Note to reader: This is one part of a multi-part series. The story makes more sense if you have already read parts 1 and 2. Although some segments of the story are based upon fact, much is fiction and depicts elements of a female domain/submissive male relationship. If that’s not your thing feel free to move on to something more to your liking. For those of you who enjoy stories about female domain, I hope you enjoy it!
There are more chapters to follow as long as I continue to receive constructive feedback.
Chapter 3: Saturday morning punishment
Barbara went back to sleep after her morning pee. I decided to stay up. For one thing I needed to wash my mouth out to get rid of the taste of her morning discharge. It was stronger and more acrid than the pee she had me drink Earlier in the middle of the night. I also had to clean myself up, check my body hair and give myself an enema. I didn’t want to give Barbara anything to complain about.
Shirley came down a little after 8. I was sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. She came up behind me and gave me a kiss and a big hug.
“How was your first night with Barbara?” She asked.
I related the events of the night and she kind of smiled a little.
“Oh my god,” She said. “Well I told you she can be a little hard to handle. She needs to be the center of attention and I guess she got yours last night. Anyway, I promised her this weekend so I guess you’ll just have to suffer for a few days.”
“I think she has plans to make this a more permanent situation.” I replied.
“Well, we’ll see.” Shirley teased. “Anyway, I was really touched by your decision to serve last night. I know it must have been difficult, especially with Barbara Here. As a reward I’ve decided to allow you to wear clothes again. You will still remain in chatity, but only when I am not around to supervise you. Since I throw away all of your male undergarments, I guess you’llhave to wear mine, but we’re going shopping today so we can get some replacements then.”
She couldn’t have known how much her comments touched me. I really needed some loving encouragement after last night. I hugged and kissed her and I told her I loved her. I heard Barbara moving about upstairs and knew I had better start making breakfast if it was going to be ready when she came down.
About 9 am Barbara came down for breakfast. I was just serving Shirley her second cup of coffee when she walked into the room. Barbara reached down and squeezed my balls and told me to get on my knees and greet her properly. She then went to the table and began eating as I prepared a plate for myself.
As I started to sit down Barbara said. “What are you doing? You can eat the leftovers when we are done. Right now I want you under the table giving me a nice foot massage. When you are done you can lick them clean. Do the same for Shirley when you finish with mine.”
Shirley lookedat me for a reaction but there was none. I simply got on my knees and crawled under the table. It was cramped but I managed. I massed each of Barbara’s feet. I continued up to her knees but didn’t dare go further without permission. I did this often for Shirley and I knew how she enjoyed it. Barbara just continued to eat. When I had finished, I bent over further to lick and kiss them clean. She made a point of sticking her foot in my mouth and telling me to suck her toes. When I finished with one foot she would kick me away as a signal to go to the other one
“OK.” She said after about 20 minutes of effort. “Now do Shirley’s.”
During my efforts under the table the women were making plans for the day. Shirley said she thought we should go shopping this afternoon. She was excited about the vacation and wanted to buy some new clothes for the trip. She also mentioned that I needed to buy same new underwear since she was going to start letting me wear clothes again.
“I kind of like him naked.” Barbara replied. “I guarantee he won’t go out and try to hook up with any of the neighborhood whores in that state.”
It was obvious that Barbara was still bitter about her second marriage. She had caught her husband having an affair with their best friend. The women continued talking about today’s plans. Barbara reminded Shirley that I had some punishment coming. She thought it would be better to get it out of the way this morning so I could spend the rest of the day serving them.
They continued their conversation as I started to suck Shirley’s toes. Barbara thought a cookout for dinner would be nice and some after dinner sex would be wonderful. Wonderful for her maybe, hell for me.
“Thank you honey,” Shirley said. “That was wonderful. Go ahead and get a quick bite to eat and clean up the kitchen. Report to us in the living room. We have a little business to take care of.”
I was familiar. I looked to see what they had left me to eat. Therewere some scraps of bacon and a few scrambled eggs. It might have satisfied a mouse, but didn’t satisfy my appetite. I fixed myself some toast as I cleaned up the kitchen and then headed to the living room to await my fate.
They were seated on the couch as I came in. I stood in front of them with my arms at my side. They started by inspecting me. They removed my chatity belt and my cock sprang to life. They were pleased that I had shaken without being told to do so. Since I couldn’t shake my groin properly while wearing the chatity device, they sent me upstairs to do so now that my cock and balls were free. I was given a five minute time limit to ensure I didn’t play with myself in the bathroom.
When I returned to the living room I saw one of them had laid a riding crop and a wooden paddle on the table. I was told to get on my knees and bend forward until my head was touching the floor. I then was required to stretch my arms in front of me and towards them. This wasn’t an easy position for a man of 55 to get into.
“This is how you will present yourself whenever we start a punishment session” Barbara announced.
“Today you are being punished for multiple infections.” Barbara said. “If you remember, I told you last night that you would be punished for your inability to heel properly. I have given this considerable thought and realize that you have Not been properly trained to perform that task; so, I have decided that instead of punishment you will receive training. I have a special training harness that will help you learn to perform adequately. We will practice at least three times a day for the rest of the weekend.”
“Barbara, I’m really not interested in having him worship my butt.” Shirley said. “If that turns you on, fine, but I really don’t…”
Barbara stopped her in mid-sentence. “It’s not about the butt worship, although I do enjoy that. It’s about being in control. Dean has a desire to kiss ass. It fuels his fantasy of humiliation. You should have seen how his cock tried to harden in his cage last night when he saw I was going to sit on his face. He wanted to lick my butt, and I enjoyed offering it to him. In fact, he will be spending a lot of time under it over the next couple of days.”
“He does read about it a lot” Shirley replied. “If he really likes it, I guess I’ll try it.”
“Great!” Barbara exclaimed. “Now, let’s continue.”
“First there is the matter of the disrespect you showed me last night when I arrived.” Barbara continued. “Don’t you realize that as a guest of your mistress, I should be greeted as you greet her when she comes home from a hard day’s work?”
“Yes, Ma’am, I understand that now. All of Shirley’s guests should be greeted properly and with respect.” I replied.
She leaned forward and gave me a swat on the Back with the crop.
“That is Mistress Shirley.” She said as she applied a second stroke. “And I am Lady Barbara. All other women will be addressed as Ma’am unless otherwise instructed.”
Each point was emphasized with a stroke of the crop.
“I understand Lady Barbara.” I replied.
“Now, if you understand that Mistress Shirley’s guests should be properly greeted, then why didn’t you properly greet me this morning? You should always greet a superior woman properly by falling to your knees when you first see her in the morning.” Barbara explained. “And right now all women are superior to you.”
“Lady Barbara, I do not have an acceptable answer.” I replied.
I had read stories about how a male should respond to his mistress during situations like this. Shirley and I had never done anything like this and I wondered how she was reacting to it. She hadn’t said a word and with my face buried on the floor, I Couldn’t see.
“Next we will discuss your performance.” Barbara said. “Didn’t you beg to serve me this weekend?”
I remember asking Barbara if I could serve her when she arrived. I would not call it ‘begging’, but I did ask her.
“Yes Lady Barbara.” I replied.
“Then why did you allow Shirley and myself to go over 10 minutes with an empty wine glass?” Barbara asked. “A service should constantly make sure that all of the needs of his mistress are fulfilled at all times. He should anticipate what her needs are and ask her if he is unsure.”
“I understand Lady Barbara. It won’t happen again.” I again replied.
“Finally, let’s talk about your attitude.” Barbara said. “Last night you pouted when we ignored you. You interrupted our conversations and finally, you upset your Mistress when you indicated you didn’t want to go with her on vacation or continue to serve her. Luckily for you you came to your senses and realized that you love and need her. Otherwise, the punishment would be worse. Still, your earlier actions shocked me and disturbed someone I have come to love. That is unacceptable and must be dealt with.”
“I am sorry for upsetting you Lady Barbara, it took me a while to finally understand that Mistress Shirley’s happiness is all I want.” I replied.
“I know you are sorry,” Barbara answered. “And I am sure Mistress Shirley is ready to forgive you. However, she must learn that to keep your respect as her partner and submissive, that she must be tough but fair. Just as a mother must discipline her child, she must discipline You regardless of how much it hurts her, or for that matter, how much it hurts you. The ability of a relationship to survive relies on proper attitude. For that reason I am going to teach Shirley how to administrator a punishment paddling.”
“I really appreciate your comments about tough love, and I realized you are right about that.” Shirley told Barbara. “I know I have been too easy on Dean during the past month. I have used humiliation and light corporate punishment to punish him because those are things he fantasizes about and I didn’t want to really cause him pain because I love him. Now I realize that what he needs is for me to take complete control of him and discipline is a part of that.”
“I think you are beginning to see the light.” Barbara said. “As long as you try to fulfill his fansies, you will never be the one in control. It’s called ‘toping from the bottom’ and a dominant woman should never let that happen. It is your fansies and desires that should be paramount. If they coincide with his fansies, well, that’s well and good. If not, well then it’s just too bad for him.”
“Sure, I can see that. I am still trying to understand the lifestyle.” Shirley said. “I was letting him lead me into thinking that I was the one in control. Actually he was the one controlling the situation. As long as he was getting what he wanted, everything was fine. When he had to do something that he didn’t enjoy, he wanted to end the game.”
Shirley continued. “I was really pissed last night before you came up with that wonderful idea of using his penis to measure how much hewanted this and Dean finally came to his senses.”
“That’s what I get paid the big bucks for.” Barbara chuckled. “Conflict resolution.”
“Yea, like either of us get paid the big bucks where we work.” Shirley continued. “Anyway, I agree that he should be punished for his actions and I will leave it up to you to decide what that punishment is.”
“First, I’m going to teach you how to administrator a punishment spanking.” Barbara said. “It could actually be a spanking, paddling, whipping or whatever. That depends on the implementation used. The technique of using the specific instrument will vary, but the basic concepts are the same regardless of the instrument used.”
“Next, I, think that Dean should be required to always tell the truth when he is asked about his life as your servant. He should be proud that he belongs to you and be required to answer any questions put to him about your arrangement truthfully.” Barbara continued. “Remember that this type of arrangement is not endorsed by everyone, but if someone asks a specific question about it, they deserve a truthful answer.
“Shirley, as Dean’s Mistress you are responsible for his overall safety. You don’t want to do something that is going to get you both locked up or on that TV show ‘Sex Sent Me to the ER’. You are responsible for him just as a mother is responsible for her child.” Barbara explained.
“I understand.” Shirley replied. “It’s a big responsibility to understand. Dean expressed a willingness to serve me and make me happy. I guess it’s no different than taking a marriage vow where you promise to love, honor and obey. The least I can do for him is to love and protect, which as I remember, is also part of the marriage vows. I guess you could call a FLR the same thing as a marriage contract.”
Both women laughed.
I guess women have been ruling the roost for years. It’s about time they let their husbands know it.” Barbara chuckled.
“One more thing.” Barbara said. “It can’t always be about punishment. Rewards are just as important in this kind of relationship. It took me a long time to figure that out. Only administrator punishment when appropriate. In the beginning you will probably administrator it regularly while teaching Dean what you want or don’t want from him. After he is trained, the punishments should become the exception rather than the norm. At that point, rewards become more important in keeping Dean happy and willing to continue in the lifestyle.”
“You have a good man here, Shirley” Barbara added. “There is no way you can continue force him to serve you. He has to want to do that deep in his heart. Treat him with respect, be fair, and give him an occasional reward is all it takes to keep him a faithful service. Now, let’s get started.”
“When I administrator a punishment spanking I like to put the male in an uncomfortable position.” Barbara began. “I use different techniques. Sometimes it’s how I position him physically while other times it’s the environment I place him in. Sometimes I will have him masturbate prior to the punishment. That is embarrassing for him and the punishment is more painful if he is not aroused. Once I masturbated a male until he couldn’t get it up any more. Then I gave him a strapping that lasted over 30 minutes. When I was done he was crying and becoming for my forgiveness. He claimed that he was a masochist and enjoyed the feeling of a good strapping. He was in pain when I finished, but I guarantee he didn’t enjoy the experience.”
“I see.” Said Shirley. “Did you ever have to punish him again?”
“Why off course.” Barbara said. “But not for the same thing. Men are always doing stupid stuff that gets them into trouble. Some men, mainly masochists, do it because they love the pain. It gets them off. They will try to get you to punish them so they can enjoy the pain they love. Spanking a masochist is no punishment. Banishment or isolation works better. GiveThey a boring job to do and ignore them. That’s how to punish a masochist.”
“Where were we?” Barbara asked. “Oh yes, uncomfortable position. Dean, please get me one of the straight back chairs from the dining room and place it here in the living room. Shirley, go to the windows and open them. Pull the draws back a bit and open the blinds enough that someone outside would be able to see in if they really tried but Not so much that anybody passing by could glance in and see what is going on.”
“I get the idea.” Shirley said. “If he yells out in pain or starts crying anyone passing by will be able to hear and become curious. They will try to see what is going on. The potential humiliation of our neighbors witnessing his punishment will add to the effect. Clever.”
“Of course, that is just one scenario.” Barbara said. “I’m sure you can figure out others. Check out stories on the web. Most are fans written by some male jerk off, but they do provide inspiration for things you can try.
My nervousness increased about ten times. We had neighbors on both sides of us and a group of college girls lived across the street. Our living room had double windows facing their house. Although we were set back from the road about 50 feet, anyone passing by who chose to look in might be able to see what was happening, and any noise that they heard was likely make them even more curious.
The chair was a straight back wooden chair with a solid back. It was facing the window so that a seated person would be looking out. Barbara place a cushion over the top edge of the chair’s back and told me to bend over it and place my hands on the seat. The cushion protected my abs a little as the back of the chair pushed into my belly. My back was horizontal and parallel to the floor. At least my rigid cock was hidden by the chair. I had only been in position a few minutes when the strain on my leg muscles caused them to ache. The disappoint increased when Barbara told me to spread my legs. She tied each to a leg of the chair.
“It is your decision whether to secure your victim.” Barbara explained. “If you choose to bind him you can put him in various uncomfortable positions. The advantage is that you don’t have to worry about movement. If you do bind him, be sure to monitor his breathing. Some people develop breathing problems when bound too tightly. If that happens release him immediately.”
“Personally,” Barbara added. “I don’t like restraining the male, unless it is some type of predicament bond where he causes himself additional torque each time he moves. One scenario I like to use is when I tie a male bent over a support with his hands tied behind his back. I spread his legs about shoulder width apart and secure them there with a spreader bar. I wrap a cord tightly around his balls; enough to force the balls low into his sack. I then run the rope through a pulley attached to the spreader bar and attach the end to his collar or to clamps placed on his nipples. Whenever he tries to stand, he pulls on his balls. If I have attached the rope to his nipple clamps and he pulls them off, I reattach the clamps to his nipples in a different position and add to his spanking.”
“I’d rather see them squirm.” She continued. “I administrator extra strokes if they squirm too much. Also, I normally don’t tell them how many strokes they are going to get. I like to Keep them guessing. It allows me to change my mind if I find they need more or less strokes. If I do announce a number of strokes before I begin, I make sure that it is sufficient and I never show mercy by stopping before completion; unless, of course, there is some type of medical emergency. In that case, the punishment is deferred to a later time.”
“I also like to be able to monitor the penis.” Barbara was saying. “It’s a great barometer to the effectiveness of the punishment. I continue until all signs of an erection are gone. I usually wait until it has shriveled up and gone into hiding before I stop. Then I will announce that ‘the preceding strokes were just for warm up and I am starting the punishment’. Of course the male thinks his punishment is nearly over so when he hears my announcement he often bursts into tears.”
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