Chapter 4: The shopping trip
We arrived at the mall. It was crowded as there were lots of Labor Day and back-to-school sales going on. I dropped the woman off at the main entrance and went to find a parking space. Shirley told me to meet them at Macy’s. I finally got parked and headed across the parking lot and into the store to find them.
They were talking with a young sales associate when I caught up to They. They were talking about the poor selection of clothes available in the larger sizes, especially the 5X that Barbara wore. Tina, the sales associate suggested they try Cindy’s. It was a new store that opened about a month ago and catered to big and tall women.
“Here come’s Dean.” Shirley said. “We might as well buy him a few thing while we’re here. Let’s see if they have anything in his size.”
I greeted the woman with a smile. I was introduced to Tina. She was a petite girl with long brown hair. Very cute. She was short and slim, barely 5″ tall. Although she was slender, she had enough curves to do justice to the white blouse she was wearing. Her skirt was navy blue and came to mid-thigh. The high heels she wore made her butt protrude slightly. It was shaped and beautiful, especially with the way her skirt hugged her hips.
Shirley had found a few things she liked and Tina was ringing them up while Barbara waited patiently. Tina asked Shirley if she had an account here and when Shirley replied no, offered to sign her up.
“You get 20 percent off on your purchases today.” Tina said. “That’s in addition to the sale price.”
“Do you work on commission, Tina?” Shirley asked.
“Why yes we do.” Tina replied. “And this month’s been really slow. I hope the sale this weekend helps out. I go back to school next week so a good weekend worth of sales would be awesome. If I can just get two more people to open up accounts, I get a $50 bonus and an extra 10% commission on all of the purchases charged to the new accounts. TheOnly problem is I’m getting ready to get off and the promotion ends today.”
“You’ve been so helpful.” Shirley said. “I feel really bad that we have taken up so much of your time but haven’t bought much. Give me an application, and give one to my boyfriend Dean as well. That will make your quota, right?”
“Yea. That’s awesome. Thank you.” Tina replied.
The women continued to gossip as Shirley and I filled out our applications. Shirley and I were both approved and Tina said we would receive our cards in the mail in a couple of days.
“Dean, why don’t you see if Tina can help you find something that will fit you?” Barbara said. “Shirley told me you needed some new clothes for our trip.”
“The Men’s Department is on the second floor. They have their own sales associates so I’m afraid I can’t be of much help.” Tina said.
“That’s OK.” Shirley replied. “He wears woman’s clothing.”
“Are you serious?” Tina asked. “I have a couple of male friends who dressin women’s clothing. You know there are a lot of gay men at the university. Some are cross dressers as well. They come in here all the time. Since I already know about their fetishes, they aren’t as embarrassed when I wait on them. I never would have expected that…”
“He’s not gay and he isn’t a cross dresser.” Shirley replied. “He’s my submissive and he wears women’s clothing because I tell him to. I’m tired of him wearing my panties so we’re buying him some of his own. I’m tired of him getting mine all out of shape. Just look at him. Look at the tent in the front of his shorts.”
“Actually I was.” Tina replied with a chuckle. “It looks pretty impressive.”
“He spent the last week in chatity, Tina,” Shirley replied. “As a reward for good behavior, I let him out today and look what happens. I even let him eat some pussy before we left home. It got him a little worked up as you can see. He’s suffering a little bit right now since I didn’t let him freshen up or relievehimself when he was done.”
Tina’s face was a little flushed now. She stared at me for a minute and then smiled. I cast my eyes down, looking at her feet. I couldn’t manage to look her in the eyes.
“OK then, let me show you what we have.” Tina said. “What size is he, I mean what size is he wearing now?”
“He has on size 8/10 panties.” Shirley said. “Let’s start with some briefs. I think he needs some plain colored ones for everyday use and maybe some more lacy ones for when I want to show him off a little.”
My face had turned beat red. There were other customers nearby and Shirley was speaking in a normal tone. I noticed some of the women were trying to ignore us but some were smiling and had obviously overheard the conversation. We went over to the panty display. All three women looked through what was available. Shirley would hold a couple of pairs up at a time and ask me which I liked best. She would then hold them up to me to see if they would fit. She pickedout about a dozen pair and gave them to Tina to ring up.
“Do you have anything that will control his tummy?” Shirley asked. “And something to shape his ass would be wonderful as well.”
“I think some control top panties would work.” Barbara added. “Maybe a girl too to control that stomach bulge he has.”
“I don’t think we have any girls big enough for him to Wear.” Tina said. “We do have some control top panties though. They will help some.”
Shirley selected several more pairs of panties for me as well as some panty hose. She then wanted to look at some of the summer wear.
“No dresses or anything too obvious.” Shirley said. “He won’t be going out in full drag. Maybe some ladies denim jeans or pants would work.”
“Shorts would be good for the beach.” Tina suggested. “I’ve got some nice Bermuda shorts as well as some denim ones. There’s a good selection of colors and a few that are patterned.”
Shirley picked out four pairs of shorts and anotherfour pairs of denim pants. They were of different colors and some even had lace trim.
“Is there somewhere Dean can go to try these on?” Shirley asked.
Barbara was standing about 10 feet away. She was smoking and enjoying my humiliation. Tina was trying to figure out what to do. She didn’t want to send me up to the men’s department and didn’t think the women’s fitting rooms would be a good choice either.
“I don’t think you can use the fitting room here, it would cause too much of a communication with the other shoppers. There is the men’s fitting room but it’s on the second floor in the men’s department. I don’t think that is a good option either.” Tina said. “We do have a break room off the corridor leading back to the warehouse. There might be a few employees in there taking a break, but there is also a restroom. Dean could change in there if that’s ok.”
“I think that would be suitable.” Shirley said.
“Let me check with my manager.” Tina said. “This I something we don’t usually do so I better get her permission.”
Shirley smiled and Tina went to check with the manager. She returned in a few minutes followed by a stern looking woman of about 50. The manager was a no-nonsense direct to the point woman. She had red hair and had glasses that hung around her neck. She was about 50 pounds overweight with most gravitating towards her hips. Shirley explained the situation while I remained silent and stared at the floor.
“Someone will need to accompany you for security reasons.” The manager said.
“I’m getting off now.” Tina said. “I don’t mind staying over a few minutes to assist them. That way we won’t be short staffed on the sales floor.”
The manager smiled and told us to go ahead. Tina gathered up all of the underwear Shirley had been browsing Through and took them to the register. She then showed us the way to the breakroom. When we got there, three women were sitting at the table drinking coffee and gossiping. They stopped their conversation as we walked in.
Tina pointed to the restroom. I went inside and used the toilet seat to sit and change into the first pair of shorts. Barbara and Shirley sat at the table with the other women. Tina closed the blinds and guarded the door. I wanted to avoid having to come out and model the clothes to a room full of women but Shirley insisted I come out and model each item. As I feared, when I opened the door, the women were still there. They all were looking at me. Shirley told me to turn around so she could see the back. I wore a pair of pale green, button up shorts that came to my mid-thigh. They fit comfortable in the waist but were a little tight in the legs. She had me bend over to check how much room I had in the seat. My panties were clearly visible as I bent forward.
“He’s wearing panties.” One of the women said. “Well I never…”
“Yea, I make him wear them.” Shirley said. “He wears what I tell him. In fact, he does whatever I tell him todo. If I told him to kiss your feet he would do so without hesitation.”
“I’ve never heard of such a thing.” The woman said.
“Dean. Go and beg her to allow you to kiss her feet.” Shirley said as she pointed to the woman. “In fact, beg all of the women to allow you to do the same.”
I went over to the unknown lady and got on my knees. I asked permission to kiss her feet. When she didn’t reply I began to beg her. Finally she stuck one and then the other foot out and I kissed each before moving on to the next lady. After I had finished with the three strangers who were seated, I went to Tina. I was kissing her right foot when the manager came in and asked what was going on. She tried to maintain a stern look, but she gave away her amusement when she smiled.
“Helen, time for you girls to get back on the sales floor isn’t it?” The manager suggested.
The women got up to leave. Helen was saying how she couldn’t believe that a man would subject himself to such humThe artifact. Her friends nodded in agreement. I approached the store manager next and offered to kiss her feet as well.
“Very well.” Ms. Williams, the manager said. “Just be warned, if you don’t do it properly, without slobbering, you’ll be sorry.”
I managed to kiss her feet to her satisfaction. I then kissed Shirley’s and Barbara’s. When I was done I was directed to change into something else.
I continued to model the other clothes. Shirley had picked out one pair of short shorts. I left them until last, hoping that Ms. Williams would leave before having to model them. They barely covered my ass cheats they were so short. They were made of a stretchable material similar to spandex. They were mostly light blue with a floral pattern. They were so conforming that my erection was evident to anyone who choose to look.
“How revolting.” Ms. Williams said. “Having an erection like that in front of a group of women. You need to learn to control that thing while in public. Ithink you need a good spanking. I don’t have my hairbrush, but my hand can do enough damage to teach you a lesson.”
“I have mine.” Barbara said. “Never leave home without it.”
“Tina, would you lock the door?” Ms. Williams asked. “I don’t think we want anyone disturbing us. Dean, pull those pants down and lose the panties as well.”
My ass still showed the effects of my morning paddling. I was told to lie across Ms. Williams’s lap and put my hands flat on the floor. Ms. Williams noticed the color of my butt and rubbed it for a moment before looking over at Shirley.
“He earned a punishment this morning.” Shirley said. “He got a real blistering from my paddle. I’m afraid he’s going to be a little sore for a few days.”
Ms. Williams began spanking me. She would spank the same spot five or six times before moving on to another area. By the time she reached 50, the crisis color of this morning’s paddling had returned. Barbara’s hairbrush stung but wasn’t as integernse as the paddle had been. Even so, I had begun to tears.
She stopped to rest for a minute and resumed her conversation with Shirley. Tina was looking at how red my ass was. She reached out to touch it and I winced a little.
“God that’s hot.” She said. “Does it hurt much?”
“Tina.” Ms. Williams said. “If it didn’t hurt, it wouldn’t be effective. Do you want to give him a few?”
“I don’t think I should.” Tina replied. “I’ve never seen anyone spanked before, much less done it. I wouldn’t know where to…”
“Nonsense,” Ms. Williams said. “Every woman should know how to punish a bad boy. I’ve had more than one across my knee. Dean, go bend over the table. Put your forearms across the top and don’t move them.”
When I was in position, Tina was told to give me about twenty strokes on each chef. The first few blows stung but didn’t really hurt. As Tina got her swing down the pain increased. By the time she had finished she was panting and sweating. My butt hurt and Barbara was laughing.”
“Take care of your boyfriend like that and you’ll see a big change in his demeanor.” Ms. Williams said. “Now, take all of these clothes out to the register and ring them up. We’ll be out shortly.”
“I don’t think anyone who lets a girl half his size and young enough to be his daughter deserves to wear men’s clothes.” Shirley said. “So he’s going to wear these shorts out of the store. You can take his old clothes and put them in the bag with his new things.”
After Tina left Ms. Williams explained that she spanks her husband any time he misbehaves.
“It started out as something we did prior to sex. He began to like it and our sex lives improved.” Ms. Williams said. “One night we went to a party and he kept trying to hit on a couple of My friends. They told me about it and I got pissed. I waited until we got home and suggested a little spanking as foreplay. I blistered his ass that night. I didn’t stop until well after he was sobbing andbegging me to stop.”
“He got a repeat performance every night for a week.” She continued. “Now, he knows I’m the boss and when I say jump he asks ‘how high’. We haven’t experimented with a lot of other things but I have started to visit several sites on the internet that deal with FLR’s. I’d like to expand my control over him and learn other ways to discipline a naughty husband.”
“I Know what you mean.” Shirley replied. “I’m new to this too. My friend Barbara has some experience and is mentoring me. That’s why we’re here today. Dean had a fantasy about being humiliated in public. We’re making sure that fantasy becomes reality. We’ve just started but I’m sure Dean is ready for us to stop. Isn’t that so Dean?”
“Yes Mistress Shirley.” I replied.
“I know what you mean. Using public humiliation is a great tool.” Ms. Williams said. “We kept everything we did private until about 6 months ago. That’s when a friend introduced me to a women’s group here in town that meets monthly to discuss the FLR lifestyle.”
“Most are married women.” She said. “But there are some single women who are members. A few of them have never been married, but most are dividends and widows. The group is very selective and secretive. Anything discussed in the group stays in the group.”
“That sounds kind of interesting.” Shirley said. “How can we join?”
“Well, only you can join.” Ms. Williams said. “As I said, only women are allowed to be members. Once you are a member, you can bring a male with you to meetings if you want. Most bring their spouse but some bring significant others, family members, or just friends.”
Ms. Williams continued. “I can email you an application to fill out. E-mail it back to me or seal it in an envelope and drop it off for me here. After it is reviewed and a background check is completed, someone will call you to set up an interview. If you get through the interview process you are required to go through an initiative. After that, you are voted on by the membership. If elected, you pay your dues and you’re in.”
Ms. Williams resumed her spanking. I went back over her knee. This time she concentrated on my upper legs and tighs. She continued until they matched the color of my ass. She then let me get up. Tears were rolling down my face. I got dressed while Ms. Williams and Shirley finished their conversation and exchanged contact information. They hugged and then led me out of the room back to the sales floor.
“She must have spanked you some more.” Tina said, drawing the attention of several customers standing in line. “I can plainly see how red your thighs are; and your eyes are puffy. You look like you’ve been crying. It kind of looks like a bad sunburn but we know what caused that burn don’t we?”
Shirley told Tina that I would be visiting on a regular basis. She told Tina that I was to ask for her whenever I shopped here so that she could get the commission. She also told me to give Tinaa 20 dollar tip for all of her assistance today. She said I would also be required to leave a tip each time I came in.
“Tina.” Ms. Williams said. “Remember to be discreet about what you saw today. The store does have a reputation we need to think about. If I am in the store whenever Dean comes in, make sure you let me know. You know how much I like to chat with our preferred card Holders.”
“Yes Ma’am, Ms. Williams,” Tina replied.
Shirley thanked Tina and Ms. Williams as we headed to our next destination.
We headed to the shoe store. Both women tried on numerous pairs while I stood and waited. My butt still hurt, and I imagined everyone was staring at me knowing I had just been spanked. A few were checking me out but most were too busy with their shopping to pay much attention to me.
The women each purchased two pairs of shoes and gave me the bags to carry. We continued to walk through the mall. We stopped at several more stores. The woman browsed through the merchandise in each store. They purchased a few items and then made me carry the bags. Mostly they took every opportunity to try and embarrass me. At one store a 40ish year old woman came up to Shirley and asked her if she really did spank me in Macy’s.
“Of course not.” Shirley responded. “I let Ms. Williams, the manager spank him. It was her that he offended.”
Shirley turned and Walked away and I followed leaving the woman shaking her head in disbelief.
We finally came to Cindy’s; ‘The store that caters to Big, and Tall Women’. We walked inside.
The store wasn’t as busy as many of the other stores we had passed. There were only a few customers. One woman had to be at least 6’5″. The remainder were simply large. One was even larger than Barbara.
One of the sales associates greeted us and asked if she could help us find anything. We told her we were just browsing right now but would give her a shout if we needed anything. Barbara asked if they had anything in a 5x and the associated directed her in the right direction.
Shirley found some denim jeans and shorts that she liked. She also found a cute swimsuit. We headed to the register. The sales associate was talking with another woman. Shirley interrupted and asked if they could help her find some control panties and girls. She directed us in the right direction and asked Shirley what size she wore.
“They’re not for me.” Shirley replied. “They’re for him.”
“Ah, we don’t handle male clothing.” The sales associate replied.
“That’s ok.” Shirley said. “I make him wear women’s clothes. Look at what he has on now. Do they look like anything a real man would wear?”
“Well, I guess not.” The associate said.
She showed us a couple of panty girls and explained how they were reinforced to control my shape. She took out a tape measure and started measuring me to get the correct size.
“I think these will fit.” She said as all the women in the store were watching what was going on.
I looked at her name tag. Bev was her name. She was one of three people working the sales floor. All were large women. I assumed that customers were more at ease dealing with someone their own size when shopping for clothes. Bev was tall. In fact she was about 6′ 2″. It would be polite to call her ‘large bonded’. She was height/weight proportional but a little on the heavy side. She was probably in her early 20’s and weighed about 280. She wasn’t obese, but she wasn’t athletic like Ellen. Big all over best described her
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