The Weekend and the Gifts Pt. 02

Part 2

For the most part, he had left Nicole alone all week. He had asked about her day, checking that she was well, all the usual stuff, but nothing about her new toys or the orgasms. She had brought it up a few times, hoping for some encouragement and got nothing. He had more or less ignored all of it.

She, could not ignore it. She was in a constant state of agitation. The multiple orgasms with the unyielding toys had produced an effect on her body she hadn’t anticipated. Their weight and size made her muscles ache, leaving a constant reminder of there absence. Creating an almost pavlovian response and craving for release over and over again.

She felt like a horny teenager but even after her 5th or sixth orgasm she could not find that satiated finish she usually did. She was going to go mad. Thankfully it was Friday afternoon and he had already let her know he was on route.

His message had been very clear. Bring her new toys and all her vibrating or suckingtoys down and put them on the table. He would text her about 10 mins out and she was to be naked and kneeing in the living room when he arrived.

“He has to be close.” Nicole murmured to herself as she watched from the window.

She had stopped at two orgasms today in the hopes that more were to come at his hands soon. She rubbed her tights together and tightened her pelvic floor relishing the ache there and immediately her need and wetness intensified. Her hand drifted to her swollen clip, and she rubbed lazy circles around it. Closing her eye just for a moment to sink into the building heat there.

Her phone buzzed.

His timing was always too perfect, she thought with a sight, one would think he has cameras on her. She did a cursory sweep of her room with her eyes, paranoia that it was something he would collude with her husband to do for a few days, just to mess with her.

Her phone buzzed again, bring her back to herself and his looming arrival.

“I amten mins out pet and I have a surprise for you. Be ready and eyes down.”

Another surprise? Her mind raced again. She had ten minutes. Surely, he did not mean for her to knee that whole time? She watched out the window still, she would see his truck coming down the lane way. That would give her enough time to slip off her dress and knee. She fidgeted for a moment or two. Her mind at odds With her need to know he had arrived and her need to be a good girl. With a deep sigh she pulled her dress off and moved to the floor. Muttering to herself that he would not even know the difference, she knelt waiting, head bowed and pussy dripping on the hardwood beneath her.

The sound of the truck engine shutting off was music to her ears. His truck door closed, and closed again? Wait? Did she hear two doors? Voices, she was sure she heard voices.

It was a struggle to keep her head and eyes down as the door to the living room opened in front of her.

“Do not lift your head girl, eyes on the ground.” his voice left no room for argument. “Turn around, head down, hands flat on the floor reaching in front of you, ass in the air, NOW!”

Her eye grow wide, and she bit back her words as she spun on the floor stretching her arms forward, forehead down, arching her back and lifting her ass in the air.

Almost immediately his fingers were inside her. A gasp left her mouth at the abruptness of his entry.

“You’re sopping wet girl and swollen. You have been good at your task? Your ass should have no problem with a few fingers then, should it?”

He did not wait for her response before pulling his fingers from her cunt and pushing them in her ass.

She squeaked and lifted her head from the floor. “Head down girl.” his booted foot came down on the back of her head with just enough pressure to push her in place as he finger fucked her ass. She moaned and gasped, working hard not to push back on him or move away. The wetness of her pussy now running down her legs.

Her head was turned to the right and through her hair she saw a new pair of feet moving up beside her. Decidedly women’s feet, with painted toes and cute sandals.

“Such a slut you are girl, so preoccupied with your pleasure you have not even greeted our guest.” he removed his fingers and boot, then grabbing her hair and lifted her head. Her eyes caught a glimpse of a pretty dress on a sexy body before his fingers were stuffed in her mouth.

“Clean them up slut.”

She obediently sucked at his fingers and raised her eyes to his hoping to see pleasure looking back at her. His eyes smiled just enough to ease a little of her worry.

His hand still wrapped in her hair as he lifted, “On your feet and greet our guest girl.”

She scrambled to Keep up with the pressure on her head and managed to ungracefully stand to face the woman beside her.

Sparkling eyes and a rye smile graced the lovely face of Samantha, one of his other partners and someone she was most definitely was familiar with.

“Fancy meeting you here.” Nicole said as Sam quirked an eyebrow at their Sir.

“She’s cheeky for someone who’s hair is wrapped around your fist isn’t she Sir?” Sam quipped as Nicole stared daggers at her.

He lowered his head to Nicole’s ear and grown, “Sam is not here for you Girl; she is My guest this weekend. You will treat her exactly as I tell you to. Do you understand?”

She swallowed and whispered, “yes Sir.”

He released her hair and patted her ass. “Good girl now show me what arrived on Monday and Sam,” he swivelled to face her, “bring in my duffle bag.”

Nicole watched Sam leave and turned to him again.

“Everything is on the table Sir.”

“I see that pet; did you enjoy all your orgasms this week?” Sam had returned with the bag, and he reached a hand out to take it not breaking eye contact.

“Yes Sir, very much and I am hoping to show you how much today. I stopped at two this morningng.” Her face was scarlet at the confession but with Sam here she was a little worried about his plan.

He did not respond right away. He placed his bag on the table and seemed intent on finding something inside it.

“Just two? That is too bad girl as that is all you will be having today.” he turned to

her, something metal and black in his hands.

Her heart stopped and her breath caught. She was not sure if she would cry or skip. He had hinted and threatened for so long, but she never thought for a moment.

“Do you like your new chatity belt pet? Your new toys will stay nicely in place all weekend I should think, the other toys you gathered will be Sam’s to use for now.”


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