Jane's Chastity Belt(mild adult fairy tail)

Once a King always a King but once a Knight is never enough. The dragons are gone so what is a Knight to do for excitement? Why certainly poison up the armor to dash off looking for damsels in distress right? What a great idea Sir Long thought as he led his calm from the castle gates. Sir Long mounted his Steed charging off on his newest quest. Thinking as he galloped down the road where he cold find a fair damsel to rescue? When he came to a well where he could water his horse he asked a passer by if he knew of any such quests he may undertake. Thoughtfully the man said, I was told on the other side of the Forrest. By the babbling brook stands a dark castle, shrouded in darkness. Where Lady Jane has been held captive by the evil Black Knight. Many have gone to rescue her but none have returned, so I suspect she still waits for her Knight in shinning armor.

Sir Long was sure this would be his new quest, as he rode his steed fast and hard drivingToward the far side of the Forrest. His mind constantly thought of the many rewards that Lady Jane would give him when he won her freedom. He thought maybe even a taste of her royal booty, maybe even more of the royal treasures she must surely possesses. Onward faster oh might steed he yelled as the flames of potential reward burned hot into his saddle. Soon darkness would fall and he would need to rest his tiring steel, on he charged hope to make the clearing at the far side of the Forrest before they rested.

As the sun set Sir Long found the clearing he had searched for, the dark castle only a short distance away. One small stream to cross and the distance of the clearing at day break and he would be there. Sir Long grazed is trusty steed on the meadow grass, they both drank their fill from the babbling brook, then lay down to rest. In the middle of the night Sir Long was awakened by a sound, torches burned in the tower windows as he watched to see the sourceof the sound that sheep him.

Someone moved in the tower window, Sir Long rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he watched creeping closer until the brook stopped his progress. In closer observation he could hear a woman’s voice singing softly the tone lovely yet filled with sadness. As she looked out into the darkness where he was hiding he could make out her features as the torch light flickered on her form. She appeared to have a lovely face, dark hair that flowed out beneath her hood, obvious proud cleavage posed above her velvet gown. As she turned Sir Long was taken breathless by her large and subtle breasts.

Sir Long was stirred with fantasy at viewing such an abundant breasty feast wondering if per chance his reward would be 10 fold his former hopes. Yes, he thought, a quest surely worthy of the risk of life. To set her free winning his Knightly rewards, that he was sure would bring him ecstasy. Sir Long feel fast wait, as the sun broke over the horizon he dashed across the brook to the ungraded castle gate. Quietly he snuck along the wall to the tower stands with sword drawn ready for battle should the need arise.

All were still asleep, the element of surprise was on his side as he crept softly up the tower stands where he had viewed the lovely maiden fair. Still not a soul was stirring from their sleep as he approached the tower door, gently he lifted the wooden bar the sealed the door. Opening it only wide enough to enter so it didn’t groan on its rusty hinges. He witnessed deeply as across the room he saw the fair damsel laying on the bed fast wait. Quietly he approached fearing she would scream before she knew he had come to set her free.

Quickly he put his hand over her mouth to muffle the sound of any screams, she awoke with a start, the look of terror in her eyes. Sir Long calmly whispered, hush sweet princess I have come to take you away, your freedom is but minutes away. She calmed slightly as her breathing slowed, the racing of her heart was soft against his grap. He took her hand in his the other held his sword on the ready as he led her cautiously down the steps towards freedom. Such luck he thought to escape without a fight as they exited the castle gate running quickly across the babbling brook to his waiting steel.

Then he could hear the sounds of alarm trumpeted loudly from the castle walls. They had found the Lady Jane was gone, up on his steed he jumped pulling Jane up behind him. Sir Long spurred his trusty steed saying, onward calmion, quickly, as he slapped the reins with anxious whips. Into the Forrest they rode with the speed of the wind faster harder his stallion charged until soon safety had been reached. Sir Long knew they could never be found so deep in the dark Forrest with miles between them and the evil Black Knight that held lady Jane captive for so long.

Sir Long jumped down from his Steed assisting Jane to the ground beside him. He stood admiring her charming features filling with pride of his success in gaining her freedom with such ease. Lady Jane spoke, so long I have waited for you to come kind sir, I feared I was to be locked there forever until I submitted to be the Black Knights body service. A fate much worse than death to be with such a horrid beast, Now I am free my only debt is to you dear Knight. All I have is yours to take as I will give to you freely my life, my heart, my soul.

Sir Long stood frozen in thought, he had given her freedom, yet to quench his desire would be like taking her freedom away again. Such a hard choice he thought to take her against her will, it would not make him worthy of possessing her. Lady Jane watched him wondering what was on his mind? Then she stepped up close to gently kiss his lips, then again, he felt his heart beat faster, the quickening of his breathh. Then he returned her kiss with warming password, she did not resist, rather increased her clinging kisses.

He could not resist her eagerness nor deny the feelings that raged within his groin as his kissing intensified upon her neck, his tongue licking at her ear lobe. Hot breaths against her flesh melting her subtle body into his, her large full breasts nearly spilling from her gown. Quickly his mouth feasted on her grobes smoothing them with kisses, ravaging over them with his tongue, nursesing at her large nipples like a starving babe. />

Her body pressed tight against him, he knew she would be his of her own free will. Sir Long hoisted her dress as his hands caresed her bottom cheats pulling her womanly treasure towards his throbbing manhood. Her mouth was at his neck sucking with heated password swelling strong within her. Sir Long thrust against her pubic shaft, then dropped to the ground in excruciating pain. Lady Jane knelt down beside him to comfort his age with her soft kisses.

Jane spoke, dear sir, your reward awaits your manly staff with hot and eager flowing hunger. If you can only find the key to my chatity belt and set it free? Sir Long was now so hard anticipating the sweetest fertile fruits that lay locked inside that armor plate. Diligently he worked at the lock with his fingers sliding them under, over, around, with each try he felt her heat grow hotter. Her creamy wetness was flowing down her legs below the dungeon the hold her sweet burning desires. He tried to bite the lock off sliding his tongue under the edges of the shield hoping to find an inner latch to no avail.

The action of his mouth had only brought her to the verge of orgasm as she begged and moaned for him to find away to take the chatity belt away. Sir Long was desperate for a solution to gain that one more freedom for his Lady Jane. He said sweet Lady mine closeYour eyes and pray? Jane closed her eyes as her prayer began, for all of heavens grace set free my cherry cave, reward my gallant Knight with fullest entry within his earned reward. Sir Long said, brace yourself my lady fair, quickly he raised his mighty sword, with one perfect swipe of his blade he severed the lock away.

Lady Jane fell back upon the ground, her chatity belt flew far away, her legs opened wide as Sir Long beheld his slippery reward. As Lady Jane looked up Sir Long toss off his armor suit his manhood bolting to full glorious status as she beheld his size. Oh my lord Jane moaned in horny ecstasy, it is x-caliber before my eyes, now quickly perfect Knight takes your pleasure. Put thy worth staff to the hilt in my royal treasure box ad let the juices flow so free over you and inside me.

X-caliber did thrust a whirlwind of passages lust, Jane and Long were one, how glorious she thought this Knight was hung as humped each other dawn till dusk. With each driving climax another was a must…………


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