It had been late when Gideon had finally made his way to their bed, and he hadn’t stirred as he usually did when Vivienne slide from his warmth to shower and change. She was eager to get on with her day. She had a project to start, and as at the beginning of any new challenge, she was keen to get going.
Once she was ready, she went into the kitchen and made coffee while defrosting a few of the pastries Gideon liked. She took the time to decorate a tray with a brightly coloured mat, plate and napkin and a small flower from the arrangement that decorated the kitchen benchmark. She smiled as she caught herself in the act of doing something like this for the man who had changed her world so much for the better. It was hard to believe that only six months she was resigned to the fact that she would never find a man who would love her the way Gideon did.
She loved her husband more than she would have ever thought possible and while she believed she knew the most important things about him, their courtship had been such a whirlwind amidst so much family drama that she didn’t know so many of the little details about him and his life or the people most important to him outside of his brothers, not that she had any intention of cosying up to his mother but Malaysia, that was a woman she could love wholeheartedly.
Walking carefully with the tray she had prepared Vivienne went in to wake up her gorgeous husband and fend off his attempts to lure her back into bed with him. She grinned at that thought. Who knew that she could become as insatiable as he was that even just thinking about it tempted her to put her plans for this morning on hold and do just that?
Placing the tray quietly on his bedside table planning to back away and shake his foot to wake him, so she was firmly out of his reach, she gasped as his arms snaked around her and dragged her onto the bed as soon as she had placed the tray securely.
“Gideon!” she cried before he muffled anything else she could say with his mouth. The kiss was long, slow and deliberate, and she melted in his arms, any thoughts of struggle against him melting from her mind.
“Good morning, wife,” Gideon grinned when he finally let her up for air. “And where would you be trying to sneak off to this fine morning?”
“I am not singing anywhere,” she laughed. “I was about to wake you up and tell you that I was going to visit Malaysia today. It’s been too long since we visited her and I like her company.”
“Any particular reason you thought to seek out her company today?” he asked, narrowing his eyes. He knew his wife well enough to know everything she did had a purpose.
“I love Olivia, and the women of your family that I have met are lovely, but I miss Marcella,” she admitted. “I need someone I can just talk to normally, and usually I would seek out my brother or Lydia, but I didn’t think you would want me taking a trip home just because I am feeling a bit lost without my closest friend here. Madrina is, well she tells it like it is much like Marcie does. She doesn’t put up with anyone’s bullshit and says what needs to be said no matter the topic of conversation. Besides, I’d like to get to know what my husband was like as a boy,” she said and cupped the side of his face with one hand.
“You feel lonely here?” he frowned, trying to get to the crux of what she had said.
“It’s not that I’m lonely per se, it just that our courtship was a bit of a whirlwind and we got married without all the usual getting to know each other’s stuff. I’m just catching up and trying to discover where I fit into this family of yours,” she told.
“The Halloween festival is coming up. That’s when we gather as a family, and you will get to meet them all. If this plan of Marcie’s works out the way we think, she will be there with Noah. So you can get to know the rest of the family while having your friend beside you to pour her own brand of irreverent humour over everything,” he chuckled.
“Do you really think he can convince her to come back?” she asked quietly.
“I have learned not to understand either of my little brothers,” he chuckled. “When Noah sets his mind on something you can guarantee, he will succeed or die trying. Literally, in some cases, I can’t even begin to count the number of times he had to be rescued as a kid. Dad constantly had to pick him up from the authorities or the hospital because he built his own hang glider or climbed a mountain he couldn’t get off once he was at the top. The army had to rescue him after the hang glider stunt,” he chuckled at the memory.
“Noah? The suit-wearing, risk-is bad, lawyer? That Noah?” Vivienne asked sure that Gideon was teasing her.
“That Noah. He owns an adrenaline-fuelled adventure company and jumps out of perfectly good planes at least once a week before donning the suit and tie and heading into work,” he chuckled. “His company’s safety record is the best, though, because he learned his lessons the hard way.”
“You’re serious, aren’t you?” she asked incredulously.
“Scout’s honour,” he held up three fingers.
“And what’s hiding behind Genesis’s uber uptight exterior?” she asked enjoying talking about his brothers and the affection in Gideon’s voice and expression when he thought of them both.
“He’s an award-winning investigative journalist. Honestly, if all of his attention weren’t on Olivia, he would probably be out there doing exactly what Marcella is now. He won’t admit it, but she is doing things his way, and getting results. Gen loves all that cloak and dagger shit. Clandestine meetings with sources that he will never reveal and I am still not sure who gave him the heads up that the girl brought into the hospital as Serena Seabrook was, in fact, the assumed dead Olivia Gambaro,” he told her thinking about how much it must be costing Genesis not to be out in the field solving this puzzle for himself as he cared for Olivia.
“Wow, that’s so not what I expected you to say,” Vivienne shook her head in wonder.
“Yeah well we have one watchman, but we are all a bit cloak and dagger in this family. We have one of the best information networks around, but still, Marcella has done what neither the AFP nor we could do,” he gave her credit even though he wasn’t sure he agreed with the way she went about it. “We all feel bad about the way she left and that she didn’t trust any of us with her investigations, but I promise we will make it up to her once she is back,” Gideon assured her.
“If she comes back, I’m inclined to agree with Olivia. Why would she when we all let her down, even me who was supposed to be her friend and have her back?” she sighed.
“We all make mistakes my love, all we can do once we realize the mistake was made is to do better next time,” he said. “Let’s just hope she can appreciate how hard we will all try to make amends.”
“I think Madrina might be the key to getting her to stay. They had some sort of understanding of each other,” Vivienne admitted. “That’s another reason I wanted to go see her today.”
“Does she know you’re dropping by this morning?” he asked.
“Yes, and I am going to be late if you don’t let me up,” Vivienne pushed at his chest.
“I can fix that,” he said and sitting up he hauled her into his lap as he picked up his phone and made a call.
“No, I haven’t lost your number. If I had I wouldn’t be calling, now would I?” Gideon grinned into the phone.
“Fine but if you want to hug those babies you expect me to be making then my wife is going to be late to meet you this morning,” he chuckled at Vivienne’s gasp and blush.
“Maybe she is, but I think I’d like to make sure of that possibility myself, and the sooner you let me get to that the sooner she will be at your house to visit you, old woman,” he mock grumbled.
“I’ll consider it, now if you will excuse me I have a wife to ravish,” he gave a full laugh as he ended the call and gathered his blushing wife to him kissing her soundly.
“I can’t believe you just did that!” she said in horror. “How am I supposed to go over there and face her after that.”
“Are you kidding she is more than happy that I am trying so hard to put a baby in your belly,” he chuckled. “She encouraged me! Trust me she was not shocked in the least by that phone call. Besides you are not going after that,” he indicated his phone. “You are going after this,” he said, and he leaned her back from his lap to press her into the mattress and kiss her again. Then he began to undress her kissing each new piece of skin he uncovered along the way.
“I’ll do it,” she batted his hands away. “At least drink your coffee before it goes cold.
Gideon loved watching his wife undress, and he let her go and turned to look at the tray properly for the first time. Blueberry danish and coffee he smiled. He took a sip of his coffee to appear her then went backto watching her wiggle out of her clothes in the small amount of room he had given her because he wouldn’t let her go entirely.
“When she settled back onto the bed with him, he took a long leisurely look over her body before meeting her eyes. He replaced his coffee on the tray and picked up the flower she had decorated with, appreciated of the small touches she always made to anything she did for him.
Vivienne watched as the hand holding the flower reached out to guide the flower across the top of her chest and down her exposed breasts. Her sensitive nipples hardened at the touch of the petals and the cool air they brought with them. The familiar tingling began between her thighs as she watched him watching her. The look of unbridled desire in his eyes could make her surrender all her defences. His eyes fixed on the path of the flower around her taut nipples. She feel loved and desired by him as the silican petals of the flower caressed her skin with a lighter touch than her husband’s usually gentle hands delivered.
Vivienne arched, pushing her chest against the flower, revealing in the sensings that not only the flower but the look in his eyes stood in her. She watched him at his game and returned his smile at the goosebumps he produced on her skin, and the tight fullness of her erect nipples as she arched into the touch.
Vivienne dropped her eyes from his to take in his large chest rising and falling Under his breaths the slight tan lines where the collar of his shirt would usually lie and reached a hand to run one finger along that line differentiating the parts of him that he shared with everyone else and what belonged to her alone. Not that he never took his shirt off to swim or change at the gym, but those occurences were rare in their marriage so far and she like believing all of the skin below that faith line belonged to her alone.
Gideon sucked in his breath at the touch, then reached for her hand. He placed the fingers to his lips, kissing and sucking the tips of each one as his other hand guided the flower down lower, to grace her navel, then lower still. Taking her fingers from his mouth, he placed it back on his chest and held it there a few minutes before moaning softly.
Vivienne rose, circled her arms around her husband’s neck and inviting him into a kiss, her tongue sliding inside to mate with his and show him the way he was making her Feel by matching his soft moan. Gideon guided her back to the bed, his own body covering hers. He settled between her tights on his knees and continued the slow, delicious torque with the flower until she squirmed beneath him delightfully.
Gideon moved Vivienne’s hands from her body, holding them lightly by the wrists and pulled them together over her head. Leaning over her, he lifted one of his own hands to swipe at the fruit blueberry mixture of the danish and drew a line with it from her navel to her neck.
The rough texture of the fruit madeVivienne’s skin tingle. He guided the sticky berry mixture up to her chin then to her waiting mouth. Vivienne sucked his finger into her mouth, relishing the sweetness of the fruit as he painted any remaining blueberry onto her lips before dipping his head to kiss her. She smiled at him, but when she reached for him, she realized he still held her wrists with one hand and didn’t appear to want to let her go.
“Uh, ah,” he warned, one thick eyebrow raised, “My wife brought me breakfast in bed, and I intended to enjoy every moment of it.” With that reminder, he dipped his finger into berry mixture again. This time he painted her nipples circulation the areola in slow titillating circles. The sticky, rough texture was making her large breasts ache for the soft feeling of his lips, but she couldn’t deny how aroused his whole teasing game was making her.
Vivienne raised and then rolled her hips, loving that Gideon let out a low groan when she succeeded in rubbing her hips against the long shake of his cock. As repayment, he placed his berry coated finger in her mouth, to suck again while his tongue went to her breast, lapping at the sticky berry mixture covering her nipples and sucking each delicate bud into his mouth. He licked and sucked at them until Vivienne’s persistence in rolling her hips against his cock became too much to bear.
In a quick move, Gideon let go of her hands and pulled her up to her knees on the bed with him. He kissed her passwordately as their hands explored each other’s bodies. Palms touching backs, fingers along spines, kisses to necklines, cares to backsides as they tried to melt together.
Gideon leaned back on his heels once more and pulled Vivienne up higher to straddle his thighs. Holding onto her hips, he guided her onto his hardness. He slid into her with the sensitive ease of a man who knew his woman intimately. Their bodies moved as one, perfectly in sync as Vivienne moved while kneeing astride his lap, Gideon heldher in place as he thrust from below into her warm pussy.
Vivienne made low moans as she buried her face into Gideon’s neck. Kissing his neck as her hips rocked in small circles bringing her body up and down his hardness, the feeling of him buried deep making her moan each time. She clung to his neck, feeling as if she would fall if she didn’t hold on tight as they moved together.
She felt his hand in her hair, coiling the long strands around his fist until it touched the nape of her neck. He pulled her body back, making her arch back onto the bed as he increased his pace from below. Vivienne’s body was bent like a bow with Gideon thrusting faster, the new position helping him to hit the perfect spot.
They could sense the need to climax in each other. Vivienne was trembling in his arms, wondering how long her amazing husband could hold her like this as every thrust hit that perfect spot within her and drive her closer to the edge of insanity. Gideon gritted his teethAgainst the need to release striving to arrive at the point at the same time as the woman he loved. He placed the finger he had painted her body with between their bodies, against wet folds and eventually pressed it to the swollen bud of her clip.
After what could have been minutes or hours for all he knew, Gideon felt her tighten around him. Felt her hands digging into his shoulders, her love bite on his shoulder and knew it was time. He thrust harder, holding her by cupping her rounded ass and pounding into her in long strokes. A cry tried to escape her mouth but caught in her throat as she gasped. The sound sent Gideon over the edge, his breath caught, they came together in one terrific pause of time.
They collapsed together, rolling to their sides. Vivienne reached for Gideon’s hand as they lay side by side, catching their breath. She kissed his palm and placed it on her belly. It was so worth running late to see Madrina just as it was every time he made her late for someth.
“I think I like breakfast in bed,” he said a sexy grin on his face.
Vivienne smiled too, and Gideon leaned closer, just taking her in. Hair askw, lips swollen, a dab of blueberry on her cheek: he thought she was the most stunning woman and couldn’t believe how fate had worked in his favour bring her to him.
“I think I’ll order breakfast in bed every day,” he chuckled.
“They do say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” she giggled. “Not sure how much I would enjoy that type of breakfast in bed with bacon and eggs, but I’ll try anything as long as it’s with you.”
Gideon rolled to his side, cuddling her to him as they laughed together too wrapped up in each other to move yet. Then Gideon’s phone rang, and he groaned.
“You’re always making me late for work, woman! Let’s hit the shower before you convince me you need round two,” he teased, making her shake her head laughing. She knew very well round two would commence the momentshe stepped into that shower with him and she smiled eagerly at the thought.
Marcella had hurt up to persistent nuzzling at her neck and ear, and a hot, hard cock pressed into her thigh. She groaned trying hard to regret what had happened the night before but not finding that regret so easily this morning. She had believed the regret would be like a punch in the gut as it always was when she scratched an itch with a one night stand or casual lover but all she felt this morning was more need and arousal being built by the man holding her in his arms as he spooned her. Forcing herself to put some distance between them before this got out of hand again, she pulled from his arms and rolled forward to her belly turning her head to look at him through the curve of her hair.
“Morning,” she croaked in a voice dry from sleep.
“Morning,” he said in a husky voice and made a move towards her.
“No! You stay on your side of the bed. Last night was fun and all,but we have too much on the line today to start messing with our headspace this early in the morning,” she warned.
“You never know, it may just clear our heads faster and make us more determined finish this deal,” he countered his hand, reaching out the gently stroke her back.
“Noah, don’t,” she sat up swinging her legs from the bed and looking around for the robe she had forgotten last night. Looking over her shoulder, she asked, “I don’t suppose you brought those overnight bags from the boat, did you?”
“Yeah, they were brought over last night while you were sleeping, the first time before dinner,” he clarified at the look of horror on her face. “Nobody saw or heard us do anything.”
“Great, I’ll have the first shower while you find them,” she said and after a moment’s thought, Walked naked as a jaybird to the bathroom, feeling Noah’s heated gaze following her until she closed the door. “What the hell had she done,” she scolded herself. It was never going to be as easyas one night of fucking and then they just go back to… well to whatever fucked up friend they had developed. God, she was so stupid sometimes it amazing her that she had survived this long without some sort of fatal mistake. She switched on the light and pulled back the shower curtain to step inside. Gosh, she hadn’t dealt with a shower curtain in years, luckyly it had the weighted bottom that sat within the confines of the shower plate so she wouldn’t make a huge mess she would feel bad about later.
Turning the shower on, she looked up into the spray of water, cool at first but rapidly growing hotter, causing steam to billion out like smoke around the shower curve. Taking the soap she slide it against her stomach, leaving a trail of tiny bubbles, making her skin tingle and the air fill with the soft feathery scent of honeysuckle or something like that. Sliding it slowly up her body over the curve of her breasts, covering each one gradually, and then moving the soap up to her shoulders and down her arms as she thought about everything that had happened over the last week culminating in her bad decisions yesterday and last night.
She turned closing her eyes tightly and tilting her head back letting the water run through her long dark hair, gently pulling it straight, she felt the shower curve move and a slight gust of cool air care over her body making her nipples tighten and her skin tingle.
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