The Weekend Away Ch. 03

Ted awoke next to his naked wife and to the sounds of the squirrels playing in the attic. Sleeping nude was a rare treat for the couple and very enjoyable. Georgette’s skin was always soft and warm. He rolled next to her and placed an arm tenderly around her. Georgette unconsciously snuggled closer and signed contentedly. Ted could stay like this for hours he mused, lying next to Georgette, feeling her warmth and softness, letting sleep drift over him. However, once awake, Ted would not go back to sleep, so he let his mind wander.

What a day yesterday had been. Georgette totally surprised him with the way she took control and was totally dominant. He had been under her spell the moment he saw her on the stairs in that corset. Oh, yes! That corset. That was a completely different look and a very erotic, sexy look. One he would just have to see again. But, he knew the price for that look. To be dominated and having to submit. Nevertheless, in this case, the ends did justify themeans.

So, what was he going to do today? It was his turn and even though it was not a competition, he knew his wife would not out do him. Being the more adventurous in the bedroom, Ted definitely would not have the surprise factor Georgette did. She was more docile, loving, but docile in the bedroom. Occasionally she would surprise him, but over all he was the one that controlled the what and how.

As he thought about it, a general plan started to form in his head. He would have to wing quite a bit, based on Georgette’s reaction. However, the plan was doable. He thought about the lingerie she brought. The corset was out, being reserved for a specific purpose. He knew just the one. What else? Ah, yes. That will do and so will those. The ideas and inventory gelled into a viable plan. He lay under the warm covers, lovingly wrapped around his naked, sleeping bride, pondering the day until Georgette’s eyes fluttered open.

“Morning. How’d you sleep?” Ted asked.

“Dunno, I was a sleep,” she whispered.

“That’s usually a good indication that it was good.” Ted answered.

“Go figure. What time is it?” Georgette yawned.

“About an hour and half before breakfast,” Ted responded.

“Good, no need to rush,” Georgette said and they lay in bed for a few more minutes, basking in each other’s presence, not saying much, just enjoying the warmth, the quiet, the squirrels, and each other. They eventually had to break the moment and get ready for breakfast. “Join me in the shower?” Georgette offered.

“If I must,” replied Ted laughingly.

The shower ended up being a “Tease Fest.” Slick with soap and wet from the shower spray, Ted and Georgette giggled like teenagers. They maintained their good humor and playfulness while dressing and all the way through breakfast. It was still early, so after breakfast they took a drive in the country. Even though it was winter, the small towns, rolling hills, vineyards, and farmland were nice and peaceful. Their conversation was of the domestic type, again dealing with painting, college, weddings, and retirement. That is not to say the teasing stopped. They were after all alone. By the time the couple arrived back to the cabin in early afternoon, they were on pins and needs.

However, they decided to relax and cuddle on the day bed, reading the newspaper (they had no time during their real life to read the paper and they both really enjoyed it). So, they settled into a lazy afternoon by the fire, reading comics, commentaries, and fashion. Georgette decided it was OK to take another nap and was soon sleeping with a very content look on her face.

Ted used Georgette’s downtime to prepare. He went to the bedroom to scout out his needed inventory and to set the stage. Much of what Georgette had used the previous day was still in the backpack. He would keep all that. He needed to add a few items, the DVD player and the DVD du jour, a book of erotic stories, toys, lube, and otHer essential items. When all was packed, he pulled the lingerie he wanted Georgette to wear from the closet and laid it on the bed. He also selected some perfume for her. He slipped into a pair of silk boxes and a pair of pj bottoms.

He took one final stock of the backpack and surveyed the bedroom. Smiling, he went downstairs to where Georgette was still sleep on the daybed. He quietly stoked the fire, brought In more wood, closed the shutters, withdraw a half dozen scented candles from his pack, arranged them around the room and lit them (all while Georgette slept in the same room). As a reddish-golden glow filled the room and after the temperature had risen to a suitable level, (he planned to see Georgette naked most the afternoon and if all went well he too would have little on), he gently woke Georgette.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Can I have a few minutes first? I have to pee and my hair is a mess. I think I should brush my teeth also,” she asked smacking her lips.

“Surely. In fact, I left you a little something to wear on the bed. It would warm my heart greatly if you would indulge me and wear what I have selected.”

“Oh! You have? Well, if you have gone to all that trouble, then common courtesy dictates that I oblige you,” Georgette stood up and climbed the stairs to the bedroom. “Turning back to Ted with a whimsical smile, she said “And the name is Georgette not Shirley.” Giggling she ran up he stairs to the bedroom.

While Georgette “primped”, Ted completed his set up. He placed the DVD player on the coffee table, stacked a couple of pillows at the end of the daybed making a small nest, and set the backpack close to the table. He made sure the fire was well fed. He was still poking the eggs when Georgette came down the stairs. He stood and Surveyed his wife. As he thought, the lingerie was perfect. He had selected a short white chemise, silky panties, and a shear robe and she was barefoot. “Yes, this was the affect I wanted. ASexy angel contrasting greatly with the erotic devil from yesterday,” Ted said with much admission in his voice.

He laid on the daybed and invited his wife to join him. They spooned together as they had done the previous day. Ted started the DVD and they settled in to watch. The DVD was similar to the “Domination” one the previous day. It was targeted at women and discussed how to submit to their man, what rules to set, and that submission was not slavery or servitude. The host and hostess were the same well-hung man and buxom blond and so was the format, about 20 minutes of instructions and 40 minutes of very explicit demonstrations. It was during the demonstrations that Georgette’s hand slipped and touched Ted’s leg.

“No touchy,” Ted ordered as he placed her hand back on her hip. He then wrapped his arms around her and started to Tickle her nipple through the silky material with his thumbs.

“That is very distracting,” Georgette told him.

“Good, now shut up and watch the move, and keep your hands to yourself,” he replied.

They settled in to watch some more when Georgette’s hand “slipped” again. This time Ted had to take action. He paused the DVD, removed a rope from the backpack, and tied Georgette’s hand together. “That should make my point,” he told her.

Again, they settled to watch the demonstrations. Towards the end of the DVD, Georgette put her hands between her legs as if she was going to rub herself. “I thought you knew the rules. I guess not,” Ted said in mock anger. He turned the DVD off and asked Georgette to stand, then knee beside the coffee table. He turned his wife and stretched her over the coffee table. He swatted her silky behind several time and was rewarded with a satisfied “Smack” and a gasp from Georgette.

“Ok, let’s go over this again. You are to do nothing unless you are told. No touching, no backtalk, no asking for anything. This is my day, I will do what I want, and you will do exactly as you are told. Do I make my self clear?” Ted said in a commanding tone.

“Yes sir,” Georgette replied meekly.

“Can I trust you enough to notie your hands?” he asked

“Yes sir,” Georgette replied compliantly.

Ted helped his wife sit back on the daybed, untied her hands, and gently rubbed her wrists. “I did not hurt you did I?” he asked.

“No at all,” was Georgette’s reply.

“Well … OK, then …Time back in,” Ted exclaimed enthusiastically. “I would like you to know any additional infections will result in you being bound once again, along with other actions. Understand?” Ted explained to Georgette.

“Yes, sir,” she answered

“Now I would like you to stand in front of the fire and do a striptease for me,” Ted instructed Georgette.

“Without music?” she asked.

“Yes, without music,” He replied.

Georgette had never been a great dancer and she and Ted had not been dancing since they had been married. However, she managed a reasonable resemblance of a burlesque. Ted watch as she first removed the shear robe, slowly bending over so to taunt her husband with a peak down her chemise, then standing straight and untying the ribbons, letting the robe flutter to the ground. Georgette turned her back and sensitively looked over her shoulder as she lowered on straw, the repeated the motion on the other shoulder. She slowly let the silky material slips down her sumptuous, feline back only to stop just above her butt. She did a little shake and a shimmy and the snowy material fell to the floor. Georgette hooked her thumbs into the waistband of the slinky panties and slowly bent over, sliding the undies down her well toned and smooth legs until they too were on the floor and Ted had a direct view of her firm round bottom.

“Please turn around so I can admit the entire package,” Ted directed. “Very nice. Very nice indeed. I must admit you are the most beautiful woman I have the pleasure of seeing naked and that I possible know. Someone should write a story about you,” Ted commented with great admission. His comments, although playful in nature, it was the absolute truth. Ted is very proud of how Georgette has kept herself in great shape, swimming a mile or so each day. Her form was sleep and sexy, svelte and strong, toned legs and round butt. She did not look like a 40+ mother of two. She had the body of a woman 15 to 20 years younger. At company Christmas parties, Georgette’s dress always reflected her personality, modest and conservative. Never one for low cut or form fitting. However, it always hinted at the form below. Georgette was Ted’s one vice, knowing that other men (both his peers and younger men as well as some women he had to admit) coveted his wife in a carnal way and that she was his and only his (Ted did not share well nor was he going to start). By the end of the evening, he would be so worked up thinking about it that they typically left the parties early and retired to their room for a night of lovemaking.

“Excellent dance. Better than I could have imagined,” and Ted rewarded his little stripper with password kisses, pinches of her nipples, and a finger tickling her clip. Georgette tried to rub Ted’s cock but received a small slap on the wrist. After a few minutes of her gasps and moans he picked up the shear robe, instructed her to put it back on and sit on the daybed. He checked on the fire then sat in a rocking chair opposite his wife.

“I want to discuss yesterday, especially that corset. You were a different person. You seemed more confident and that made you that much more desirable. What went through your mind, how did you feel? Moreover, remember, this is for posterity, so… be honest. How do you feel?” Ted asked.

Ted listened to his wife explain that she was very hesitant and worried that he would not like being dominated. But, when she saw herself in the mirror, a new woman emerged. As she continued to talk he just looked at his wife’s bodyy through that shear robe. “Damn she was beautiful. I am one damn lucky guy,” Ted thought to himself. “She came out of her comfortable-zone for me, did all that yesterday for me. Damn I am married to the most wonderful of women. That makes her that much more desirable. “

Georgette became more excited and animated as she explained how the material felt against her skin and how the corset wrapped Around her body. “Keep talking,” Ted said as he rose and removed his pj pants. Her excited arm motions caused Georgette’s breasts to gently sweep and bounce. Ted felt a familiar tingle in his manhood, which was starting to rise. He removed his cock from his shorts, leaned his head back, and started to stroke his cock as Georgette described in vivid detail what was going through her mind and how she felt.

Ted noticed a few minutes later that Georgette had stopped talking. He opened his eyes and Georgette was playing with herself as she watched Ted stroke his cock.

“You stopped and Iwas beginning to really enjoy your commentary. Now I see why. You also are enjoying the story. Nevertheless, you forget the rules. I cannot let that translation go unpunished. Please stand,” Ted explained. He again bent his wife over the coffee table and swatted her bare ass several time. Gasps and squeals escaped from Georgette each time Ted spanked her. However, this time he rubbed the red skin between spanks and even placed a small kiss on her redden bottom after he was done.

He helped Georgette back on the daybed, leaving her on her back. He took the ropes from the backpack and tied her arms above her head and to an arm of the daybed, ensuring there would be no additional translations.

“Comfortable?” he inquired.

“It’s not unpleasant if that is what you are asking,” she informed him.

“That’s good. Yesterday was something else. I must comment you on your creativity and that corset … WOW! Now I am interested in a little fiction. Please tell me a dirty story, a really raunchy one,” Ted asked.

“Really?” Georgette exclaimed. “You want a story from me? You’re the clever one.”

“Yes, a story you smart little girl! Remind me to spank you later. Besides, anyone who can come up with those activities can surely make up a nice dirty little story,” Ted answered.

“OK here goes – What if you do not like it?” Georgette asked.

“I keep you tied there until I do,” Ted answered

“I awaken to the sounds of the shower after a very serious romp in the sack the night before. Laying there in the warm bed I would normally be quite content to go back to sleep. However, after last night’s action, lying in bed alone was the last thing on my mind,” Georgette started.

“I throw back the covers and quietly sneak in to the bathroom, first stopping to save myself. When you hear the flush of the commode, you say, “You’re up early”. I open the shower curve, drop my nightie to the floor, and respond, ‘I was hoping to say the same to you’, as I enter the shower.”

“Your arms envelope me, keeping me warm. A small pool of water fills the space between my breasts. We stand in the warm spray letting the balmy air cares our skin, content for the moment to let the shower do its magic.”

“After what seemed to be an hour, you lift my chin and kiss me. You kiss my lips, neck, and face, tenderly exploring and loving my skin with your lips. You rub and mass my back and bottom with your strong hands. The air is really getting hot and the source was not the hot-water.”

Sitting in the rocker, Ted started to stroke his cock once again.

“You’re cruel,” Georgette grew.

“I know,” Ted smiled, “Please continue with your story and don’t mind me.”

Georgette continued …

“Without warning you twirl me around and switch positions, placing me under the shower spray. I feel affective streams of water stroke my scalp. I reach for the bottle of ‘special’ shampoo, the one that smells so sweet. I suggestively squirt some into the palm of your hand and giggle. You start to slowly later my hair. I almost melt as your hands massages the shampoo through my hair and onto my scalp.”

“My senses were confused. On the one hand were your hands, relaxing me, loosening my grip on my purpose. Then … [PAUSE] …”

“Then what? You seem to have stopped,” Ted alleged.

“Sorry you are distracting me,” Georgette rejoined.

“Really? Oh well. You were telling me about sensing confusion,” Ted answered back.

“Oh yes that was what I was speaking about … sensing stimulation,” Georgette said.

“I feel you hands massaging my scalp and then there was the rest of my body, in close contact with your naked and wet body, exciting me, causing me to want more of you. I am in quite the sensitive pickle!”

“My revelry is interrupted when you rinse the shampoo from my hair. I quickly bend my neck, placing the top of my head squarely in the center of your chest, leaving afrothy oval.”

“‘You wicked imp’, you say to me. I just beam at you and giggle as I tilt my head back. The spray is making small rivers through my hair, tickling my scalp. Leaning back into the spray, I grab your bottom for balance, forcing our hips together, heating up the shower just that much more.”

“I am happy for the moment with the warm spray on my head, your fingers running through my hair and our hips forced together. However, you have other plans. You again … [PAUSE] …

“You stopped again,” Ted told Georgette. “It is such a good story so far. Please continue.”

“You pick me up and twirl me around so you are in the shower spray. You reach for the liquid soap and I suggestively squirt a dab into the palm of your hand. You rub Your hands together and create a rich, thick later. Your start at my neck and later me up. You gently rub your soapy hands over my neck, shoulders, back, and bottom. Your hands are divine. You work from my neck to my bottom, making sure all areas of me were soapy and clean.”

Ted rose and moved to the daybed and sat next to his wife, his cock still outside his shorts. He leaned over and gently kissed her breast.


Ted gave Georgette a small slap on her inner thigh. “You stopped again.”

Georgette apologized and restarted. Ted continued to kiss one of Georgette’s breasts and pinched the other nipple.

“After a short pause to re-soap your hands, you reach around to my front and pull me close.”

[” … Oh yes …”]

Another small slap brought Georgette back to her story.

“While your hands soap up my breasts, you rub your body against my soapy back. This human loofa drives me crazy. Gone is my sensory confusion. This is sensitive over-stimulation.”

“The temperature begins to rise and so do you. I aid your erection by working my own human loofa action, rubbing my soapy bottom and back against your cock.”

Ted’s hands slowly moved to Georgette’s pussy andhe started to play with her clip.

“That is really distracting you know … Oh wow!,” Georgette moaned.

“Yes I know – Nice story so far. You should see what effect it has on me.” Ted stood right in front of her wife, his hard-on about two feet above her face. Rubbing his cock Ted said “It is having a great effect on me.”

Georgette licked her lips and said, “I would love a closer look.”

“I know you would. I am thinking you would love to have the effect in your mouth right about now.” Ted teased as he continued to rub his rock hard erection. “Well you will have to wait a little while longer for that. I really want to hear how this story … um … climaxes. I believe I had you pretty well soaped up like this,” and he rubbed and massaged Georgette’s breasts.

“I am REALLY getting clean (in a dirty sort of way),” Georgette resumed. “You left hand moves south as your right continues to rub and mass my breast. You begin to make small circles on my clip, making sure all of me was very clean. The rubbing of my breasts and the pinching of my nipples just make me want to loofa your cock more.”

Ted returned to the daybed and resumed kissing Georgette’s breasts. His had once again moved to her pussy and started to work little circles on her clip.


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