Lyeo strolled down the main throughfare towards the middle of the Floral Quarter. The streets were still lined with flower sellers stalls although where the flowers came from in these difficult times He really had no notion. Life in Drox was full of puzzles, an international city of such beauty and vibancy that even the shadow of war couldn’t darken its buoyant mood for long. The entrance to the slave market was just off the main road and as always the alleyway was bustling with the lowlife that gravitated to pray on wealthy patrons. The cheaper stock chained around the small merchants in the exterior quadrangle were not to His taste. He liked them younger and definitely prettier. The gateway to the interior was guarded by two very intimidating Saltag, large knives very apparent in their waistbands. Lyeo was known well enough in the establishment and both men nodded and grinned at Him showing the broken teeth accumulated through endless brawls.
“Good afternoon Gatherer. We haven’t had the pleasure of your patronage for quite a while.”
Fraka pushed the gates open as he spoke and turned suggestedly. He was close to 400 pounds and as wide as he was tall.
“Been a while Fraka. Got a lot of gathering to do.”
“This is the place for that Lord. Find a cheap one for me.”
Lyeo laughed and nodded sagely.
“How’s your family doing Nahia?”
“Much better thank you Gatherer. That new house you found us suits my wife high flow tastes much better.”
Lyeo had learned that greasing palms was the easiest way to get along in this society. Getting a larger house for Nahia was not a great feat, but the man’s gratitude flowed open and hot like larva from a volcano. The interior of the market was quiet. The bidding chairs had few occupations and those were either eating or dozing. He headed for the rear buildings and was greeted by Izaz the Auctioneer.
“Why Gatherer, such a great pleasure to see you again.”
“Hopefully the pleasurewill be all Mine Izaz.”
The auditioneer giggled in the way only eunuchs do and beckoned Lyeo to follow him into a back enclosed square.
“Far more discreet in here Gatherer. Did you have particular girls in mind?”
“Haven’t really thought about it, just suddenly got the taste for some trade.”
Izaz laughed very loudly then clapped his hands. The gates at the far end of the space opened and a line of chained women came through. The handlers lined them up in what Lyeo presumed was their interpretation of suitability and awaiting His consideration.
Some of the girls He had seen before. Expensive product from the deep interior of Drack, highly trained courtesans fit for a Princes bed or throne room. Calinea, a brunette with very large breasts was first in line. Lyeo had considered her purchase on several occasions and she was advertised as being a willing and experienced participant in almost any perversion. Third in line was Vagia. She was a pale skinned islander and had arrived in Drox just a few months earlier. Her specialty was being a dominatrix and Lyeo found it amusing that patrons took such women as slaves. Last in line was Mathia, Saltag and a real firebrand. She was cursed with nymphomania and would take a whole palace guard battalion and still cry for more. The twelve other girls were attractive enough but He really didn’t find any of them overwhelmingly Beguiling today.
“Nothing takes your fancy Gatherer? Perhaps I have the very thing to stir your blood. A new girl arrived from the Cron a few days ago. No one has seen her yet, but she cost me a pretty penny. Human flesh is in high demand these days. She seems unbreakable, perhaps you might find her interesting?”
Lyeo was of course immediately challenged but preferred to seem ambivalent.
“Is she pretty enough and is she clean?”
He kept His voice purposely at a low pitch to hide any excitement.
“She has a certain charm and the apothecary says she is perfectly healthy.”
“Show Me.”
Izaz led Lyeo through the maze of corridors that was the slave quarters, eventually taking a flight of stone stairs into the dungeons below. The ceiling was vaulted in high arches and the whole obviously constructed well for its purpose. The floor was covered in a fine layer of granular dust that crunched under foot as they walked. Towards the far end of the last corridor was a heavily barred cell. Lyeo caught sight of her in the flickering of the naked candles they held. She was chained securely to the far wall.
The girl was breathing taking. She sat totally naked, showing her slave piercing in each nipple and a matching heavily inked ownership tattoo in the middle of her forehead. Her hair was black, not a wishy washing black but the kind that absorbs light like a sponge. Her breasts were small, like a teenagers, the nipples hard and extended by the weight of the heavy gold rings that glinted as the candle flames danced. Her body was shaken completely and from between her slightly parted thighs peeped the contours of her sex lips. As with many women of her land her physique was almost boyish in shape, a little plumpness over a hard muscled frame.
“You think you can manage this one Gatherer? I have been told she is impossible to train and always puts up a fight.”
“I will make sure she is less inclined to be difficult Izaz.”
The eunuch handed Lyeo a thick whippy leather crop and stepped back giggling.
“What is your name girl?”
Lyeo simply received a blank stare for His trouble.
“Things will go better if you cooperate.”
The girl turned her head away as if intentionally provoking Him.
“Tell Me your name.”
She was like a statue, so still He could almost believe her carved from marble. He slapped the crop against His boots resulting in a resounding crack echoing around the arched ceiling. The girls face and chest flushed a little. Stepping closer He grasped her chin firmly in His left hand and turned her face upwards. She had no choice but look directly in His eyes.
“Do you speak Drack?”
Again there was no reaction; not even a blink.
“Saltag then maybe?”
Lyeo thought He caught a flicker of a response, but still no movement or sound was uttered.
“Fuck your insolence.”
The slap connected with her right cheek perfectly and for a moment her face contained somewhere between pain and fear before returning to its previous blank expression.
“You need more persuasion whore?”
Lyeo raised the crop to head height and waited. The girl slowly, with an air of resignation dropped to her knees in front of His groin but not wanting to be that easy to appear He motioned Izaz to unfasted her chains and moved back four good paces.
“Crawl on your hands and knees whore!”
The girl’s body shuddered from head to toe and slowly she began to crawl towards Him with head lowered and back arched to emphasize her swaying ass. Reaching the poisoned toecaps of His boots she lowered her forehead to rest upon them and spread her ass cheats wide. The crop descended twice, a hard cut to each buttock. He admired her apparent immovability but then caught the strong scent of her sex juices as they began to drip onto the floor between her tights. Reaching down to take tight control of her hair He pulled her to her knees.
“Now you can worship My cock you whore!”
The girl’s hands expertly unfasted the strapped stable belt and opened His breeches. He was already hard, the sight of her raised buttocks as she slinked towards Him had aroused His lust to fever pitch. Reaching inside she grasped Him firmly and drew His throbbing manhood into the open. Her tongue carefully inspected the mushroom head, making sure every portion was moistened with her hot spottle. She delicately probed the pee hole and then sat back on her heels admiring her work. For the first time He witnessed her smile and then in one swift motion she enclosed the whole of His shaft deep in her mouth and throat.
For a moment there was nothing except the moist heat of her orifice and the slight grazing of teeth around His root then He felt throat muscles begin to massage the tip that lodged in her esophagus. The movements were tiny, almost nonexistent but wave upon wave of sensing rippled along His penis, through His body, to massage the pleasure sensors in His brain. Her hands gently cupped His tests, massaging the carriers of His progeny with a gentle firmness that made His scrotum ache with intensity.
Her mouth slowly gave up His manhood and with imperceptible leads turned Lyeo so His back was now to her face. He felt the hands part His buttocks and the tip of her tongue scrape across His ass bud. She lathered up and down His ass crack, spreading her warm lubricant over His flesh but always returning to tongue the entry to His inner sanctum.
Lyeo found Himself leaning forwards, hands resting on His knees,Ass bud pursued to allow this angel of eroticism to plumge her devilish tongue deep into His sphincter. One of her hands snaked between His thighs to grap the shake of His twitching manhood and start to stroke the foreskin back and forwards over the swollen and throbbing gland. He felt His sac tighten as a climax started to build in His jewels but the girl had no intention of cutting the duration of their coupling so short and with expert knowledge Grasped His erection just behind the mushroom to produce a pause in the crescendo of His expulsion. She guided Him back to face her then spinning herself opened her ass crack sufficiently to show Him the magically pulsating passage to her forbidden chamber. Reaching back she grasped His shaft and guided the tip to its target and arching her back pushed herself onto His rock hard cock.
Lyeo was lost in the moment. Her ass gripped His length as she moved away then released enough to allow complete anal penetration again. He was being fucked by this divine creativity, taken like a tool for her pleasure. She made no noise or even showed any unnecessary movement but her breathe gave lie to any pretense she was not on the verge of complete evacuation. He heard the stream of her first squirt hit the floor between her feet and smelt the thick aroma of her estrogen wafting up from the ever increasing pool. The second squirt produced a ripple deep in her organ climate, seeming to rattle Every inner working of her abdomen. In utter ecstasy she climaxed anally, the walls of her canal slickening and making His manhood slide frictionless within the sheath of her body. Now it was His turn to ejaculate, long hard shots of seed flooding into her bowel, allowing His cock to slowly slip from her steaming hole.
Now her final climaxes came, the little death that in lesser woman might have ended in a faith but in this consume artiste simply caused contracts that splattered the perfect mix of semen, natural lubricant and feminineejaculate on both her and Lyeos thighs, calves and ankles. Turning and dropping to her knees in the pool of her own making she wrapped her lips tightly onto His still rampant member and removed every vestige she could find of their coupling.
Lyeo edged away, allowed the girl to slide spend to the floor, an island in a sea of lust.
“The Gatherer has not lost His touch.”
Lyeo had forgotten Izaz in His frenzy but the trial eunuchs voice bought Him back to immediate reality and a search for a method to turn this occasion to a personal and financial advantage.
“The girl has promise, but then so do the dragons in the far depths of Freezard. Both have immense power bringing the owner advantage, yet they need to be truly Mastered. This creativity could be worth much if I wished the time and trouble to tame her but for you Izaz she is a complete loss.”
Lyeo slowly straightened and fastened His disheveled attire with an air of nonchalant disinterest.
“Perhaps the Gatherer might consider a trade of some kind?”
“I am not a Saltag horse dealer to barter with Izaz.”
“My Lord misconstrues my meaning. I was simply suggesting offering the creativity as a sweetener for a purchase I have in mind.”
Lyeo grinned inwardly. Now the eunuch played at His bait.
“You mean her as a gift?”
“I simply was agreeing with the Gatherer that she is of no use to one such as I. However I am in desperate need of two trained concubines. Unfortunately the two girls prepared for some very particular clients recently met with untilly and tragic ends. It is rumored that My Lord has a stock of highly acceptable courtesans.”
“Is it also rumored that they cost a king’s ransom to purchase?”
Izaz smiled, his round fat face a picture of mirror but inside he was seeing. Till a moment ago he had no knowledge of Lyeos involvement in the slaughter of his best two slaves but know he was as sure as if the Gatherer had admitted so out outright. The Kingdoms were full of treachery and assassination but between traders such things were considered sacrilege, Lyeo had crossed a line.
“I am sure the Gatherer will as always be fair and considerate.”
Lyeo returned the smile but something in the conversation had changed. Izaz like all eunuchs was virtually impossible to read. Not only did the plump contours of his sight hide almost any facial clues but the Absence of testicles gave the man the different nature of the worst of the female species. He remembered His Fathers wise words.
“Never trust a woman, remember all slaves lie and never offer your back to a eunuch.”
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