“The leash would have looked good dangling between your bare breasts and the end inserted in your cunt!”
The whole room went silent.
“Well you acting and dressing like a fucking whore so you might as well complete the picture.”
Octavius decided it was probably best to get everyone out as quickly as possible. Lyeo was about to blow and the discharge would cause mayhem among his Carefully rehearsed charges. His Master was not an easiest man as an employee, twice he had found himself at the wrong end of a poniard and really didn’t trust good fortune with a third.
“Master I am sure the girl was simply playing the fool. A moment of childhood nothing more.”
“How much do I pay you Octavius?”
Opening his mouth to reply was probably not a good idea.
“Too much is what I pay you you useless piece of shit. I should have bought a cheap eunuch in Drack, at least he wouldn’t spend every night fucking My valuable stock. The orphanage has more of your bastards than Mine.”
Octavius bit his tongue before it was in danger of being pulled out with hot pincers by the root.
“Two weeks till I leave for the sale and you have turned valuable commodities into cheap sluts.”
Nothing he could do but bow and wait for the blow.
“Sort this mess out by tomorrow or your head is going to be above the gate with your cock still wriggling in its mouth.”
The punch hit him hard in the celiac plexus almost immediately. Octavius realized it had probably been a bad idea to bow quite so deeply as his feet left the floor from the impact of the uppercut. Landing spread-eagled on the floor was easy, waiting to see if a boot to the head would follow was not.
“Masters gone.”
Cellibe was a sweet girl and really hadn’t mean anything by her fooling, that she should be acting quite so cheaply as the Master entered the room was really just bad fortune. Octavius would have loved to tell her such but was still quite incapable of bReath let alone speech.
“Let me help you to your room sir.”
He managed to rise after a few more minutes and using the girls very successful shoulders as a support allowed her to assist him to his quarters, falling dramatically onto the bed.
“Can I do anything to help you sir? You were so brave taking the blow that should have been mine.”
Octavius was nothing if not an opportunity.
“Perhaps you could just ease of my breeches dear child and make sure I don’t have any blising.”
Something told him the punch was going to prove a small price to pay.
Lyeo sat in the lowest level of His keep that held sway over the further northern point of West Mans island. The dungeon had been hammered directly out of the bare rock beneath the gaunt tower and the only light came from the open trap door to the room above. He was carefully considering Octavius’s worth and was not coming to a conclusion either way. The man was a good teacher in general, neither a brutenor a wimp, but sometimes his lack of discipline with the girls was almost too much to endure.
“Problem is I actually like the man much against My better judgment, not that you two have the fear notion what I am talking about.”
The two Saltag girls eyed Him from twin cages, the willowy athletic one with obvious fear, the other with snake venom in her stare. The journey from Ashmad Shahs coastal cave fortune had been difficult. The two day voyage from Drack and another tied across a pack saddle was not the easiest of journeys but a couple of days in the cages had calmed them enough for Lyeo to at least inspect them. They were dressed in thigh length shifts, thin strapped at the shoulders and tied at the waist. The material was undyed thin woven hemp and semitransparent.
“You are here to learn to serve. This will be either easy or hard depending on your attitude and willingness. You will call Me Master.”
The girl He had decided to call ‘willow’ seemed to have grasped something positive from His words and began to look less terrified.
“You are called will. You will obey Me without question. You understand?”
The girl nodded.
“I asked if you understand will.”
“Yes I understand.”
“Yes I understand Master is the correct response and lower your eyes.”
‘Yes Master I understand.”
Willows eyes moved respectfully to a point on the floor halfway between them.
Wolf turned His attention to the other girl.
“You I will call freyja because you are wild and untamed. You understand?”
The girl stared back at Wolf with ice in her eyes.
“Very brave freyja, but also very foolish.”
Wolf moved to the front of the cage containing will.
“I am going to open the cage door will. You will come out and knee in front of the My chair.”
“Yes Master.”
“Very good will, you are doing excellently.”
The girl walked quietly from the cage and knelt obediently in front of the chair. Lyeo studied freyja’s reaction and sure enough she was staring at will with the same lust that He had seen before. He had made certain there was no physical contact since He had first seen them and was pleased to see that every movement that will make captured freyja’s intense fascination.
“She is very attractive isn’t she freyja. I think you would like to play with her.”
A growl came from freyja’s throat, she was beginning to see where this was going.
“You would find that being a good slave gets many rewards that otherwise would be denied.”
The girl grew again but Wolf could see the brain working behind the eyes, women were so much better at thinking when sexually aroused. Most aroused males lose all sense except for their lusts release, women are artistic right to the point of climax, but are then completely vulnerable.
Lyeo returned to His chair and sat. He eyed will studioically, leaned forward and undid the bowls holding her shift in place. The shift fell downwards exposing the pert breasts and small nipples to His gaze. The girl blushed deep crisis, but did not flinch. He traced her features with the fingertips of His right hand, marveling at the inherent softness of human skin even after exposure to the heat and cold of the Saltag climate. The girl closed her eyes and a faith smile played across her lips. Lyeo’s touch was purposefully gentle and probably the first geneine caress she had experienced for a considerable time. His hand moved down to her shoulder and followed the flow of the supposedr from neck to arm. The girl was lean but well-muscled, naturally owning a physical geometry pleasure to the eye. His hand moved to brush against the tiny nipple of her left breast and he noted the hardening and the shudder that traveled through her being.
He looked across at freyja. Her eyes were fixed on willows back, centered on the tight round buttocks jutting perfectly in this kneeing position. Wolf reached downand pulled the edge of willows shift up to her wait knowing that the view of her naked buttocks would arouse freyja even more. Reaching down a little further He gently pushed will knees further apart till certain freyja’s view included willows ass bud and the back of her sex. Taking will leave hand in His right He laid her palm on the outline of His already semi erect penis. Her hand felt hot through the deerskin of His pants and He was pleased to see she made no attempt to pull away.
“You feel safe will?”
“Yes Master.”
The answer came back immediately and with sincerity.
“Rest your head on My thigh if you wish.”
The girl shuffled forward a few inches and laid the side of her head on top of the hand that was now beginning to grip His manhood.
“Close your eyes and rest will. You are under My protection now.”
Willow sent deeply and within a moment became leader. For the first time since leaving Saltag her sleep was deep and peaceful.
The girl stirred some two hours later. Lyeo had sat still and patient knowing that His waiting would be rewarded when she awoke.
“You slept deeply will.”
Yes Master, it was wonderful.”
“Let Me see your face.”
Lyeo reached down and gently lifted the girls gaze to His. Her eyes, blue as sapphires, shone with happiness. Smiling gently He stroked her hair, smoothing the ripples caused by her slumber. The girl smiled, such a wonderful smile, her whole face lighting with its brilliance. Life in Saltag was hard for these poor wretches and in her twenty years this was possible the first kindness she had experienced.
“Yes will?”
“How can I please you Master?”
“How would you like to please Me will?”
The girls hand had not left the outline of Wolfs member the whole time she had been sleeping. Her grip tightened just a little and she bent her head down to kiss the rapidly enlarging lump.
“Please Master.”
The words drifted from her lips between soft yet password kisses up and down the covered object she so desperately desired.
“Yes will, pleasure Me.”
A visible shudder ran up and down the girl’s body and her face reddened. Her hands reached up to unfasten the silver buckle at His waist and very carefully eased His riding breeches down inch by inch kissing the linen under garment exposed below. Raising His hips slightly Lyeo allowed the girl to ease the breeches down past His knees till they rested on the tops of the poisoned riding boots He was wearing. Looking up for reassurance the girl carefully lifted His right foot from the floor and eased the fitted leather shaft down His calm. Placing the boot carefully to her right and setting the foot comfortably down she repeated the process with the left boot. She was Now able to peel the breeches completely off and folding them precisely placed them next to the boots. Willow sat back on her heels for a moment and with the broadcastof smiles studied the white linen that was all that kept her from her target. Carefully grasping the waist and again with some assistance from Lyeo the offending garment was hastily removed exposing the now very erect penis to her obviously delighted gaze.
He watched as her eyes feasted on the meal she was about to consume. Her tongue darted outwards to moisten her already pursing lips and Lyeo noted with Satisfaction the smell of her sex beginning to fill His nostrils. Slowly, carefully, she bent forward and took the very tip of His shake between her lips. Her tongue rolled around the head mooding the mushroom and deliciously tasted the aperture in the very tip. Pressing downwards with great care and gripping with her lips will rolled His foreskin down the shake and was enranced to have the complete helmet to tongue. She ran her tongue Around the under cap of the mushroom finding the indent that marked the very center of its pleasure nodes and lapped there joyously. He wasenraptured. The girl’s skill was rewarding but the manner of her joyous service overwhelmed Him. Momentarily He forget everything but the moist orifice that was so taken with giving Him total pleasure and He lay back allowing His eyes to half shut in rapture.
Lyeo’s attention was drawn by the moans coming from the still caged freyja. She was squatting on the floor, her eyes fixed on willows hindquarters and thrusting two fingers of her left hand deeply into her sex. Her face was a mask of wantonness and Wolf had no doubt she would her taken will violently had she been released. He smiled in the knowledge that His plans were coming to fruition. Willow was now sucking at Him deeply. Her mouth moved up and down His shake with great delight and her face a picture of concentration and pleasure. She left His hardness slip from her mouth and running her tongue from the tip to the base began to lap at His sac. Gently she took each testicle into her mouth in turn sucking and rolling her tongue to capture every delightful segment of flavor. Then to His great pleasure her tongue moved lower, causing Him to raise His legs involuntarily and began to moisten then probe His ass bud. The girls skill was amazing and Lyeo momentarily considered the possibility of keeping her for Himself, but the scheme of things had been set in play and any change would not result in the desired conclusion.
Willows tongue was sliding in and out of His anus with great dexterity and obvious joy and Lyeo could sense Himself moving towards the inevitable release of His seed. Reaching forward He grasped the girls hair at each side of her face and directed her lips back to His engaged shake. With an expression of great satisfaction will recommend her slavering and when the sac tightened she took Him deep into the back of her mouth. His seed Hit her throat with great force but she made no attempt to move just swallowed all He could deliver with great abandon. Even after she had supped all He could give her throat muscles continued to milk His hardness hoping for one more precise drop. He lay back in the chair, His penis still held by willows lips and was forced to push her a little to get released. She sat back on her heels and even with her lowered face Lyeo could detect the look of satisfaction that appeared.
“You pleased Me greatly will.”
“Master, my purpose is always to please You.”
He smiled benignly and quietly rising led her back to the cage from when she had come. Glancing at freyja who was now sitting hunted in a corner lapping her own juices from her fingers He began to think about tomorrow.
“Rest slaves, eat and drink what is bought you. We will meet again in the morning.”
Lyeo worked late into the night. The workshop was basic but His hands Know how to turn most tools to His purpose. The wood He used came from the shutters that used to seal the window immediately to His right. The weather was clearing and some things weree more pressing than the any concern for privacy. After three hours He was somewhat satisfied. Certainly the construction was not glamorous, but was well suited to the purpose it would serve. Finally with great care He took a discarded belt and carefully cut and positioned the leather around the aperture. He wanted nothing distracting from the main object of His design, not even a milk scratching from rough cut lumber or pin heads. Placing His elbows on the benchmark He stared closely, rehearsing in His head every movement, every circumstances till He was completely satisfied it was adequate.
The girls had been moved from their cages ready for His appearance. He slowly descended the flight of open stairs, measuring the effect His footfall would have on the two different personalities below. As expected will have assumed the kneeling position of yesterday, except noticeably her breasts thrust out a little more with an expectation of her Masters pleasure. Freyja was seated in a woodenchair. The chair was heavy, almost cumbersome and the back formed by a high A frame. Her legs were positioned in cut outs at the edge of the seat, so positioned to spread her thighs wide. The seat of the chair had been cut away and her exposed sex was clearly visible. Ropes passed around her wrists and ankles and were tied to the chair arms and legs. Her expression was in sharp contrast to willows. Her eyes burnt like hot embers and she snarled at His appearance, only the leather gag in her mouth forced her silence. Neither of the slaves seemed fazed by their nakedness, in fact willow was obviously reveling in her role. Freyja was a natural vixen, with pride in her body and her ego; Lyeo had considered hard and long how to keep the former whilst losing the latter. He glanced to the small table beneath the open stairs and was rewarded with the outline of His new toy concealed beneath a draw.
Taking His former place in the chair He beckoned willlow to approach. She dutifully crawled on all fours to her position kneeling between His feet. Lyeos’ servants had taken some time preparing her today, her hair was brushed and shining and her face bore the traces of a light but pleasure making. Her nakedness was only broken by a single silver chain that circled her waist, fasting with a silver padlock at the navel. Her finger and toe nails had been trimmed and painted and her body smelt of fresh almond blowsom. He was pleased at the choice He had made in the caves; will be proving a quick and willing pupil and her new training, added to her already considerable medical knowledge, would prove invaluable in the future. Brushing the hair back from her left ear He gently stroked the softness of her cheek then indicated she should move to her immediate right allowing her to lean against His right thigh.
Lyeos attention was now squarely on freyja and their eyes met in a double cold hard star. He rose quickly from the chair and walking to stand in front of her slapped her hard across the left cheek. The girl made no sound but from her suddenly intake of breath He could tell she hurt.
“Do not dare to look Me in the eye without express permission.”
As an exclamation mark another slap landed with sufficient force to turn her head sharply. Lyeo reached down and placed His hand over her sex, His middle finger along the pert line of her lips. The girl didn’t move but her eyes bored into His with such displeasure as He had seldom witnessed. He removed His hand and made a great play of licking the finger then placed the hand back in the same position. The lubricated middle finger slipped between the lips and He felt her heat. This time the girl attempted to raise herself away from His ministries but her bindings held her tight in place.
“You should stop struggling freyja, this is a battle you cannot win. When you are ready to call Me Master we can move forwards.”
Lyeo returned to the chair and turned to will.
“Stand up willow and place yourself in front of Me.”
“Yes Master.”
The girl obeyed without hesitation. Reaching forward He gently pressed her inner tights till her feet were spread widely. His hands slide up and in till they rested either side of her mound. He noted that her lips already had the sheen of her juice on them and had parted sufficiently to show the dark inner skin tone. He traced His hands up and down the smooth fleshy flaps then gently opening them slipped His fingers into the wet hot honey pot. The girl sweyed and surprised, her hips thrusting forward opening herself more as His fingers obligingly slide deeper. Her eyes were closed tightly and her face had the expression of a child in a candy store, anything He did was sure to fill her with more and more wanton desire. The tops of willows thighs began to show a fine coating of her fluid and her breathe deepened noticeably. Wolf began to tease her now hard cliporis with the tip of His fingers, strumming it like a stringed instrument. The girl arched her back suddenly and began to quake.
“Cum for Me will, it is My pleasure.”
With such a command the girl had no alternative than to climax hard. Her head slipped back and her hips ground against His hand as shudder after shudder ravished her body. Finally her chin dropping onto her chest her knees began to buckle.
“Down will. Prostrate yourself.”
Obediently and thankfully the girl collapsed to her hands and knees, her forehead resting inches from His feet.
The word slipped from her mouth with such emotion that it danced in the air between them.
“Rest will, I am pleased with you.”
Lyeo rose from His chair and stood in front of Freyja. Reaching down He again passed His hand along the cleft of her sex; this time it was slick and open.
“You enjoyed watching willow cum, but you will not have that pleasure yourself till you say the words.”
Turning He moved to the table under the staircase and removed the draw from the object. Wolf carried back a simple wooden box. Simple at first glance, but with a purpose of intricate design. Attaching the metal ring at the top of the box to the top of the chairs A frame He slide half of the boxes base from its carefully constructed groove. The half in Wolfs hand had a semicircular cut out in the center and the half still attached to the box had a matching cut out; the two halfs completing a perfect circle when in position.
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