The Wall

Respect was the word of the evening, for the rules of the club and the people inside of it. The word was always important but had a special place tonight. Protocol and etiquette required respect after all.

Tonight every submissive that set foot inside of the club would wear at most a pair of underwear. They would be unattended and stand at the wall, ready to be chosen by any one of the attending Dominants if they so chose.

The rules were what had drawn Rose in. The strict guidelines of how to act and be. That she could be chosen by someone, anyone. To be at their service for the night. But that did not mean that the submissives were objects, even if some wanted nothing more than to be used as such. Tonight they would be servants and show that willingness to serve.

It all spoke to her fantasy, that Rose would have to earn any attention by her acts of service. However, at the moment she was having trouble with the simple act of undressing. Her nerves made the task much harder. Most of Rose’s clothes were already laid inside the locker, neatly folded in a little stack. All of them save a single sock and her panties.

A bead of sweat rolled down her arm to splash on the ground, as Rose fight to pull the last end of her sock off of her foot. When she finally managed to do so, it came flying free. Very nearly smacking her in the face. With a disgruntled sight, Rose laid it on the little stack of her clothes, before shutting the locker with a thud. Leaning her head against the cool metal Rose took a few deep breaths. Hoping to calm the fluttering storm inside of her before leaving the dressing room.

There was no more delaying though. No time left to dawdle and draw out the inevitable. Rose stood at the ready with only a pair of white panties to hide a small part of her modesty. The lack of clothes branded her as one of the slaves free for play. She would walk out into the club for all to see.

That very thought had occurred her mind forthe last few days and still made Rose shiver. The unknown of it all. To be nearly naked and on display as they judged. If she were chosen, there would still be a negotiation and a set of limits that the club members would enforce. But none of that changed the fact that Rose was willingly putting herself out there. Hoping to be chosen, to be given a chance to earn a reward.

Forcing herself to move, Rose pushed off from the lockers. Walking to the door with a terrible tremble in her legs. As soon as that black door opened Rose felt that thick, heady mix of anticipation and mystery that defined the club. It crackled along her skin, playing with the heat inside of her. Goosebumps raised on her arms. But Rose kept walking, afraid that if she stopped, she’d turn back.

Low and rhythmic music greeted her together with the muted lighting of the club. The dressing room had bright lights but the club itself was a different story. Strategically placed fixtures gave enough light to seebut there were plenty of naooks and crannies for some privacy. The mixture of low, warm light and shadows only added to the mystery. There was a hint of mischievous adventure in the air.

With her fists clenched at her sides, Rose moved on at a steady pace, not quite a run. But most certainly a brisk walk. One that made her walk through the club, ensuring that everyone saw her and that Rose could see it all. The minimalist design with a few soft, more luxurious pieces was easy to ignore. The dangling chains, the anchor points, and spots of leather on the walls were a bit harder. The mere sight of them sent a curling sensing down to her lower belly. And Rose was glad for how quickly her feet carried her.

The distant whispers and low conversation interspersed with a bit of laughter were almost impossible to ignore. Each person she passed seemed to be looking at her, their gazes clinging to her skin. Rose shivered. Her belly broiled even as that heat pooled inside of her. Aterrible cold kept switching with an impossible heat. But still, she kept walking, keeping her focus on the Wall at the far end. Yet despite her effort, Rose’s gaze flitted to the few submissives that had already been chosen.

One was kneeing at a Dominant’s feet, her eyes closed while the man was in conversation with another. It seemed that the only task she had was to look pretty. The girl had her hands clasped behind her back, with her back arched and her chest thrust out for the both of them to see. The Dominant raised his glass into the air and let a few drops fall down from the edge. They dropped onto her and the girl flinched at the cold but the man only laughed.

Elsewhere a slave was already hard at work worshipping the boots of his new Mistress. When Rose noticed the woman’s gaze on her, she couldn’t help but shiver. The long leather boots and tight-fitting dress shirt were coupled with a stern cut of her hair and a dark shade of lipstick. The woman was every inchthe classic Dominatrix, even in the way she lazed in the chair. But it was her eyes that made Rose shake. A look that seemed far too much like a hungry predator who had just found a bit of prey.

Bu Rose didn’t have any more time to worry. The Wall lost right before her and there were rules to follow. Every submissive at the wall was to assume the ‘wait position’. So Rose turned. Placing her back to the wall with her hands claped in the small of her back. With her feet apart, Rose’s nervouss seemed to be racing up and down her body in a complete panic. Clenching her hands tight around each other Rose lifted her gaze and nearly fell down.

They were all looking, men and women alike inspecting her and the others from a distance. Their eyes glinted in the shallow light, roving over her body, from her toes to her hard nipples. Seeing every imperfection that made Rose want to hide away. Beads of sweat rolled down her body. Rose’s chest was heaving as she tried to stand still. To meet their gazes as protocol dictated. But there was one gaze in particular that felt like a physical weight on her body.

She didn’t know where it came from but that gaze made the hairs on her body stand on end. Almost as if it were looking through her. Watching every minuscule move that she made. Scanning to find something. What it was looking for Rose wished to know as she hardly dared to breathe.

With a mental shake, Rose planted her feet and stuck her chest out to meet that inquisitive gaze. That was the extent of her daring. Rose shut her eyes and forced her lungs to work. To bring oxygen back to her brain because it was in dire need.

Time itself seems to come to a stop. That electric feeling in the air grown thick enough that Rose could feel it press in on her. There was a flutter in her belly, one very similar to when she drank a too-strong cocktail. It bubbled and mixed with the warmth pooling inside of her. If any of them were to come up to the wall, they weRe sure to see the wet spot darkening her panties.

That light shiver in her limbs had turned into a tremble. Time passed her by, seeming endlessly long and Rose did her best to try and keep it all together. To stay in one piece even as the conversation drifted around her. Some ways off, she could hear a negotiation before the slave was taken away from the wall. But Rose remained, she stood standing with the Wall just Behind her. Cutting off any escape as her mind became a jumbled mess.

Then she heard a voice. One that cut through all the whispers and thoughts chasing around each other. It was a measured voice, someone who knew the importance of their words and how to deliver them. There was the hint of a sly edge as if there was a trap waiting.

“Aren’t you a pretty thing. Catching everyone’s eyes while you hide your own.”

A bead of sweat rolled down her side while something inside of her clenched together at the rebuke. At the truth within it. Rose couldn’t hideany longer and opened her eyes.


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