Noah could’t help the stupid grin that spread over his face every time he thought about Marcella telling Oscar that he was the one table man she trusted and that he had proposed and she was going to say yes. Not that she had given him that yes yet but wishful thinking or not, he was sure it was only a matter of time because she had told him she would not be returning to Perth. The smile split his face again. She would stay; she wouldn’t run away again. He would make sure of it.
They’d left the yacht and walked to the car waiting for them thanks to his cousin. Noah’s steady gaze brushed over Marcella’s thighs appreciatedly as her flimsy skirt rose over them when she got into the low-slung sports car that gleamed in the bright late afternoon sunlight.
“Nice car,” she commented as he settled himself into the seat next to hers. “Why am I not surprised that you would drive a car like this rather than a Holden or a Toyota?”
“In a world full of Ferraris and LamborghinisThis baby is pretty tame,” Noah laughed.
“Hardly,” Marcella laughed as she felt the first powerful roar of the engine. “Is it a long drive to wherever we’re heading now?” She asked thinking about the time she had slept away on the gently rocking yacht and lamenting that his plans to parasail had been cancelled.
“Not long, it depends on the traffic,” he shrugged. “Twenty minutes to half an hour, maybe.
“You think you’ll be able to open this baby up once we’re out on the highway?” Marcella asked, her green eyes glittering with excitement.
“Why, you in a hurry to get there?” Noah chuckled
“No,” she murmured, getting a glimpse of the deep turquoise water as the road carved its way along the rugged coastline. “But, let’s just say, speed does it for me as much as the free-falling we did this morning.” The fact that Noah hadn’t pressed her further on what she had said during her facetime chat with Oscar allowed her to relax and put off all of the drama that would rear up to greet them again tomorrow. For just this one day, she wanted to let go of all the reasons why she shouldn’t get more involved with Noah Zenati and recapture the feelings of earlier.
Noah arched his eyesbrows. He knew what an aphrodisiac it was when racing his car or bike. He always had a feeling of mastery and power mixed with pure dread, which was an incredible challenge. At full throttle on a racing track, there was almost the feeling of being omnipotent which made him believe that injury was utterly impossible, despite the fact, that his life was littler with injuries because he had pushed the limits too far and risked too much. He wouldn’t do that with Marcella. It was hard not to push her though for the answers he wanted tonight. He grimaced as he shifted in his seat. A badly healed rib was still a tender reminder of his last risk with speed and testimony to the fact that injuries was very much possible for anyone who pushed the limits, no matter their expertise.Not that it would ever alter his love of extreme sports and the great outdoors.
“Speed turns you on?” he asked glancing at Marcella. The question hung in the air for a second as he accelerated sharply along the twisty road.
“Yeah, it does,” she admitted answering him honestly. Marcella shifted in her seat while she gazed at the breathtaking landscape. The postcard views of quaint little homes and industries that were perched high in isolation on rocky escarpments made her wish that she had the talent to paint. The scenery was truly spectacular, and evidence that there were some things that humans couldn’t mess up.
“Good to know,” Noah said, smiling as he came to the highway and accelerated to cruising speed. Once comfortable, he stretched his arm along the back of her seat and rested his hand in the silky curls of hair at the nape of her neck.
Marcella closed her eyes to savour the speed of the car and the scent of his closeness which seemed to permeate her senses.As his long fingers worked gently beneath the fall of her dark hair, she was aware of several thrilling sensings at once. His palm was curved into the space between her shoulder blades, and his fingers caresed her bare skin with a steady, tender stroke.
Noah’s words and the intimacy of his touch began to work on her imagination, triggering deep sensitive flashes of allowing him to get to third base before her words and the news of Oscar’s arrival had derailed what had been drawing them closer together all day. Although the air surrounding around her, she grew warm and flushed as if she were back in the stateroom with him. Noah was seducing her mind with his careless touch, making her imagine his tantalisingly light stroke all over her body once again.
He slowed the car to a stop at a crossing, and as it idled he began to play with the lobe of her ear, arousing the sensitive point where the delicate flesh met her jaw then, he dropped his hand and trailed his fingers down her bare arm, brushing the side of her breast with a feather stroke. It took all her control to keep her eyes on the road ahead, but she couldn’t help letting out a shuddery sight.
“Feeling good, Puddin’?” He asked with a half-smile.
“Pudding?” she grimaced. “That could earn you a foul ball if you call me Pudding again.”
“Noted,” he chuckled and seemed to consider what he was going to say next. “Honey is still not totally objectable, I take it?” he asked carefully.
“It’s better than Pudding or Princess,” Marcella admitted. “Why the strange need to give me some sort of pet name?” She showed, but it was a sight of contentment rather than of frustration. She felt better than good after the release of sexual tension in her earlier orgasm. Beneath the feathery light material of her skirt, her body was alive with sensing. Her breasts felt fuller, and she was acutely aware of the way her nipples were jutting against the soft fabric of her top. She stole a glance at Noah’s profile and saw a small smile playing around his lips. He was intentionally trying to get her aroused, she realized, and it was working.
It took a second for her to make her decision and she made it in light of the promise to herself to throw caution to the wind and experience all he was offering her during this day he had planned for them. It was shameless, she knew, mostly since they were in broad daylight on a surprisingly well-used highway where he had to keep an eye on traffic. But that was tough luck for him, she decided; he’d started it by trying to arouse her again, and now he would just have to deal with the consequences of that.
A breath quivered in her throat as her fingers drifted down to her thigh and slipped under the hemline of her skirt. Marcella squirmed in the seat as her hand came to rest on the moist crotch of her panties. She slipped a finger between the soft wet folders of her pussy and let out a sexy sight.
“You don’t mind if I explore a little, do you? I mean it is your fault that I feel this way after all,” she pointed out to him expecting him to back off.
“Be my guest,” Noah replied huskily, “I’d like to see that.” While they had constantly bickered, teased and flirted with each other over the last few weeks, this was a different side to Marcella, and he couldn’t complain about being accused of being the one to bring it out of her.
“Eyes on the road, Mr-risk-management,” Marcella admonished playedfully and wriggled on the seat as she pulled the lacy panties she had been wearing off and dropped them on Noah’s lap. She smiled and toeing off her shoes, stretched a leg onto the dashboard. “Now, do you think this baby can go any faster?”
“Fuck,” Noah groaned deeply and curled his hand around the back of her neck where it had been lying smoothing over her skin gently and squeezed as he accelerated.
Marcella moaned softly as she stroked her clip with one hand under the flimsy skirt and caressed a hard nipple with the other. She had her face turned on the headrest towards Noah, who was alternate between glances at the road ahead and lingering stars at her hand buried between her thighs.
The feeling of the sun warming her and the breeze blowing through her hair, keeping her skin cool while Noah watched her masturbate filled her with breathless excitement. Apart from the marina manager, Vincent, it had been a long time since she had seduced a man by being so overtly sexual to gain power over them by making all the blood leave his brain for southern parts of his anatomy. She gazed at his profile, at his well-defined jaw, then his mouth and felt a shudder of pleasure run through her. She wanted to kiss him at that moment, to run her tongue over his teeth and suck his bottom lip before forcing her tongue inside his mouth and taking control of what was happening between them. She groaned as she imagined his tongue dancing with hers and then probing the soft folds of her pussy, insinuating its way deep into her warm wetness as it had just hours before. The images of him working to please her spiked her arousal and she hastily pressed two fingers inside herself imagining how his cock would fill her when she allowed him his home run.
“Oh God,” she groaned as she squirmed with pleasure and began her journey towards climax aware of Noah’s disappoint as he tried to adjust himself beside her.
In the distance, she could hear the drone of an approaching truck. The deep droning sounds came nearer and nearer merge with the sounds of her quickening breaths. Marcella closed her eyes, giving in to the pulsing waves of heat surging through her. She was rarely aware of the reverberations from the truck rushing past as her orgasm swept through her body. She whimpered softly as she came keeping her eyes shut until she stopped trembling. When she opened them, Noah was staring intently at her.
“Let me taste you,” he croaked breathlessly and reached for her hand.
She slowly withdraw her sticky fingers from her pussy and moved them towards his mouth. A small twinge of self-consciousness prickled her as she watched him suck her fingers into his mouth. She always got so damned wet when she was horny, and for a second, she wondered if she’d left a wet spot on the leather seat beneath her.
“I didn’t expect that from you, but I will reiterate my earlier comment, you are killing me, Marcella. Fuck,” he groaned and accelerated hard. “The sooner we get to where we are going, the better.”
“Well, I did tell you that speed turns me on,” she said trying to sound nonchalant, knowing it would make him reconsider his acceleration not only now but in the future as well she hoped.
“I think you turned on the truck driver as well,” Noah smiled at her.
“No!” Marcella exclaimed, wide-eyed. “Don’t tell me he could see in here, could he?”
Noah laughed. “Of course, he could, Honey. The truck is higher than the car, and it wasn’t movieng that quickly either. He definitely got an eyeful.”
Marcella flushed furiously and dropped her eyes from his face to his lap where she could see his cock swollen and clearly outlined beneath the fabric of his pants. She wondered if he would object to her exploring him as well. She reached out and placed her hand on his thigh near the head of his cock.
Noah lowered his hand from the wheel and covered hers, stopping the short journey from his thigh to his cock. It wouldn’t take much to push him over the edge. He glanced at her and saw the desire in her expression lacened with misunderstanding and cursed again.
“I don’t want the first time I cum with you to be a quick hand job while I concentrate on the road. The first time I cum with you shouldn’t be all over my stomach, but inside you,” Noah said his voice deep, husky and filled with regret. “You deserve all of my attention, not what I can spare while racing down the highway at the same time I am racing to a climax. Ifyou touch me now, I can’t guarantee I won’t pull this car over, and you deserve better than an uncomfortable fuck in a car like this.” He tried to explain why he was stopping her from touching his cock.
“Okay,” Marcella whispered, drawing out the vowels and withdraw her hand from his slowly. As soon as she had removed her hand, she felt the car accelerate again, and she peeked over at the speedometer to see They were doing close to one hundred and fifty kilometres. She grinned to herself. Just as she had felt earlier, she knew she had the power in this strange relationship, they were forgetting today and wasn’t about to let him off so lightly. Revelling in the power of her sexuality, she lifted both feet back to the dashboard and let her skirt slip up her legs.
“I don’t suppose you want to give my panties back,” she teased, reminding him she wore no underwear now.
“You would suppose right. I don’t want to give them back. They are mine now,” he chuckled.
“I bet youwill look lovely in them,” she laughed teasingly. “Oh shit!” Marcella gasped and turned around as the bleating of a siren came to her ears.
“Fuck,” Noah groaned and took a deep breath trying to get his body under control as he slowed the car and pulled over onto the side of the road into what looked like a small received area.
Marcella tried to smooth her clothes as she struggled out of the car. She knew how dishevelled she must look and she glanced unexpectedly at Noah’s crotch, but even though he appeared calm and in control, there was no mistaken the size of the bulge still evident there.
“Afternoon, officer,” Noah said gruffly. “Is there something wrong?”
“Is there a race I am unaware of?” he asked and turned his attention to Marcella eyeing her up and down. “Your wife doesn’t look like she is having a baby so that can’t be the reason for the excessive speed.” He mused as if trying to give Noah an excuse.
Marcella couldn’t decide if he was seriousor not. No police officer she knew would talk to someone he pulled over like this. She wished she could see his eyes to determine if he was angry or not, but he kept them hidden behind dark sunglasses. She watched as he walked around the car to check the car registration and Noah’s driver’s license.
“I didn’t realize I was going so fast,” Noah replied, hoping the guy was going to recognize his name and be forgiven Towards them. He knew damn well that he had been going dangerously fast, but it had been unavoidable. With Marcella masturbating then offering him the same attention she had given herself he was lucky he hadn’t lost his mind.
“You were speeding and passing the other vehicles dangerously. That is not acceptable here in the north. As far as we can tell from the truckies at the rest stop up the road, you made one man lose control of his rig, and he’s stuck about twenty minutes that way.” He pointed behind them and shook his head like a disappointed parent might.
His comment made Marcella want to laugh. She stifled a nervous giggle because one look at his face told her he meant precisely what he was saying. Marcella ran her hands through her long silky hair and cocked her hip.
“Officer,” she said, licking her lips provocatively, “We’re really sorry about the speeding, but honestly, it’s not Noah’s fault, it’s mine.”
“You weren’t the one driving,” the cop replied, letting his gaze drift over her.
“No, I wasn’t,” she said pouting pretty, “But I was… distracting the driver.”
“Pardon?” He frowned
“You see, it’s our anniversary, and you know what it’s like to be young and in love, don’t you?” She paused, wondering how much she should say to diffuse this situation. “I was teasing him by striping while he drive.” She paused a second time. She hadn’t lied she had stripped her panties off. “I’m not sure it is entirely my fault the truck driver lost his concentration, but I assure you my… fiancé is not at fault atall for anything else than going a little over the speed limit.” She explained sumbling over what to call Noah after telling the policeman it was their anniversary.
“Ah, that explains it then,” the policeman nodded with understanding. “Several trucks are heading down from the truckstop that one left not long ago to help him out of the hole. It might be best if you follow me to your turn off because he has indicated that it was the reckless driving of possible nudists that caused his mishap.” The policeman had the ghost of a smile on his face.
“We’re not far from my Uncle’s place your assistance would be appreciated,” Noah said, unable to help his grin after listening to Marcella’s explanation. He would never have used what she had done as an excuse himself but to hear it from her lips had made his day that much better. The bonus being that she had called him her fiancé. He explained where the turnoff was, and they went to their respective cars. Noah let the police car take the lead and followed him.
“He’s going almost as fast as you were,” Marcella commented after a few minutes in which they accelerated up the highway again.
“Yeah, just about,” Noah said. He watched her mouth as she spoke. It was luscious with soft pouting lips, and he regretted not letting her taste him when she had offered. He could have pulled over and released some of the disappoints that had been plaguing him each day that he had been with her. He glanced at her again, knowing how that mouth tasted when he kissed her and imagined how glorious it would feel wrapped around his cock. He gave a low groan and knew he was right to resist. The first time he came with her was going to be memorable for both of them and not a quick hot fuck in a car.
Vivienne snuggled against Her husband fully sated and thinking about just how lucky she was she to have such an amazing man love her. She wished his brothers and her friends could be equally content. However, withthe AFP still closing in on Olivia because of the lack of evidence and Marcella feeling betrayed and distrustful of all of the men in the Tables while going off to clear her sisters’ name without their back up, she didn’t see any immediate solutions to the troubles that plagued both them and the men who loved them. She told loudly wishing there was a way to help them where she didn’t cross any more lines that would have either of them not trusting her again.
“That doesn’t sound like the sight of a satisfied woman,” Gideon said rolling and rising on an elbow to look down on her.
“Oh, I am satisfied, my love,” Vivienne gave a small, shy laugh and reached up to touch his handsome face.
“Why the sight then?” he asked.
“It doesn’t seem fair that you and both your brothers found your curse breakers at the same time and yet we are the only couple with a happy ever after,” she leaned up to kiss him lightly. “I am beyond happy and just wish they could feel that sort of happiness too.”
“Uh oh, what are you scheming in that clever brain of yours,” he teased.
“Nothing, I learned my lesson, and I am not going to do anything else to risk my friend with either Olivia or Marcella. I just wish that all the drama was done with and Gen and Olivia could get married. She doesn’t feel like she is part of the Zenati yet. Emma mentioned the family gathering to us, and she immediately made excuses not to be included, the main one being that she and Gen aren’t even talking about engagement let alone marriage,” Vivienne shrugged.
“Really?” Gideon frowned. “That’s an easy one to fix, you know. I’m sure Gen doesn’t even know she feels that way or he would have rectified the situation himself.”
“I guess, but I don’t think we should say anything. I mean what I said about learning from my mistakes. I don’t want to lose the close friends I have with either of them because I meddled again,” Vivienne witnessed.
“That’s not meddling, and if I remember right, it was Emma who told Gen to anxious up and put a ring on it,” Gideon chuckled. “Looking at the bigger picture though while she is unclaimed by Gen, she is still a member of the Gambaro family and subject to their laws. It’s not out of the realms of being brotherly to remind him of that fact.”
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