Pyramids Of Delight (part 1)

Not every archeological expedition is confined to the Rheims of history even when they are intended to. Matt had become obsessed passwordately with his ancestral origin. Searching for every possible clue in archives from Canada to France as well as the Lincolnshire area of ​​England (land of Angels). At one stage ahead a French Nun to translate archived documents dating back to the 1200s, to the days of his royal ancestry. At last Matt had found himself, that genetic blend of history that pulsed in his blood giving him dreams and emotions that had no logical explanation.

His quest for answers had covered 3 continents filling every free moment of his adult years. Another clue would come, then Matt was off in search of the soil that had noble the roots of his past. Spiritual science had shown him dreams of places he had been in other lives before. His journeys brought him close to who he had been, flashes of the past like moviesplayed in his mind, he had been here before, it was all so familiar.

Even when he spent days near Carlisle Castle on the edge of Scotland his nights were haunted with images of her. Why did she haunt his soul, driving him like a mad man to know her every secret? Night after night he awoke reaching out in a cold sweat to hold her close one more time, then she vanished again like a phantom mistress into the darkness. Her image burned into his minds eye so extensively that every time his eyes closed she would appear in all her womanly glory.

Her attire made his blood rush with fire in his veins, from her bonnet to her full bosms that tested the grandest cleavage. Her long red gown so proper flowing down to her leather shoes, yet he feel such wonders lay sleeping beneath it all waiting for discovery. Matt thought in meditation how could he find a way to not awaken from his dreams, tern fantasy into reality, just one time to know the answersof who she was, why she haunted him now night and day.

Matt had read that to spend the night locked in the dungeon cell surrounded by the licking stones would give him sleep that freed his spirit. To walk with flesh following his dreams into reality. The catch that held him back from daring was knowing his soul could wonder aimlessly forever lost in the spirit world. He had to try no matter what the cost, to end the torture that haunted his soul to know her mystery.

The night had come at last, his one opportunity to know the truth. Matt was ready for the ultimata quest of his life, to the wardrobe room he walked like a man possessed. Choosing the perfect suit of armor, equipped with sword and all the tools of Knightly stature. To the dungeon Matt marched dedicated to success, then stood still watching the fading light as the cell door slammed shut and locked…………(to continue)



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