The Vineyard

A soft cool mist showered down on her sheet wrapped body as she stood on the terrace watching the dawn’s light creep over the vast fields. What a glorious sight it was to behold. When she turned, she saw an even more breath taking sight unfold before her sleepy eyes. It was the form shrouded in the thin crisp linen that her eyes now rested upon. The morning light cast shadows over His slumber, and she Carefully turned back to the landscape to again gaze at the growing light. Her hand rose to shield her sensitive vision from the blinding rays that now caresed the greenery as far as the eye could see. As she stood to bask in the warmth of the sun, a hand slipped under the sheet that bound her body. With a start, she turned into His strong grapsp to receive a warm good morning hug. Her chin tipped upward as she whispered, “Good morning Master.”

“Good morning love. You are up early I see.”

With a nod, she laughed softly. “Aye Master, I so wanted to rise and meet the dawn. IJust didn’t know I would have the pleasure of Your company while I did so. Such a sweet surprise!” He chuckled to Himself as her body turned its back to His curves. What a perfect fit, she thought as He wound Himself around her. They stood at the edge of the terrace, greeting the morning as the dew began to burn off of the tender foliage below.

“What plans do you have for us today my pet?” He murmured into her ear.

“Oh, it is a bit of a surprise Master. Please don’t ask me to reveal it so soon,” she became playedfully. His soft growls of conception made her smile His smile ~ the one she saved only for Him. She went on, “Will You be having breakfast now or should I run Your bath?” For a moment, she could feel Him contemplating the two before He spoke.

“I think that I will have breakfast with you to make sure you eat, and then a shower instead of a bath. Now, what shall we have then?”

Her eyes shut tightly. As her face configured into a grimace, she realized that remark about breakfast was directed towards her choice of dieting as of late. He quickly spun her around to give her a look from His warm inviting eyes. Though His tone was kept light, she knew Him to be very concerned as far as her health went. He was so attractive to those kinds of things much as she worried so over His rest and health. It was this sort of balance that kept them both so straight on their path.

“Would it be alright if I just had a light breakfast then Master? Perhaps some toast and jam with a glass of orange juice? I’m not that hungry yet, and I’d rather not be too full for the plans I have for later.”

His eyes twinkled for a second before He responded, “Yes My dearest, that sounds fine. I think I will have the same with a bit of oatmeal flavored with strawberries and a cup of coffee. Will you get that ready for us while I grab my robe and wake up?” A nod is what He got before He released her with one last glance at the day’s starting splendor. On tiptoes, shestood to plant a dainty angel kiss on the tip of His nose. He laughed full and round as He padded off to the bedroom to find His robe. She turned just in time to see the sheet drop from His massive frame. A small gasp jumped to her throat at the exhibition of seeing His nakedness. She watched Him pull His robe around His shoulders and then go off to freshen up.

She was in the kitchen before she knew it with bread Already in the toaster. She was anxious to put her plans into action. For months, she scrimped and saved for this trip. How hard it was to find a gift that suited Him. How difficult it was to give Him something that went above all she wanted to give Him. She would give Him the sun and moon were she able to capture them. So instead, she decided to surprise Him with the trip they had wildly talked about for ages. Carefully, she set aside a few dollars here and there. The day she called to make the arrangements, she could barely keep still. Energy bubbled from every inch of her body. He was curious, but allowed her some secrets that He knew to be important to her, knowing that she would not keep anything harmonious from Him. Her secrets always were tokens of love and devotion for Him, so He could not deny her the pleasure of presenting them to Him when the time was right. In fact, He delighted in watching her prepare, running to and fro, and then in waiting for her to decide the time was perfect. She Almost became giddy around that time, and He so loved to see her smile.


It was only yesterday that she packed their luckgage with care, and finished the last minute chores before shuffling Him off to the train station. He was a bit shocked by the whole train idea, but found it a bit charming as well. The sparkle in her eyes was unavoidable as they boarded and took to their private car. Since He worked Earlier that morning, He was so exhausted and she saw that in His features. Warm oils were brought out from her bag to her fingertips, which traced circles along His bared back. Over and over, she worked them into His sore muscles until He was fast sleep. With a loving stealth, she cleaned them both and curled up beside Him to dream until the train lurched to a halt at their stop sometimes near midnight. It had been hours upon hours, but in their sleeping state, it seemed only like minutes.

He had no clue where she was taking Him, but He still Refused to question. He knew that the mischievous grin plastered on her face said enough. The rent a car was waiting in the parking lot as they approached. It was a sleep little yellow convertible that satated two. Even in the dark, the car seemed to shine with neon brilliance. The porter loaded their bags into the trunk, and before He knew it, they were off. For some reason, He allowed her to drive although He really wanted to get behind the wheel of such a beautiful vehicle. This was one thing He couldn’t let go without inquiring about.

“Why is it that you are driving andnot I?”

“Because I know the directions, and if I told You, it would spoil the whole idea of ​​it being a surprise Master. The car is Yours to drive as much as You’d like later, I promise. Please just indulge me a little while longer. I chose this car with You in mind, so I could not think of Your not having the pleasure of driving it.” A devastating smile followed her explanation, so He dropped it with a peculiar snicker.

As the car veered onto an old dirt road, His eyes swept the darkened landscape. Vineyards danced along the plain for as far as the eye could see. Merriment was evident as His realization took shape. The towering black frame of a building rose on the horizon, and she pulled up to its columned entry. With a wild giggle, she sprang from the car and whirled about the grounds in a lively dance. Slowly, He joined her at her side to take in the whole picture. It became clear that she had rented out a house on a vineyard for a pre-Christmas retreat. Their holidays were spent with family and friends, so she planned the trip a few days before the festivals were to begin. She stopped and turned to Him just in time for Him to pick her up, thrust her up in the air and spin her round and round. The crisp night air surrounded them.

“My little imp!! You did this for us, for Me? I can’t believe you managed to plan all of this with Me being none the wiser. What a little devil I have!”

“Oh tell me You’re pleased with this Master! Please tell me that I thought right in what You would want.”

A nod was all He could manage due to the shock setting in. As she wound her arms up around His neck, she smiled satisfied and content in His embrace. He quickly grabbed her wrists and held them bound in His large hand. His free hand flipped sideways to swiftly and playfully crack her backside. It wasn’t a hard smack, but enough to sting. She winced and then relaxed to a sight. They ambled up the front steps, luggage in tow, and went off to find their way.

Since she rented the whole place for the weekend, no one else was around. The stone walls were cool to the touch, but so invitingly warm to the eye. Cast iron chandeliers hung from barn beam rafters adorned with delicate lace plates and bushels of dried flowers. A towering Christmas tree stood in the center of the room with boxes of ornaments lying beside it. Piles of lights also sat in wait next to the enormous tree.

“I wonder where they found such a big tree. I doubt I’ve seen one that large in captivity,” He joked.

“That’s another part of the surprise Master,” she gleefully explained. “I had it specially chopped for just this occasion. I know we won’t actually be here for Christmas day, but I thought we could decorate it and leave the people who will be here something nice for their holiday. You know how I am with my Christmas lights and decorations.”

He laughed and nodded as He looked around the room again. The electric candles gave off a soft glow thatshed just enough light to show them the way upstairs. Each room was looked over by Him until He chose the perfect one. As He led her inside, she noticed the large soft bed in the center, the high ceilings, the wide windows and the small writing desk in the corner. After a light midnight snack, they decided sleep was best after the lengthy journey. First, He flopped down under the thick blanket of fluffy down. Then, He beckoned her to join Him, to which she slipped beneath the covers to curl up in the graceful arch of His body.


She had to shake the memories of the previous days events from her head, but she still held onto the smile they brought. He was so surprised then, and now the day was swiftly getting away from her as the sun was rising high in the pale naked sky. After she tied her kimono style robe around her, the food was placed on the table. He came down and with a grin, began to eat. Silence filled the room as He read the local paper, and she nibbled her toast.She had just finished the second slice when He looked over His paper at her.

“I would like for you to submit yourself to me now My darling.”

She looked up slowly from the glass she held at her lips, and without drinking, she set it aside and rose. Before she could lower to her position, He snagged her arm and pulled her down to His lap. With lightning flash speed, He had her bent over His knees. The look of shock was evident on her face, and the look of sweet satisfaction was apparent on His. As fast as He pulled her down to Him, He had her robe flipped up over her rear. Slowly, her head ducked to bury down into His leg in wait. Making her wait ~ anticipating the blow ~ holding back the impact for as long as He could stand it was His way of impressing the torture. That was the moment of truth … when His hand met her soft plumant flesh. The echo rang out in her ears, and the shrinking yelp that followed was music to His ears. Three fast cracks came immediately after until her lily-white skin was turning the palest shade of pink. Long piano players fingers strummed along the heated flesh until He reeled back and let loose with four more hard strikes. Her cries could be heard throughout the house, but no one was there to care. Only what He heard mattered, and He was happy with the result when He let her up. Tears well in the corners of the blue pools, but she wore a hint of a smile. She He wasn’t angry with her … He only wanted to give her a reminder that she was His.

“I thought that to start the day that way would be better than any other My pet. Now, get moving and get ready. I’d like to know what these plans entail sometimes today.”

“Yes Master,” she softly responded as her legs wobbled beneath her. Her hands soothed along now bright red ass cheeses. With each step, she reached to an invisible rail to attempt to steady her unsure gait. He tapped His right cheese with His index finger silently requesting a small kiss. She broadly smiledas she turned and bent low to present Him with the subtle brush of her lips.

Once they both had dressed in some casual clothes ~ khaki pants and short sleeped shirts, they walked out the front door and took in the view. How wonderful it was to be away from winter’s icy grip for a while. That was another thing she had looked for while planning this trip … someplace warm. It was definitely different to be dressed for spring Instead of bundled up for snow. The warmth was refreshing in the rising rays of the sun.

The vineyard was wide and overgrown, but the path was unmistakably leading straight down the middle. As they walked linked arm in arm, they discussed various subjects of interest. The musky smell of grabs hung thick in the air and perfumed their senses. One could almost get drunk from the density fermented arc. Once they reached the middle of the vineyard, He could see a small picnic laid out. The typical red checked blanket sat with a wedge of cheese and two wineglasses. Behind that sat a dark maple trunk of wine racks filled with bottles. It resembled a large picnic basket, but it was much bigger and heavier. She had arranged to have it brought out here in the early hours of the morning so it would be here for this moment. It was insulated enough to keep the sun from heating the successful wines. Each bottle held a different taste. She couldn’t contain her glee at the little wine tasting picnic she had set up. He looked curious, but not yet overly excited.

He inspected the wine and found there to be a wonderful mix of flavors and variety: Pinot Grigio, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel and Chardonnay. He was impressed slightly by her choices, but left the serving to her hands as well to see how that was handled.

“I could serve the wine the plain old way in a fine crystal wine goblet Master, but I have a better idea.”

He turned to see her standing on the blanket naked and blushing as brightas the grabs. Warmed by the sun, her skin also took on a dull brilliance. He made His way back to her and she traded places swiftly moving to the trunk. Her first choice was a rich red wine… the Merlot. Uncorking the bottle proved easy, and her fingers circled the opening as expertly as He often circled her fuck hole with His. She could tell by the look in His eyes that He was thinking the same thing. Seductive steps led her to His side as she knelt below. All He could do was watch in amazement this creativity moving the way she was before Him. Her free hand Leapt up to His crotch and tugged gently at His zipper. The button followed while the bottle was set on the ground. His eyes starred intently at the bottle neck as her hand glided up and down it as if she were struggling it expertly. Her teeth clenched onto His pants as she yanked them down to His ankles. With a jolt, His excisite cock head jutted forth and pointed towards heaven itself. She hungrily licked her lips and dipped one finger into the small hole of the intense burgundy liquid. As it was removed, it dripped with the intoxicating goodness. She held that finger above the velvet smooth cock head until three drops mingled with His hard organ and ran down the sides. Again, she repeated the process over and over until His cock was tainted red.

He stood stock still, watching and waiting. His patience was wearing thin, but His arousal growing heavy. She looked up at Him for the final approval of the first part of her plan. With a slow nod of His ascension, she wickedly parted her lips. One lustful suck swallowed Him down, wine and cock together. Her mouth gulped at His throbbing helmet as her tongue lashed against the vein pulsing shaft. Moans radiated from above and she knew He was growing weak from standing.

Pulling back again slow, she took His sex from her mouth and held it. Again, she rose and took another bottle from the dark walnut rack. This time, a white wine… Sauvignon Blanc. The exotic distinctive wine swirled in the bottle as she sauntered back to Him. The cork flew off over a grape laden post, and He stifled a chuckle. The password between them was nearly as thick as the smell from the wines. This one held a pungent tangy scent, and it filled His nostrils as she poured it over His twitching member. Incredulously, He watched the liquid spill over His cock, and this aroused Him ever more. The chilled wine felt good in the contrasting warmth of the noon sun high above.


He decided it was time to take this into His hands for a time as His fingers reached up to tangle in her hair. With a fluid grace, He pulled her mouth to His raging hard on and forced her down on it harshly. As she gagged back the meditated fury of Him fucking upward into her mouth, He grewled and groaned with primary heat. Already, He felt near exploration, so He slowed and eventually stopped the motion. Her breathing matching His in pants and gasps, and they slowly replaced composure for the time being.

He found His voice and told her, “My little slut, you have definitely given Me a surprise to remember for always, but now, I think it’s time for Me to take over. You have done well, but My mind is working overtime with things to do with You, to You … right now.”

“As You wish Master. I am just pleased that You enjoyed it thus far. That was my goal. As always, You may do as You like.” A wistful sight escaped her as the look in His eyes foretold of what was to come for her.

He swept up the half empty bottle of Merlot and ran its opening down her nude form. As it trailed down between her breasts, it left a trick of crisis behind. Lower and lower it slide until the opening of the bottle was directly below the opening to her depth. Instinctively, her body shuddered at His touch. The cool glass then brushed against her wet heat, and again, a small groan found its way from her lips. All at once, the neck of the bottle slide deep inside her dripping mound. Still kneeing, her body rose and stretched upward to provide an easier thrust. Slowly, He fucked the via in and out of her as His other hand began toying with her breasts. Pinching and pulling at her hard buds, pushing the bottle deeper and deeper into her cunt, He began to rock back and forth with the motion.

He lowered His mouth to her ear and whispered in a low growl, “My little whore is very wet from the fucking Master is giving her, isn’t she?”

Her mouth opened to respond, but He started her with a quick, “Shh!” His teeth ran over her tender ear lobe until finally He sank them into the soft flesh, but not deep enough to hurt too much… yet.

The vessel was removed with an exhale from them both, and He looked it over once … twice … a third time before He held it deliciously close to her lips. “Does My slut want a sip?”

She glanced at the red liquid now swirled with a soft tinge of white. A smile passed over her face as a cloud passes over the sunand then disappears. Her hand reached for the decanter, but He pulled it back to His own lips. A long luxury swig went down His throat smoothly, and He grinned wickedly. Again, He held it out to her and again, she reached. He pulled back, this time saying, “No.”

One more time, the bottle was held at her lips. This time she understands. Her hands stayed upright on her thighs as her body tilted towards Him. Tipping it up, the red wine splashed against her palate when He turned the bottle to flow into her. A large mouthful was collected and as He pulled it away, she swished it back and forth before swallowing. She could taste herself in the heady wine, and it excited her. Tiny rivulets flowed from the corners of her mouth, but she dared not wipe them away.

He stood then and towered over her. His hand plunged into His pocket and brought forth her collar and chain. She smiled knowing it was missing from her dresser this morning, and figured He had moved it. He claped it around her neck with no words. The expressions on both of their faces told all that needed said. As He raised back straight, He tugged at the chain for her to follow. At once, she started to rise to her feet. His hand whirled around to give a silent, but understand command. He wanted her to crawl instead of walk. She dropped to all fours and began to follow Him across the small clearing to a bramble of grape vines twisted up over a large archway. Her knees scraped along the soft moist ground. Dirt clung to her palms as she moved along behind Him. He turned to look at her, catlike and sensitive in her slinking sleepness.


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