Strangers Of the Night (adult)(part 1)

The nights had gotten long for Mark since his last relationship more than 3 years ago. That special someone that turned out not to be so special after all. But while it was until just before the end the union had been near perfection in every way. now his nights were restless, waking at odd times from erotic dreams to wonder the streets or pace the night away at home. Then last week seems from out of the blue as he walked alone one night he saw another walking too. At first he didn’t think much about it, simply coincidencidence he thought. Then by the third night he said hello as he passed being greeted with a like reply, then he paused asking her name? The soft voice replied, Jen what’s yours? Mark flowed the words as a smile crossed his face for the first time in days.

Pleased to meet you lady, as he added, what brings a lovely like you out this time of night? The topic was briefly past relationships that created the need for time alone and reflection on the past to design the future. After that night each night they met at the park to walk together sharing the night as comrades of common ground. Mark noticed how buxom Jen was first thing, difficult not to notice the rather voluptuous cleavage. Indubitably holding a treasure trove of lovely orbs beneath that teased at Marks mind constantly. His perception of loveliness was close to Jen’s natural construction, not overly fond of the tall or slender ladies he had known. Nor the blond Barbies that seemed so fake in the physical and emotional interactions of life.

Every night they walked past his house several times before he would walk her back to the park where they met and bid her good night. Mark couldn’t find the boldness to ask where she stayed or to invite her to his place for a dinner or night cap, even a movie seemed to foreword to him. A hesitance created by past events that haunted him when it came to beclose to someone again and he felt she may have similar feelings. A few more nights past, with each they met and walked more in tune comforting as they grow closer on common ground.

On a Friday evening they walked for hours, even holding hands as they talked of life’s ups and downs. Then near Mark’s home the rain began to fall from a cloud burst and they were soaked from head to toe quickly. Mark asked if Jen cared to stop for a while to dry off, have a cup of tea or cocoa to ease the wet chill? Jen agreed it was a good idea so Mark escorted her up the steps to his abode then opened the door for her. When inside he offered her a robe saying he could pop her clothes in the dryer so they would be dry and warm for her walk home later. Jen was very uncomfortable in the wet things so hesitantly she agreed to let him dry her things.

She dawned the robe in the bath as Mark lit the fireplace for warmth turning on the stereo to some soothing music. Then Jen came out handing him her clothes to dry, quickly he brought them to the wash room popped them in and returned. He brewed some hot tea for them putting it on the coffee table so they could sit on the sofa and sip as they talked. Mark couldn’t help but notice his robe was a bit to big for Jen, as she constantly tried to hold it closed in front. Often a bit of leg would peek out, more often an abundance of cleavage would express itself quite boldly before his eyes.

Jen blushed a bit at Marks admiring the lovely scene that seemed to want to let his eyes feast so often. Jen smiled when Mark apologized for his roving eyes asking, if he needed forgiveness for the bulge in his trousers as well? He chased a couple times saying, I have no excuse for that Jen. Just then she touched his leg in recognition as her right breast slipped out completely into view……to continue



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