The Videotape

“So was he big, then?”

The five words could have been innocuous enough, but there was something about the tone that made Ian pause before pushing open the door.

“I’ll show you in a minute. I got out the camcorder.” That was Arrella. He had been staying with her and her two friends for just over a week now. The first voice had sounded like Jill’s.

“You taped him? Jacking off in the shower?”


That was it.

Ian froze up totally and waited for the ground to swallow him up – it didn’t happen.

“Well, at first I was just tapping him taking a shower. I mean… he looked so hot. You can’t say you haven’t thought of how he’d look all wet and soapy.”

“Well, no, but there are limits. I mean… the poor guy. How d’you think he’ll feel if he ever finds out?”

That was Annette! Shit, how many of them were there? Now he wanted to barge in there and disrupt this cosy little conversation, but he was too shocked and embarrassed – bad enough facing themlater and knowing what they knew, but at least then they could all pretend at ignorance. If they didn’t have that, though…

“How did it happen, anyway?”

How did it happen? With the bathroom door that swung open if it wasn’t closed properly? With the large mirror down the opposite wall? With a single guy thinking he was all alone in the house and not noticing that he could be clearly seen by Anyone just casually walking down the hallway? A hot, relaxing shower that had developed into something even more sensitive – if solidary – had been witnessed and apparently recorded for posterity. This was the stuff of nightmares for any male. And Ian was now living it.

And yet… was he now experiencing the first stirrings of excitement at the thought that these women were getting all turned on at the thought of watching a video tape in which he played the starring role?

That was when he heard the sound of the TV being turned on and the sound of some TV programme or other being swiftly silenced by the whirring of the video recorder – and then by the unmistakable sound of the running water of a shower.

The noises of approval from the three girls – and he was sure now it was just the three of them he shared the house with – was very gratifying. And he realized now that he was definitely turned on. The stiffening of his cock was proud testament to that.” Why does he look different from other guys?”

That was Jill again, breaking a silence that had fallen over the room.

“He’s not circled.”

“Why not?”

“Because… well, because they don’t do that in Europe. Do they?”

“He’s not from Europe, though. He’s from Scotland.”

“Well, Scotland’s in Europe, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, but don’t let him hear you say that.”

“Why not?”

“He says he’s Scottish, not European – like he can only be one or the other.”

What was this? How the hell did watching him take a shower suddenly turn into a geographically political debtAbout his ethnic origins. Typically garbled syntax from Ian, but he didn’t mind.

He didn’t have to wait long before the conversation turned back to comments he wanted to hear being made.

“He’s big-, isn’t he?”

“Damn right! Look at the size of that thing.”

“When’s he going to start playing with it?”

“Soon. Give him some time. He’s still getting washed.”

Ian couldn’t resist any longer. Curiosity was getting the better of him and he finally succumbed to it and pushed open the door quietly to look through at the TV screen. To see himself soaping his body down, then grabbing the shower nozzle and directing the spray down his body. Raising it again and angling his face into it. Allowing the water to sluice the soap and bubbles off. Some white suds caught in his public hair and shrouded his cock from view for a moment, then washed away revealing it again and his hand slide down his chest, across his flat stomach, over his cock and underneath to cup his ballsmomentarily. This was where it started, then. When the shower became less about getting clean and more about playing.

The three girls sat on the couch and stared at the screen, rapt. They watched as his hand slipped back up round his balls and closed round his cock again, before moving away. It slicked across his stomach once more, but now his cock was stiffening, rising, standing out and up. Proud. Hard. Ready for his hand to close round it once more and start to…

He stepped into the room and let the door close behind him with a thud.

Arrella shot out her seat and switched off the TV, before swinging round to look at him, guilt written all over her face. Jill and Annette remained seated, but swung round to look at him, with matching expressions. Ian’s own face was now set in stone – hard and expressionless, masking his mounting excitement. Concealing his true feelings. Not even remotely betraying the sudden, audacious plan he had just half formed.

“What the bloody hell is going on here!!?” he thundered, and Arrella took a step back.

“No…nothing,” she stammered, unconvincingly.

“‘Nothing’? It didn’t look like ‘nothing’ to me. It looked like… like…” Perfect. Pretend to let the shock and surprise get in the way of your words. Outtrage. Righteous indignation. Everything you were generally experiencing just a few moments ago.

“Ian, I’m sorry. I didn’t expect… I mean, I thought…”

“Sit down.”

It was said quietly, but there was an edge to his voice and Arrella obeyed, meekly. Ian rejected as he noted that – he was carrying this off better than he had hoped. But could he carry it off all the way? She was wearing tight denim shorts and a bikini top – exposing a lot of tanned skin. If this worked, that would make things all the more exciting. In fact, none of them were wearing much – they must have been out in the sun. Jill had a tiny, red bikini and bikini bottoms, while Annette was wearing shorts and a t-shirt – he seriously doubted she was wearing a bra under that t-shirt, judging by the way her nipples were showing through the fabric.

He turned to the TV and bent down to the video recorder. Stopped the tape and set it rewinding. Kept the girls waiting to see how he was going to react as he waited for the tape to get back to the start and ejected it. Drew it out. Stood and turned to face them, with it held in his hand.

“Who made this?” he asked, waving it at them.

Guilty looks exchanged. Then Arrella promptly raised a hand.

“But you all thought it would be fun to watch it?”

They all shrank back slightly.

“Stand up.”

This last statement was directed at Arella and she hesitated for a moment, then stood up and faced him.

“I think you owe me something, now.”

Careful now, careful. You could blow everything here by moving too fast.

“What do you two think?”

Annette and Jill looked shocked at being wrenched back into the confrontation without warning and started squirming in their seats, but said nothing. Back me up here and I’ll let you off the hook was the message Ian was trying to send them, but they weren’t picking up on it. As far as they were concerned, they had simply fallen into a very awkward situation and although they had initially been gleeful observers, it was a fair bet that they now wanted to be anywhere but here. If he could get them on his side, though…

He told, turned to Arrella and repeated, “I think you owe me something and I know how we can settle this. You’ve taken a hell of a liberty here. I think you owe me a bit of a liberty in exchange.”

“What have you got in mind?” Arrella asked.

What the hell. It was now or never. Go for it and see what happens.

“I think you need to get your arse tanned, darlin’.”


Ian pulled the swivel chair away from the PC, sat down and adjusted it to its lowest setting before answering. “You heard me. Don’t act daft. Drop your shorts and your knickers and bend over my knee right now.”

“Like hell!” Suddenly raging, Arrella turned to stalk away, but Ian leaned forward and grabbed her wrist. She jerked it away easily and backed off a bit, but didn’t walk out the room. She stood and faced him, the colour in her cheeks the result of anger rather than guilt and embarrassment now.

“You owe that to me!”

“Yeah, well if you think I’m going to do that, then you must be seriously…”

“I think he’s got a point, Arrella.”

Jill’s voice was soft, but it cut across Arrella easily. Outwardly Ian’s expression didn’t change, but inwardly he refused. Yes! A bit of the support that would go a long way in this debate. He nodded at Jill.

“Yeah, c’mon Arrella. You took every opportunity you could to embarrass him. It’s only fair you get to find out what it feels like for yourself.” Annette added before Arrella could frame a coherent response.

“I’m not doing it.” But there was doubt in her voice now. Less self assurance. The support she had been anticipating had defected and she suddenly realized that her two friends actually wanted to see this happen – the thought was exciting them. There had always been a competitive, mischievous element to their friend – she should have seen this coming.

“All you have to do, is come over here, bare your arse and bend over my knee,” Ian said. He sounded so reasonable, like he was explaining a bit of logic to someone who was missing a small, but vital element. “I’ll take care of the rest. Ten strokes. Palm of the hand.”

Arrella stood stiff and glared at him, then looked over at Jill and Annette. “If I do this…”


“That’s if I do this. I haven’t agreed.”


“We do it without witnesses.”


“I’m not going to humiliate myself in front of my friends!”

“You humiliated me in front of your friends. I should get the same privilege.”

“That’s not the same thing!”

But Jill and Annette were nodding now. Nodding agreement to Ian’s words. Annette started to say something, but Arrella cut her off angrily.

“All right! Fine! Let’s just do this then and get it finished!” She turned to face Ian, cheese brighter than ever. “How are we going to do it, then?”

He looked up at her and smiled, triumphantly. “Shorts down. Knickers down. Bare arse presented and ready for spanking.”

“Fine! And I’m guessing that you’ll say that -” she pointed to the bulge in his trousers that had been growing distinctly less discreet in the last few minutes ” – has nothing to do with this?”

Annette and Jill leaned forward and flushed slightly as they eyed up the bulge. If any of them expected Ian to cross his legs or try to conceal his arousal, they were Surprised – he just smiled at Arrella and allowed them all to look.

Frustrated in her final ploy at misdirection, Arrella made an incoherent sound of irritation and unzipped her shorts, then moved round tostand by his side. A pause to psyche herself up, then she pushed them down to her ankles in one fluid motion. As she straightened up, one hand was already covering herself, protecting her modesty and then she got down on her knees and bent over Ian’s knee.

Part II


“Oh, now that’s a beautiful arse.” Ian said, stroking it with his right hand. His fingers caresed her and cupped one Cheek lightly. She wriggled slightly, trying to get comfortable and gasped slightly when one finger slipped down between her legs and found the heat and motivationness that betrayed her own building arousal. Damn him, now that he knew about that, he was going to be insufferable!

She could feel the stiffness of his cock pressing into her side and that was doing nothing for her state of mind. By now she wanted to reach out and close her fingers round it, but she couldn’t give in to this. She couldn’t admit how turned on she now was by giving in to this humiliating act of punishment.

“I thought you were going to hit me, not fondle me,” she said. “Get it over with.”

The first slap took her totally by surprise. She had barely time to notice Ian’s hand leaving her arse, before being replaced. At speed. Hard. She cried out, almost before she heard the loud “crack” of flesh striking bare flesh on her right cheek and felt the heat from the sting spreading, spreading, spreading… And then, even as that heat was fading into another kind of heat, something different, something almost pleasant there was another crack on the opposite cheese and she cried out again.

“Say ‘thank you,’” she heard Ian saying to her.

“Get lost,” she replied, but the words were bitten off as another, harder slap hit the first cheese again.

“Say ‘thank you’ or they’ll get harder.”

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her friends leaning forward, eagerly watching the show and she wondered what they could see. Whether Ian’s palm prints were flaring up bright red on her cheeks. She held her tongue, but that gave no respite.

“Say it!” Ian told her and slapped her again. She yelped at the hardest slap yet and still said nothing.

Ian raised his hand and she tensed, waiting for the inevitable impact, but it never came. She lay perfectly still, knowing that it had to be there, just waiting. Waiting for her to relax.

“Say ‘thank you’,” Ian said.

Then with another “crack!” his hand slapped her first cheese once more and she gasped out the words.

“Aah, much better,” Ian said, and she felt his hand gently struggling her abused cheeses once more. She screwed up her eyes and thought about protesting, but found herself appreciating his cares. His hand seemed to soothe away the sting of her previous punishment and dissipate the heat. No, wait… not dissipate… no, it seemed to be setting somewhere else. She moaned softly as his hand slipped between her legs once more and find where the heat had fled to. This time she found she hadno objection to his finger finding the slickness of her pussy. “Oh, you like that do you?” he said to her softly, before announcing to Annette and Jill; “Come over here and feel this. She’s having fun here.”

“No,” she said softly, but her heart wasn’t in it. On one level she was still raging at this treatment, this punishment, but on another level she was luxury in it, delighting in it. Did she want her friends to witness her humiliation? Was she ashamed of her position? Did she really want to keep some measure of privacy, or… or did she want her friends to witness everything, to feel, see, smell, taste, touch her excitement?

Annette was the first to get to her feet and cross over the room, then get down on her knees and cares Arrella’s cheese, gently. Another gasp as her friend’s fingers slipped between her legs and then withdraw. Then those fingers were held before her nose.

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you Arrella?” Annette asked her and she shook her head.”Yes, you are. Jill come over here and smell this.”

Jill got up next and joined them, but didn’t go round behind Arrella. She sat down on the floor and stroked her face gently. “Shh,” she said. “It’ll be over soon. That’s five so far.”

“I’m sorry,” Arrella whispered. She could feel Annette pulling her shorts and underwear off over her feet, but was powerless to protest. “I’m really sorry. I don’t want any more.”

“Well, on that I’m now open to negotiation.” Ian answered, unexpectedly.

“What?” Annette’s hand was between Arrella’s legs again and she found herself, no longer hindered by her shorts, opening them up to allow her friend easier access. She was amazed by herself – she was becoming so wanton. And not with just anyone, but with her closest friends.

“If you agree to do as I say for the rest of the day, I’ll let you off with the next five slaps. If you change your mind at any time, you can always assume the position again and we’ll take care of thingslike that.”

Annette’s hand was reaching down her back now and finding the knot that held her bikini tied shutt. She wanted to tell her friend to stop, but couldn’t seem to find the words and then suddenly the knot was untied and the bikini was slipping to the floor. Jill continued to stroke her face and hush her – crooning to her like a baby.

“Well?” Ian asked. “What d’you think?”


Ian raised his hand. “Are you sure?”

“No, wait!” His hand hesitated where it was. “Please.”

“You agree, then?”


“Then stand up. Now.”

Arrella stood up slowly, surprised at how shaky her legs felt. Her arms instinctively went to cover herself – one hand going down to her pussy, her other arm crossing over her breasts.

“Drop your arms.” Ian said.

She hesitated a moment, before uncovering herself and finding reserves to stare Ian defiantly in the face. He smiled at that and he realized that he wasn’t looking for a truly submissive woman. He was much more interested in the thrill of taking charge of a woman who knew her own mind.

Annette got down to her knees in front of Arrelle and found her pussy once more, while Ian stalked round her, studying her naked body. Examine her. Although herself, she found herself thrilling to his attentions once more. She should be mortified at this feeling of vulnerability, of helplessness – should be raging inside. Shouldn’t she? She was raging inside, wasn’t she? Wasn’t she?

“All right,” she said. “What now?”

Ian stopped in front of Arrelle and then held his hand out to Jill. After a moment’s hesitation, she took it. He drew her towards him and wrapped an arm round her shoulders, then ran his other hand down her back and cupped her arse. Arrelle felt a spark of jealousy as she realized that the bare skin of Jill’s stomach was being pressed into his hard cock and was doing nothing to resist – a spark of jealousy that deepened, as she suddenly realized that Jill was squirming against that cock.

“Now you stand there and do what Annette tells you,” Ian said, before walking back to the couch.

Part III

Ian again

Ian drew Jill down to the couch with him and kicked off his shoes, enjoying the expression on Arrella’s face. He watched the back of Annette’s head bobbing up and down between Arrella’s thighs and saw Arrella’s hands slowly come up to cup the back of her friend’s head. He felt Jill’s hand unbuckling and unzipping his jeans as he untucked his t-shirt and shrugged it over his head, then gasped softly as her hand delved into his tight boxer shorts and closed round his hard cock.

“Oh, baby, I’ve been wanting to hold this ever since Arrella showed us that video,” she purred, then leaned forward to kiss the tip of it. He showed and shifted slightly, then looked back up at Arrella. She was staring fixedly at his cock, but she was squirming as well and throwing her head back every few seconds. He could se that she had a tight hold of Annette’s hair now and although she was trying to watch him and Jill, she was obviously having difficulty in maintaining concentration.

Jill’s mouth moved away from his cock and she held it in her hands and studied it for a moment.

“Are you uncircumcised?” she asked.


“Then this is your foreskin?” She pinched the tip of the loose skin and smiled. “You actually look circular if it gets drawn back.”

He smiled, enjoying the way she was playing with his cock like it was a new toy. Enjoying her attention and carresses. Enjoyed the way even Annette had turned Arrella slightly and was now watching out the corner of her eye as she fingered Arrella’s pussy. Arrella was now too lost in whatever pleasure Annette was giving her to even notice. He raised himself slightly off the couch and slipped his trousers and boxes off completely, then reached across to undo Jill’s bikini top.

As it slipped off and revealed her beautiful breasts, she slipped to her knees on the floor in front of him and grabbed his cock again, then licked right up the length of his shaft. He gasped at the erotic sight of her mouth tracing his length and his hands clenched spasmodically on the edges of the couch. He arched his back, and gasped out loud as she closed her mouth over his cock and slipped her lips down it, then back up again, before moving forward, trailing his head over her chin, down her throat and between her breasts. She smiled and held it in place there for a moment, squeeze her breasts on either side of it and rocking forward so that he thought he might come right there, and then she moved forward and her mouth found his at last.


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