The Wall Ch. 02

I had promised Lady Naomi I’d be at her place with the Wall at 10 am sharp. The drive was not especially long, though I did make a wrong turn a few times, but still in enough time to be a few minutes early. The area in which she lived was quite beautiful very ritzy neighborhood. Nothing like what I expected, but of course I should have known better, after all the people I had seen coming in and out of my shop. I parked the van; nondescript black in color with the local plates. After all my customers demanded discretion. After a moment I got out of the van and walked to the front door giving the doorbell a ring. The sound was a short rhythm part of a song I heard in past decades. It made me smile.

The woman that answered the door surprised me though, not the lovely woman I met the other day but a smaller Asian beauty with Short green hair and beautiful green eyes. She looked me over a moment and smiled. I was dressed in my usual faded jeans and black leather vest. She on the otherr hand was nude with small pert tits couldn’t be more then a B or C cup. Her bush was nicely trimmed and a neat green. Not a scrap of clothing unless you counted the studied collar around her neck. I smiled recognizing it from the shop.

She bowed respectably to me and ushered me into the house. It was not a mansion but it was a big house and quite beautiful. I walked into the main living area and was pleasantly Surprised at the room. A bar was along the north wall with a tall African American woman; she too was nude but she had larger breasts than the other woman, and was perfectly shaven. I noticed right away her nipples were pierced with a chain running along her left nipple to her left ear.

The center of the room was what caught my attention; the floor was circular and about 2 feet deep with large and small throw pillows. They filled the area completely and looked quite comfortable. It was then that Lady Naomi entered the room dressed in a short shorts and nothing else.

“Welcome to my humble above, Marc, I’m pleased to see you have arrived on time.” She smiled as she saw the presence of these ladies had an effect on me.

I smiled back at this and nodded. “It’s quite beautiful, where you want the delivery?”

She points down a hall. “In the garage. We don’t park our cars there anyway so you can back the van back into it.”

I gave a nod and went to the van, once inside it I let out a sight, gods, but that was exciting. After a moment I started the van and pulled it back into the opening garage. Once the van was fully inside the door began closing so I got out. The garage was empty with a cleared space near the back wall. I worked for 30 minutes setting up the wall and plugging in the proper power cords. When all was said and done I made my way back into the living room of the grand house. I paused only a second at the sight I saw: Lady Naomi using a studied leather glove paddle on the African American woman. Her ass displayed in sucha beautiful manner, her cheeks already red. It took me only a moment to notice the glistening of her pussy as Lady Naomi spanked her. Neither paid me any mind, though the Asian woman did come up to me with a glass of wine, a Margo. I accepted it with a smile.

“Lady Naomi bids you to sit and relax. I am Jade. “She nodded to the woman getting her spanking. “She is Kasha.”

I nodded Taking a drink of the wine. “What did she do wrong?” I asked.

She shook her head. “I am not allowed to speak of the crime.” This simple phrase caused me to raise an eyebrow and I nodded. She lightly traced a finger along my chest, a glance at Lady Naomi showed she was not done with this punishment though she did smile my way. As such I wrapped an arm around Jade, watching while Kasha was spanked. The moans were getting louder from Kasha as the sound of the spanking filled the room.

Jade’s own attentions on me were invigorating, just the woman tracing a pinky finger along my chest and navel was having an effect. She noticed the bulge in my pants and made a sound glancing at Lady Naomi. She barely looked back as she spoke. “Yes, show Marc how we enter our guests.”

Needing no further words she took the wine and put it on the bar top, taking me by the hand to the big cushions area of ​​the floor. She knelt down and unzipped my jeans pulling them off. I lifted my leg to help her pull them off gently caresing her ear. I settled into the pillows while she lay next to me ever so slowly licking the sides of my cock. Her delicate fingers caresed my balls. This alone was cause enough for me to harden faster letting out a soft moan. Jade gave my cock light tender kisses, her tongue flicking at the hole in the head of my cock. She made a purring noise as she trailed light kisses along my belly and up my chest. In but a moment she plastered her body against mine giving me a deep passwordate kiss. Her leg hooked over my hip as she pushed back and sat up, her pussy, tight asa fucking glove, slide down my cock. I closed my eyes and let out a deep sight. She leaned down and slowly started sliding along my cock, allowing her small breasts to glide along my chest.

In a moment I could no long just take a passive role in this. I reached down and took her ass cheeks in my hands giving them a squeeze. I propped her on my knees as I brought them up and began thrusting deeper into her tight, gloved fitting pussy. Her own juices flowed over my cock providing lube. Our moans mixed over with Kasha’s; intrigued I looked over and saw she was on her back now, Lady Naomi giving light to hard spanking directly onto her pussy. This in itself spurred me on with Jade biting into my shoulder. I bit back causing the small woman’s pussy to contract around my cock as her orgasm crashed over her body. My own orgasm was but a moment after mine but more than enough time for her to slide off me. My cock shot up thick wads of cum into the air almost a foot. The delicate Jade wasable to catch it all in mid air swallowing it all down. She licked her lips and snuggled up against me watching Lady Naomi and Kasha. It wasn’t but a moment later that Kasha came with a loud cry and a shudder. I watched a moment as Lady Naomi stood up.

“Well that punishment was not sufficient. So I must use my newest toy that Marc brought us.” She glanced over at me as both Jade and Kasha looked at me. I gave a shrug and wink as Lady Naomi walked across the floor bidding us to follow.

I stood up and found that Kasha presented me with a robe. I put the robe on and followed them to the garage. Jade and Kasha stopped inside the doorway to stare at the Wall. I crossed my arms again, admiring them as they admired the Wall. Kasha tried to back out of the room but as I was last she was effectively stopped. Lady Naomi didn’t look our way only raised a finger up then pointed to a spot beside her. With a sign Kasha went forward to stand next to her Mistress. Lady Naomi gave her ass asmack with her bare hand then directed her to climb up onto the Wall. I stepped forward and assisted Lady Naomi in strapping her down. At last I gave her control box to the Wall and stepped back to Jade’s side. Lady Naomi smiled and flicked the switch that caused the dildo and butt plug to enter Kasha’s body. She let out a moan, but only a moment as Lady Naomi pushed the button that closed it up. Kasha made a startled cry. Lady Naomi walked over and caressed the wall and Kasha’s exposed nose. I’m going to leave you here to think about what you have done. I’ll return in an hour. With that she walked to the living room. Jade followed her; I looked to the Wall one last time before following the two out of the garage closing the door.

In the living room I found Lady Naomi striping out of her mini skirt. She laid on the cushions in the depression of the floor. She motioned to Jade and me. “I want to eat you Jade, dear. Marc, since the other day I’ve been craving your cock. Fuck me as you want.”

Jade lowered her pussy over Lady Naomi’s face as I propped her legs up. I slide off the robe lightly caresing my cock over Lady Naomi’s pussy. She let out a moan as she slide her tongue over Jade’s pussy. She started grinding her hips against me, and who am I to deny a woman of her primary needs? I took each of her legs in my arms, I placed them on my shoulders as I thrust deep into her pussy, and she was tight but not as tight as Jade. I let out a moan and began thrusting hard and deep into her pussy as she licked and sucked at Jade’s clip. Our combined moans filled the room again as the scent of sex overwhelmed and assaulted my senses. Jade came first with a loud cry; her body shuddering with the strength of her orgasm. She turned around and leaned down to lick Lady Naomi’s clip and my cock as I fucked her hard and fast. The new element of Jade’s tongue caused both me and Lady Naomi to cum hard. I pulled out of her pussy just in time to spray her clip and Jade’s mouth with cum. Jade dutifully licked it all up, even cleaning off my cock. We lay there for several minutes; Jade snuggled against my chest and Lady Naomi against my leg. She looked up at me and smiled. “I enjoyed that Master. If it pleases you; all that I am, all that I have is yours.”

I blinked at this and looked at her with interest. Jade also looked at her a moment before kissing my belly. Both women crawled across my body to lay kisses over me. I laid back and let them have at me, allowing a personal smile.

(To Be Continued… Look for The Wall pt3 Cumming soon)


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