The Wood Nymph Pt. 02


“If I don’t catch you within an hour, I will grant you one wish – anything that’s reasonable, respectful and I am capable of accomplishing; and is just between you and me,” the man explains.

“And if you do catch me, what’s your reward then?” the girl asks with suspicion.

“The joy of catching you is a reward in its own right,” he winks at her.

She thinks it over for a moment. It is certainly something she has secretly fantasized about. But this is not a fantasy. She does not trust the man yet, she knows there is a dangerous side to him that would enjoy making her suffering. Yet, deep down she doesn’t believe he will really, REALLY harm her, because that is not something that has ever happened to her – she can’t even imagine it. So this will be just a game, like he said. She likes putting up a fight anyway, so this should be fun.

“Okay,” she says to him with a sly smile.

“I will give you a 45-second advantage starting now.”

He begins counting down slowly and she is suddenly in a rush. Fuck! She is only wearing panties – not a lot of time to get dressed. She quickly puts on her t-shirt and laces her sneakers anxiously. With 10 seconds to spare she rushes out the door and heads for the woods.

She starts climbing the hill behind the cottage. After a few hundred meters she stops to rest, pressing herself flat against a tree. She is out of breath and her heart is racing – from the effort but also because of the adrenaline that is cursing through her blood. She remembers that old joke about the hen running from the rooster thinking to herself “Am I running too fast for him to catch me?” and she chuckles.

Both options are tempting, she considers – if she wins, she gets something from him. She can ask for a massage, or for him to read to her, or to eat her out all night long… The thought of it brings heat to her insides. But getting caught is exciting in itself. Seeing the wild animal inside him is frightening and aroundusing at the same time. Fighting him only to be overpowered is an exclusivecing thought as well. She longs to be overpowered – for someone to take full control of her by force. However she thinks of this, it’s a win-win.

She hears the man’s voice in the distance. “Little girl, I’m coming for you.” He’s taunting her, but at least she knows he is not close by. She takes a deep breath and continues between the trees. She still keeps a good pace – she doesn’t want to be an easy prey after all – that would be embarrassing!

Soon she reaches the top of the hill, but there is no clearing like she hoped – trees are surrounding her from all directions and there is no way to get the layout of the land or spot the man. He was wearing dark, muted colors, so he wouldn’t be easy to notice.

She pauses to think over her next steps. The cottage faces south, she has been heading straight away from it, to the north, and has been on the move for about 20 minutes. She must have covered about 2 km,Maybe a bit less. She can’t see much from the terrain but it seems the hill descends more steally in the east. So she will go west. Eventually she should get down from the hill, skirt it and return to the cottage. At least following this plan, the chances of her getting lost are smaller. She has no phone, no water or food, no clothes. And the night will come in a few hours. The real danger is not getting caught, but being unable to find her way back to the cabin and getting hypothermia. Surely the man wouldn’t let that happen!

She puts the uncomfortable thought of spending the night alone in the woods at the back of her mind and turns to the left. Even though she is only several kilometers away from civilization, this place is wild and apparently not popular with the locals because there is no path for her to follow. She needs to go through thick bushes that are clawing at her bare legs. “Where’s a machete when you need one!” she thinks.

After fighting her way through forSome time, she finally reaches a small, sunlit clearing. She is tired and she is getting cold – despite the warm day there is always a chill in the shadow of the trees – so she feels saved to stand in the sun for a moment and warm her extremes. Just as she is revealing in the sunlight, she hears movement in the grass behind her. Startled, she turns back and the moment she sees the man, she lets out a scream. Yet, what she feels next is relieve and, feeling silly for having screamed, she starts laughing.

“You think this is a joke, do you?”

His voice is as hard as steel. Her laughter dies in her throat when she sees the wild, menuing glimmer in his eyes. A few strides and he is on her. She tries to flee, but he grabs her wrist and pulls her back to him, holding her arms with both hands and painfully sinking his fingers into her flesh. She uses all of her force to break away from him, beating his chest with her fists until she is out of breath, but he is too strong. He slaps her face so hard, that for a microsecond she cannot see. Then he pushes her roughly on the ground and quickly unzips his pants, taking out his big, hard cock. He is holding it as if it is a powerful weapon and he is going to use it to punish and hurt her.

“You’ll see what happens to little girls who are disrespectful,” he warns her. He looks like a beast ready to pounce on her. She doesn’t have time to think, she knows this is no longer a game and she needs to run. A fresh rush of adrenaline gives her the power to jump on her feet as if pulled by rope and then she dashes back between the trees. The man smiles: he let her go on purpose – just like a cat does with a mouse – because it is so much more exciting when she is generally scared.


The girl is frantic now. She is running as fast as she can, not daring to look back. She is trying to navigate between trees and bushes, oblivious to the scratches and cuts on her legs, arms, and even one on her cheek that is adorned with minuscule red droplets. Her heart is in her throat and her lungs are on fire, but she keeps forward, driven by panic.

The man has revealed his other side – his primary, predatory side. In this scenario he is the wolf and she is the doe. And the doe usually gets eaten.

She doesn’t know what to do. Will it be OK if she returns to the cottage? Will the hunt be over then or will he go beyond what would be acceptable to her? She shakes her head as if to chase that thought – he is not that kind of person. But right now any rational thought is overruled by her reptilian brain.

The girl has been running blindly, without any sense of direction. The growing cold around her should inform her about the impending evening, but she feels nothing. All of a sudden she trips over a root and lands hard on her stomach. The air is punched out of her and it takes her a few moments to get up. She finally lifts herself up, only to see that her knees are scraped and she is coveredin dirt. She already fell a few times, stumbling over roots, but now she is feeling really deflated. An overwhelming wave of defeat hits her and tears begin streaming down her face. She leans against a tree and starts sobbing.

She gives herself just a minute of crying before she pulls herself together. The girl takes a deep, calming breath, wipes away the tears and looks around. The landscape appears the same in every direction – only the sun can give her a clue. She hopes she has been retracing her steps and if she turns right and begins descending, she should reach the cottage sooner or later, with the setting sun to her right. She definitely doesn’t want to be here after dark.

Just as she is about to start running again, she sees the man.

He is 3-4 meters away and watching her with a mixture of triumph, utter, masculine dominance and securing, primary lust. With one look he is telling her he wants to hurt her, fuck her and possess her.

The girl freezes in her spot, wide-eyed. She is petrified for what feels like long moments, until finally her brain begins working again and she tries to soberly assess the situation. He has actually changed into a camouflage! No wonder she never spotted him – did she ever stand a chance? She glances around. The forest is dense here and the man is too close – she will not be able to run away this time. Her pride is wounded though, and she owes it to herself to not surrender peacefully.

The man takes a few slow steps toward the girl, observing her closely. He can see the fight on her face – the way she is holding her chin up and looking at him with defiance, despite being filled with fear – and he is attracted to her all the more for it. Victory tastes sweeter when one has a worthy opponent.

“I won, babygirl. And that means I can do whatever I want with you.”

Right now these words sound more like a threat than a playful invitation. He suspects she may try to run again or at least put up a fightt but knows she has no chance of escaping. Establishing his dominance over her both physically and mentally is so very thrilling.

He takes a few more steps, carefully and slowly, so that his prey doesn’t get spooked, placing her into a false sense of security until she is within his grap. Then he lunges at her, sandwiching her body between his and the tree behind her. She jerks and tries to wiggle out of his embrace, but the tree bark is digging painfully into her back and at the same time his weight and force are pinning her down like a rockpile. She screams in frustration and tries to fight a bit longer but nothing gives way and soon she is panting from the strain.

The man leans forward and growls in her ear:

“You. Are. Mine.”

He nibs on her earlobe, bites her jaw then slams his mouth onto hers, kissing her bruisingly while kicking her legs apart. The man slowly begins rubbing his hand against her pussy through the panties. Now that the hunt is over, he wants her to calm down. This way she would be a more receptive and willing toy, and also more susceptible to control.

His approach is working. The worst didn’t happen, she thinks. He may have a dangerous, sadistic streak, but he also seems to be exhibiting great self-control. Perhaps she can count on him to respect her and her limits. Her heart still beats with nervous anticipation, but somehow she has remembered how much she desires the man and that this scenario can turn out to be fun for both. His warm, strong body against hers feeling invigorating, his fingers send sparks from head to toe. The notion that he will harm her seem less and less plausible now, opening room for pleasure and enjoyment.

The man senses how the tension is slowly leaving her body and she returns his kiss more and more eagerly. He lets go of her pussy and slides his hand under her t-shirt, cupping one of her breasts, then squeeze her nipple. He deepens the kiss, his own password growing stronger. Hiserection is pressing against her belly. And little by little, the last of her fight dissolves. The energy between them finally feels right. She has yearned for this with her entire being and now she can let go. The girl surrenders to him fully and that moment suddenly feels divine. Her legs give out and it is only the man’s body that keeps her from falling.


At long last the man pulls back from the kiss but he remains pressed tightly to her. He grabs her butt and lifts her up. The girl instinctively locks her legs around his waist while holding onto his broad, strong shoulders for balance. She is positioned just perfectly for him to begin grinding his hard cock against her clip. The pleasure comes so quickly and overwhelmingly that her head drops back against the tree as she closes her eyes and lets out a delicious moan.

“Do you want me to fuck you, little one?” the man teases her in a smug tone.

“Yes, Sir, please!” she manages to whisper between moans withoutt opening her eyes.

He lets one of her legs back on the ground, but keeps the others around his waist. Putting some space between their bodies, he maneuvers his hand between her legs, pushes her undies aside, and slides two fingers inside her welcome cunt. His large fingers fill her up so wonderfully, she is soon on the edge, but he does not let her cross to the other side.

“No orgasms yet, my insatiable little slut,” he whispers to her, then puts her back down. Her knees are shaking and she needs to lean back against the tree. He has edged her twice today and seeing her so shaken with arousal pleases the man greatly.

“Now she is calm enough and aroused enough to get some proper dick choking,” he thinks to himself smugly.

The man has taken notice of her scraped knees, so he takes off his jacket and places it on the ground in front of her, then pushes her to knee on it.

He has had the urge to shove his cock down her throat from the first moment he saw her. He entered the café where they were supposed to meet and the girl was already there. She was so engrossed in the book she was reading, she was oblivious to the world around her. The man observed her for a few minutes. Her browsers were furrowed in concentration but then, like the sun peeking behind a cloud on a gloomy day, she smiled at something in the book and her entire face lit up. And the way she would absent-mindedly tuck a naughty strand of her long, acorn-colored hair behind her ear or touch her finger to her lower lip was so sweet, he knew in that instant he wanted to make her scream with pain and pleasure. Something about her innocent cuteness awoke his most primary and aggressive side.

Now that she is kneeing in front of him and looking up with those big, green-gray eyes of hers, it takes all of his self-discipline not to brutally fuck her on the spot. He unzips his pants and frees his cock. It brings him utter masculine satisfaction to see her eyes get wider at the size of him.

The girl approaches him deliciously, her hands resting palms-up on her slightly open thighs, and gently licks one ball, then the other. She slowly glides the tip of her tongue along the shake and up towards the head, then stops, take a testicle in her mouth and sucks on it the way one would suck on candy, then moves to the other and does the same. She returns to licking his shake and then make several circles at the base of his head with her tongue.

She looks up to see him observing her with hooded, lustful eyes and maintains eye contact while she slowly opens her mouth and envelopes the head. Her lips slide down on his length until the tip of him is as deep in her throat as she can handle. He groans with pleasure. She stays like that for a moment, still keeping her eyes on him. When at last she needs to take a breath, she pulls back a bit and starts blowing him, while cupping his balls and gently massaging them.

The man lets her suck him for a couple of minutes, emitting low sounds of enjoyment, and finally, when he decides it is time to show her who’s boss, he takes a fistful of her hair and holds her head in place, while he shoves his cock as deep as possible. He doesn’t move and observes her with contentment as she begins gagging, her eyes tearing up. The constriction at the back of her throat feels so good! He backs off to let her breathe, then pierces her again, and then again. The girl keeps her mouth open to let him fuck her face, tears mixed with saliva running down her chin and neck. It hurts her and she is choking, but the man is merciless. He pounds her throat until finally he erupts with a roar, lets go of her hair and allow her to actively suck him dry.

When they are done, he is satisfied to see that her face is a mess but she is smiling at him.

“Good girl!” he encourages her. Then he helps her to her feet and give further instructions. “Take off your t-shirt, then close your eyes and don’t make any other moves.”

The girl obeys without a word. She hears something being put on the ground, then unzipping. If the man was carrying a pack of some sort, she never noticed it.

She tenses up for a moment, suddenly nervous about what is to come, but then the man cares her cheek, gently rubbing his thumb over her cut.

“We’ll have to take care of your cuts later. I don’t want this beautiful face scarred.

Keep your eyes closed. I’ll give you some water – you’ve barely had anything to drink all afternoon,” the man says with fake reproach in his voice and presses a bottle to her lips. She is pared and takes several big chugs before he takes the bottle away.

“Open your eyes and pull up your hair.”

The girl bunches her hair with both hands and holds it high. The man puts a leather collar around her neck and carefully fastens it. He hooks his index finger through the ring in front and brings her face closer to him. She needs to stand on her tippy-toes.

“You belong to me now,” he states as his gaze penetrates her.

The girl sinks into his magical green eyes. She tries to read any threat there, anything that would make her withdraw her consent, but what she sees is the reassurance that he will call all the shots but will also protect and take care of his possession. She can agree to that.

“Yes, Sir,” she responds finally.

“Good. Now close your eyes again.”

The man blindfolds her with something soft, cuffs her wrists together in front of her and with one hand on her shoulder, guides her a few steps to the side. Her arms are pulled up in such a way that the girl has little room to maneuver, so she stands there, tied and blindfolded, and waits. She doesn’t even know where the man is. The anticipation is making her nervous.

The man takes off her panties and Takes his time to inspect her body. He notices all the scratches and cuts that she has gotten today. It brings him satisfaction to know that she will carry these for days and they will serve as a reminder of the hunt.

He glides his strong hands all over her – along her outstretched arms and under her arms, at which she giggles, over her breasts and stomach, down the insides of her thighs – there is a light bruise on the right one where he slapped her earlier – and the backs of her knees and up to the round hemispheres of her behind. He loves that she has curves yet still feels delicate in his arms.

He also makes sure to read all the stories that her body and her skin have to tell, all the small marks and imperfections that make her unique. After all, he doesn’t want a sex doll who has nothing special to offer him – he is holding a real woman in his hands and he likes that!

Finally he tells her to open her legs and stand on her toes, then with a hand on her back bends her forward as much as the rope permits. He wants to claim the most intimate parts of her then and there, but the moment has not come yet. He spreads her butt cheeks and take a close look, knowing she is probably blushing, then brushes his fingers over her wet pussy towards her anus. She trembles with longing, but he steps back. There will be time for this later – the girl feels slightly cold to the touch, so he shouldn’t keep her out here in the open much longer.

Oh, but she looks so delicious like this – the wood nymph that he captured and is now his and only his!

At last, he comes close to her from behind and with a fist in her hair he lifts her up and pulls her head back. He growls in her ear in a way that makes her shiver with arousal.

“Whose body is this?” he asks as he presses her close to him.

“Yours, Sir,” the girl responds in a soft voice.

“And whose are these lovely tits?” he squeezes one breast hard. The size of it is a perfect cupful.

“They are yours, Sir,” she exhaustes.

“And who owns this hungry cunt?” he murmurs as he slides two fingers in her and wiggles them back and forth.

It feels so good that her voice betrays her and she breathes out the words.

“This cunt also belongs to you, Sir. All of me is yours.”

“Yes, little one, you are mine. Mine to do with as I please.”

He lets go of her hair, take a step back and slaps her ass. Her white skin is like a blank canvas. And he wants to paint. He removes his belt and, holding it folded in two, he aims for the middle of her butt. He hits her with modern strength, to test where her pain tolerance is.


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