through him. The ropes are incinerated in a blinding flash. Troy is blinded for a moment and feels freed from his bonds. It takes a moment for his vision to return to him. He looks into the mirror and sees Zeus behind him. He is still grinning wickedly, and his left hand still tightly grips Troy’s now bear shoulder.

Troy looks down and gasps. Zeus’s lightning incinerated his clothes along with the ropes. He stands nude in the mirror while the king of the gods leers at his naked body.

“Much better dear, boy.” Zeus purrs in Troy’s ear. Troy tries to cover his groin.

“HAHAHA!” Zeus lets out a thundering laugh. “Oh, don’t be such a prude Troy, my boy. I think you look better without those hideous dress clothes.” Zeus cares Troy’s cheek with his right hand.

Troy tries to run away from the mirror and towards the entrance. However, Zeus wraps his right around Troy’s neck. He holds him in a chokehold. Hephaestus limps over with the collar and cuffs. He places the collar and cuffs on the floor. He grabs hold of one of Troy’s legs. Although, his criticized appears the god of smithing is inhumanly strong. He holds Troy’s leg in place and fastens one of the metal cuffs to his ankle. Hephaestus then takes the other leg and cuffs the ankle.

Troy tries to kick his legs. However, his legs remain planted on the floor.

Hephaestus stands up and grabs Troy’s arm. He slapses the cuff on Troy’s wrist. Like his legs, the arm with the cuffed wrist is weak and paralyzed.

The final cuff is attached to Troy’s only remaining free arm. He loses control of that arm and it freezes in place.

Zeus relaxes his chokehold on Troy. He gives enough room to Hephaestus to allow him to attach the metal collar around Troy’s neck.

“Glug!” Troy gasps as the collar is locked around his neck. Zeus finally lets go of Troy and he falls to the floor.

“Look in the mirror boy.” The collar on Troy’s neck compels Troy to look up. He looks into the mirror to see himself lying on the floor.

“Stand up and get a good look.” Zeus commands and Troy jumps to his feet. He gets a good clear look at himself. Naked the only things he is wearing are the collar and the cuffs. He gazes at his skinny and hairless body. Troy’s face turns red and his ears burn when he sees his penis and testicles.

Behind him,he sees his captor Zeus. He licks his lips and grins while towering over him. Troy turns around and faces him.

“What is the meaning of this?” He covers his privates while Zeus looks down on him.

“Hahaha!” Zeus laughs and walks around Troy.

“I intend to take you.” He pets Troy’s hair. “For my pleasure.”

“What?” Troy says dumbfounded.

“Tsk, tsk.” Zeus smiles and shakes his head. “You are so naïve, boy.”

“I am sorry sir.” Troy apologies. “I have no idea what has happened.”

Zeus continues to pace around Troy.

“I have been watching since you arrived in Greece. My eyes and the eyes of my children have been on you and your band of odd friends. I found you to be a most attractive youth and had to have you.”

Troy feels the weight of Zeus’s heavy star.

“I cast a mist over the mountains and followed you in the form of an eagle. When your leader Oral blasphemed the gods I had the engine die…”

“Oral and my friends” Troy interrupts “Are they already?”

“I wouldn’t worry about them, dear boy.” Zeus’s flicker with lightning. “Let that be the last interruption.”

Zeus then resumes his story.

“After your car broke down, I lured you away by using my little lamb disguise. Then when you turned your back on me, I turned into my eagle form and carried you away to one of my many Eagle’s Nests.”

Zeus pauses and looks at the terrified Troy.

“Eagle’s Nests?” Troy meekly says.

“Ah yes. My Eagle’s Nests. Whenever I find someone special, I create a cloud in the sky. It allows me to enjoy myself and protect my playthings from my wife.”

Troy looks outside and looks back at Zeus.

“Oh, you need evidence go ahead.” Zeus habitures for Troy to exit the den. Troy walks outside. The outside is warm and white. The ground is firm yet looks fluffy like a cloud. Troy keeps walking until he reaches a small cloudy wall. He looks over and see the earth beneath him.

“Amazing!” Troy gazes upon the Mediterranean Sea beneath him. Zeus walks up behind him and places his hand on Troy’s shoulder.

“Glad you like it.” Zeus grips Troy’s bare shoulder. “You will be enjoying the view every day as my pleasure slave.”

Troy’s jaw drops. He turns to face Zeus.

“Wh-what?” He stammers and backs against the cloud wall. “What are you talking About?”

Zeus and Hephaestus both laugh. This causes the cloud to shake.

“HAHAHAHA!” Troy falls to his knees.

“Oh boy, you are so naïve.” He shakes his head and grins. “I guess that’s what I get for taking a sheltered, Mormon farm boy for a sex slave.”

“NO!” Troy shakes his head. “Please you can’t do this! It is an abomination for a man to lay with another man.”

“Well those aren’t my rules,” Zeus responses. “And right now you are in my dominion and will obey my will.”

Troy shakes his head.

“I don’t even like men.” Troy blushes. “I only like women.”

“That won’t be a problem,” Zeus replies.”I’ll make a bisexual who out of you soon enough.”

“You can’t! I won’t let you!”

“Go ahead. Just try to escape me.” Zeus points over the wall. Troy looks over the wall. He looks back at Zeus and glares defiantly.

“Alright, I’ll do it!” Troy climbs and leaps over the wall. He is unable to vault the wall. Chains magically spring from the wrist cuffs and collar and violently pull Troy back. He is dragged back into the cave of the Eagle’s Nest. Troy is dragged until the chains find the bed. The chain on the wrist cuffs attaching binding Troy’s hands together. The chain on the collar attaches to the leg of the bed. Troy tugs at the chain and pulls on his collar with his bound hands.

Zeus and Hephaestus walk into the cave. Zeus stands over his bound slave boy.

“Tsk tsk,” He shakes his head.

“Did you think it would be that easy boy?” Zeus taunts. “Those cuffs and collar I had Hephestus make for you have you bound to this nest. Your bonds will protect you and give me total control over you.”

Troy suddenly rises to his knees through no will of his own. He looks up at Zeus. The king of the gods points to his head.

“With a single thought, I can make you do whatever I wish.” Zeus grabs Troy by the throat.

“You are mine to use.” Zeus looses his belt and the shoulder strap of his exomis. He drops his garments and exposes his nude muscle body to Troy. Zeus’s cock springs forth. Troy shivers as he stars at the cock of a god-king. Sweat drops down his browser.  

“Go ahead,” Zeus commands. Troy looks up his lips pursued. He shakes his head. Zeus grabs and pulls Troy’s hair.

“Ahhh!” Troy yells and in the moment his mouth opens Zeus plugs his cock into Troy’s virgin mouth.

“Glug!” Troy gags on Zeus’s cock. His eyes widen as his face is fucked.

“Glug! Glug! Glug!” Zeus pounds the throat of Troy. The slave tries to resist his master. However, Zeus is too strong to resist.

Zeus pulls his cock out of Troy’s mouth.

“Cough! Cough!” Troy gasps for air as saliva drips down his chain.

“Boy!” Zeus grabs Troy and picks him up. “You are being insubordinate.” He says with a smile. “You know what that means.”

Troy shakes his head.

“I’m going to need to beat the prude of you.” He makes Troy bend over on the bed and face away from him.

 Crackle! Zzzzt!

There are flashing lights behind Troy.

“Troy. I will ask you questions.” Zeus says in a clear and soft voice. “Do you renounce your old morals?”

“No!” Troy shouts defiantly.


“AHHHHHH!” Troy screams as he is whipped by Zeus’s lightning. His back stings as if millions of little knives have stalled him.

“Wrong answer boy,” Zeus says. “Next question. Do you submit to your new god Zeus?”

“Never! You are a false god!” Troy yells.


“AHHHHHH!!” Troy wails as he is beaten and electrocuted by the god of thunder.

“Tsk tsk. You just had to make that answerer worse.” Zeus shakes his head.

“Now, final question. Are you a going to a be a good little sex slave?”

Troy shakes his head. Unable to speak.


“AHHHHHH!!” Troy cries as he is flogged by Zeus’s whip.

“Zero out of three. Dear boy that will no do.”


“AHHHHH!’ Tears flow from Troy’s eyes. The pain is unlike anything he has experienced.


“WAHHHH!!” Troy cries as his whole body buzzes with pain. No spanking from his childhood could ever compare to this vicious beating.


“Ahhhhhh!” Troy’s crying and screaming weaknesses. He feels exhausted and sore from all the beating.

The whipping stops. Troy is drenched in sweat and tears. His skinny and redden body glistens.

“Now boy,” Zeus speaks. “I am a merciful god. I’ll give you another chance to answer my questions.”

Zeus lays his hand on Troy’s tender back.

“Do you renounce your old morals?”

There is a moment of silence before Troy lets out an incoherent whimper.

“Do you renounce your old morals?”

“yes..” Troy whimpers.

“Good boy.” Zeus pets Troy’s head.

“Do you submit to your new god Zeus?”

Troy’s heart thumbs and his stomach churns. Zeus places his hand on his aching back. It flares up in pain.

“yes.” Troy’s ears burn as he gives his shameful answer.

“Who is your new god?” Zeus asks as he presses his hand against Troy’s back. “Say it loud.”

“Zeus!” Troy yelps.

“Zeus what?” Zeus asks. “Do you submit to him?”

“Yes!” Troy cries, “I…. I submit to Zeus…. My new god.”

“Good boy.” Zeus reach over and cares Troy’s face. His hands are powerful yet so gentle. The same hands that cause him so much pain now heal and soothe him.

“Now final question dear boy. Are you a going to a be a good little sex slave?”

“Yes!” Troy nods his head. “I will be a good little sex slave for you!” Troy proclaims.

Zeus smiles. “Good boy.” He strokes his slave’s cheek.

“Say it again.”

“I will be a good little sex slave!” Troy’s statement echoes in the Eagle’s Nest.

“Excellent!” Zeus praises Troy. “What are you?!” He asks loudly.

“I AM A SEX SLAVE!” Troy proclaims with all his strength.

“Wonderful!” Zeus praises Troy. “What are you?!” He asks loudly.

“I AM A SEX SLAVE!” Troy proclaims with all his strength.

“Wonderful!” Zeus Cheers. He turns Troy around and smiles upon him. He leans over and kisses Troy on the forehead.

“Now let’s give you another chance.” Zeus walks over to the ivory and gold throne in the nest. He takes a seat on his throne. The god sits there naked with his erect cock standing out.

“Come, boy, knee before the throne.” Troy the sex slave scanners over and knees like a good boy in front of his master. With his hands on the floor, he stars up at Zeus’s cock.

“Good. Are you ready to be a good slave?”

“Yes master Zeus.” Troy nods “How may I pleasure you?”

“Good. First, start off by kissing my cock.”

“Yes sir.” Troy leansforward and plants his lips on the glans of the god’s penis. Zeus’s cock presses hard against Troy’s soft lips. Troy looks up at the mighty god while his lips are against the glens. He rubs his lips down the shake. Troy the slave wets his lips and kisses up and down the shake.

“Ahhhh.” Zeus lets out a sight of pleasure. Troy licks Zeus’s cock from tip to base. He licks up and down Zeus’s cock.

“Mmmm.” Zeus moans while his slave works. Troy returns to the glens of Zeus’s cock. With his lips on the tip, he takes his master’s cock. Troy swallows the cock of Zeus.

“Uhhhhh!” Zeus groans. His cock vibrates in Troy’s mouth. Troy keeps sucking the god king’s cock. The former Mormon’s blood runs hot through his body. He is doing the unthinkable. Sucking the cock of a pagan god.

What has gotten into me? Troy thinks. His body buzzing as he sucks.

Zeus takes hold of Troy’s head and fucks the slave boy’s face.


Salvia squirts from the sides of Troy’s month. Zeus’s cock pounds the back of Troy’s throat. This makes Troy’s stomach churn and causes him to spit up.


“Arghh!” Zeus moans and he shoots a load of seed down Troy’s throat. The seed goes into his stomach. Once he is done coming Zeus pulls his cock from Troy’s mouth.

“Cough COUGH!” Troy cooughs and heavens for air. After Troy catches his breath he looks up at his master Zeus.

“Good boy.” Zeus smiles warmly and strokes the side of Troy’s head. Although having come Zeus’s cock remains erect.

“Get up.” The king of the gods points to the bed. “Lay on your back.”

“Yes, Lord Zeus.” Troy bows to his master and hurries over to the bed. He lays on his back. Troy sees his cock has grown a little longer.

I can’t be enjoying this? Troy thinks as Zeus walks over to the bed.

“Raise your legs.” Zeus orders. Troy lifts his legs while his master.

Snap! Zeus snaps his fingers and chains burst from the cuffs on Troy’s ankles and wrists. The chains on the wrists bind Troy to the bedposts behind him. Meanwhile, the chains from the ankle cuffs bind him to the ceiling above him. Troy wiggles against his binds but is unable to move.

Zeus gets between his legs. Zeus licks his fingers and reaches for Troy’s anus. He gently rubs the hole. Troy’s heart rate quickens as he braces himself.

Zeus takes hold of his cock and slides it into Troy.

“Uhhhh!” Troy moans like a whore as the Master of Olympus fucks his virgin anus. The god’s cock pounds his ass. Troy feels the rush of pleasurable pain.

“Oh, fuck me, master!” Troy yells out.

“What did you say?” Zeus leans in and fucks Troy’s ass faster.

“Fuck me, master!” Troy yells. His mind is twisted by lustful masochism.

“Fuck your little whore boy!” Troy yells as his cock raises erect.

“May I use and abuse you?” Zeus asks.

“Yes, please! Fucking use and abuse me!” Troy screams and Zeus’s fucking gets faster and more violent. He stretches the slave boy’s tight virgin anus.

“ARGGHHH!” Zeus lets out a deep thundering yell. He fires a large load of seed deep into Troy’s rectum.

“EHhhhhhh!” Troy squeals like a slutty slave. His eyes cross and his body convulses. He shakes in the bed for a minute before finally coming down from orgasm. Zeus sits down next to Troy on the side of the bed. Troy lies beside his master. His body is filled with divine seed. Zeus pets his slave and looks at Troy’s groin. His cock is still erect.

“Looks like I wasn’t the only one having fun,” Zeus says and softly chuckles.

“Yes, master.” Troy looks at his master lustfully. His cock and balls are ready to release their load.

“Good boy.” Zeus grins. “I had you figured for a slut.”

Zeus paws at Troy’s erect cock.

“Would you like to release your load,” Zeus asks as he teas Troy’s cock.

Troy nods and smiles. Zeus shakes his head.

“Not now dear boy.” He stands up. “You are going to save yourload.” He walks away from his slave and towards his son who lies on the recliner. Hephaestus has been watching silently and masturbating the whole time.

“You know my son’s wife Aphrodite?”

Troy nods. “Yes, Lord Zeus. The goddess of love.”

Zeus grinins.

“I’m going to let my daughter-in-law play with you.” Zeus turns to his son. “As long as you don’t mind son?”

Hephaestus grins through his dirty bear.

“Oh, I only have a problem when my brother Ares fucks my wife.” He gazes at the bound motal slave.

“However, seeing her fuck and dominate a slutty boy like Troy.” Hephaestus licks his lips as he leers at Troy. “That will be fun to watch.”

Troy blushes and the two gods laugh.

“Alright get clean yourself up.” Zeus snaps his fingers and the bath in the corner of the cave fills with water. The chains binding Troy disappear and release him.

“Yes, master.” Troy runs over to the bath and sinks into the warm soapy suds. He washes the sweat and filter from his body. After he finishes his bath, he dries off and passes out on the bed. Zeus gazes upon his sleeping pet. While fantasying about what is in store for the slave boy.


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