Jim loved the outdoors where he could feel in tune with natures beauty. Often after work or on weekends he would just wonder the mountains in what ever direction his nose took him. Frequently with a back pack and a small tent so if the mood was right he could just camp for the night in peace and quiet. On occasion he met another hiker to talk about adventures but more often it was just him and the creativity of the Forrest and natures natural beauty.
This time he had planned a 3 day trek to a mountain top where he could look down on the country side for endless miles across the lakes and streams below him. At days end he often found a big pool in a neary stream with a waterfall for bathing in the crisp cool pure mountain water. Never a need for clothes which Jim thought was quite nice when getting in touch with nature on an even level. A few times during the day while hiking he had noticed the sound of at least two people a distance behind him obviously on the same trail he was. not an uncommon occurrence and at times it was nice to know he wasn’t to far from some form of civilization.
It had been a hot day trekking the wilderness, Jim was looking forward to a nice cool dip in the mountain stream near where he had decided to camp for the night. He found a beautiful spot where the brook cascaded over smooth rocks spilling into a lovely oval pool. He laid his clothes on a rock feeling the warm sun on his naked flesh as he dove head long into the crystal water. He felt very alive with the shock of nearly ice water on his flesh, although cold it was stimulating awakening every fiber of his being. He swam for nearly 30 minutes before the cold water made he relent to a warm flat rock to suck up the sunshine and dry off.
Half sleep day dreaming Jim suddenly was snapped alert by a big splash at the far end of the pool. Apparently he was not as alone as he had thought when dark hairemerged from the water a few yards away with an arousing feminine scream of, brrrrrrr that’s cold. Jim covered his naked middle with his near by shirt before he alerted the intruder that she was not alone either. Jim spoke loud enough to be noticed, hello! Then the womanly form saw him saying, sorry didn’t realize anyone was here? Jim said, not a problem when he noticed all to well she was as naked as he had been when he dove in earlier.
She asked, did you see me before I was in? He said, no I was nearly asleep here on the rock absorbing the sunshine. She said, well I am a bit in the buff so if you don’t mind closing your eyes a minute I will retrieve my towel then we can exchange names and the nature of our presence here in the wilderness. Jim agreed as he looked away, yet not resisting the temptation to take a little peek as she popped out of the water. Jim was quite taken by her looks even with only a short view of her womanly beauty, fullbreasts with cherry nipples aroused by the cold water. A dark public patch adorning her blooming womanhood, slender legs with the sweetest round butt Jim had ever been blessed to admire.
Jim introduced himself as she told him her name was Robin in response. He teased a little saying she was certainly the most beautiful Robin he had ever seen in the woods before. Then he inquired if she was on outing with her husband? She laughed saying, no husband yet, I am with my sister, she will be along for a swim soon. But I will warn her to wear something rather than give you an eye full of her treasures unknownly. Jim just laughed saying, Oh yes the wonderful beauty of mother nature in all their glory to behold. Robin said that they were camped only a short distance form his site and she was glad that there was a neighbor not far away in case of emergency.
As they talked Jim invited Robin and her sister Jill for dinner, if they liked the taste of natures wild bounties, fruit, vegetables and native fish he had caught from the stream that day. Robin said, certainly, they were a bit tired of canned and dry food, a fresh meal would be fully enjoyed. After a time they decided to combine their camp sites and finish their adventure as a group of 3. Robin said she would be over with her sister before dark with their gear to set up camp, then they could settle in for a nice dinner and some good fireside chat. Jill was the younger of the 2 and would be turning in for the night early giving Jim and Robin time to get better aquatinted.
After dinner they all pitched in to clean up and gather enough wood for the nights fire. Jim played a few sing along songs on his guitar that got a lot of laughter but not a great deal of harmony. Jill opted for some shut eye soon after dark, Robin sat with Jim to talk away a few hours until they felt the need for some rest. Then after lengthy life discussion of general nature they also turned in for the night. Jim feel wait nearly as soon as his head hit the pillow from a long pleasant day.
About 1 in the morning Jim was awakened by the sound of wind and thunder as a storm moved into the area. Jill was making quite a stir about the thunder, obviously fearing the moons of nature in her angry state. Robin doing her best to comfort Jill with not much luck in doing so. Jim spoke up saying, if they would feel safe to bring their sleeping bags into his tent and they could all brave out the storm together. Robin was a bit hesitant but after Jill’s becoming she agreed that was the best solution for the time being. Before the rain came hard with a lot of wind the girls moved their bags into Jim’s tent.
It was roomy enough for 3 but not a lot of extra space between the sleeping bags. Jill wanted to sleep in the center where she felt safe between Jim and Robin, Robing not thrilled by that idea butshe had little choice but to agree to keep Jill calm under the circumstances. Jim only wanted to go back to sleep at the moment and was glad when they finally were in agreement. The rain was making a lot of noise as it pelted in big drops against the tree leaves above, a milk thundering sound as it hit the tent. The wind was really carrying on as it whipped over the tree limbs making an enormous almost roaring sound. Robin seemed quite content as she lay quietly searching for sleep to come, Jill not so at ease, thrashing in her bag frequently, trying to find a comfortable position.
The rain eased after an hour or so and the wind died down to a gentle woodsy sway over the tree tops. Jill had moved quite close in her efforts to get comfortable, close enough so Jim could hear her breathing easily. The soft aromatic smell of her scented hair toyed in his nostrils, as he came closer to sleep. He was almost dozing off when he felt Jill’s hands brushing over his sleeping bag, he thought she was just restless and nearly wait. Then he felt the zipper on his bag being pulled down very slowly so as not to make much noise. Jim lay still wondering what Jill was up to and fairly certain that Robin was in the early stages of sound sleep.
Jim realized that Jill had already unzipped her bag half way down as his was nearing that same position. Jill told softly under her breath as Jim felt her hand slide down over his belly to his cock and squeezed gently several times. Jill took Jim’s hand bringing it into her bag down to her crotch, she felt extremely hot as she slipped his hand into her pants between her legs. Her hand into his as well pumping his cock slowly as she squeezed tightly around it. Jill had a nice bit of fur on her muff that felt soft and warm under Jim’s hand as her hand made his cock begin to swell dramatically. As he touched her clip Jill pressed her bottom into Jim’s hand getting his fingersVery wet with her slippery cream that flowed form her labia.
Jim felt Jill slipping her pants down so nothing confine her bottom, then she worked his down as far as she could. Jim didn’t mind as long as Jill didn’t wake Robin in whatever adventure she was working on. After a great deal of playing, pumping and fingerprinting Jill turned away from Jim, then slowly moved her bottom into Jim’s bag. When his hard cock touched her bottom Jill arched her back opening her legs so it slipped gently between rubbing over her wet labia. Jill reached between guiding his cock head to her juicy pink folders, rocking it gently inside. Jim began to rock in unison with Jill until soon he was nearly fully inside her love canal.
She took his hand biting into his fingers to hush her desires to moan loudly as she pushed faster and harder against his shake and he returned it with equal energy. Jill bit hard as her body quaked spewing hot squirtsback over his cock, Jim pressed hard into her flower feeling his cum jets pumping hotly into her womb until his storage had emptied. Jill rolled away zipping their bags back up, placing a soft kiss on Jim’s lips as she whispered good night……..(to continue)
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