The Wood Nymph Pt. 03


They have been walking in complete silence for about half an hour. In the beginning the man had to shorten the leash and keep the girl closer behind him, so that the rope did not get tangled in all the branches and shrubbery. Once the forest cleared and they reached a path, he increased the distance between them.

He wants her to feel like a captive, a prisoner who is at his mercy. Walking proudly in front of the girl Without paying too much attention to her is intended to indicate that in this dynamic they are not equals.

He deliberately says nothing and somehow she does not think it is right to be the first to speak, but in her head she is annoyed with him. Heat rises to her cheeses as she gets more and more angry at the man for the way he is treating her right now: ignoring her and humiliating her. She feels humiliated not Because she is being led on a lean naked (for some reason that is actually making her hot), but because he is acting in an arrogant manner.She can abide by many things, but being disrespected is not one of them. She is not some spineless creativity who will worship the ground her Master walks on whatever he says or does, without ever having a critical thought in her head! The more the girl thinks about this, the more indignant she feels. She thought her strong character and intelligence were what he found most attractive about her, but now he is treating her like an innocent. Perhaps she was wrong about him altogether and they simply are not a good fit for each other…

They are almost out of the forest now and will soon reach the cottage. The man turns to check on his prisoner and sees the fire in her eyes, her browser furrowed. She appears to be seeing and this actually makes him smile on the inside. You cannot humiliate someone if they accept everything you dish out on them without a question – it is like trying to humiliate furniture. Making her angry was part of the goal, but the real test is what she will do with that anger. Either she will rebel against his authority and cease being obedient, which, depending on how willing and horny she is, may lead either to punishment and then continuation of the play, or end of the game altogether; or she will continue following his orders even through the resistance that is filling her right now. He wants her to choose to submit to him, not to do so because she believes she has no other option. Perhaps he can tip the scales in his favorite.

The man reels her in until she is standing right in front of him. The girl does not want him to read the thoughts on her face, so she keeps her eyes straight ahead, her gaze landing on his broad chest. She wonders for a second what it looks like – his chest – whether it is bare and smooth or natural and bushy, how it would feel under her fingers. She catches the thought before it leads her down a naughty path and mentally reprimands herself for being so easily distracted by her own desires.

“Look me in the eyes, little one,” the man instructs in an inviting tone. She looks down for a second, realizing she will probably get caught if she doesn’t calm her anger a bit, then lifts her chin to meet his gaze.

The corners of his mouth lift in a small smile and his face is made so much more handsome for it, she notices.

“You look very sexy when you drool,” he teas her and brushes his fingers along her wet lips and chin and down her chest where saliva has been steadily dripping for the past hour. The man keeps his eyes locked on hers as he spreads the spittle to her right nipple, flicking it left and right. Her body immediately reacts to his touch and her nipple gets hard, the skin of her areola wrinkling around it. She blushes at the naughty, victorious smile that makes his green eyes cream at the corners. He squeezes the nipple between his thumb and index finger, while he leans down and puts the other one in his mouth, nibbing on it.

The girl exhales auditally even through thegag. It feels as if electricity is shooting from her nipples straight down to her private parts. This is turning her on and he knows it. He has been teasing her and edging her all day and she is desperate for a release. “This is not f…” she starts to think but at that moment the man reaches between her legs and cares her labia, spreading it with his middle finger.

“Keep your eyes on mine, little slut,” he commands and she blinks her eyes open with effort. The look in his eyes is possessive and lustful and intense as he slides his finger along her slide and into her wet, hot vagina, making her moan. Her muscles greedily clnch around his digit. There is no trace of anger on her face anymore, he remarks, only pleasure and need.

He takes his finger out and slowly licks the white cream that is coating it, watching her as she blushes.

“You taste good! Did that bring you pleasure, babygirl?”

She tries to say “Yes, Sir,” but the ball in her mouth makes her sound inarticulate. He removes the wet gag and puts it in his pocket.

Her jaw hurts and she is glad to finally be able to close it. She would really like to brush the spit from her chin, but her wrists are still tied behind her back.

“Yes, Sir,” she tries again. Her throat is dry and the words come out raspy.

The man takes out a bottle of water and helps her to drink.

“Thank you, Sir,” she says gratefully.

“You’re welcome, little one. Now you will do something that will please me?” he says in a tone that leaves no room for disagreement.

A shadow of appreciation crosses her face.

She licks her lips and says softly, “Yes, Sir.”

On the few dates they have had, she was always quite talkative, sharing her thoughts with confidence. He misses a bit of that, the man realizes. He will have to teach her how to find a healthy balance between the monosyllabic sub that doesn’t get in the way of her Dom and the interesting, free-spirited person that she is inher everyday life. Their stimulating intellectual exchange is one of the reasons he enjoys her company and why her submission tastes so sweet.

“I want you completely naked. Take off your shoes. The path before us is soft, soon it will be only grass – you will not hurt your feet.”

He speaks in a sweet, coating tone but she knows this is an order just like anything else he Asks of her. Still, he is being kind and is thinking of her wellbeing.

The girl removes her sneakers and the man packs them in the backpack. Then he unwinds the rope to give her more space, turn his back to her and heads to the cottage.

Not long after, they see the wood structure appears behind the bend. Now that she thinks about it, perhaps cottage is a poor word for it. The building is a simple rectangle box clad in light timber on all sides except the south-facing facade, which features floor-to-ceiling windows. A living room with a kitchenette, bedroom and en-suite bathroom are all in one line so that each room can benefit from the gorgeous view and be filled with light throughout the day. It really is a beautiful place to escape the noise of the city.

The girl moves her gaze to the distance. To the west the blue is starting to fade as the day begins slowly winding down. There are white clouds that promise a beautiful sunset. She hopes they don’t get too carried away in games and miss it. Maybe they will enjoy a lovely starry night, the Milky way will be brighter here – away from any light pollution.

Once they are close to the cottage, the man stops once again.

“Come to me and turn around,” he tells her.

Supporting her arms, he uncuffs her and embraces her from behind, allowing her joints, muscles and ligaments to relax in a counter position. He bites the side of her neck while he holds her. Once he feels she is relaxed, he gently lets go and turns her to face him.

“Get down on your hands and knees.”

The girl looks down at her scrapedknees. They are not in a very bad shape and the grass here is very soft, so she obeys without a word. Being led like a dog would be a first for her and she is not sure how she feels about it.

“Good girl!”

The man began leading her again, walking much more slowly now. He is standing close to her and slightly to the side, the way you do when you are walking your dog. He wants to watch as her body twists and moves, her ass tilted upwards in such an inviting way.

The confirmation of his dominance over her is a powerful rush and he feels the desire to ravage her stir in his loins. He would like to take her right here – standing behind her and forcedly thrusting deep into her tight, wet cunt, biting her neck and her shoulders and squeezing her breasts until they bear the purple traces of his fingers. The thought of how she would whimper make his cock twitch but he takes a deep breath and chases the image away. The girl is getting tired and cold and is probably hungry. He needs to take care of her before she is ready to serve him the way he wants.

They finally reach the deck in front of the house and he stops.

“Good girl,” he encourages her again, “you did very well!”

He offers her his hand and she takes it, as she rises slowly. She turns his head to him and give him a smile that carries a hint of fatigue.

“Thank you, Sir!”

Then she continues in a whisper, looking down: “I enjoyed it.”

He lifts an eyebrow and reach his hand between her legs to confirm. He glides his palm from back to front and take it out to show them both that it is glistening. Embarrassment makes her cheeks pink.

“My sweet, sweet slut!” the man excels and laughs.

He removes the leash, then bends down, wraps his arms around her thighs and throws her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She squeals from the unexpected maneuver and then once again when he slapses her behind. He walks inside, make a tour around the house and puts her back on the ground in the middle of the living room. She is laughing and he is glad that the atmosphere has lightened up a bit. Who said that the mood between a Dom and a sub should always be somber!

“Let’s get you warm and clean first, we will grab a bite to eat, rest for a bit and then…,” he makes a deliberate pause as he pulls the ring of her collar towards him, ensuring she is looking in his eyes, “… then I will fuck you until you forget your name, little slut.” The menuing glimmer in his eyes makes her breath stop in her chest but she is secretly excited. She likes being manhandled and used roughly and most of what the man dished out today was within her limits – only the hard face slap when he first caught her was too much. A bit of aggression was always the secret ingredients that made sex delicious for her, long before she knew anything about BDSM or power dynamics.

“Now go draw us a bath and when it’s ready, you will wait for me in front of the bathroom,kneeing,” he instructs.

When the girl closes the door of the en-suite bathroom, he walks into the bedroom for inspection. The room is spacious and bright, with a king-sized bed and exposed beams along the ceiling that open room for experimentation.

He goes to the car to get the duffel bag full of toys, ropes and various other restraints and a separate tube with his spanking tools. The girl was instructed to pack her favorite toys and he is curious what she brought.

So far she has proven more needy than he expected. A nymph indeed, he laughs.


The large bathtub takes awhile to fill and the girl finally has a chance to take a closer look at herself. She peers at the LED-lit mirror above the sink. The mascara she was wearing in the morning is almost completely gone, some smudges are visible on her Cheeks, but with so much tears and drooling at least she doesn’t look like a raccoon. There are still red marks around the corners of her mouth from the ball gag.She splashes her face and can’t wait to wash away the remnants of saliva on her chest and stomach. There is a cut on her cheek that has a red crust. It doesn’t look deep and she hopes it will heal fully once taken care of. Then she inspects her arms and legs. There are many scratches but nothing serious. Her knees will need to be properly cleaned. Good thing she packed a first-aid kit.

Lastly, she turns back and looks over her shoulder to check out her ass. The middle part is reddish-pink, but there are no welts or broken skin. As spanking tools go, paddles are usually the more merciful choices. She knows that at the end of the night her bum will look completely different. Part of her is excited – she enjoys a certain amount of pain that adds sea salt to the caramel of her pleasure – making sensings more intense and delicious – but she wonders if the man will push her too far.

He is aware of her safe word – he asked her about it when they decided to spend the weekend together. She wonders why she didn’t use it today during the hunt. She was scared and she wasn’t thinking rationally. And a small part of her is not sure the man would have stopped even with the safe word out there. Although, the more she thinks about it, the more it seems the fear was mostly in her head. What was he going to do? Rape her? It’s difficult to rape someone who is willing. Hit her? It’s not like he is going to knock her unconscious or break her bones. And yet, the look in his eyes was… scary. But at the same time, using her safe word would have put a stop to the hunt and she didn’t want that either.

She sights loudly. Confusing thoughts and conflicting feelings – she will not solve this now. The bathtub is almost ready anyway. She throws in a bath bomb and stops the faucet, then goes out, closing the door behind her, so the heat doesn’t escape. The en-suite bathroom opens directly into the bedroom. The man is not here, so she knees on the ground to the right of the door, places her hands on her thighs and waits.


“Is the bath ready?” the girl startles at the sound of his voice and opens her eyes. She is brought back from her meditation.

“Yes, Sir,” she responds quickly, hoping that the water is still sufficiently warm. She must have waited no more than 5-10 minutes.

“Good,” the man says, then goes to the girl and helps her to stand up. “Help me undress, little one,” he orders her.

He has his own, perhaps slightly average, views when it comes to service: he doesn’t want his girl to waste her time doing the dishes, cleaning the house or folding laundry. Preparing a meal for him and cleaning up after him and herself – yes, but the rest – he prefers to hire somebody to do that. He wants his sub to spend her free time in a manner that adds the most value for both of them. But now he wants to test this girl; and also pamper himself a bit.

So he stands there as she walks behind him and slides his outer shirt down his arms, putting it on a hanger in the wardrobe. Then she moves in front of him, until his t-shirt and begins lifting it up. He raises his arms above his head, but she is too short and cannot reach.

“Uhmm…” She is unsure if she has messed up but he laughs and take off the t-shirt himself. The girl takes in his wide, muscle frame, the strong shoulders and arms, the expandive chest. He is like a bear. His chest is exactly the way she imagined – toned and natural with small, dark nipples surrounded by an expansion of short curly hairs that are dark but with a general dash of salt. She imagines this chest towering over her in bed or welcome her into a strong embrace of unquestionable safety.

The girl looks up at the man and their eyes meet. She tenatively reaches her hand towards his chest, waiting for his approval to touch him. The corner of his mouth tugs upwards ever so slightly and she understands that this is a silent yes. She slowly runs her fingers through the hairs, feeling the strength underneath. Her hand moves to the side where she delicately traces his areola and gently rubs one finger over his nipple, testing whether that would be a pleasure spot for him. The man exhales when she holds both his nipples in each of her hands, squeezing them gently between her thumb and index finger. She leans to plant kisses along his chest and finally she sucks on the tiny nubs and he lets out another pleasurable sign.

Next she follows the direction of his hairs down onto his stomach. He doesn’t have a six-pack, but is still in great shape for someone his age. She drops to her knees, unfastens his belt, the same belt that made her ass red earlier today, and then tugs the zipper down. She takes the wait of his pants with both hands and slides them down, revealing his large, muscle thighs. She swallows – the intimacy and quiet eroticism of this moment are making her hot. He steps out of the pants and she lifts to fold them and place them on a chairin the corner. She knees in front of him again and leans forward to help with the socks. She rises to stand on her knees and takes in the Norse god in front of her who is wearing nothing but boxes. Her gaze moves from his ankles, along his strong legs and up where they meet – where a significantly-sized bulge is pressing against the fabric.

The man is turned on not only by the beautiful naked woman at his feet but by the way she is looking at him – nothing strokes his ego more than the awe in her eyes. This is not new, of course, many women react like that to him, but it brings him satisfaction every time.

The girl reaches out to remove the last piece. She inserts her fingers into the elastic band and pulls towards her to make sure there is enough room for his member, then slowly slides the boxesers down his legs. His dick bounces out and she stands There, marveling at it. She has always loved giving head, but mostly because it made her feel in control. But now in front ofher is a cock that is most definitely worthy of worship. It is perfect – long and quite thick, with a beautiful pink head with a smooth, tight, general ball sack underneath. This cock will fill her holes to the limit. She bites her lower lip inadvertently in a way that almost makes him growl like a beast in heat.

“There will be time for this soon, my insatiable little slut! Let’s take that bath now,” the man gently urges her, then holds out his hands for her to help her up. She blushes, embarrassed to look him in the eye.

“Lift your hair for me, babygirl,” he instructs. “From now on, unless I tell you otherwise, when we are together, I want you to keep your hair in a high ponytail, do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” the girl nods.

“Good. Now, I will remove your collar because we don’t want it to get ruined from the water. But that changes nothing. I am still in charge. And perhaps, if things go well between us, one day you will have your own metal collar and you will be able to shower with it. Am I clear?”

The man speaks in a soft, calm voice, but there is no room for disagreement.

The girl nods once again: “Yes, Sir, I understand.”

“Good girl. Now let’s get you cleaned up.”


The water is still quite hot and for some time they just soak, his head resting on the edge of the bathtub and hers on his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around her in a cage of affectionate possessiveness.

It has been an intensity afternoon and now they both need to rest – body and mind – before the play can continue. And yet, soon they both get fidgety. They are quite similar in this – unable to stay still for too long.

The man plants a kiss on the girl’s temple, steps out of the bath and goes to the shower. She watches him through hooded eyes as he soaps his hair and body, paying special attention to his manhood. She notices with pleasure that it is not entirely flaccid. He finishes with a jet of cold water to get the blood flowing.

“Now, I would like to read for a bit. We have a food basket that the owners have prepared for us; white wine is cooling in the fridge. You will set the table when you are ready here. But before that, soak a little longer, then take a shower. Make sure to clean all your cuts and scratches – I don’t want them getting infected. And I want you to make your ass ready for me and place the toys you brought on the bed in the bedroom,” he explains in a calm but uncompromising tone, then adds, “Don’t wear any perfume. I liked the one you were wearing this morning, but I’d like to smell your natural scent. Are my instructions clear?”


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