Couldn’t sleep tonight, so I wrote this. Haven’t written in a long time, and will be writing more appealing stuff soon, but had to do something to get some sleep, and this seems to have worked.
Let’s Play
Let’s play…
I’ll count, you hide…
Ready or not, I’m coming to find you!
You’re not very good at this game, I know where you’re hiding.
You always try the same places.
You can’t hide from me.
I’ll find you.
There, see, you left the closet light on.
You’re not afraid of the dark, are you?
I can make you afraid of the dark.
I can make you afraid of me.
Let me in there with you…
We can hide together…
Let’s play…
I’ll count, you hide…
What was that?
You don’t want to play this game?
You don’t want to play with me?
I want to play with you…
Let’s try a different game then.
I’ll show you how…
We can play pirates.
I’ll be the pirate and you be the princess.
I’m going to catch you…
You’d better run.
I’ll give you a head start.
You don’t run very fast.
I know these woods better than you.
Wait until I catch you…
There, I’ve got you now.
Don’t scream, princesses don’t scream…
Let’s play…
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