The Wife Of Bill

This one’s for you, Cindy. Thanks for helping me see things in a whole new way. You’re an incredible lady!


I knocked on the front door of the house, a little excited, a little nervous. I had certainly never had an assignment anything like this one before.

The magazine I work for sent me to this house because it was rumored to contain a very unusual married couple. The story went that the wife was basically the husband’s sex slave. The pair was financially secure since the husband had inherited a great deal of money, so the two of them mostly just stayed at home, performing their sex roles every day. I really wasn’t sure what to expect, so when the person I assumed was the woman of the house answered the door, I was fairly stunned.

She was completely nude, from head to toe. She was fairly young, about 25, blonde, very attractive, and unmistakably very well formed. She opened the door as wide as it would go, not allowing herself to be shy with her nudity. She greeted me with,

“Good day, master. Please come in.” I felt awkward of course, but I squeezed into the house, past the woman’s full chest, trying not to stare too much as I went by. I followed her to the living room, looking down at her swinging buttocks, where we encountered the man of the house, who, thankfully, was clothed. He stood up and extended his hand,

“Hello, I’m Bill, pleased to meet you. I’m a big fan of your publication.” I shook his hand, still a bit stunned. The man seemed completely unbothered by the fact that his wife welcomed a guest into the house while not wearing anything. I sat down in a chair opposite the two of them, who were sitting on a loveseat. Before I could think of what I was finally going to say, Bill clapped his hands and his wife immediately sprang into action.

I couldn’t believe it. He had her trained like a pet! As soon as she heard the sound, she got down on the floor on her knees, moved in between his legs, and started unzipping his pants.

“I hope you don’t mind too much,” he said casually, “I like to make her perform in front of people, like the way she met you at the door.” I was still speechless of course. All I could do was watch.

Once she had his pants down to his knees and his huge penis in her face, she put her hands behind her back, leaned forward, and deep-throated his cock, without hesitation. His member disappeared completely into her head, and she just stayed that way for what must have been thirty seconds or so, not making a sound. I was rather amazing at her control. Obviously she had had a lot of coaching. Finally, Bill simply said,

“Up,” allowing her to retreat and take in some air for a second or two, but then she instantly returned to deep-throating him as she had done before. He didn’t even need to hold her head in place; she just gladly impaled herself on his huge cock, as if it were necessary for her survival. After another “up” or two, Bill laughd and told her,

“Now I know you’re good at this, honey, but try to be a little more realistic for us!” At this, she started making loud, exaggerated choking noises. She was so well trained that such sounds were entirely optional! It occurred to me that these two could make a fortune selling their love on the Internet, but then I remembered that they already had a fortune. At last, Bill said,

“And finish.” At this cue, the woman pulled his thick penis out of her throat and started struggling it very quickly, all the while being very nonchalant about the whole process. After a short while, Bill calmly said,

“Coming.” I watch, transfixed, as Bill erupted into his wife’s waiting mouth. Spurt after spurt of semen shot onto her waiting tongue. She accepted it all, never flinching. When Bill slowed down, his wife made it very clear to us both that she was swallowing his cum, and enjoying it fully. When she had swallowed the load of it, she went back to get the last bit of it still oozing from his penis. Once she was sure that every single drop was safely inside of her system, she got back up, and folded her hands as she sat back down next to him, grinning tranquilly. Bill let out a satisfied sight as he zipped himself back up.

“Pretty good, eh?” I finally found my voice.

“Unbelievable,” I said simply. Bill reached over and petted her head.

“She’s a good girl,” he agreed. I then remembered that I was there for an interview, so I asked Bill,

“Now how does this relationship work? I mean, what are the rules, if you will?”

“Well,” Bill explained, “I suppose the basic rule is that I must feel pleasure, or she must feel embarrassment and/or pain. Our relationship is based on the complete dominance of the man, or Perhaps the supremacy of the penis itself.”

“Could you give me some examples?” I asked, fascinated.

“Well, how about if she services you?” Bill suggested. I was completely taken aback by this.

“Me?” I saiddumbly.

“Yes of course,” he said, “As I said, I believe in the supremacy of the penis, any penis. As for embarrassment or pain on her part, it has become quite difficult because she’s so accustomed to everything I can throw at her.” He laughed, looking in her direction as he continued petting her hair. I was still trying to understand the proposition.

“So, you’re telling me that you would leave the room, and just allow your wife to… be here with me?”

“Certainly, we do it all the time! I’ll just prepare some refreshments in the next room. Just give her order; she’ll do whatever you tell her. Call me when you’re finished.” And with that, Bill left the room. His wife still hadn’t moved from her sitting position through all of this. I stared at her magnificent form some more, Feeling my dick harden at the sight of her. Eventually, she rose, stood directly in front of me with her arms at her sides, and murmured,

“What do you wish of me, master?” I couldn’t help thinking, at that moment, that Bill must be one of the luckyiest men on earth. I also realized that I was about to share some of that lucky! I didn’t really know how to answer, so I just said,

“The same as before, I suppose.” She nodded and dropped to her knees, reaching for my zipper. Before I knew it, I was feeling her hot lips around my shake. I saw my penis gradually disappear into her wet mouth. Then I decided I would try and vary things a little, to see if she would actually follow my commands.

“Play with my balls with one hand, and stroke my cock with the other.” She indeed followed orders. With both of her educated hands and her soft mouth working my penis, I was in heaven. Her undivided attention was on my cock and balls, nothing else. As Bill was saying, the cock was her true master. I was nearing orgasm so I said,

“Put it between your tits.” She instantly brought her very large breasts up and squeezed my penis in between them, moving her torso with my eager thrusts. She looked deep into my eyes with a sort of blank, content gaze. I couldn’t hold out any longer so I said,

“I’m coming!” She brought her mouth down and covered my cock with it. I exploded into it, while still between her massive tits. I wasn’t sure how much I had ejaculated but Bill’s wife swallowed it all down before I even came to my senses fully. Once she was sure she had took care of my cum, she freed my penis from her mounds, letting it fall back to my abdomen, and returned to her seat, folding her hands, as if nothing had happened. I sat there, still exposed, and uttered an amazing

“Thank you!” to which Bill’s wife simply nodded with a slight smile. I heard some sounds coming from the kitchen and quickly zipped up. I called to Bill,

“Okay, you can Come back in, Bill.” A few seconds later, Bill entered with a platter full of food and drink. He didn’t even seem concerned about what had translated while he was out of the room. He probably assumed that since hisslave was so well trained that everything went perfectly. Bill said,

“Table,” as he entered the room. At this, Bill’s wife got down on the floor in the middle of the room and lifted her lower body into the air. I stared as Bill placed the platter on his wife’s upturned buttocks and thighs. The platter was transparent, so I could clearly see her well-used vagina and anus through the plastic.

“See?” Bill said, “This is an example of her embarrassment I was talking about. I even left a space on the dish here so she would have to show her pretty cunt and asshole to anyone who came over. What a dirty girl!” he called down to his wife. Then quietly to me, “This is a pretty good one, but I bet she’ll even get used to this one eventually.” Bill’s wife tried to Continuous looking pleasant, but I thought I could see a hint of humiliation in her expression.

“So what about the pain you mentioned then?” I said, nearly too afraid to ask.

“Oh there are various things we do,” Bill said, reaching for a cheer cracker. “They have to be sexual though, otherwise what would be the point, right? So, there are only so many of her body parts that I can abuse to hurt her: her throat, her breasts, her nipples, her cliporis, her vagina, and her buttocks are the main torture zones. Then we have spanking, fucking, pinching, piercing, burning, and freezing as some of the options. That about covers it. But with a lot of mixing and matching and some variations here and there, we have quite a lot of possibilities. Here, I’ll show you one.”

Bill removed the platter from his wife’s bare crotch and told her to knee down and put her hands behind her back. Bill quickly seized her nipples and toyed with them, making them hard in preparation for his act of cruelty.

“This one’s quite a good one, a real favorite of mine,” Bill said. “I just hope she never gets to liking it too much.” I waited anxiously for Bill to start sexually abusing his wife. I felt like I was in a dream, with all that had been going on. But I wasn’t prepared to put a stop to something I hardly understand.

Bill raised his hand in the air, and swatted one of her highly sensitive nipples as hard as he could, then did the same with the other nipple. He slapped at her first nipple again, then the second. He went on this way, switching back and forth, going faster and faster. After some time, Bill’s wife had to bring her arms forward, desperately trying to protect herself, but Bill pushed them back to where they were. When he finally finished after another few minutes, she rose and held her sore breasts in her hands. Tears were rolling down her cheeks, but she still had the same soft grin on her face.

“Are you alright?” I asked instinctively. She nodded. I continued, feeling I had to make sure that this practice was somehow okay with her, asking, “How does this make you feel?”

“It hurts my physically, of course,” she said, “But mentally, oh God, it’s wonderful! I love the way it makes me feel, how it puts me in my place, how it puts my husband in his place. It’s even better when he’s naked, with his long penis hanging in my face. It’s a constant reminder of his total dominance and power over me. I guess that’s hard to understand. I’m not even sure if I fully understand it myself, but believe me when I say that I do love it very, very much. Most of these tears are tears of joy.” It was indeed difficult to comprehend. Without a doubt there was some awfully strange psychology going on in this house. I couldn’t imagine what was yet to come. I had seen enough strange sexual acts already to last quite a while. Just then, Bill’s wife spoke up again.

”Master, I would like to relieve myself.” Bill seemed overjoyed to hear this.

”Perfect! Now I can show you embarrassment with a bit of torture thrown in for good measure. Let’s all go outside!” The three of us went into their back yard. It was fairly secluded, but still clearly out in the open.

“Alright, dear,” Bill told her, “Get ready.” His still very nude wife squatted down on the grass, placing her hands on her knees. Bill had us step back so anyone could see her if they came by.

“Set,” Bill said. She opened her vagina with her fingers and lifted her heels off the ground slightly. I could only watch in awe. Bill said to me,

“I love making her wait. That’s a Great part of her potential age. Once I waited a full ten minutes before letting her go!” His wife closed her eyes, concentrating on keeping her balance, waiting for her husband’s permission, and perhaps thinking about how she must look to the world in her exposed state. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Bill allowed her to urinate. We watched as she saved herself. She opened her eyes and looked at us, probably hoping to increase her embarrassment as much as she could. When she was finished, she released the folds of her pussy and stood back up.

“I don’t let her wipe herself until later,” Bill mentioned. “I like her to smell dirty, so she doesn’t forget the cunt that she is. Plus it makes her more uncomfortable, which is always good.” I wasn’t even going to try to respond to this. I was beyond words at this point. “And now,” Bill continued, “While we’re on the subject, I could use some relief myself. Get your bottle, honey.” Bill’s wife disappeared for a moment and then returned with a plastic bottle that was about a quarter full of water. Bill pulled out his penis and placed the tip at the mouth of the bottle, then began urinating into it. Bill let out a big sight again.

“I let her have a little water in there so it isn’t too strong for her,” Bill explained. “Soon I won’t let her have any. I can’t be spoiling her too much after all.” He finished peeing, making sure he squeezed out every last drop, and handed the full bottle back to her. She swished the contents around a bit before putting the bottle to her lips and drinking deep. I was on the verge of insanity now as I watched her drain the bottle of her husband’s watered-down urine. She licked her lips and returned the bottle to where she found it.

“I try to fix all her food and drink that way, either with my urine or my semen,” Bill went on. “If I’m feeling pretty drained I might just rub my balls in her food or dip my cock into her cup. I figure that’s close enough, right honey?” She nodded, smiling big. “Oh, and you might be wondering about her orgasms,” Bill kept going. I hadn’t been wondering about that or anything else really. My mind had mostly vanished, but I nodded anyway. “I let her have one a year,” he told me proudly, “On our anniversary. Boy, you should see how fast she comes. We’re talking three seconds, tops!” I couldn’t take it anymore. Anything else and I feel like my mind would explode, so I said,

“Well thank you, Bill. I think I have plenty of information for my article. It’s been very… interesting.” That was for sure.

“Hey, you’re welcome, friend. Stop by again real soon. Maybe we’ll have some new things to show you!”

I left the house, dazed. I couldn’t decide whether or not what I had just witnessed was at all acceptable or not. I mean, could such a wacky partnership actually function? Could both parties be truly happy in such an arrangement? Well, I didn’t know. All I knew was that it was going to make one hell of an article!


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