
One Friday morning, before school began I heard my Mom taking to someone on the phone. I was to tired to notice when she asked me question, but for some stupid reason I said “YES”. I finally got up and did my normal routine, then I just about to head out the door when my mom said “So your doing to take Sam and Krystal (neighbors kids) to school today.” I stopped in tracks and said “WHAT!!!”, I wasn’t going to argue with my mom because she is the kind of person who you don’t argue with, So I took Sam and Krystal to school without any deal. After I dropped them off, U headed off to pick up Gabby. Gabby was my best friend but I wish we could be more. Finally, I arrived at her house and with a MAD look on her face she got in without saying a incident.

6th period rolls around and we had our football practice and the end of school and practice at the same time. I walked out of the locker room with Gabby sitting next to my truck and asking for help on that nights CHEMISTRY homework. I agreed and we went back to my place. My parents were already home from work and I finished my other home while Gabby finished hers, both of finished at the same time and I had to show her how I was so good at CHEM. We went over to my computer and showed a website with all the answers for the work the teacher given us. It was started by my brother and his friends about two years after they had graduated. Thank God none of the teachers knew about it.

My parents called me from down stairs and said they were going to the store and said to ask Gabby if she wanted anything. She said “a piece of CHICKEN” and I said the I would share the PIECE OF STAKE with my dad. They left off to get the food and I reentered my room to Gabby asking “how long they would be gone?” I said about “an Hour”, she wanted to thank me for showing her this website.

Gabby walked over and we started to kiss. Tongue and everything. She pulled off my shirt and we began to kiss some more, she loosened my belt and and I was down, to my boxes..I began to tear her clothes off and then she was standing there in her matching black Bra and Panties. Gabby was the most beautiful girl I have scene in my life. Her skin was a golden brown and her green eyes were the most attractive thing I have scene. We made our way over to my KING sized bed. My cock had swell to the bone. She finally removed my boxes and started to suck cock, I lost all track of time and I finally cam all over her 34C’s She wiped off the cum from her chest and we started to kiss again. I unhooked her bra and released those 34C’s and stated to suck on them.

Finally, I managed to get her on the bed under me and pull off her black panties which hit the dog and he ran off with them. We kissed a little more and then I tried to enter her pussy. I guess she was nervous because she throw off of her and tried to fun to the bathroom. She made it half way and they just stopped and peed right where she was standing on the floor. Later, I explained to my mom that the one of the dogs did it. ( I KNOW IT IS A LIE BUT WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO SAY GABBY PEED ON THE FLOOR WHILED WE WERE HAVING SEX). After she was finished, she went to the bathroom and cleaned herself an I tried to clean the stain that was left on the carpet. She came back and apologized for it. She said she still wanted to thank me, we went back to her bed and tried again. This time I got the cock in full way without her peeing herself. We started to fuck and the fucking was good.After about 15 minutes we both came and in the nick amount of time too because I heard my dad’s car come up the driveway.

I got dressed and she did the same with one thing missing her panties. We forget them for now and cook, ate dinner. Later, that night we were on the back porch and I noticed that one of my dogs, a Great Dane was digging a hole and sniffing very wildly. I went and found what he was sniffing at, IT WAS GABBY’S PANTIES.(he was the one in my room while we were in activities) I put them in my pocket and went back to Gabby and told her I found them.Since it was Friday Night, she called her mom and asked if she could spend the night and my parents were fine with it too because they love having company over. We slept out in the living room because my room smelled like pee. After my parents went to bed, Gabby and I snuck down the basement for some more loving.


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