‘I don’t believe this,’ Steve said, ‘how could they have probably got the days mixed up?’
It had been a long train journey and, now that they were here, it seemed like it was all just one big waste of time. Steve was furious.
‘How did this happen, George, do you know? Is it our cock-up or theirs?’
George looked a bit dismayed, but just shook his head. ‘They’re Not saying they got the days mixed up, but rather that the meeting was cancelled. I can’t see how it can possibly be anything our end. This meeting has been on the books for ages.’
‘What I mean is, did we know that the planning officer, Tim Skinny, or Skinner, or whatever the fuck his name is, it wasn’t going to be here? And did we know that our client, Margaret, the Development Director, the person that we’ve been liaising with all this time, was on holiday?’ Steve demanded to know.
‘Well, put it this way, no one told me. So, unless someone else in the team was informed and didn’t pass on the information which, frankly, is incredibly unlikely since we all work so closely together, well, I just can’t see how it can possibly be down to us.’
‘Right, I’m going to ask to speak to the CEO to find out what the hell has happened and just what is going on.’ Steve said, marching back across to the reception desk.
After about five minutes they were invited into the Chief Executive’s office.
‘Good morning, gentlemen, I’m Johan Bloom, the CEO here, I’ve just heard about the problem and I wanted to offer my sincerity apologies for the misunderstandings.’
‘I think that misunderstanding is rather an understanding,’ Steve shot back. ‘We’ve been sat on a train for hours to get to this meeting that your Margaret Davies called and now she’s not even here.’
‘Yes, I’m so very sorry, the fault is all ours. It started with the planning office, who wanted to push the meeting date back, and then Margaret had some personal issues regarding the health of a family member, andit seems that you were not informed. It’s only just now come to my attention and I’m so very, very sorry that this has happened.’
Sorry, when used sincerely, was always such a great word. The man was obviously sorry so, despite his experience, Steve found it difficult to know what else to say about it. The Planning officer wasn’t here, Margaret wasn’t here, so they had no choice but to accept their apologies and go home.
‘Can we please try to rectify the situation, at least to a small degree?’ Johan Bloom said. ‘Allow me to organize a lunch for you, then you go back to London and we will reschedule soon. We will, of course, cover all your expenses, travel and accommodation both this time and next time. Gentlemen, let me say that this development is very important to us, and you have done a marvellous job so far, so I really wouldn’t want this to sour our relationships in any way. So, I hope that you will agree to forgive this mistake and allow us to offer some extra hospitality. My secretary will arrange return travel for you. We do have use of a private jet that will get you back to London much quicker than the train.’
Neither Steve nor George had ever been on a private plane, so Steve decided that that experience would definitely take the sing out of the wasted trip, so agreed, albeit reluctantly, to accept the apology and move on. They would go home on a private jet; he couldn’t wait to tell Sally.
‘Come in, come in,’ Mario said, as Sally stepped into the hall. ‘Go on through to the blinde.’ He followed her, unable to resist looking at her arse as it wiggled delightfully as she moved along.
‘Let’s have a drink first and get to know each other a little, and then we will look around for your jacket, ok?’
‘Sure, why not,’ she said.
‘White wine, ok?’ he asked.
‘Yes, that would be lovely, thank you,’ she replied. Now, beginning to feel a little more comfortable, she sat down on the sumptuous sofa.
As shelooked around the room, the memories of the last time that she was here came flooding back. It was all so very clear; she was completely naked, and the two big men, Rick and Alan, were touching, her kissing her and then, oh my god, they were fucking her and Steve was cumming just from watching. She could see it playing out clearly in her mind’s eye. She shook her head to dispel the erotic thoughts.
‘Everything ok?’ he asked, looking at her closely as he handed her the glass of wine.
‘Oh yes, everything is fine. I was just remembering the last time that I was here.’
‘Good memories?’ Mario asked.
“Yes, I suppose so,’ she said, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. She suddenly felt keen to change the subject. ‘So, Mario, how long have you been staying with Alan?’
‘Alan is a good friend of Mellissa’s, my sister. They spend some time together in Las Vegas. Anyway, when I told her that I was coming here, she made a call to Alan and asked him to introduce me toa few things, new people and so on. It was a bit embarrassing because my accommodation got double booked, so when my plane landed I actually had nowhere to go and Alan stepped up and insisted that I stay here. He is such a good man, isn’t he?’
‘Yes, I guess he is,’ she replied.
‘So, how well do you know Alan?’ Mario asked, wondering how to turn the conversation around to sex.
‘Not that well, actually. We met through a friend of a friend.’ Sally wondered why she was being so cagey. Why hadn’t she told Mario that Alan worked with her husband, Steve? Was it because she really didn’t know this man and what his relationship with Alan was all about? Or perhaps it was because she didn’t want him to know she was married in case it put him off? Mario was a very attractive man and the way he looked at her seemed to suggest that he thought that she was attractive too. So, nothing wrong with having a little flirtation and playing, she told herself.
‘Oh, I see. It’s just that when you said you’d left your jacket here. My dirty mind jumped to a few conclusions.’
Now she was certain that he was flirting with her.
‘Oh really,’ she replied, ‘and just what sort of conclusions are they?’
‘Well,’ Mario said, warming to the little game, ‘I based my conclusions on what Alan said. I just wondered if you and Alan may have been getting up to mischief,’ he said, and he chuckled.
‘I have two points to make about that,’ she said, smiling and very happy to flirt back.
‘The first is what has Alan actually said and secondly, when it comes to mischief, as you call it, I suppose it really depends on your definition of mischief, doesn’t it?’
Mario laughed out loud at that. He was beginning to like this woman, attractive, vivacious, and intelligent. What a great combination.
‘Alan described you as very attractive. He told me that you had a beautiful body, and he gave me a few other details that made me think that you had been a littlenaughty, perhaps and more than a little mischievous,’ Mario responded.
‘I think I need to know about these ‘other details’ that you mention. I mean the ones that made you think that I had been mischievous with Alan.’
‘I will tell you, but before I do, I must just tell you that I adore naughty mischievous women, particularly any that look like you.’ She noticed that he was smiling again. It really was an attractive look.
‘Well, that is good to know, thank you,’ she said.
‘Oh, and one other thing,’ he said, ‘if I do tell you these details, will you consider being as mischievous with me?’
She loved this little flirting game they were playing and fleetingly wondered where it might lead. Where did she want it to lead?
She’d worry about that later.
‘Yes, I think I might be persuaded Mario, especially if you will top up my glass.’
He instantly shot up and, grabbing the bottle from the wine cooler, poured another glass for them both.
‘Cheers,’ he said as they clinked glasses.
‘Well, Alan told me that you have beautiful breasts. Of course, I can see that for myself. He also told me that they are so big that he struggled to push them together so that he could get both nipples in his mouth at once, which, in my mind, supported my theory that you and Alan had perhaps become a little mischievous. You can understand that, can’t you?’ Mario asked.
Sally inclined her head.
‘Maybe.’ she said.
‘But, just looking at you now, it’s obvious that you do have very beautiful and very big breasts. I bet they taste very, very good,’ Mario said, holding eye contact.
‘Shall I go on?’ he asked, tempting her now. He knew that if she said yes, he would definitely have her. He felt a stirring in his cock.
‘Yes, please do go on,’ she said, ‘I’m fascinated.’ Careful now, you hardly know this man, she told herself.
‘The other thing, the other detail that he told me about, I also found to be very interested.ng, naughty, mischievous and very arousing too,’ he said playfully.
‘Oh,’ she said, ‘and what is that other detail, are you going to share it?’ Bloody hell, she was feeling horny now. The thought of Alan discussing her tits and sucking her nipples with this man felt suddenly hot and horny.
‘He told me that your cunt is completely bald, and you love your clip being sucked and chewed.’
Mario looked at her and couldn’t miss the heat in her eyes. He got up and came to sit next to her and began to stroke her face and then bent in to kiss her mouth.
‘I’ve got to tell you that I would love to see that lovely bald cunt and your beautiful tits and if you let me, I will suck and chew on your nipples and your clip for the whole afternoon.’
The thought of what he said went straight to her core, she was now fully aroused and wanting his attention.
He began to unfasten the buttons of her top and she became lost as his fingers stroked the tops of her tits and thenslid them underneath the fabric to get to her nipples.
‘Lovely hard nipples,’ he said. ‘Let’s get this off.’ He stood up and took her hand, pulling her up at the same time. He pushed the top off her shoulders and felt around to unclasp her bra, which he then pulled off. Her big tits bounced free.
‘Oh god, just look at those tits, quite magnificent.’ He sat down on the sofa once more and pulled her down too. He pinched each big brown nipple between his thumb and fore finger and squeezed each breast, lifting each one up and down. Then he released one nipple and fastened his mouth over the other now very hard nipple and began to suck and chew, then he moved across to the other nipple and began to suck on that. He began to bite the ends of first one then the other, back and forth, constantly biting each time, getting a little harder. She cried out.
‘Can I make you cum just by biting on these beauty?’ he asked.
‘Yes, yes, probably,’ she said breathlessly.
‘But I’ve got to see that bald cunt, stand up,’ he directed.
And she did as he asked without a second thought.
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